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[✗] [Magic Lore] – Conjuration


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Conjuration is a peculiar and complex magic. It draws it’s roots and inspiration from the first Elemental Evocations, and took this concept and pushed the boundaries of it. Ever since the first Evocationists of the Elements displayed their magics, those who wished to delve deeper into the art of voidal construction have followed in tandem. Conjuration is the art of drawing and creating life through the void itself. The early Conjurationists of the world, were only able to create small, perennial and benign plant constructions, but ever since the art has evolved it has grown wildly more diverse, where now summoning living creatures is a possibility of the magic; and even living creatures mixing flesh with the elements themselves. 


Magic Explanation

While exhausting and hard to master, those who seek out Conjuration will find and learn. Conjuration, as stated, is the art of drawing life itself from the bleak and empty void. Thus those who use this magic require mana to fuel their constructs. Unlike the other Elemental Evocations, while Conjuration is of the class of Voidal Magics, within the subclass Evocation, it has some distinct differences and unique mechanics. 

  • Conjuration takes up [1] Magic Slot, it is not a feat. 
  • Conjuration requires a connection to the void, and mana to cast.
  • Conjuration is of the class of Voidal Magics, within the Evocation subclass. 
  • Conjuration can be learned from users possessing a valid [TA].
  • Conjuration users must have a valid [MA]
  • Conjuration is harder to learn than other Evocations, and more exhausting to cast, subsequently making it more complicated than other Evocations. 


Spell Types

Conjuration plays host to a wide variety of possibilities, permutations, combinations and diverse situations for it to tackle. As a result, this system needs categorization. For the spells that are included within the magic, each has it’s own “category.” These categories define the general niche of the spells under it. Each spell in conjuration has one category it follows. The categories are as follows. 

  • Factors: These are the types of spells that can be “applied” to other spells. Factors will double or triple summoned animals, or create Primordials of other spells. Factors usually have an emote time of +n; where n is any whole number (0,1,2,...), which is applied to the spell it is being applied to. 
    • Factors are unique, because they can infuse other spells with effects, some factors will have “cooldown” timers to balance them. This excludes primordials, however, uniquely enough, Primordial Factors require a knowledge and ownership of the ability to cast the corresponding Elemental Evocation OR Arcanism.
  • Summons: Summons are spells that are capable of summoning any animal or plant with minimal restrictions. These animals are able to be used in a utilitarian sense and cannot be sustained during combat whatsoever. Summons will completely be destroyed the moment they are attacked whatsoever since they do not have as much mana imparted unto them. Summons also, unlike Constructs are more creative, and thus some Conjurationists have “fused” animals, plants, and other species likewise together to create new and unique forms of life. 
  • Constructs: Constructs are spells that can summon any animal or plant with heavier restrictions, however Constructions, while harder to sustain are capable of taking hits in combat, unlike Summons. This is because Constructs are imparted with larger amounts of mana than Summons. Constructs, unlike Summons, cannot be “fused” together and must maintain to a single species of a lifeform.





Evocation Types

Likewise with the Spell Types sections, there are many different combinations of possibilities for Conjuration. There are also many different varying forms of life. The current forms of life that Conjurationists have master over are animals and plants. These forms of life are very basic and essential to understand, however, a third form of life exists. Primordials. Each spell in Conjuration corresponds to one of these types, and should be understood as “do’s and don’ts” for evoking life. Additionally, as an evocation, all summoned creatures or life is under the SOLE control of the evocationist.

  • Perennials: The most basic of the three types, Perennials allow Conjurationists to evoke basic plantmatter. This can range from vines, flowers, bushes, trees, etc. Plantmatter can have a variety of uses, and since it is the most basic type it is also the type that is the least exhausting on the mage. 
  • Morphons: Morphons are used to refer to as animal matter. Animals are more complex systems of life, thus to create them it would naturally require more time, and mana. This mana is used to assembling each particulate system in the animal in order to complete the spell. 
  • Primordials: Primordials are factors which can be applied to either Morphons or Perennials. They are elemental evocations OR arcanism particles which weave into plantmatter or animalmatter. This effectively can create animals or plants made up of a specific element. Such an example would be a bird composed of completely water or fire. 





Learning Conjuration

To learn Conjuration is a complicated process. Certainly it is to be more daunting and challenging than an Elemental Evocation, or even a basic Alteration magic. Conjuration requires absolute understanding of each lifeform a mage is supposed to evoke. Precise anatomy and taxonomy for perennials and morphons alike must be understood by the mage to create the picture in the void to draw from subsequently. As a result, those who tap this meticulous art are often biologists in the making, who meticulously understand the function and anatomy of a wide array of lifeforms. Conjuration students must seek out a teacher to instruct them in the magic first of all, and from then on they may progress through the Tiers of Master from 1 to 5. Conjuration follows standard progression times. 


Casting Conjuration

Casting Conjuration requires as stated above, knowledge of particulate anatomy and focal points of a lifeform the Conjurationist is trying to construct. This knowledge of anatomy allows the mage to construct the image of the lifeform they are trying to create in the void, which they will subsequently draw into the real world. Upon drawing this construct into the real world, they use mana to sustain it. At all times must a stable voidal connection be maintained to keep the construct in the void, if the connection is broken in any way, it will return to the void


Spells and Abilities 

Conjuration possesses a myriad of spells and abilities to call upon and choose from for the discriminating mage. These abilities and spells correspond strictly to the subsection under Magic Explanation titled “Spell Types.” Each spell will be prefixed with this specific type, and for more information on the class of spell it is in, refer to the subsection above. 


Factor: Doubling [Non-Combat OR Combat]

The Doubling Factor allows the mage in question to double the amount of animals or lifeforms summoned by any of the spells in Conjuration. This is with the sole restriction of not being able to apply this Factor to the spell “Construct: Sentienta.” To double the amount of lifeform(s) on this spell would be too taxing on the mage, for even the highest tier, since sentient animals are some of the very most complicated forms of life.




  • This spell will apply +1 emotes to the target spell’s emote time if it is applied. 
  • Doubling Factor causes the target spell to be reproduced with double lifeforms (rather than one) in the cast resulting spell. 
    • Ex: two summoned birds rather than one. 
  • Doubling Factor can be applied to any spell except for “Construct: Sentienta” in the Conjurationist Spell List. 
  • After casting a spell with this factor applied, the mage cannot cast any other spells for 2 emotes thereafter. 

Red Lines:

  • This spell cannot be applied to Construct: Sentienta. 


Factor: Tripling [Non-Combat OR Combat]

The Tripling Factor allows the mage in question to triple the amount of animals or lifeforms summoned by any of the spells in Conjuration. This is with the restriction of being unable to apply this factor to the spells “Construct: Insecta et Rodenta,” and “Construct: Sentienta.” To triple the amount of lifeform(s) summoned by Insecta et Rodenta which is already at a base swarm summons of 5 lifeforms, would be too taxing on the mage. Furthermore, to triple the amount of lifeform(s) summoned by Sentienta would be extremely taxing, and impossible. 




  • This spell will apply +2 emotes to the target’s spell emote time if is applied. 
  • Tripling Factor can be applied to any spell except for “Construct: Insecta et Rodenta” and “Construct: Sentienta.” in the Conjuration List.
  • Tripling Factor causes the target spell to be reproduced with triple lifeforms (rather than one) in the cast resulting spell. 
    • Ex: three summoned birds rather than one. 
  • After casting a spell with this factor applied, the mage cannot cast any other spells for 3 emotes thereafter. 

Red Lines:

  • This spell cannot be applied to Construct: Sentienta & Construct: Insecta et Rodenta. 


Factor: Primordial [Non-Combat OR Combat]

The Factor Primordial allows the mage in question to apply the factor of altering any lifeform from any spell in Conjuration to be shifted towards a primordial form. This allows the mage to infuse the lifeform with their prior knowledge of an elemental evocation or Arcanism. This spell can only be learned by a mage who has at the very minimum learned 1 Elemental Evocation OR Arcanism. The Primordial Factor would then correspond to the spell elementally with their learned evocation. Only a Fire Evocation user + Conjuration user is capable of producing Fire Primordials, and vice versa. 




  • This spell will apply +1 emotes to the target’s spell emote time if is applied. 
  • Primordial Factor can be applied to any spell in the Conjuration List. 
  • Primordial Factor causes the target spell to be reproduced with an elemental evocation or Arcanism particles replacing the lifeform matter in the cast resulting spell. 
    • Ex: a bird composed of complete fire or water depending on the evocation invoked. 
  • Primordial Factor causes the lifeform to shift to a state of pure elemental “x” form. 
  • Primordial Factor only applies the elemental factor by the factor that the mage already knows as an Evocation.
    • Ex: if the mage knows water evocation, the resulting spell will be an animal or plant produced purely of water but taking the same shape.
  • Primordials can have an optional “aesthetic” float to them, however this adds ZERO mechanical advantage and will stop the moment that a Primordial Construct is engaged in combat, mechanics wise.

Red Lines:

  • This spell cannot be used by anyone who doesn’t know Conjuration PLUS a specific Elemental Evocation or Arcanism.
  • This spell does not change anything about the life form itself, except the aesthetic as well as the effects it may have. 
    • Fire Primordials will obviously be hot, and air primordials will be untouchable. 
  • An exception when applying this factor is that any elemental evocation that lacks a physical substance will still be dispelled by physical hits in accordance with the number of physical hits the specific lifeform is capable of taking by the spell that the Factor is applied to.
    • This means that a bird that can sustain 3 hits will not be immune to this number if Primordial Factor is applied to it, and the bird will still take the hit and vice versa.


Factor: Binding [Non-Combat OR Combat]

The Factor of Binding uniquely allows a mage to conjure a life form and keep it active indefinitely. This applies a more “pet” feel to the target lifeform. While other conjuration spells are only active for a certain amount of time, and have arguably more limitations, such as relying on the mage for too long, a mage of good skill can weave a larger amount of mana into a select spell of Conjuration to allow it to remain active indefinitely until it is either hit with too much force, or killed, depending on the applied spell. The only drawback is that applying this factor to a life form prevents the mage from conjuring any other life forms while it is active as it draws small amounts of mana perpetually, but allows the mage’s mana to refill in just the right intervals for it to remain active. 




  • This spell will apply +1 emotes to the target’s spell emote time if is applied. 
  • Binding Factor can only be applied to a spell if the target spell does not have any other Factors applied EXCEPT the Primordial Factor.  
  • Binding Factor allows a target life form to remain active indefinitely, and act as a “pet” of the mage. These lifeforms have slightly higher autonomy than normal life forms from Conjuration, and can operate on verbal commands rather than the direct control of the mage. 
  • Binding Factor can be applied on Constructs, which will cause them to increase to a tankiness of 10 hits, this overrides any other hit conditions specified by the target spell. If the ten hits is exceeded or the life form is killed, then the bound life form will disappear into the void. 
  • Binding Factor will perpetually draw small amounts of mana from the mage to sustain the life form, causing the bound life form restrict the mage from casting any other Conjuration spells. Mages will still be able to cast other low mana cost spells from other magics while the bound life form is active however, provided they have the means to maintain a connection to the void and ample focus. 
  • Primordial Factorized life forms may cast “evocation spells” on their own commanded will by ejecting the elemental mass from their own body, granted that they measure this limitation and do not expend too much mass or it will cause them to fizzle out of existence. 

Red Lines:

  • This spell cannot be applied to any target spell that has the Doubling or Tripling factors applied, in short, you may only have one bound life form at a time.
  • This spell does not change anything about the life form itself, except the way the life form is maintained as well as the tankiness it may have. 
    • Binding Summons is possible, however since these constructs are unfit for combat fundamentally, they will return to the void when they are hit immediately. Conversely, Constructs that are summoned have their hit counts overridden to 10 hits, returning to the void when they are hit more than ten times or when they are killed. 
  • Primordial Factorized life forms cannot indefinitely cast evocation spells on commanded will without ejecting mass, ejecting too much of this mass will cause the summoned life form to die. 


Summon: Perennial [Non-Combat]

The Perennial Summons allows the mage to summon any lifeform that is made up of primarily plantmatter from the void which they have studied. This spell is freeform, and mages are allowed to be creative and “mix and match” lifeforms to produce a specific result. This spell will only work out of combat, as the moment anyone attacks the lifeform it will instantly return to the void. Mages cannot summon plantmatter that exceeds the mass of a grizzly bear, however, plantmatter summoned can be easily mobile and can be used for a range of utilitarian purposes. Mages are not limited with this spell as to what they can summon as long as it remains within Perennial restrictions.




  • This spell will take 2 emotes to properly cast. 
  • This spell can summon any life form that takes on plantmatter, it does not have to be a specific species.
  • Combinations of plant species are possible with this spell. 
  • Mages are free to be creative with this spell, and use it solely for utility.

Red Lines:

  • This spell cannot be used in combat whatsoever, if it is, the moment that it is hit with a weapon, it will return to the void. 
  • This spell can possibly be mix/matched with Summon: Morphon, if and only if Summon: Morphon is used as a base. See Summon: Morphon’s red lines for more information.
  • This spell cannot summon any lifeform larger than a grizzly bear. 
  • This spell cannot produce instant remedies or herbs to cure ailments, likewise, it cannot produce any poisons. 


Summon: Morphon [Non-Combat]

The Morphon Summons allows the mage in question to summon any lifeform that is solely made up of primarily animal matter from the void which they have studied. This spell is freeform, and mages are allowed to be creative and “mix and match” lifeforms to produce a specific result. This spell will only work out of combat, as the moment anyone attacks the lifeform it will instantly return to the void. Sentient life is included in this spell, however do not expect Tier 1 mages to be summoning large animals and sentient life on their first day. Relative skill with this spell scales directly with Tier. Mages cannot summon animalmatter that exceeds the mass of a grizzly bear, however, animalmatter summoned can be easily mobile and can be used for a range of utilitarian purposes. Mages are not limited with this spell as to what they can summon as long as it remains within Morphon restrictions.




  • This spell will take 2 emotes to properly cast. 
  • This spell can summon any life form that takes on animalmatter, it does not have to be a specific species.
  • Combinations of animal species are possible with this spell. 
  • Mages are free to be creative with this spell, and use it solely for utility.

Red Lines:

  • This spell cannot be used in combat whatsoever, if it is, the moment that it is hit with a weapon, it will return to the void. 
  • This spell can be mix/matched with Summon: Perennial, provided that the life form remains with a base of animal. The plant characteristics added to the life form must offer less features than the base animal feature. 
  • This spell cannot summon any lifeform larger than a grizzly bear. 


Construct: Plantae [Combat]

Within the Conjurationist allows the ability to call upon plantmatter for use in battle or combat situations. The mage is able to summon specifically plant matter that will aid them in battle. This plant matter can be mobile, such as vines to whip a foe, or roots to entangle them. As a construct, if the matter is attacked with weapons, it will remain in existence for a certain amount of time. Since plantmatter is easy to summon, as long as the mage understands the plant anatomy, they are not limited as to what plants they can summon for use in combat. However, they cannot mix and match plants to create new combinations and are limited by the species of a plant.




  • This spell will take 2 emotes to properly cast. 
  • This spell only summons one species of plant at base.
  • This spell can only summon plant matter, and it cannot be intermingled between species. This spell is only capable of summoning one species of plant, ex: vines, OR flowers. 
  • Mages are able to use the plants summoned for combat purposes, ex: they could summon vines with thorns if they had studied such and use it as “whip” or they could summon horned barbs to trap and snare an opponent. 
  • The summoned plantmatter can sustain five hits before it will return to the void. 
  • The summoned plantmatter can be summoned for ten emotes. 

Red Lines:

  • This spell cannot summon any lifeform larger than a grizzly bear. 
  • This spell cannot produce instant remedies or herbs to cure ailments, likewise, it cannot produce any poisons. 


Construct: Aves [Combat]

Within the Conjurationist lies the ability to summon avians or birds to their aid in combat. Construct Birds are capable of flight, and mages are able to use this anatomical feat to their advantage as long as the bird remains within sight. Summoned Birds are often used for sentry roles, if a mage needs to scout out a certain area. While mages cannot see through the eyes of their evocation and it cannot leave their sight, they can use it as a distraction should a threat be imminent from a longer distance with larger mobility. Mages may only summon one species of bird to their aid and it must not be larger than a grizzly bear. 




  • This spell will take 2 emotes to properly cast. 
  • This spell only summons one animal at base.
  • This spell can only summon animal matter, and it cannot be intermingled between species. This spell is only capable of summoning one species of animal that conforms to the avian class of animals, ex: an owl, OR a raven. 
  • Mages are able to use the animals summoned for combat purposes, ex: they could summon a raven and have it flurry around an opponent, distracting them, or they could have it scout out an area in sight. 
  • This spell can inflict light damage on an opponent, and is best used for sentry purposes. 
  • The summoned animalmatter can sustain three hits before it will return to the void. 
  • The summoned animalmatter can be summoned for eight emotes. 

Red Lines:

  • This spell cannot summon any lifeform larger than a grizzly bear. 


Construct: Insecta et Rodenta [Combat]

Within the Conjurationist lies the ability to summon forth a swarm of small insects such as bees, mosquitos, or rodents like rats and mice. The mage may only summon at a base, 5 of these species, and they may be only one species (meaning only five rats, five bees, etc.). These creatures can be used to inflict light damage upon an enemy with stinging, biting, and scratching of the sort. This swarm of animals will all act as one in tandem together, and this spell cannot be applied with a Tripling Factor. At the very most with factors, is it possible for a swarm of ten to be summoned. Additionally, at the mage’s choice, they can also call upon a single insect or small rodent. 




  • This spell will take 2 emotes to properly cast. 
  • This spell summons five animals by default (affected only by Doubling Factor).
  • This spell can only summon animal matter, and it cannot be intermingled between species. This spell is only capable of summoning one species of animal that conforms to the rodents and insects class of animals, ex: bees, OR rats. 
  • Mages are able to use the animals summoned for combat purposes, ex: they could summon a hornet swarm 
  • This spell will inflict light damage upon an enemy. 
  • The summoned animalmatter can sustain four hits before it will return to the void. 
  • The summoned animalmatter can be summoned for ten emotes. 

Red Lines:

  • This spell can only summon lifeforms no larger than a rat. 


Construct: Mammalia [Combat]

Within the Conjurationist lies the ability to call forth a single animal that corresponds to the mammal taxonomic classification. Mammals are typically animals which are seen on land. Examples would be wolves, tigers, et cetera. The mage cannot call upon an animal larger than a grizzly bear, and they must understand the anatomy of the animal internally and externally before attempting to summon. Mages can only summon a single species of mammal to their aid in combat. Mammals are often used for their abilities on land and depending on the species, ability to defend and attack. Reptiles and amphibians may also be called upon in similar tandem. 




  • This spell will take 2 emotes to properly cast. 
  • This spell only summons one animal at base.
  • This spell can only summon animal matter, and it cannot be intermingled between species. This spell is only capable of summoning one species of animal that conforms to the mammal, reptile, or amphibian class of animals, ex: a snake, OR a wolf. 
  • Mages are able to use the animals summoned for combat purposes, ex: they could summon a wolf to defend them from an armed attacker. 
  • This spell can inflict medium to heavy damage on an opponent, and is best used for guarding or attacking purposes. 
  • The summoned animalmatter can sustain five hits before it will return to the void. 
  • The summoned animalmatter can be summoned for seven emotes. 
  • Tripling Factor is conditionally prohibited for this spell. If you summon an animal larger than a wolf, you may not Triple Factor this spell. 
  • Summoning larger animals will tire the mage quicker. 

Red Lines:

  • This spell cannot summon any lifeform larger than a grizzly bear. 


Construct: Sentienta [Combat]

One of the most taxing abilities for a Conjurationist is to call upon another very Descendant or sentient race. To call upon such for use in battle would be of great aid indeed, and while these are by no means true sentient people, with unique souls and autonomy, they succumb to the will of the mage. To do so, one must have sophisticated knowledge of the sentient race they are trying to reproduce, and once this is accomplished they may call upon the lifeform for use in battle. Any race that exceeds the size of a grizzly bear cannot be called upon, and mages cannot mix and match species with sentient races. 




  • This spell will take 4 emotes to properly cast. 
  • This spell only summons one sentient animal at base.
  • This spell can only summon animal matter, and it cannot be intermingled between species. This spell is only capable of summoning one species of animal that conforms to the sentient races, ex: a kharajyr, OR a human. 
  • Mages are able to use the sentient race summoned for combat purposes, ex: they could summon a human to defend them from an armed attacker. 
  • This spell can potentially inflict heavy damage on an opponent, and is best used for guarding or attacking purposes. 
  • The summoned animalmatter can sustain three hits before it will return to the void. 
  • The summoned animalmatter can be summoned for five emotes. 
  • Primordial factor is permitted for this spell. 
  • Doubling and tripling factor is prohibited for this spell.

Red Lines:

  • This spell cannot summon any lifeform larger than a grizzly bear. 
  • The mage can only ever summon one sentient race at once, regardless of factors, as they cannot be applied.


Red Lines

With all magics come reasonable restrictions. While many spells share some or a few red lines in their specific restrictions, Conjuration holds a larger list of Red lines that must be abided for all spells in it’s compendium. Breaking any of these red lines (as well as spell specific ones), is grounds for powergaming charges. 

  • Conjurationists do not have infinite mana, they will get exhausted as their skill scales with Tier RELATIVE to the size of the animal they are trying to construct. 
  • You must emote exhaustion in every spell, even Tier 5 Mages. 
  • All conjured matter must remain within the Line of Sight of the mage, or else it will return to the void.
  • If a void connection is disrupted (distractions, blocked sight, physical hits, etc.) the evoked matter will return to the void. 
  • Evoked life is not permanent, see mechanics for what is acceptable regarding hit sustainability and full channel times for combat spells. 
  • While having any Morphon Construct “fight” for you, the mage effectively becomes detached and immobile. Such that the fight doesn’t become unfair for the opponent. The fighting animal must be completely focused upon and controlled by the mage, as it is being fuelled by their void connection and mana. Any distraction from this focus, will subsequently break the spell and end the animal’s existence in the world. 
  • Any conjured lifeform, or the sum of the sizes of the conjured lifeforms if a Doubling or Tripling factor is applied, scales with the size to the mana cost, additionally, the sum of conjured lifeforms can never exceed the size of a grizzly bear.
  • A mage may only have one lifeform active at once, UNLESS a doubling or tripling factor is applied to the spell OR the spell states otherwise.


Tier Progression

It is a fact of life that some are more skilled in certain things than others, though with enough grit and determination, anyone can become a master. Conjuration abides by a Tier System from 1-5 where 5 is the point of Tier Mastery for the magic. Tier 1 mages are new, and will get way more exhausted, with lower mana and power than a Tier 5 mage. As such, size of a conjuration and the type of conjuration scales directly with these conditions. 


Tier 1: Novice

Novices of Conjuration are only beginning their studies. Their focuses are on being able to conjure simple Perennials of small sizes. These new mages often get very tired very easily and need to be walked side by side with their teacher, providing them with training wheels as they focus on improving their void connection. Novice mages are unable to use Morphons, and may only be able to cast small flowers by which they are beginning to study and develop a formula for learning of new life forms. 




  • Summon: Perennial


  • N/A


Tier 2: Student

Students of Conjuration are beginning to delve into Morphons and expanding on their ability to conjure Perennials. These students are able to do more impressive feats, however their mana pools are still easily drained. Like a waterfall when they cast, it is very common for students to be out of breath at the simplest of Morphon conjurations. Though as time goes on, their endurance and power grows steadily. 




  • Summon: Perennial
  • Summon: Morphon
  • Construct: Plantae


  • Summon: Perennial becomes less of a struggle. Students are able to approach the upper limitations of the spell in size and sophistication. 


Tier 3: Adept

Adepts of Conjuration are formidable now and have moved past the Student stage. Now they are more frequently seen casting without their teacher, however due to the high weighted nature of Conjuration, adepts may find slight struggle in maintaining their mana reserves when casting. However, this aside, they can conjure more powerful morphons which should provide to them to be of some usage in combat. Adepts are also beginning to explore Factors if they are privileged with prior knowledge of an Evocation at this stage.




  • Summon: Perennial
  • Summon: Morphon
  • Construct: Plantae
  • Construct: Aves
  • Construct: Mammalia
  • Construct: Insecta et Rodenta
  • Factor: Primordial


  • Summon: Morphon becomes less of a struggle. Students are able to approach the upper limitations of the spell in size and sophistication. 
  • Construct: Plantae becomes less of a struggle. Students are able to approach the upper limitations of the spell in size and sophistication. 


Tier 4: Expert

Experts of Conjuration are growing more sophisticated with a larger breadth of anatomical knowledge and creatures to draw inspiration from. They are sophisticated in their use of morphons and perennials and are expanding their studies into the elusive Factors spellset of Conjuration. They are beginning to conjure more creatures, with larger sizes, however as they reach this upper limit their mana pools deplete as if they were a student. While they can conjure reasonably sized lifeforms with ease (up to the size of a golden retriever), they are still building with conjuring larger ones. Experts may also choose to teach these art to students now.




  • Summon: Perennial
  • Summon: Morphon
  • Construct: Plantae
  • Construct: Aves
  • Construct: Mammalia
  • Construct: Insecta et Rodenta
  • Factor: Primordial
  • Factor: Doubling
  • Factor: Binding


  • Construct: Aves becomes less of a struggle. Students are able to approach the upper limitations of the spell in size and sophistication. 
  • Construct: Mammalia becomes less of a struggle. Students are able to approach the upper limitations of the spell in size and sophistication. 
  • Construct: Insecta et Rodenta becomes less of a struggle. Students are able to approach the upper limitations of the spell in size and sophistication. 
  • Factor: Primordial becomes less of a struggle. Students are able to approach the upper limitations of the spell in size and sophistication. 


Tier 5: Master

Masters live and breath Conjuration, with great command of all of the available spells to Conjuration (should they possess another Evocation) and sophisticated power over the Morphonic and Perenialic conjurations they have devoted six elven months towards mastering. These breathtaking users are able to pull of stunning feats as they reach the upper bounds of the magic, including conjuring sentient races. While they are a sight to behold, they still are limited as they approach the upper bound and may struggle slightly. Though formidable, an expert is rare. 




  • Summon: Perennial
  • Summon: Morphon
  • Construct: Plantae
  • Construct: Aves
  • Construct: Mammalia
  • Construct: Insecta et Rodenta
  • Construct: Sentienta
  • Factor: Primordial
  • Factor: Doubling
  • Factor: Tripling


  • Experts are able to cast all the spells at their upper boundary, with Construct: Sentienta and Factor: Tripling being the only spells that are substantially taxing upon the master mage without respect to already existing exhaustion limitations


Purpose (OOC) 

This Lore is to serve the purpose of providing a legible draft and Lore piece for the Lore Games to cover the magic of Conjuration. This was written in order to help further the process, and since I had an idea for structuring the Lore of Conjuration. With due luck, hopefully this is a legible piece. All criticisms and comments, additions, etc. are welcome in the comments and I will try my best to address them and add anything that the community feels should be added before it is reviewed by the Story Team. 


Citations (OOC)

I do not play a Conjuration Magic user myself, although I enjoy the magic from an outsider’s perspective. After doing extensive reading on the wiki and through the forums on existing pieces of Lore, I’ve put together a rough mental outline for myself to base this lore off of. I felt though I did not change much except for the way that the spells were structured and the addition of the ‘Spell Types,’ however, thus this goes to say I’ve reused concepts from old Lore.



Written by ZythusRequiem

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you ain’t even in the conj rewrite lore games chat lol


shouldn’t make a random rewrite for a magic you don’t have when the actual magic users themselves are making a rewrite, friend.

Edited by LoTC's Next Top Model
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5 hours ago, LoTC's Next Top Model said:

you ain’t even in the conj rewrite lore games chat lol


shouldn’t make a random rewrite for a magic you don’t have when the actual magic users themselves are making a rewrite, friend.


I didn’t make the rules. I don’t have a Conjuration MA or access to the chat. Let it be put to the community vote, I had an idea and submitted it. It’s not my fault if you and whatever army (conjuration users) are making another rewrite at the same time if I couldn’t even figure it out. Also what I have experienced is that these community rewrites are exponentially inefficient and fail to produce a timely draft or product. Take it or leave it.


29 minutes ago, HurferDurfer1 said:

This isn't the rewrite I want


I’ve found that when you find something wrong with a piece of work you offer reasons to correct the piece of work rather than being needlessly negative. 

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I like the idea of labeling Conjurations into their specific Animal Classes, I think that’s a cute touch that does well in the grand scope of things. Gives a bit more of a biological aspect to the whole Conjuration deal, however im also not a big fan of the general direction of where this rewrite is going


- Hybrids removed (Hybrids are possibly one of the most fun aspects of Conjuration)

- Bound Conjurations removed

- Taking Conjuration into a almost fully combat direction

- Not adding anything really /new/, which was one of the main problems with current Conjuration Lore. Life Evocation has a literal IMMENSE amount of opportunity as its creating artificial life from the void. That’s a badass idea to think about

- Nerfing the general spell emotes and stuff, thus making Conjuration an even weaker magic than it ALREADY was


All around I like the formatting and general feel of this post, I just feel like it could use a lot more, and be turned into something more special than basically just a tiny change from the original lore pre-lore games.

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16 minutes ago, Tha_Mystery_Man said:


- Hybrids removed (Hybrids are possibly one of the most fun aspects of Conjuration)


Hybrids are still present in the Lore under the utility evocations. However the rest of the highlighted issues will be addressed promptly when I get home.

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2 hours ago, ZythusRequiem said:


I didn’t make the rules. I don’t have a Conjuration MA or access to the chat. Let it be put to the community vote, I had an idea and submitted it. It’s not my fault if you and whatever army (conjuration users) are making another rewrite at the same time if I couldn’t even figure it out.


try asking a conj user next time, friend.

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21 minutes ago, LoTC's Next Top Model said:


try asking a conj user next time, friend.


I can practically taste the passive aggression.  

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Y’all need to let this player continue on with their draft & cut the aggression out. They were proactive about something they want to engage in. Is the original writer of conjuration coming forth and saying anything? I don’t think so?


P.S. Someone rewrite Arcanism & Celestialism for me. I have no time for lotc writing. 

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Don’t worry! No MAs or Asking needed for rewriting Conjuration in all honesty, noone asked me either! Left the discord for the passive aggresive stance of certain writers there, so seeing someone else picking it, giving it some needed tweaks to the magics to fit it the post-loremag meta, gives me a bit of hope for the based magic as I like it, while this feels much like what you’d expect from someone self teaching the magic with the current ressources that float around on the forums and the wiki, it is very nice to have … as you mentioned, the perspective of an outsider... Now! I can’t say that conjuration is the most acclaimed voidal evocation at all, but it is certainly the one that allows for a versatile freeform aspect in its active roleplay. That being, you have definitely nailed the current lore down to its root and merged the magic with lots of variation to the mechanics. It surprised me to see such a in-depth guide regarding a conjuration submission but I have to admit that the you nailed the required format and the depth of the different mechanics behind it required, e.g. with the different constructs & summon types. You presented conjuration less of an exclusive lore for certain vague spells one can invoke to bust a goons nut, but you have certainly brought it forward as a very vast and verstatile concept that a good roleplayer can approach in many different ways and can put their mind to as much as they like. I found this submission and its additions to the lore very impressing and it surely stays true to how conjuration is, naturally balanced and very imaginative.

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2 hours ago, LoTC's Next Top Model said:


try asking a conj user next time, friend.


Thats the whole point of a Lore Submission before it is put into the Loremag? People are more than welcome to give their constructive feedback which I will do my best to rectify. Since this is your second, aggressive post, and you’ve offered nothing to the table as the representative of the community until another person comments, I don’t see any reason why you’re still commenting. This thread is not fixed, it is open to change. If you have an issue or want to fix something, explain it here and I will address you appropriately.


The Mystery Man did this politely and constructively, and when I am done my physics and math homework I am going to work on his feedback. While you have been aggressive on this thread, you are still welcome to submit your feedback. I do not see why you’re taking this as such an attack. This is pre-Loremag stage and as a result it is open to change, and Conjuration users are very, very welcome to voice their thoughts and opinions on this draft.

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6 hours ago, Tha_Mystery_Man said:

- Bound Conjurations removed


I reviewed this and the corresponding Lore Addition from the pre-Lore Games and I found that Bound Conjurations would not fit properly into this lore, since the upper boundary of 10 abilities has been reached. However, that said I encourage you and others who feel the same way to draft a piece of lore for this. It does not have to directly reference my Lore, but it should cover the bases between Transfiguration and Conjuration roughly based off themes. Unless you feel that it is imperative for it to be added into my draft, I can try and work something out when I’m feeling less drained and exhausted.


6 hours ago, Tha_Mystery_Man said:

- Nerfing the general spell emotes and stuff, thus making Conjuration an even weaker magic than it ALREADY was


I’ve heard so many complaints from almost every magic and non-magic user about having combat spells that are 2 emotes or less. This is due to some of the other mechanics in RP,  so generally I base every Construct spell by 3 emotes unless it is naturally more taxing. I felt that this was not a nerf, but rather a clarification.


6 hours ago, Tha_Mystery_Man said:

- Taking Conjuration into a almost fully combat direction


I disagree. While there are more combat spells, it is because they are nercessary. The Summons Category remain exactly if not very similar to the same degree as they were pre-Lore Games. This is because I’ve defined the two spells in this category, which have free reign over the Morphon and Perennial Classes granted they follow specific and universal redlines as to what can be summoned. These diverse uses have nearly unlimited utility uses. Just because they are only two spells out of the ten, it is because there is no necessity for more with respect to the limits of the freeform natures of them. 


6 hours ago, Tha_Mystery_Man said:

- Not adding anything really /new/, which was one of the main problems with current Conjuration Lore. Life Evocation has a literal IMMENSE amount of opportunity as its creating artificial life from the void. That’s a badass idea to think about


I would love to hear some suggestions and maybe I can find a way to incorporate them into spells. The reason I’m holding off on Binding right now as well in part is because it relies partially on Transfiguration Lore, and as of current I have zero idea of what that might look like in a draft. Thus, since I’ve never had any IG interaction with Transfiguration (I have interacted with Conjuration before), I have no clue how it would impact this implementation. 


want to add Bound Conjurations, but I simply lack the proper foundation lorewise with no knowledge of what Trasnfiguration could potentially look like in the future. If you could suggest some ways to implement Bound Conjurations without infringing on the spell cap, I would love to hear your suggestions.

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7 hours ago, Tha_Mystery_Man said:

I like the idea of labeling Conjurations into their specific Animal Classes, I think that’s a cute touch that does well in the grand scope of things. Gives a bit more of a biological aspect to the whole Conjuration deal, however im also not a big fan of the general direction of where this rewrite is going


- Hybrids removed (Hybrids are possibly one of the most fun aspects of Conjuration)

- Bound Conjurations removed

- Taking Conjuration into a almost fully combat direction

- Not adding anything really /new/, which was one of the main problems with current Conjuration Lore. Life Evocation has a literal IMMENSE amount of opportunity as its creating artificial life from the void. That’s a badass idea to think about

- Nerfing the general spell emotes and stuff, thus making Conjuration an even weaker magic than it ALREADY was


All around I like the formatting and general feel of this post, I just feel like it could use a lot more, and be turned into something more special than basically just a tiny change from the original lore pre-lore games.

Though on not a conjurationist myself, yet, I agree with Mystery on a few of those points. I personally think that Hybrids should be back as a combat thing as that make the magic far more interesting to mess with in battles considering the magic is already one of the weaker ones out there. I like the rewrite, good formatting and all but Hybrids should be back into combat, that’s the main problem I have with this.

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