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The Lament of Ggteixeira


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The Lament of Ggteixeira



“I was only 20 years old. I loved Lord of the Craft so much, I had all the donation perks and merchandise. I'd check the Lord of the Craft twitter every night before bed before thanking Tythus for the server I’ve been given. “Lord of the Craft is love” I say, “Lord of the Craft is life." The GMs hears me and completely break the rules for Renatus. I knew they were just jealous of my devotion to Lord of the Craft. I write up a forum staff report. The GMs delete it and give me forum content moderation. I'm crying now and my face hurts. I lay in bed, really cold. I feel something warm... It's Fireheart! I was so happy. He whispers in my ear "Let's redo the warclaim." He unbans me with his ogre hands, and teleports me back to Helena. I'm ready. I draw my blade for Lord of the Craft. Fireheart takes back what he said. It hurts so much, but I continue to play for Lord of the Craft. I can feel my mental tearing and eyes watering. I want to win this war. He roars a mighty roar as he bans someone for alting before the warclaim, only to un-ban them the day after. Tarren walks in. Fireheart looks her in the eye and says, "Community admin LOL." Fireheart leaves and can only be contacted through emails. Lord of the Craft is love I'd say, Lord of the Craft is my life.” ~Written by Ggteixeria. I can not take credit for his artistic genius 

Ave LOTC.png

Edited by FunkyBunch101
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missed a part of the lyrics “only to unban them a day after” :^)

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