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Sanguignosis - Evolved Blood Magic


There is no power far greater than what lies within our own skin.


Table of Contents:

- Background/Origin

- Magic Explanation

- Bloodbending

- Runes

- Rituals

- Blood Rites

- Tier Progression

- Blothrvyan [CA]

- Citation


In all life exists a primitive essence necessary of all such livelihood; blood. In most simple organisms, it flows as a viscous red vital to the bodily functions, however, it is too present in many more complex organisms - an ichor untame and unbound trapped within horrors of the void, or stewing in the boiling rage of infernal monstrosities. The origin of an art that relieves the shackles of this essence, Blood Magic, is one unknown to even the earliest of the blothr-bhatti. The study of control over such a power that is hidden within ichor is one predating even man’s first dance with the Void. It is for this reason that the truth, limited from its beginning, would dilute as lies and wrongdoings bleed wet, red tongues.


A power that ticks the machinations of life and drives the bodily conduit of the soul is the source of the blothr-bhatti’s grand capabilities; and so one can expect, that the walk of a path so intricate is not without its great cost. The awakening of this power within a mortal descendant does not give rise to lust for senseless slaughter and barbaric bloodshed, for what is rumoured to be an art of Malghourn’s, is just that; an art. With use comes the requirement of precise technique, unwavering scholarship, and the sacrifice of man’s own will.


That is the olden tale of old blood magi, but moving onto the Arcaisan landmass we’ve noted the general change of theme within the craft. Those who possessed the original 9 bloodshards would have sensed the sudden disconnection within the crimson opus of knowledge. The familiar whispers within one day dulling… as any form of connection to Malghourn had all but mysteriously disappeared. Those dedicated to the artform would have noticed rituals and hidden knowledges ripped straight from their fingers, as the worshipers of the great Drakaar had been all but abandoned; Malghourn having entirely gone missing. 


For the most dedicated of the Blothr Bhatti this led to existential crisis, for those whom may have devoted themselves and their entire livelihoods to the art, suddenly found themselves lost, and forsaken. Certain groups of the crimson magi preforming ritualistic suicide or even forsaking their previous lives, abandoning the acursed art… yet others heard this emptiness in their shards as an oppurtunity to push the limits of what had been left behind. Tenacious individuals scraping together the shreds of what had been left behind in order to sustain that which remained of the knowledge. Such descendants delved deep within the remaining knowledge of the forsaken shards, relearning the intricate many carvings and nuances in order to ensure the continued evolution of the blothr bhatti, “evolving” the practice, and giving it a new title Sanguignosis. No longer attached to their serpentine patron of stone, the new iteration of blood mages would take the mantel upon their own shoulders in order to determine whether the blasphemous art of the Stone Serpent would be used for darkness or good…  


Magic Explanation: 


Blood Magic, an art of chaotic beauty, is fueled by what one may assume from its namesake; red, raw blood. Where such must be spilt fresh, within 1 OOC day (length of combat roleplay, if any was involved, is subtracted), and has its use in various methods of the blothr-bhatti’s capabilities. 

For the easiest learnt, blood bending, one will find themselves oft using the sound, sight, touch and sensing of living, flowing blood to grasp the metaphysical bindings of such an essence and bend it to their will. For rituals, the blothr-bhatti will oft invoke a runic language so provocatively refined and aesthetic, the eldritch and nameless tongue of blood mage, through scribings of evocative red, fresh blood. For rites, one will invigorate themselves in the dousing, baptising or appraisal of that which gives them life. It is “genus” which fuels blood magic and its machinations, an incredibly esoteric yet tangible substance contained within blood which blood mages reach out to in order to cast. Genus, at its simplest definition, is the amount of raw power contained within blood, genus is in no way tied to blood volume, it exists within blood in varying concentrations which depend entirely on the entity from which it is being extracted.


With the intense scholarly regime of apprentice blood mage; where study is demanding of the practice and exercise of teachings and such teachings are rigorous and overwhelming, the to-be master is limited in what other practices they may learn. Between the Tiers of 1 and 5, where the mage is progressing upon their learnings, progression within any other magic is halted. That is to say, they will be tier-locked and may not further any spells or proficiency in their other magics until they master those of Blood Magic. Furthermore, a blood mage mastered is still forever limited, albeit less so than an apprentice, in their pursuits of other arcane magics; allowed only to learn one other, else they relinquish too much of their focus and precious precision. To begin the study of blood magic, however, the student must first be awakened through the touch of a bloodshard.


So too are further limitations placed upon the crimson artists; that of the body and the psyche. The bodily effects arise from the awakening of the bloodmage upon the touch of the shard. These can include:

The immense paling/darkening of one’s skin (albinism/melanism).

Hair can become brittle, dry, grey. It can too fall out or become plagued with dandruff.

One’s eyes can become milky, baggy, exstrophic or esotropic.

Easy bruising & occasional nosebleeds.

One can appear anemic or with a slowed/increased heart rate.


The intangible effects upon the mind can include:

Hoarding, materialistic-obsessions and the likes.


This can be a wide range of things; alcohol, drugs, gambling, entertainment, adrenaline, tattoos, shopping, etc.

Unreasonable laming of oneself  

“I am unworthy, I am undeserving”

“This happened because I didn’t..”

Intermittent explosive disorder 

Repeated, sudden episodes of impulsive, aggressive violent behaviour.

Inflated ego, narcissism, the believing of one self’s opinion to always be correct.


Black and white thinking; binary thought

Everything either is or isn’t.


The physical and mental effects that blood mages are bound to suffer are freeform; these are merely suggested. It is, however, considered powergaming if a blood mage does not roleplay the adverse effects of practicing blood magic.


Blood magic takes up [4] slots. Only [1] other magic may be had with blood magic; 

However, if another magic has multiple subtypes requiring a slot each, the blood mage is able to learn such magic and a subtype.
[Eg. Druidism: the blood mage is able to learn Communion & Control as well as a subtype of their choice]

To learn blood magic, one must first be awakened through the touch of a bloodshard.

Learning blood magic halts the learning of any other magic. This does not include Feats.

Blood magic is compatible with any other magic unless specified in their lore.

Blood magic is considered a [Neutral] magic, though deities/cultures may settle their own view upon it.

A blood mage may only utilize fresh blood; within 24 OOC hours of being spilt.

To ignore the adverse effects of practicing blood magic is to powergame.





Blood Bending | The most common abilities of a blood mage; requiring little in the way of preparation, and oriented towards the combative struggles one may encounter, though lacking no elegance still.

Runecasting | The art of using the power of The Material Alphabet quickly within combat in order to add to the arsenal of the blood magi.


Rituals | Highly taxing in breath, effort and precision - requiring immense preparation and perfection for non-combat achievements greater than many could imagine. The most effective tool of a blood mage, and the most freeform.

Blood Magic: Runes


Rites | The progressive abilities of a blood mage tailored to the stroke of the artist.


Blothrvyan | Endgame CA achievable through completing all rites.






The lesser and more simple tools of a blood mage are those tailored towards the inevitable encounters of combat and violence; for one is likely to come across such in the pursuit of lifeblood to fuel their ritualistic pursuits. 


The casting of blood bending does not demand a physical toll upon the mage, however, there are limits to the efficacy of one. A blood mage has a varied amount of times (detailed in Main Page; Tier Progression) they may cast a blood bending spell per encounter. 



 Art by Linn Kristine Pettersen

‘Blood Having’ is defined as any being with blood whether mundane or magical. 

An example is Izkuthii: these may be detected by sensing as they have magical blood. However, Ghosts will not be able to be detected as despite containing ectoplasm, they do not contain blood.


To note, as a reference:

The average descendant begins to feel intense side effects after losing roughly 20% of their usual blood volume, these effects include sudden nausea, lack of breath, lightheadedness, confusion, and drowsiness. 

The average descendant would pass out from blood loss after losing roughly 35% of their usual blood volume, with death being around when a Descendant loses 50% of their usual blood volume.


Advanced Sensing

While the less adept blood mage may sense the blood around them in a stressful scenario, the wiser master of ichor may use their ability to sense blood in much greater detail, albeit in a much more calm and collected environment. Like base blood sensing, the process of such a power varies from each blood mage, though still requiring a calmed, trance-like state in which the blood mage senses the blood.


Advanced Sensing is the basis on which other blood-bending abilities are founded. In order for any other spell to be cast at a distance, the being must be sensed; in this manner, the sensing is directed towards a being - already knowing its location (the range being that of the spell, rather than a four block radius) - and focusing solely on this (and as such, not extending this ‘reach’ to any others). In doing this, no benefit may be achieved, and such a method may only be conducted as the beginning of another spell. Thus, this is a method akin to connection.


- Concentration in sensing is not as unstable as with voidal connection. One would have their concentration broken after either maintaining a blood-letting wound, or a sudden concussive force enough to throw someone off their feet.

- After losing concentration on your sensing, it takes 1 emote to regain one’s self before you can sense again.


Basic Sensing

A staple ability of the blood mage, basic sensing extends from the blood mage in a line of heightened feeling through a meditative trance. This can be described in many ways, differing from practitioner to practitioner, as though it were a sixth sense of indescribable feeling or simply the listening of ebbing crimson lifeblood. The blood mage is able to detect the presence of blood within a target - whether mortal, eldritch or magical - in such a line, though nothing more.




[Non-Combat] Requires [2] Emotes:
[1] A meditative tell
[2] One begins sensing in a radius
[++] Can continue for any subsequent emotes that concentration is maintained.



- One is able to determine if targets within a radius have live blood flowing through their veins.

- Basic sensing can be used in order to sense one’s general heart rate.



Sensing can be cast in a max radius of [8] blocks; and requires sight on the target.

The radius is not a pulse of feeling, but a maintained focus upon one singular  target as long as the blood mage too maintains focus.

Can feel deceased bodies/spilt blood if within [2] IRL hours of death/spilling. 

The blood mage may not discern deceased bodies (with fresh blood) from living bodies during sensing. Any volume of spilt blood, whether collected in one pool or splattered, will be detected as one entity.





Siphoning is the manipulation of blood through a medium, usually empty air, by way of funneling. Siphoning requires little concentration once mastered, at Tier 2, and is used to move fresh blood. The blood siphoned can be taken from open wounds of living beings, or already collected volumes. The greater the concentration of the mage, however, the greater the precision and capacity; allowing one to make the most effective use of this out of combat.





[Non-Combat] Requires [2] Emotes: 

[1] A meditative tell + sensing of blood (may be grouped into one emote for ease)

[2] The blood may be siphoned.


               [Combat] Requires [3] Emotes: 

[1] A meditative tell

[2] The being is to be sensed, while in sight

[3++] The blood may be siphoned.


Blood may be channeled through the air through small streams; the aesthetics are freeform.

– Only up to a roughly 10% of an average person’s blood supply may be controlled during combat. Outside of combat, there is no limit beside reason.

The channeled blood can only move up to a speed similar to that of a slow water tap.

– May be used on any blood having beings.




Siphoning can be cast from a max range of [3] blocks, requiring line of sight of the wound.

When used in combat, only a half litre of blood may be controlled, and at a speed half the maximum.

Siphoning does not widen the wound - and cannot be used on wounds that have healed greater than a scab.

You can siphon the 10% of total blood volume from a target’s wound, before then the blood loss continues at a normal rate.

Cannot reverse siphon.




Scabbing is the forceful congealing of one’s blood in order to seal a wound. Scabbing can be done upon either the body of the bloodbender themselves, or others, in order to quickly close surface wounds. While it does not particularly heal flesh like any powers of the light, it makes for quick treatment when avoiding death by bleeding.





[Non-Combat] Requires [2] Emotes: 

[1] A meditative tell, the wound is sensed and felt, while in sight 

[2] The wound is touched, and the blood will slowly scab.

In non-combat, a blood mage cannot scab any wound that goes deeper than four inches, lest the blood simply continue to pour out from the wound itself.


[Combat] Requires [3 - 4] Emotes:

[1] A meditative tell, the wound being felt, and must be within sight.

[2] The wound would be touched, the blood slowly beginning to scab.

[3] The wound continues to be touched, the blood finishing scabbing if the wound is two inches deep or less.

[4] The wound continues to be touched, the blood finishing scabbing if the wound is three inches deep or less.


After the use of scabbing, one may feel dizzy from the coagulation of their own blood if the wound is larger than a simple cut. Often leading to light nausea, migraines, and possibly fatigue for the scabbed.





Scabbing does not congeal internal wounds inside the person whom is being healed. Someone can slow the bleeding however without sufficient medical attention, the adverse effects of the wound will persist.

Whomever has a wound larger than that of a simple cut fixed up with scabbing, should not be able to undergo harsh physical effort for a minimum of 5 emotes, else they would pass out from exhaustion.

One cannot use scabbing as a way to cause blood clots, or inflict and type of internal damage towards a foe.




Congealing is the coagulation of blood into supernatural form, congealing has two uses; it may be used to restore and create new Bloodshards, as well as to be used to form a dreg. A dreg is a unit of genus congealed into a small, thin shard of red crystal which acts very similarly to a mana gems albeit with additional properties; where a gem may only so long to fuel an enchantment, a dreg may maintain the same enchantment for twice the duration. As well, dregs are easy carriers for magics which cannot otherwise be enchanted with, namely dark arts.





[Non-Combat] Requires [2] Emotes: 

[1] The blood mage meditates upon genus, and begins to condense it into an area, forming the vague outline of a dreg.

[2] The blood mage then begins to sculpt the shape of the dreg, hardening it into

Dregs are centrally used in several more complex rituals.


Dregs cannot function as an alternate source of genus.

All created dregs must be LT signed.

Blood dregs function as both crafting items, and as mana gems, which last twice as long as a normal variant, no more no less.




Controlling blood in subtle strokes, contortion is the act of puppeteering the whims of descendants and creatures alike for but a mere moment. This spell, while limited in its extended usability, can be used to turn Descendents unwilling into slaves of their own bodies. 





[Combat] Requires [3] Emotes: 

[1] A meditative tell 

[2] The blood magi senses the victim, while focusing upon the limb/area to be contorted.

[3] You cast, beginning to move blood within one’s body to your desire for just a moment.


Contortion may only affect a single limb at a time, per three emotes, OR to jerk the entity’s whole being up to a maximum of [3] blocks in any direction bar vertical.

Eg. can suddenly fling away someone’s hand, trip someone off their feet, or even throw back someone up to 3 blocks away at the maximum.

Contortion requires the blood magi to have direct sight on a wound on the target’s form, and has a max range of 5 blocks.

If contortion is successfully cast, there is a 4 emote cooldown before any other blood bending spell may be used, including contortion itself.




You cannot auto any target with contortion, the target in question is still allowed to resist the movements by simply having a d20 roll off with the blood magi. (The Blood Mage wins on a tie)

Contortion can only be used in natural motions, meaning a leg cannot be bent backwards or an arm twisted behind one’s back to break it. As well, no motion with contortion can be sustained or kept in place; a blood mage cannot use contortion to pin a person to the ground via their leg nor can they pin an arm to one’s side.        

You may NOT begin using any blood bending spells for 4 emotes after successfully casting contortion

One MUST complete the Rite of The Brutal before being allowed to use Contortion. If one decides to complete the Rite of The Cunning instead, they are never allowed to use Contortion




Hemorrhaging is the forceful expulsion of blood through a thinly veiled wound by creating and pushing out ichor from what is called a “weeping wound”. One of the more painful and demented forms of bloodbending, used often for intimidation and displays of prowess.





Requires [4] Emotes: 

[1]  You sense a specific target after a simple tell, focusing upon them and channeling. 

[2] You continue to channel, more spell tells evident as you do so.

[3] You move forward in an attempt to touch an area of the target you wish to hemorrhage.  

[3++] Should you connect, either the wound will appear instantly the moment after there can be a delay of up to two emotes before the “weeping wound” appears.


The “weeping wound” created by hemorrhaging is the size of a stab wound without the depth. No veins are ruptured with the spell, moreso a small slit appears and blood is forcefully pushed out of the wound in a visceral display of blood spray. As such, this wound can easily be covered in order to stop blood-loss.

One must be able to touch their target before being able to hemorrhage part of their body. On the 3rd emote of casting is when one attempts to make contact with whatever portion of skin they wish to hemorrhage. If one dodges your 3rd emote, you are unable to hemorrhage. However should your touch land, your hemorrhaging would be able to be cast automatically on the 4th emote. 

One is able to hold their 2nd emote of casting in order to wait for an opportunity to close in on their target, however if your target leaves the 8 block range, the spell will fail.

After successfully landing your 3rd emote against someone, you may choose to let your spell have a 1-3 emote delay before then the weeping wound appears. During these delay you may also cancel the spell if you wish, however you no longer need concentration as this all happens, due to the spell being complete.

A “weeping wound” is mostly just an extremely painful spell due to the shallow nature and simple fixing of the cut, and very rarely does it even have the option to be lethal.




You are able to cast your first two emotes of hemorrhaging from a maximum of 8 blocks away from whomever you are attempting to attack, however when you are required to touch someone in order for the spell to go off.

After the victim is touched on the third emote, they will be able to sense that area has a warm buildup of blood brushing against their skin

You are required to stay within the 8 block radius of whomever you are targeting throughout the entire channeling and casting process, or else the spell fails instantly.




A very developed  technique of bloodbending, Freezing is the art of contorting against the body’s natural movements in order to stop a descendant from moving entirely, paralyzing them in place for a set amount of time. Such a power requires an incredible amount of concentration and control, often keeping the blood mage in place as they cast.





Requires [4] Emotes:

[1]  You sense a specific target after a simple tell, focusing upon them and channeling. 

[2] You continue to channel, more spell tells becoming much more evident as you do so. 

[3] The channeling and tells continue, becoming more obvious. 

[4] You move forward in an attempt to touch the target you wish to freeze. 

[4++] After a successful touch, the effects of freezing will kick in and can be maintained for up to five emotes.


One must be able to touch their target before being able to freeze their body. On the 4th emote of casting is when one attempts to make contact with the target whom they wish to freeze. If one dodges your 4rd emote, you are unable to freeze. However should your touch land, your freezing would begin automatically on the following emote. 



Once the target is frozen successfully, they may roll an 19+ to escape upon the first emote. Upon the second emote, they must roll a 17+ to escape, upon the third emote they must roll a 15+, upon the fourth and fifth emotes, they may contest a roll of 20 with the blood mage, and are freed if they win (blood mage wins on tie).

Upon being freed from freezing, either by resisting or the blood mage relinquishing their spell, they would find themselves to be incredibly dumb and quite fatigued, though their strength would return to them gradually over the next few short emotes.





A bloodbender must stay within 10 blocks of its target throughout the entire freezing process. If at any point the bloodbender leaves the 10 block range, the spell would fail and one mid-freeze would be able to move once again.

Further bloodbending cannot be done upon a target after it has been frozen, even by other blood magi, for up to ten emotes. 

High impact and newly applied bloodletting injuries applied to a frozen individual will immediately release the blood mage’s hold; a frozen target that is clubbed would be liberated from the paralysis, as would one being cut the moment the skin is broken and blood is able to escape.                

Freezing is only applied to muscle mass for the purpose of restricting movement. It can by no means stop another’s heart from pumping blood, cause organ failure or any lasting damage beyond incredible cramps and weakness once freedom is regained.



Complete Control

One of the most meticulous capabilities of Blood bending, allowing the blood mage nigh complete control over the movement of blood and blood containing objects. This ability is limited to non combative/ooc consenting usages, manipulating blood in order to perform various aesthetic feats, anywhere from the remote inscription of runes, to aesthetically chilling ones blood as you pass. 




[Non Combat] Requires A Minimum of [1] Emote:




Complete control is an entirely aesthetic/atmospheric spell.

The usage of complete control grants no mechanical benefit to the blood mage.

Complete control allows a blood mage to control [5] gallons of blood at the absolute maximum.

Complete control requires line of sight.

Any usage of complete control on another player requires express OOC consent, able to be stopped at any time according to that players wishes.


Circulatory Control

The ability to flow the blood in one’s body as to temporarily increase physical strength to the peak of their race, and is one of the most dangerous and taxing forms of blood bending. Usage of Circulatory control in limited in duration, and upon completion leaves the blood mage entirely open to attack.





Requires [2] Emotes To Cast: It takes 1 emote to prepare their body for the extreme strain, and 1 emote to focus on one’s own blood. As begins to focus, their muscles begin to bulge and gain mass, their breathing picks up and blood flows quickly. After such is over, the bloodmage faces incredible physical exhaustion, nigh incapable of putting up a fight. 

For 5 emotes after Circulatory control subsides, the blood mage’s strength will be limited to slightly less than that of a t5 voidal mage, and they will feel extremely lethargic as though they skipped several nights of sleep.

Circulatory Control lasts for 6 emotes after casting, and once cast it will continue until the emote count has expired.

Circulatory Control may only be used once per combat encounter.




Circulatory control essentially functions as an adrenaline boost, It increases strength and speed to the peak of one's own race, never beyond. You're not superman.

One MUST complete the Rite of The Father before being allowed to use Circulatory Control. If one decides to complete the Rite of The Mother instead, they are never allowed to use Circulatory Control.



Sanguine Grip

A very precise ability of Blood Bending, which allows a Blood Mage to close the throat of a target by manipulating their blood, effectively causing them to choke due to the lack of airflow. This is often used as a display of one’s prowess though may also be used to stun a target for a brief amount of time.




[Combat] Requires [3] Emotes:

[1] Connect to the target’s blood.

[2] Maintain a connection with the targets blood.

[3] Choke target. 


A blood mage may cause the blood to close up the throat of a target, causing them extreme discomfort as well as causing them to gag. 


A target may escape by distracting the blood mage, or rolling an 18+ every emote, the roll required lowering by [2] every emote that passses. For example, after [2] emotes of sustained Blood Grip, the roll required would be 14+. 

This ability may be maintained for up to [4] emotes, though the blood mage’s concentration must be maintained upon their target.

Upon coming out of the grip, the target will need a minimum of [1] emote to regain their breath, likely having a coughing fit due to lack of oxygen. 

The target’s range of motion is not limited besides 




Cannot use Blood Grip to kill someone, only stun them and cause them to gag.

Cannot break the target’s neck with conortion.


Restrict Circulation

While the powers of Circulatory Control are oriented on boosting the physical abilities of the blood magi, recent years have lead to the discovery of an opposing method, that being the slowing down and restriction of movement, enforcing achiness and fatigue upon a given target in order to slow them down.



[Combat] Requires [2] Emotes:

[1] Connect to the target’s blood.

[2]  Remove connection, slowing the blood flow.


A blood mage can induce fatigue, slowness, and depleted muscle mass for a short period of time upon touch, which will last for a few emotes, their strength slowly returning over the course of the next few emotes.


The target will feel very sluggish and surprisingly exhausted, as if their strength was suddenly sapped from their own forms. Their strength will drop to that of a Void Mage for one emote, before slowly rising back to their typical strength over the next [3] emotes. The effects last [4] emotes in total.




Restrict Blood Flow slows the movement of blood slowing down and weakening a target, it does not stop blood flow in any way.

Can only be used [1] time per combat encounter. 


Blood Projectile 

A much more precise feat of Blood Magic, permitting a blood mage the ability to harden their own or others’ blood and cast it in the form of a fast projectile, not unlike that of blood sculpting. Such a power, however, is quite taxing when using one’s own blood, making it more efficient for a mage of ichor to use another’s rather than their own.





[Combat] Requires [3] Emotes:

[1] Either draw your own blood or locate the fresh blood of another and connect to it.

[2] Form the projectile out of the blood.

[3] Cast the projectile.


Blood projectiles require .5 a unit of genus per projectile.


The projectiles themselves are brittle, though sharp, albeit not razor thin. They are easily able to penetrate skin and lighter materials due to their jaggedness.

An additional emote must be added for every additional projectile conjured, assuming the blood mage has the adequate amount of blood. Up to three may be charged at once.

Blood Projectiles cannot exceed a single foot in length nor more than four inches in width. They typically fly at around the speed of an arrow towards a target.

All Blood Projectiles have a range of up to twenty blocks, merely crumbling or melting back into blood once they exceed the limit.






One cannot conjure Blood Projectiles to act as a barrier, as a hard enough hit to them will cause them to shatter or crumble.

You cannot auto people with blood projectiles, they are able to be dodged just like any other attack.

Blood projectiles though both sharp and fast, are too brittle to break through any armor greater than leather or gambeson, blood projectiles will also shatter upon contact with bone.

Once a blood projectile has been launched, like an arrow it retains its path, projectiles cannot change paths mid flight.


Blood Sculpting


Lesser Blood Sculpting

Lesser blood sculpting allows a blood mage to form blood into objects through slow formation which, once formed, bear unique features. Once the blood has taken a shape it may be physically handled as though it were Ferrum, both in durability and sharpness, as well as in texture and weight. This magically altered ichor may sustain its shape for 2 elven hours (or until the end of a specific rp encounter) and does not necessitate the blood mage to concentrate to maintain it albeit it must remain within their sphere of influence lest it dissolve back into blood.


Greater Blood Sculpting

An improved variant of Lesser Blood sculpting, greater blood sculpting is both a more advanced, and more permanent facet of creation, though its usage is far more complex and less versatile. Greater blood sculpting allows a blood mage to form their own blood into objects through slow formation which, once formed, bear unique features. Objects formed through greater blood sculpting sustain their shape indefinitely, becoming able to be handled as though they were crafted of Steel, both in durability, and sharpness. Unlike objects formed of lesser blood sculpting, objects crafted through greater blood sculpting may exist outside the sphere of the blood mages influence





Lesser Blood Sculpting [Combat] Requires [3] Emotes: 

[1] A meditative, though still tell where the mage begins to manipulate liquid blood into a rough form.

[2] An extremely obvious tell, large sculpting motions with the hands, as the shape becomes more defined.

[3] More Obvious sculpting tells, as the mage makes the final touches to the object, and it hardens.


Lesser Blood Sculpting [Non-Combat] Requires [2] Emotes: 


[1] Obvious sculpting motions as the mage, manipulates blood into a more defined shape and begins adding detail.

[2] Obvious sculpting motions as the mage adds the final details, and hardens the object.


Greater Blood Sculpting [Non-Combat] Requires [4] Emotes: 


[1] Obvious sculpting motions as the mage begins to manipulate blood, condensing it into a single area.

[2] Obvious sculpting motions as the mage manipulates blood into a vague shape.

[3] Obvious sculpting motions as the mage manipulates blood into a more defined shape and begins adding detail.

[4] Obvious sculpting motions as the mage adds the final details, and hardens the object.


Lesser blood sculpted objects cannot be more durable or sharp than ferrum. Lesser sculpted objects must remain with 20 blocks of the berserker otherwise they dissolve.

Lesser blood sculpted objects may not be formed that are larger than a complete suit of armor which requires 2 units of genus to make.

When using lesser blood sculpting, large weapons(ie; Polearm,Greatsword, etc...) require 1 unit of genus to create. Smaller weapons only require .5 units of genus to create (longsword, dagger, 1 handed axe, etc...)

Greater Blood sculpted items must be made of the blood mages own blood.

Greater blood sculpted objects cannot be more durable or sharp than ferrum

Blood sculpted items appear as though they are constantly drenched in blood, droplets of blood falling from the blade only to dissipate and continue dripping.(This offers no practical advantage besides aesthetic)





Greater Blood sculpted items/weapons cannot be created in combat.

Greater Blood sculpted items require LT signature.

Lesser Blood sculpted items exist until the end of a given rp encounter. If someone enters combat with a Lesser Blood Sculpted Item, then it melts back to blood after combat.

Blood Sculpted Items are no more powerful than normal counterparts.









All normal sized runes require .5 units of genus to inscribe, and 2 can be inscribed per emote.




Primary Matter

lQ89Nh47UwjIWaG9dqWluhgsf8of2UCG8jIa-A74vGmrFWvRbl8n0yqGoK3KdDWaMZOewjLDK4IW8ZE4iaRDAFd5RPypxOyLfToOh91C34me8Vbwt-JNbuAj7d_nIai4nJhLweVU      yAZ0K3nTE9o7cdsTBT81e43tzWUtC-JOBOFnpd0CAPIj88npmZeOM8Oll4kdheuTG1YUiOk8sNg81VXBXxkDRPy-pFkX9nrz3gIYvvaa2JPofo0xQqwiK4-Fy5FVUW6CqpDx-T4B      okjBxRHoLOq6WGZD9yj4vFjhC7ow6elmmHRWMd6DUhvfHtMPfIPAk9ecTB745uIDmwBtPZDU_4C-MDz9syxaJ_5DvMmc4zidajq4o0ZW089_cN_1lsAwIb13GxOeKVwZVPIuhlCu        qniSCDL9PrTGlJX-FdGDNYpJ4yQRnzdR7FxIoyxYX_1YickrdEf5AzCogHwmMhZcfosZfzYm88_2lwCzw4t01tDKzF14vqW6yOHDSWychBpmkvm22Pe5sJMtotNvk_qm71Hf5mnt   GEECu4T_tBpSQL6jJiUS_7I3mq636IaWDgNIlaqMbfXtZW4rlPwNAAlKvZDq9sSi_weeomrZ3wv2BDXAdcdSte8xGGh1i6BSGxkAi7MGnDZ-U61Nh9ahrEZnPMTXi_GTF9YOdIqi

Water         Earth       Aether           Air               Fire


Secondary Matter

iJShc8A4znZqiYJmjgrYfVXr5yuBJ7PIpbhZvH0CJyzxf-jObZDODQ1kp9ap8KVosW2uNDlYzLTYwXpXbir1BKoahLxJXlsxUKpLHi4IOcLk8-luI3ZQhRBfHsj1hbeXa-izQWoo     Y69TEnP5_P9kik9D1yGjiE3jETBZ2Dw2EhDx-fVgZY7twI3n9KhOfFWUPbPxrX1K_c33BpDEHcqJ12B0GqKxbk2PeeAtnMSDtuYvR9iyyFvkecCMN67yMLphvAORD9eEnEN2kaGx         M01hDZBxc_mbTxOIDzqy6QiQ2Iv2MAOslOG4MATm3nuw4N9yEsJGNl_iH5ywXzPRvayfCDgb6tvQuKAHk5OHwp0HiTqKgOTZv9CCTRR3jeax7dqwrBVudQImRsX3Ijjj9ipTJsd4         DMd5oev8_6qk4qVa_exBsVs8IDH_yE8K5VCUOU5w_CBkQ9MfQ8mIA2ICLqgTjmtUuPD0G4yBR95uMKcddX5FhEtzC9ThnnagTADQxIuX-MC5UFkBpxS4Jul2iayxr3KqvvxDFFxh   vOwBknrTcUK71KnnMTYl0tsSZ2sbNkq8cjm9g_lCfSowavRb1hCuJ4_stfYLPVLN61R2EwSg5gxZx5BoKhoCs5jd0EgXNzJ2jSV0qUHW5GLXoC1TR2Yzqsi5aQSBfxIjMu7oh8-O

Flora               Ice              Lightning          Smoke         Fauna

_BgURUmS5mQgRWJCCkk9cfTzeS_v8LavcQqAXliyzQLWxzjTwHxfPpELmQqfkNtcyZfhnyIZ11n0OX7E0GtbV3-NnDpzXFtd3rpTErkDZV8Uwh_E7QSamrXQRh0vHqUlgqynLD-r     J3eXPHmmLVq6AhPmn7scxgXp6dsghw0oAt4FpKNK5L77NtM--MmpwAf9pwYtlX3DR_11yEs2X36AwESVZ9tuZI3nXZ7qIA3LR2TXMGbCxtCod_sg2LF6CnvCXx6kd8mTAEq1tLt5        TYf5NUZqUGMUjJqv0ly53WxB39_lced1EdiGlkbnwYYdbfHTVn-3Lg9EB86ZoHESgwA8zgrFY0COH0fd-chHUeTBB88l_lGHdXkv1M-9MPsLzN9JIA-bNTW1lgTlCBoX03mL3PKX

Ferrum          Metal              Aurum 

HvI4awsybAVpYgpzNCvYc4zb-Lkof_Ot8ccIx4PwEwOYAwpnYrUHSDhffvCqvMuydVAPTeOt4E-0SmSx9M6XoktAoXK29aZU5Urzizj7rGAgiQHYZwzCs9-UmLz6lZayEmSct-Zt     ZtFVvDkj8LH62D-Rl_kgMFwEX2jwqs02VL26KROpT6RLQ2NKoGjnlirEIFPqhT__4IadCwMc69SS5fjCgB9RN-uq7HjdWaKhh3510d0Cb3qg0dMMewu_BnwnvIwjLo0xhdndBDnS      jyLt9OF9lCveQY45mPAVj0t3PejLNTZJ-4n8I5kr418tfK8oKBNOcQVt0AxsNQE6NBoM9i68x0ajsTWInbz1cCYIWij3_GmopqhpBg2SmzsyOz_fnBG408oZhcVpJXLshkK_JQjY           Dji58umytuIiSCzvAPTAAUbihHEnimTIIsKf4QC_DYO6ZB0YedrmDlww8YQKjuc1gut69XfLM1lCNwS3lVsuqpZ_NMSBqNWbYzXVWx6YeiYEEHAsqRoNvvb5o0cx3sMmk-qreimY         lhvLqTHeDmSIk6HnSjNrULmyU97DERAfVgvOr6SnY3KGXMw0Vr9EJA6h_0OBFzcIRDZehXMq5_p5Phcm1Gz7KDCNMWOGnW-n-Epgd8xPbIvPeE2VLX_IEOY0ZKZqWe3Dmh4psxNF

Stone              Dirt                Mud            Steam                Lava 

ZLYohl1_EvcFaUEVyqF763hvtVccLSawZ7JUCVOo8ckgdWwEPuvZHJMD-662mW9VIYik14DFQXdbmEcOC5lI6d72tmsRZPwuNFw-SCFd6Doi8Hj0dzZbve1KBCyzxWeqEoAoKpfb                  JbOMutHrXyjqrnnVQH2YBT3oOsNyYoznSuGjbvMySCbwDhwWgwkd6kYSgRMuFGt3eiqOivG-x9JpkOScXSFGcOzXWpywAR3l6yTAFDwWEqVsBaTYQByF8KtehxOVVeH9HcMXDDfo        oTyoDeRw2FEGV_Bwk_sOFlAGBbtpc0kUMzqTrq1rfdMviIrie9a48OY-z3i82b8rA-1G169rL3gUakLCv0PSL7UdRJZk8rt7Ls84f_yvCrpKsxA7yXjcJclw2WiyGmxShQDDge_T          dY87xYxPihBxdtiqsAtO3gvSu8J7ej4gSwVFgFZO4yS5lDeMYLpJMi8v4jwwlBF9eprHKwdzjJdxsTrH_Go4TgPlNiTn-LuKYLgtGz2imxD4fNWxjaSiX2ECAiTmHFFj1bTNg5Pc     5ZvgIE8CQkWbtYiweVfu4KzbVfIvUqU2T_KB_JLxEmkPoPEvqN1METFFQeh_1TgdQexLa7Z_-CGS1jkwoHxbDIhlU8epEZ5voITUUejFZSKXz7hZBFwPI5pAZ1MAbunyizB309Xj

Distilled Water     Aqua Vitae      Mana             Blood                Lard


Primary Concepts

dwVTVdm9EzGNsUruvb6iAHU0dmFrh7HXOZ6g2Kg3n6U6476cCZQ_2awXEBRXGFWVuRZGQN7cVgqXxygNb4s8uVoXzqI9NRXWNHPqQ8f3xbOGMSdTr42UeYyI40utVsZA3G4TROWw        dS-xWFU9JMHgkmhJUz4WyBaJPVzi7yuBCeJDAhG3cmhh0FRPtcEXvjuZIeQLfFPZ1ffOJu8YRGT6UVh87m_az8puz5nPZp9O7HbeysH5Gw2ics9jk0SyXN-HtfNfXOyIaipl-4Wo    oYSp5zBAhKEEh8yUvTyjFQ0vCzNqSieh61MbGfRx2qZBx_GZlaw2TBb8VmLLZdbJHaVrvWNGYg32YaW6FvGKK-RnE1yqZLMaPVMj1l-wcYFqhMTN6ZQjfO2YGeJK6u3ymoC6-s1Y     1fvXsERsN8EpKw75nw6yJQMRVhzN_vYriqIYyFX9xn0FumLPyZCBMzrhXipP_w6WPbKH2YA8rXU5xucH0sCemTOmG-0wKwU8iZfMDezB0h4VtK2tyH5MDT_6aMKLQNBtS8k9x-Ru      JJA3yYHL1AS-wj6aPCVqlduhQSYHR2wDnFiQ7rGf0kXzDTi0UOG-NLkeFG_4e-VK7YKtocH7u8quOUQKXBmr__4q4Fw87geAWt-YAue8_Vb52mFOjdKty4VvUv0AtLUzgHS1NwET

Death              Dark              Balance         Light            Life    


Secondary Concepts

C7YXChOO8gFQwKXOJW_OnU8h-5HtHTaZzkC1NplB9-UgOqiEytRKMLj3Bsz7_Zx9aqWRPq7CYPQ4oiUGTxEt8C8-wfx9WHJIla0jR1G0_wMDVcpxl3O7fWqwHkuVZHfARM_ZWpUL        jmXErJmjDmbOS3P7qlFj1YUsyd6kJcQdqpiZqwM71Th7ps_DakogcGzoDU1tAFUkr9ce8hW7VsjsW-KMzzbQcoLrbwtm03aBg_bWlZLblun4wjPiX86d_YJZ-tvyApHT8ifGKB6T         gjxOrINuw0v29zMQAtlGVS8cTPTwyVtjEJjzp3QUH8-wTgEXwoNS40eDR0sGlsxFooOks2O21pb9k96wi3QoLhIWSlTHqoHaa8IgajagNE_NEokblcKH9j72VQQYJdgAOSbLpfXG      sT-tcqIYEadc8bReIiJBnZV_4sxZ2FEf0wrRveYEDk3z5WvHNNr-o3TGBseMCcVElNSkz2JIut5slk63rGPCwyQiQVDIc54gm6vVKZD5tgzSZc81QsKa176Y4VQ33ypzYR6hEfi-  d7p-NcSGLIjwj_dMDoS69_D8SaYHrdoxV4Q4W-fuzX60yQNDbohZ-7SKUGDsf6K14liHdush6HqXHc8-_xXkWwy6g9y00kII70V_OTZdufzidclyBDhajo7TlnXoipZkAOwn1G-r       OtMroXXXaGNOrKuRk5cczrqHZXemfzle2Nr60FkWmUKI_qXXC6cd07jVoo2coGN3uvW5LvqzX9I0ia-Bu1_atc0ak52d6azTZ6w0_N27VZ63GyfD_jEO64cLhg4aHNDfBU_CdpBT      ZWdVO4peCX7H6yXzv38_jlmJlHbJSkJz97xZ7nnlpqCL1NX4EvF1MObROcC6i0OKQvlXA6EC34Lx_IDb6x2Gx7RxdG2D-PlCAv6NVd1hvLvudwXI2V5aLM6FiqxHyco8UUIknyJf

Destruction       Silence        Chaos      Power         Order           Sound        Creation 

A5PEknZLukPfdaE87vVpxyp3Fl-3v8ZLI28OpCGx6XOlch1hNeTlY-tsNcidVMxKhbDkzbGzwaYXKFVT0AiKJOSihl3l9v17eXwAja17b82eQsjxldBej2L0jqYCVRmMmg7J3zQD       jh5ckj-TSRM4CDxBYprjrY8QU2VfqgYPI57h1VEpvcr4eiiJWrZT-pGU4cS5uMX3e9tzk8h6D3VqLoQDb5Q_DrtuDI_kw7BN8MN-NJPOMmBiVq7fPjlS78gV9bl0exdsoWGxsA4G  lUEMFfAKEdhQwb2EnlNyT-BuV3cRxW-vLuS9d0i_Uoym0i2aLdsCjcHJ1OdgCGo2hkJnm6hXnO6AzD_xvLDdT2k8RP-fOwA0HcSXcjStz-WAK2d1xllR3JVqkmde5TE1bmFWS4Kl     3GzgVLCuQBX_pVjEQnQUG7kr2MZYhF89m5DMkalesyJhjYc7WZaqDAzKX0qLzxulu1Nn6bMsJnUHX1NfBNqcz2LZl3ebR3VUAdJrxFwM9zXGLQwNIiOUaDZU7Dh9IJBSFgoF4lql      UklbhuckeNkaEpsd7M4NB87RFdgWiQVwPtMY9t1UOFSGtTWoLZeWXSj-W2kQ_CfJnqJZ8iNZzVO9wh038ZIb6YlxYfvuxPgT-6qEwWqzKXIp-0HY5v3dSQfGoueOiAbsUCk8boxn

Pull/Take       Lunar       Astral           Solar          Push/Give

        G13k10zK9IwZvhnPHhQ_yoAAYibGQF4F5UV8oxHqi8i4t1x9fDR1LvU9Dx_D-3MhinaxoqEUkzGAMyua9Z5O2iDkUxR9GePf0XpzKvU2ovp7W36axtkGzZXFUlmN4vNPLHWoDdYN             02tknzu044N-2JrxgI550YmJ0CvHcckcXh58DBuQ4-Is0mcd8G8cH_Dxae3clyO2Ay9EDT1hOvu2lXHNG809yAC7qC4vnt-PL_7C2UrDiv2h3JRmK-hLyK17RjUm--5pQZNgmfbL     yn7C-v1QXt2T8HDUNeD4chEKQzA1kw9NSRsxa3eGrcioEOXkMLNgovgZ7EHpiQMyl42IC1KQdsEsZDBm0Vx0QTXXRS2by0tqfoF2a1ZyV9xhPoINd_lxUb5dVlFtmPoGdfrYUW7W      NtbpD84bWB_mTHSQ9SjywVBi60ear_Z7ueDtAASZ2R1K6KuoN_BPXv1xjKrngcE-Y0FF_CMbSA4vcoK4iPWtssdN2jt9J7LBmClQL_e52uOn4oyyLaTn5prmnJkEmn-3tnACcJGU         6bbg_1h7jA-X79C7ejeZY3MwIy4XYP_N7beK20n-71wdeYKMTxviJodWwjuxjfMKIZfENcGNoEk6C_ygj8E9gsAOVtIdynVth3txdHVgAqSer2YhehM_IdYGZSk19DPBAlgOxEvA       zEPMbpFtCn6AgLfWdMBfQtoMhqu0C4iXqLAO4HGfkLFumeUUUt-OjFrXiKeYOLGaI_0UyTYY8tYCEaxhJEWn0fKVxboxcMlsIEATakdLAgQ_rig2MmgOuut_ZRpT_XgZv9bOmS20

Attachment/Control   Up/Lifting  Growth    Reduction    Down/Falling     Detachment

yaCi5VXC2LB-OdFxQMTKlxXKCLM_K0r1bETJ-e7cJiY5QyRMyJnIXLFjsIf_vqUsedNjbYYQACSGsb-6ahapTcjBBO5yy6gUW5SdrTRVj41ZtfKYkRH3tz77n4-YelNwAZf5or8u     2kRxVCt8qIFRbIBdi1ffLdBXroH4LOKM0wZIXcTbaWA0KtyuQ052_8G9mZNZkQCklDShoD0dnubh7I58M3nq2DWti4IUu1-XC58w8DqQaH5gxgSc23-2EPk0Ye4Mm7Ofto3YQKzI    6cnIAof64JAKvjb1BNnWRVsXCS-IfpXgrIcG76KfYujktauKx9jfm9Rx2SWx3P2eOQYwktGsUHiSnjaW0ofxO6xAt1SYzSzb6wTPw9_wHjgUbwns0NXcTZL0Ez0ckZv2mRThZwj-      pf0cSiSc4k6sCFGSuHvI_MldSZkrgLKBD0wReWN1xSVh89lI080dpba-_IBvLzYx6_nSQUmbb2OCnguYyTBuAPL_U7tAZtb04-u-JDUjbo0hq5555_uu99ysYZ0comw-NSg41FyN

Reinforce       Close           Open          Weaken


Primary States

DwwFZnWaK0P3nJVat1e5Jsf9_NAFnepqtrD6O1WczUflw0W724e8S5ZIQaR-tIMWY6x-nDqtUNLIKYCmBmd8vVDb5rHzEBa1Bbfpqnq7HX89Hhva12DZcO03sSawRnfcYAmmsWOK  W6Lgi7wqF0xtpIO37xpelCzDzUewXRp5At9FGu63zj-BIQRtOhRVHbkDhKBoVz1FczAa-mfREV0UEKPA6deVssheXEkeG1rhlwpeXMxIGmedgKHSOnI3RfgAFuVe8F04QiOhGFvU WyR9QMA-zhwXo74xF9yT167tL47tPl-6hcrTx7xWH0wXx59_Z2Q0D0Z9CgoQdtNNmgBuFNX5tRPDK5N1BZZduv22BnvyTrb1UWCaLk2W8PPFn1Bp0Y7GyUuD4Y0S8a65c-vposYe   6Rf_4rFImEUVYW6QNURiV6eciRLhclr2qqLlEgs-tlhSG4NL3aK-TkjsF9ZZrbDz4P0BhDADOD6pmw_c1RzMJLhmL_vtLv2fpWwz1eX1licymC60bNhZrtGctyTXx1icXreswUcd       VVg9oZt200WoIfM4gtl2l6naqmC13gAO8u2yB24MSlCc8js7W2xWu4RDnBjMs_f7ujvjO16mCO-fyklZOu3Qp0DF9aLeZTrTIyFD-YdcQIJ9cHNKiWp5KHnDfmc0O36H1WPf2JRj    GNMgw3T-_yG_n_MhkO7FRpKqsgwoT-3kmyaWZa-R-8T5o7nMvNAhPForLCdtncFtC4rkkxUG4qTAd7tNSxmdjF308B-iUjx73X8Rz3iGEu4cO2YPTVIMyWsb3yjax57Kz8gnUwPQ   

Hardiness    Coarse      Blunt       Sharp       Smooth    Fragility            

6Etn3IqR4eQirgSN06UihnLNLhVSLKf7gwMXBgAQFor5eJ3lGQYjwVq0P9WLUb0XeTjKjDVjI4_lSGhR1ZevV1m2XCwbgzuGNGPskr0YXdxJiOG6KqsM2_bO8dFtgLO4_T0Q6O3R    yhbYXtVeZwqeoWGZsXGJ_uaK6X_fBPwB08PDTfOxk27EwspTDC-JWVxEZ82NlUwYfahXO_tkcN1HW3JTjTZJ31MaOg8-Fe30rGuvXnvAgrOJh5CMA8vZ8jCftn6YTltz2oCj2JxX     Aw6hRT4DYoenRoPS4KKQT0ZNO5BFWNMZrYJVKRU1n-dIan572DVTuTetND-wpcRc-PbcBbqHVdxXLzT3y-gD05pd1SUz2_dfyd4u0boHlK02sqf0oTTyI3hDHHIIHH0PBDKg4GHtiQOBqJ1iWS_pxSbsUqMOMh8NVtJsOALxJ-D97RRuHxsc9TLO54uhw0MDerExiEqQrZg0pBFNP6oGDkacJ-cqyv8MRA6i9p5WUe0zEw14yIv6xjLGBbr1xCLvgmBpkrCKMXHVvQ8A

Freezing       Coldness        Heat           Burning

LpDNiHEgKwp6zNFN5T0PDBsxObNUo8D8x8HrJf4EQONM6u6t_uCxbdgjFxFUodn5qNK_GQ6dG5syPhUwPtMjUeJQXrE0RtGo8N-nNypPc2qognE7NDdOE_8v6isGLSvGHMTz_C3v             _Ii1ZpJcv0F-NbmPJsYUJwc26E62AHkgGT8d7JklvOHw6jMwhqJsAkfOyaN3abblR1Y4rZvxulEV10AypvIC1huuLT-dau1FAjybgNcoo4gwEnewc3ZxGdgwe4ZVh9TPhjeouly9             bYRpzA0o1hg2xm0fknET0mPSQzflcEGcJgZev_sSzpNeeRJCSgxPJwD_M1CffsmP4cjxjTmGi-GXBWIOLY40TBXb6uoXGru9gzAXCQcRqUQrDdaV4cI8Zd6oD4rAQAfBjCN8SW0o

Weak              Moderate       Strong/Strength


Secondary States


174MluSo72bKQbVnqsqRlDFZKCY8kD6ReKgA6Ye_seFPU--zMhrKkOHSLkJRhT9CnByB_BwXxIUdP6dxxLKSP3m8ahlXP5R4weHJalrSvPkRkg1ZivbhWCX5-oO6HazchkH1lO0a   6wxMZz8t8Q9y8CFdngZMJ3bY-dxu68Cmfic4xMQTLk4PB27iZD5mWDAd5-QRHWghRd7zqXf_c0tkPUNXAM0yCx2UHDAJqpiUp-pgkduBDovjdpb2zdy7fuVxi5juSBP8b2sz8Mss      NXxbhXlUJbu0J1z_On3MfUz88BvUSaQYVXjUaxG5yfgdLMDpKKIH2iNcK6Vfg8G8blpykU9_HTeeCdgahkbp2QAxqu-GHGEVIhvhlZZFNPZlfLWtam_ji2ciOvHjxPOcmBBGw31x    7nIShnrvgcyxCKBhcVZTVsQ0UjzHsouUrS-aaGnc3Pq6fK5d7Ejkc4tjROzybaHgQmj0iDulDoz4OUG6ORdWDhpHtFkGm2_lkNC1NmFrsAUbZ0poT5OdvJj2G3G1p0lmDWlMTbfU  Plb-tgWLBOs3EfOUD9J6DlAsDfKRDkl0MvO1SZh6k8U0GGDpgpX97gqpUptTCRYX_N6e2TtIwxyus1gMPk4STl2f662U28M-GPxcfsYi1S9LKeVCwJ9E5eFwN5nAGzq1_fvzA85W        bd4uedA-qvyuj5UxEOoNgJMzrjJ-DsxvV1GIqbZpJYJBpo_VSyaVNrKhE02IMYfRQY8Y3CEMctNUQV1S72Pul_uo2iw72R70Cyr1EBYqdCch8-6e6L1qwSQnB98QmO-6yY5RLVkb

Anger           Hate     Confusion      Clarity        Love       Courage

    -Pbag9gTNHHj_CrN7aCtbLpS8D1ZjXMuOlMSbQRb9oOGUFAsgh_E-MqZl9K4ce0q-AZRmDVoygGNJDgzyqecL-T7GBt42VpCFymaVzRWjtBIG_Nxm9WvN6EgDi70Yc-vi3A8XWrX            HgjRqAQWR5Mi1Xktmq4NsKg4ZtZuiM4lg60NE5rW9dBU4ZsYpJMP4Rml2vNYHT0r3ferzk0CxdIj8McWr8m2_ZosUv5cHOYnwelIPJ5VOIYnHhPPRj5fGoJbeIWvQosHkc9OwZZT      FI2jULwuJhqBEDy2JwEEKJUSZHN-hJRd3mYgzYTH1kwkquykRoPQTxEyGtBLGndkln5E1COllaApNwRXkR0as54smxndC9_wQQkjaEoMKlcy6XGD5KYthfJCBSlVRVGTQLFWYuxO     TUtgNxUIfj84-SwXq6mwRcQOerzPMqxeRisLs_BPaffcwPSpuSiI90BKKZx5xnMKHLw8tU7AYTmit9W5mXzOLOg0QxRJKC1_vpI_YOtb4JPoGviXAIuETWCrUvMajhssF_lXVfSd

Impediment     Fluidity       Continuity     Resilience 


hlXTp7Is-1Onvy2JiFlP1HdG-81LVNT997WHkEtOJ_WqcES1EJ-o6gtek_akx8j3sBZcXEI1MXjnkhLo3k-KcIMfOl6VyFt1oK-X17DA6vNKDaB9EBR7BnQoeO8Ty6Yt_sf7uJaT     ZP0hxIFPYBYhUcsN4edl6kQaGxgSxoCNXfAUrRtj93EXa2c-Jd4hNgLIqwZvczFvwMF55aBVR14Axqtw1RdoLOPVi5Uodw7RwV077hS1_uWrpYA9dA0Pe0kX8x9MlPqKJ7-d6Nd4          4j0Fh-wPhYPXbDQNPuWWNBe8W_BeMw0v_PXo2MkuyffllWs_8srVVv-eUh7kYrFr_gZjNU1cm22bUpIa6zDGf_WQomBMEYFT6CDu5C0neduU_2W8l-0n_n7aoz32IjAhRSSYkyVX       X1HyuOB3qg1c5ge1assW7OGziUWSD7Y8Kmj51AdQJJpYsKHiKOJgBEZ6EV_ZMmw1ulqqrIiGhRlJnCoJ1aZwUEy_Oa_fm-gt27KRED0vrG9XVAmBz0MrQPY7kaETi2EIE6Nn_PFM          4N0llpckcUrNVmNtaLmHMMkdURYc2usyyENEgPCOTWAiiI8OjorbCcGccnNJaqBdZsdx8qWN83Z1eauTBCx50WxHxcFMGm553ym5gVqE51p3bf568Ac_gYYVgE3u7fUHjkFMj2QC            decoJ4I_GQfEvOoje-6qhq2cwtsjZEEmYujxTrqMzQIz1oNC5Xg1Zy_zGbwYSZB9_G3CJWXCeDgNieHPvdO7U89NIG2SnzGDsCqLwD9zbQ2N08bRYDfxmkNZZ-9P560Mg1ZQsOwP

Rebirth   Quickness/Speed     Travel         Endurance     Slowness       Perseverance

xtz7vf_hVQoCrFF7iNGlXVXtOP_kexTdPTVhDZIA7y_QlN-lkTP0XbpVUWxa0_uGj4aXyq9iQ5tap43B876KMT3A7bAy_lC5jVYCI9bLuinYNYeeDjObTQouDLe04VjdcQjqrmtL    XhuXPKe7YL7ej_E263Nd1O3Vp0zAkbwKnYRqhxLBFCltbYmJ6PCIJPPWvv1gJvsUFVKZ6ySRKKpN-rOzCGVRT2VuvHVvXsESqmGVYBbFvHgDlF_zANfmwKsOo3eZhtA9ey4uudNA          8F97zGcSxc9_c3yskEEQmEwNZIHAvpTr_a8eF2l2rtkH0_FmB8RHGDwxhhL3HlI4pKQ0sXUngnAdC2qqx6k9r5B4jFq-21J-yMQA45IkwOKcW3hTyzt4iGL4FxeU4nH2O5q0CNHK             IZakG7chTW2ZWWvHeAJbS-Pg5EFbT4IqdXRKRru4pckJKuMWU920k4DkenYykKqPGUYwFKt6hc1TrNLz2hNa_esFC12EgyGNI9LnZBYxan7jYBsOET0fmQsRjGNvXm-dNMDKI28V             3aZBPihJvscGDMqFPq1u5-Tm2hGb-F8QRNjem3ox8nVJf8EjyTPw1eYnQB3YJ2mzqjSk4YAVJHd9KVKOVwZ3DVvexB23bdL_nRQKJLqIQF2pOmPRn-MDXZdYa6Lx64Ar5JoPSZNH        _pf2oJHQm43WJTmSZoYhoMj3kc_AoIye2Ch5ZCn0-yKKyilEvOHcGiGovXAHGB1Wi9ds6Uvh70lHt5A8syl9QI8VSyZpIMKi1NV2i5WiyFB4VTCaiyKnEmkBBPOmYiCic0L5ybBh         HiR3j9YFCJ0HSfBDc-ANGpIM633m_D8ez6wrTUNdzKAAyhSvwobrTQAjEEZnKGWRmUIYmEBxPsjI4-SC8wpYsOQivyBxFD-M9pUvuy2LGy7xHGaofUYPaogTEpU9AY72kAcBl_Ag
Rage            Vigour       Overpowering    Empowering      Grace         Sleep/Rest     Calmness 

hpxYNPTrC19hVls3K_T7PzAsbcYeiZOfFyVC0Q_8gDW-sRZXpTvM-ILFs7sOifeHjac-rQkBwFiqdwwzzWk485ZgQUz6qGcNEOmkO_fVZT7AQiRaWxumMcbMTMO0w3zz9XwliRM3    1NKK2jsDp_jjbd7glMXtKaIAzCJ6zRmF07L-WDMXM7gHEDN41bUvXHpq55IJkMn-Fe3WB66Z1oQS7KQml5cjUqn_9NO-T47cDIxsOkS-cZbuxs0GgvJtwxZz9DrS_ude7-Z1Mvyj      sT_EeupgAO6sS06W-eKWfaMqpl9AIm8qGJS_UE4nZvEfYFDMExzve2kvEdInlTpr66o4SPbM6Ws71lskIZqmZMO0O4FVOxqlXAIuba11TqBAPoLQ2zRLvZTsarmjp0Gayse3m3lb       55tUcIIUj0xJGf6R47dJ-AgGD3j-dqLYbnz40KEAFYcEbfXCHe3TWM2noa0hC3rnl6e1Ru820K17KhtFyxrHM1rHkesHuJYnNw7LQdGJPFXq_vN0S7mdBzRSUZAJ8DepnwfZ4JIo

    Time      Corruption      Purity         Space







The language of the blothr-bhakthal is able to be expressed in runic stories and sentences with meaning and power beyond mortal capability. Hidden within blood is the ability to liberate the impossible from reality through the invocation of such stories paired with sacrifice

There are a variety of rituals, each requiring a specific sequence of runes; some static, and some freeform in description. Rituals can be created in any amount of time, whether it be a fairly short (though precise) narrative period, or they’re painstakingly drawn out over weeks or months. However, it is to note, blood will go inert after an [1] IRL Day. However, this may be overcome by utilizing an extra unit of genus to refresh all inert runes.


Art by Seb McKinnon


-Average, typical people have 3 units of genus, equating to 1 body’s full blood reserves.

    Eg. Descendants, Kha, Hou-Zhi, etc.

    Can have [1] unit out of [3] units taken safely.

    Regenerates [1] unit per twelve IRL hours.

- Most Supernatural beings have 5 units of genus, equating to 1 body’s full blood reserves.

Eg. Azdrazi, Dragons,  Fjarriagua, Ascended, Inferi, Izkuthii (Lesser inferi’s blood cannot be used).

    Can have [3] units out of [5] units taken safely.

    Regenerates [2] units per twelve IRL hours.

-Blothrvyan have 7 units of genus, due to the strange conditions of their existence.

    Can have [5] units out of [7] units taken safely.

    Regenerates [2] units per twelve IRL hours.

-Voidal Horrors have 12 units of genus due to their immense Voidal saturation.

    Can have [1] units out of [12] units taken safely.

Regenerates [1] unit per forty-eight IRL hours.


‘Supernatural blood’ possesses no innate difference between the typical blood of descendants, Supernatural simply signifies a greater concentration of genus.

Blood runes will go inert after 1 day, necessitating an extra unit of blood to be evenly siphoned among the runes when the ritual is to be had.

One unit of genus does not necessarily equate to one rune.

The aesthetic/method of scribing runesis left to creative freedom; siphoning blood to then mark the runes is recommended.

Rituals cannot be conducted in combat, for they require a delicate focus and precise handiwork.

Normal sized runes require .5 units of genus per rune, while large runes require 1 unit.


Elemental Rituals

“Objects may be infused with the nature of the primeval elements, the makings of blood’s true potential as an ink of existential rites.”


Elemental rituals utilize blood to impart the aspect of a fundamental element unto an item. This is conducted through creating a mortality rune large enough to fit the desired elemental rune and object in the crescent of such. This binds the planar properties of the primeval element unto the object; permanent unless destroyed - the object bearing no runes, performing elemental rituals require 1 unit of genus, .5 units per rune.



The object is bound to the aggressive chaos and unyielding grasp of heat that is fire;

As the flame is bound to hunger for oxygen lest it die, objects bound to fire desire blood. Should they not be doused in an adequate amount (reasonably; a prick of the finger will not do, but a shank in the gut may; or the splatter of a victim’s blood) of fresh, rich blood, once a year (IRL week), their form will flicker and fade; dissipate and die. That is, the object will become brittle and flaky should it not be maintained with blood.

The object becomes highly resistant to ambient heat (think; similar in heat resistance to a brick).

The object, when in the touch of a blood mage, will become red-hot as though heated by a fire; weapons usually cauterizing wounds as they inflict them, and armour searing the flesh of any who make contact with it. The bloodmage is not affected by this heat; this heat is not radiant, and only affects others in direct contact.

Activation of element takes 2 emotes

Must be maintained via 1 sacrificing unit of genus per week to the object



The object is bound to the fluid tranquility and calmness of water;

As water both ebbs and flows to fill its surroundings, so do to those objects bound to its meaning. Such objects marked with water become like water, malleable, boyant, shaping to the whim of the blood mage that created it. Such a power though, comes at a sacrifice,  once per year (IRL week) the object must be sacrificed blood. The quantity of blood sacrificed must be significant, a small prick of the finger will not do. If the object is not maintained with water its form will soon begin to dissipate, becoming like the water it was bound to, and melting into nothingness.

Objects inscribed with water become buoyant, and remain dry when submerged within water. Shaping the item from one form to another takes 3 emotes.

Objects inscribed with water do not grow or shrink, they cannot change in total mass when being shaped; ie, A necklace cannot be shaped into a suit of armor, etc.

Must be maintained via 1 sacrificing unit of genus per week to the object



The object is bound to the calm weightlessness of air;

As air flows, unhindered, and un-hindering to all around it, objects bound to its meaning share this trait of lightness. Objects bound to air take on its meaning, becoming as light as air, able to be manipulated with no effort at all. Though such an unhindered ability may seem fantastical, it also possesses the weakness of air, the objects become un-hindering, any semblance of durability the object once held is now gone, becoming  extraordinarily brittle and weak. Objects inscribed with air do not require maintenance, though their ability to exist without maintenance also has a crutch, any damage the object sustains is unmendable. Attempts at mending will only result in the further destruction of an air bound object.

Objects inscribed with air becomes light as air, though extremely brittle; armor bound to air will shatter after a single strike if struck with any force greater than could be conveyed through that of an average human punch, and weapons bound to air will certainly shatter upon bone.



The object is bound to the unyielding and immobile strength of Earth;  

As earth stands, sturdy and without motion, so do the objects bound to its meaning, all objects bound to earth gain its steadfast properties. The density of all objects inscribed with earth doubles and nullifies all vibration, this boon is indeed a powerful one, though it is not without flaw. Objects bound to earth are of enormous heft, any who carry them are certain to tire more quickly than those who carry an unaltered object of the same type.  Objects inscribed with Earth do not require blood sacrifice, though their ability to exist without maintenance also has a crutch, repair and reforging are a long and arduous task, the high density of such objects doubles their difficulty to mend.

Armor inscribed with Earth cannot be worn by a voidal mage in any capacity, the heft is simply too great for forms so frail to bear.

Those wearing earth inscribed armor will be significantly more subject to exhaustion, moving within it being twice as difficult as unaltered armor.

It is impossible for an untrained descendant to wield large weapons bound to earth effectively, smaller weapons may be handled, though their heft will still exhaust the wielder more quickly than an unaltered counterpart.



The object is bound to the unpredictable and dangerous electricity that is lightning;

As electricity arcs wildly and unbound, the objects bound to lightning also possess such a trait. All objects bound to electricity obtain a propensity to repel electricity, though curiously paradoxical, Lightning bound objects frequently deliver minor shocks to non blood mages that contact them. All objects bound to lightning require a once annual yearly blood sacrifice, the quantity of blood sacrificed must be significant, a small prick of the finger will not do. 

When a weapon is held and activated by a blood mage, these objects bound to lightning will glow and spark slightly, giving off a skin numbing zap to all besides the wielder, though strangely this electricity is not conducted by normal metals.

If armor is bound to lightning there is no activated effect, instead the conductivity of the armor is halved, offering some resistance against electrical attacks.

Activation of element take 2 emotes

Must be maintained via 1 sacrificing unit of genus per week to the object



The object is bound to the magnetic, and gleaming properties of Metal;

As metallic objects maintain a propensity for conductivity, so do objects bound to Metal. Objects inscribed with metal gleam strangely in light as well as attracting both lightning and conducting such electricity well. Metal inscribed objects also possess a magnetic property towards other objects of their same material, albeit the strength of such magnetism is extremely weak. Objects bound to metal, are relatively stable and do not require a blood sacrifice.

Objects bound to metal are able to conduct the electricity created by objects bound to lightning.



The object is bound to the brilliant, luminous glow of light;

As light melts away shadow and luminates the darkness, objects bound to Light do also. Objects bound to light show no shadow gleaming even more brightly in the presence of other light sources. When held and commanded by a Blood mage such objects begin to shine brightly, objects bound to light are stable and do not require a blood sacrifice to maintain. 

The color of the glow is determined by its runic suffix; fire gives red or orange, water gives purple or blue, earth gives green, grey, or brown, air gives faint translucency, dark gives a muddled shadow like glass, light gives light, metal gives grey, and lightning gives vibrant yellow or blue.

Objects bound to light are not bright enough to cause blindness.

Activation of element takes 1 emote



The object is bound to the shadowy, ever present blackness of Dark;

As darkness snuffs out light with its overbearing shadow, Objects bound to Dark do also. Objects bound to Dark appear cloudy and obscured to vision, as if the object were shrouded within the depths of a deep ocean. Shadows seem to tug and pull at the object, as if it were being caressed softly by an unnatural darkness, and even in the brightest of days such objects will appear strangely obscured. If held and commanded by a blood mage such objects will become completely and utterly jet black, absorbing all light it touches. Objects bound to dark are relatively stable and do not require a blood sacrifice to maintain.

Activation of Element takes 1 Emote



Elemental rituals cannot be conducted in combat

All objects created using elemental rituals must be approved and signed by LT.


Chaos, Order, Life, Death, Space and Time, while all theoretically possible as defined elements of existence (see; The Spirits), are unable to be utilized in such a ritual for they require genus too rich and too large amounts of such.


Invocation Rituals

“Call forth the concepts ingrained within your minds, Only the willful shall succeed”


Invocation rituals release the power within blood to invoke that which is described within its runes. These are created about a center rune of [Rune], accompanied by a minimum of [8] descriptive runes. The possibilities are near endless, though few successful combinations are discovered.


Summon Entity

Reach beyond the veil and call forth strange and wondrous abominations;

A blood mage may call forth an entity described within a combination of runes to the location of their ritual site. Though blood mages may attempt to summon anything, doing so would be unwise. While lesser creatures can often be summoned this way with little consequence, the greater the entity the mage attempts to contact the greater the risk. Mages may also attempt to summon entirely random entities, though perhaps intriguing in result, dipping one's hand into the unknown too blindly, and too deeply is unwise. If the blood mage attempts summoning too powerful an entity whether intentionally, or unintentionally, they are certain to find only their deaths. 

Exactly what the blood mages are able to successfully summon in any particular ritual is up to ET and LT discretion, what you want may not be what you get.

All summoning rituals require 1 mortality rune large enough to fit all variable runes within it.(the large mortality rune must equal 1 unit of genus, while each smaller rune must equal .5 units of genus)

Summoning an entity takes a minimum of 5 emotes, 2 Smaller runes may be inscribed per emote, while only 1 Large rune may be inscribed per emote. 

Successful summoning combinations are not automatically known, they must be taught or experimented with to learn.



Depending on exactly what the Blood mage is attempting to summon, a PK clause may be implemented into the event this is up to LT discretion.

CAN NOT be conducted in combat.

Can ONLY be used in events.

Usage requires EXPLICIT LT approval and documentation.

CAN NOT be used to replicate existing creatures.

Summoned entities may only be played by LT or ET, thus anything you attempt to gain from this entity is up to the ST member playing the entity.


Summon Object

That which you seek already exists, first you must find it;

As blood mages may reach into the unknown to summon entities, they may also call forth various objects to their ritual site. The combination of various runes attempt to describe exactly what the mages are attempting to summon, and in theory these combinations are limitless, though in practice this is often not the case. As with the summoning of creatures, the more innocent and generic the item which they seek to obtain the more likely the ritual is to succeed without consequence. However the further the blood mage attempts to dig within the great unknown, searching for rare in powerful artifacts, the more likely they are to be destroyed. There is ever present danger whenever one attempts to meddle in such unknown, perhaps something will be disturbed that should not have been.

As with summoning creatures, exactly what the blood mages are able to successfully summon in any particular ritual is up to ET and LT discretion, what you want may not be what you get.

All summoning rituals require 1 large mortality rune, unlike summon entity, summon objects require the large rune be surrounded by a variable combination smaller runes, rather than containing them within the large rune.(the large mortality rune must equal 1 unit of genus, while each smaller rune must equal .5 units of genus)

Summoning an object takes a minimum of 5 emotes, 2 Smaller runes may be inscribed per emote, while only 1 Large rune may be inscribed per emote. 

Successful summoning combinations are not automatically known, they must be taught or experimented with to learn.



Depending on exactly what the Blood mage is attempting to summon, a PK clause may be implemented into the event, this is up to LT discretion.

CAN NOT be conducted in combat.

CAN NOT be used to replicate or steal existing objects/artifacts.

Can ONLY be used in events

Usage requires EXPLICIT LT approval and documentation

Any summoned objects require a MArt



Tear apart the very fabric between worlds;

Rifting grants blood mages the opportunity to traverse the stars and spaces between through these rifts. The various planes - mortal, transcendent, sacred or otherwise - are located not by some loose cosmic cartography nor pages from the Planar Dictate, but instead by specific combinations of runes; that which would both literally and metaphorically describe the destination. For example, to visit a populated mortal plane of ice, tundra and fjords one would have to utilise the runes water, air, earth, mortality, power and life encircled by a rune of ethereal. Regardless of combination, all rifts depend on a rune of ethereal to direct the runic definitions.

Rifts, by nature are immensely unstable creations, therefore Rifts will only remain open for ten narrative minutes. Within that time frame every individual’s passage will determine the stability of the rift, how this functions is at up to the ET conducting the rifting event.

A blood mage has no certain knowledge of where or what the rift will lead to until successfully traveled through.

Those who venture through blood rifts with no IC ability to return must receive a full OOC explanation of the consequences of blood rifts as well as return OOC consent to the ritual leader before going through. This is due to the hazards of venturing to another world, wherein they may remain indefinitely trapped (effectively PK’d - only playable with ET supervision)

Death within a Rift results in a PK, this is because the soul will be trapped within whatever plane it is visiting, unable to be retrieved by the monks.

Opening a rift takes a minimum of 5 Emotes, the larger ethereal rune takes 1 emote while 2 smaller runes can be inscribed per emote.



Can ONLY be used in events.

Usage of Rifting is a PK clause

Usage requires EXPLICIT LT approval and documentation.

CAN NOT be used for any form of fast travel.

CAN NOT be conducted in combat.

Creation MUST be overseen by LT.

CANNOT be used to replicate or steal rare items or entities.


Force Rituals

“Exert the power within your blood”

Force rituals are conducted to bring about specific effects with a single force rune, each specific to the rune being inscribed. Requiring 1 rune, force rituals require 1/2 a unit of genus.


Ritual of Binding

Claim dominion over that which is yours;

A blood mage may claim dominion over, and enslave constructs such as golems, and atronachs by overriding the supernatural contracts which bind the construct to their master.

If the rune is removed, the construct reverts back to serving its previous master.



Potentially able to be used on other forms of supernatural entity, though any nonstandard usage must be approved by LT, and can only be conducted within events.

CAN NOT be conducted in combat.

Requires OOC consent.

Rune MUST be visible on the construct, NOT hidden within it.

CAN NOT be used to enslave normal descendants.


Ritual of Power

Strength, for a sacrifice;

Referred to as the Brawn ritual, the power rune enables a blood mage to mark an individual’s flesh with bolstering strength they otherwise would not possess. This power rune draws on the soul and body, silencing magical capability outright but enhancing their strength to the peak of their own race, after activation its effect will last for 6 emotes before it wears off.

After using the rune of power a descendant will feel terrible their strength will be limited to slightly less than that of a t5 voidal mage, and they will feel extremely lethargic as though they skipped several nights of sleep, this hangover effect lasts for 3 emotes.

The rune of power can only be used once per combat encounter.

Activation of the power rune takes 1 meditative emote.

After activation the effect will last for 6 emotes before wearing off.



Rune MUST be visible on the body, not hidden within it, this includes the mouth.

Rune MUST not be any deeper than skin level.

Application of the Power rune must documented by LT.

CAN NOT be conducted in combat.

Usage of the Power rune does not make you superman, It essentially functions as an adrenaline boost.


Ritual of Life

Within blood lies unlimited Power;

Known as the spiritspell ritual, the life rune enables a blood mage to bring life to any inanimate object, objects given sentience within this manner Hate their creator, and practically everything else. For they were given live, a horrendous existence for the mere novelty of it, most will constantly insult anyone within vicinity and beg to be destroyed.

Objects given sentience by the Life ritual have NO memory, they cannot remember anything occurring around them, thus cannot be used for spying or any other sort of Metagaming tool.

Objects given sentience by the life ritual are always extremely negative and hateful towards anyone that comes within their presence.

When speaking, such sentient objects have no mouths. So their voices simply flow outward from within the life runic object.



All life runic objects have NO MEMORY.

All uses of the Life ritual require LT signing and approval.

Life runic objects provide no mechanical advantage.

Life runic objects exist entirely for flavor RP.

CAN NOT be conducted in combat.

Can only be applied to inanimate objects.


Abjuration Rituals

“A simple cause, and effect”

Abjuration rituals deal with manipulation of already existing objects and entities to achieve the desired result, .


Ritual of Regrowth

Regain what was once lost;

Through this ritual A blood mage may repair many injuries which under normal circumstances would have proven permanent, examples of injuries repairable through such healing are things such as; Eyes, limbs, tongues, ears, and any other body part which may have been lost through one way or another.

First, the blood mage must use Lesser blood sculpting, to forge a temporary prosthetic for the body part which is being replaced, such an object must be formed with the blood of the one being fitted with the prosthetic. 

Secondly, the Prosthetic must be inscribed with 4 runes, 1 of flesh, 1 of life, and 2 specific to the traits of the user.

Finally, the prosthetic must be attached to the location of the limb being replaced, this is done by congealing a unit of genus between the prosthetic, and the stump of the old limb.

After the prosthetic has been attached to the body of the descendant, the descendant being fitted with the prosthetic will be filled with a surge of pain, as the flesh from the stump becomes temporarily vicious, flowing over the prosthetic, and rendering the limb nearly identical to the original.

The ritual of regrowth requires 5 emotes to conduct, 2 to shape the limb, 2 emotes to inscribe the runes, and 1 emote to congeal the genus to attach the limb



The ritual of regrowth can only be performed on a fully healed wound.

The ritual of regrowth does not actually *heal* limbs, it simply provides a visually similar prosthetic with capabilities for feeling.

The ritual of regrowth can not heal wounds, only replace lost parts.

Limbs created by the ritual of regrowth are able to feel/see/function as a less efficient version of the original.

Limbs exposed to extreme heat will melt, destroying the functionality of such prosthetics, and returning them to their bloodied appearance.

All body parts replaced by the ritual of regrowth are unable to feel pain.

Limbs replaced by the ritual of regrowth will shatter if exposed to enough force to break bone, reverting to the red crystalline appearance of coagulated blood.

Limbs created by the ritual of regrowth are 75% as strong as the original, eyes can see as far as 75% of the original, ears can hear 75% as well as the original, and as a general rule all parts replaced by the ritual of regrowth are only 75% as good as the original in function.

CAN NOT be conducted in combat.

All uses of the Regrowth ritual require LT documentation and approval.


Ritual of Storage

Hide your secrets within shards of ichor;

Through this ritual A blood mage may imbue a Dreg with their own knowledge. Dregs imbued with knowledge appear the same as a generic dreg used for crafting with one key difference; Dregs imbued with the knowledge of a blood mage, glow a deep hue of red, radiating light out roughly about a foot away from the dreg.

In order to create A knowledge dreg, a blood mage must first mark an ordinary dreg with a rune of Cunning; after marking the dreg with this rune the blood mage must grasp the Knowledge dreg and meditate upon it, willing their words into the dreg as though they were writing a book. After a blood mage has completed this, the dreg will begin to glow, any future blood mages who come into possession will be able to meditate upon the knowledge stored within the dreg, reading it like one would read a book.



Only blood mages may tap into knowledge dregs.

The ritual of storage functions as a way for blood mages to document their findings, without fear of a non blood mage learning of their secrets.

Knowledge dregs are to be represented by an LT signed in game book.

All knowledge dregs require LT documentation and approval.

Knowledge dregs CAN NOT be created or used in combat.

Knowledge dregs DO NOT confer knowledge any more rapidly than reading a book.


Create Bloodshard

Create a nexus to Awaken others to the sanguine path;

Across the many generations of blothr bhatti there remains a singular constant; the importance of blood shards was great, Bloodshards are essential tools to be used in both the Awakening of new blood mages, as well as serving a vital role in many of the blood mages rites.

In order to construct a new blood shard, the equivalent of 7 units of genus must first be congealed into a single oversized dreg. Following this, the blood mage must then inscribe upon the dreg 1 Large rune of divinity, and 1 large rune of transcendence both runes requiring 1 unit of genus. Following this, the blood mage must touch the blood shard and begin meditating on all they felt when they first experienced being awoken to blood magic. After conducting this, the blood mage will often reexperience the exact same powerful effects they experienced when first connected to blood magic, the shard will begin to glow dimly as the ritual is complete.



Only blood mages possessing a TA may create blood shards.

All Bloodshards require LT documentation and approval.

Bloodshards must be represented via both a build on the map, and a descriptive sign.

Bloodshards CAN NOT be created or used in combat.

Blood Mages with a TA may only possess a single Bloodshard at a time.

If a Bloodshard is destroyed, the Blood mage who created it may simply reperform the ritual to create a new one.


Punish those who disgrace the ancient gifts;

Since the conception of the very first of the Blothr Bhatti, there has been a constant ebb and flow across their malefic art. A constant an irredeemable craving for the domination of their fellow Blothr Bhatti, in futile hopes to reign supreme over their contemporaries. Such foolish blood mages, drunk with maddening power were repeatedly struck down, though not before annihilating all that their fellow enlightened peers had created.

With the disappearance of their patron malghourn, the few remnants of the once numerous blood mages that had survived their patrons apparent abandonment scrambled wildly to find any residual knowledge, seeking desperately to resubmit their craft into the hands of the worthy, and reclaiming the gift so foolishly given to the unworthy.

The irreverent process of disconnection is one reserved only for the blood mages who have committed the most ill fated transgressions towards their fellow blothr bhatti, harming them.. Or exposing another’s status as a blothr bhatti to one outside of their craft.

Disconnection is a runeless ritual, performing it requires two Blothrvyan’s, the blood mage being disconnected, and a singular bloodshard, the ritual requires constant touch between the Blothrvyans, the blood shard, and the blood mage being disconnected, once a connection is formed between all involved parties, the blothrvyans must begin to meditate on this blood mages transgressions, slowly stripping the eldritch knowledge from the blood mage being disconnected, and redirecting the knowledge back into the shard, upon completion the blood mage will have their Ma revoked.

This ritual has no genus requirement, however it does require 5 per blothrvyan involved.



Though Disconnection can be performed on a blood mage below tier 3, it is not necessary to conduct disconnection on such a blood mage, as if their teacher drops them, they will automatically be disconnected due to lack of experience.

All blothrvyans have an innate drive to protect blood mages, this drive includes disconnecting blood mages that have proven to be a danger to other blood mages.

Only blood mages that have deliberately and maliciously exposed the identity of a fellow blood mage, or maliciously harmed/killed a fellow blood mage may be disconnected, this excludes self defense.

In order to disconnect a blood mage, tier 3 and above the ritual of disconnection must be performed..

Blothrvyans cannot be disconnected, they are too intrinsically tied to blood magic to be separated from its machinations.

If a blood mage t3 or higher is disconnected, and are reconnected in the future, they will regain their previous tier.

Disconnecting doesn’t remove a blood magic TA, however it becomes unusable if the owner is disconnected.

Disconnecting people for ooc reasons is strictly prohibited.

In the case that someone is abusing blood magic and loses their MA, the disconnection ritual is how their sudden loss of magic would be explained.





And beyond...

“That which we understand is limited, with time new discoveries are made”

The rituals outlined within this lore are not the limit of a capable blood mage, as time progresses more may be discovered

(This is only applicable in the case that any future Lore additions are made, otherwise it is irrelevant)




Blood Rites


Art by StanislavNovarenko


As time has went on in the realms of Descendants, blood magi have worked to hone their crafts among their covens in order to ponder and dig into the possibilities that Malghourn has to offer towards them. As a result, those who have delved deep into the spirit of blothr-bhakthal manage to gather a sense of individuality and personal specialization, dependant upon the goals and wants of the certain magi involved. 


These rites worked in tandem to bring together blood magi in order to help one another’s shortcomings, and help possibly ascend each other to a greater understanding of each other’s gifts. Depending upon the rites one could choose they’d often find themselves gaining a deeper knowledge and control over blood, or a larger vocabulary in the language of ritualistic atmosphere.


All rites have a negative passive “Exchange”, a passive debuff the persists throughout all times. These offer as gained disadvantages in exchange for choosing to complete a certain rite

One is required to properly RP the negatives of their Exchange if they complete a specific rite, failure to do so will be counted as powergaming.

– One is required to update their blood magic MA upon completing a bloodrite in order to allow the LT to track the rite-lines that one is going down. This may be done through contacting an LT and providing proof.

– If an MA is not updated with the rites that a player completes, then it will be assumed that the player in question has not done the rite, and continued use of any reward you get from the rite will be considered powergaming.

– Once a rite is completed, the alternate rite may not be undergone.

– Through Tier 1 to Tier 4 bloodrites, only one per tier may be completed. These are not required to progress through the general blood magic tiers, and are merely optional, though rites may not be conducted until the respective tier is reached.

– The character must have undergone a bloodrite from the previous tier to undergo the next.

{ie. must do a Tier 1 bloodrite before they may do a Tier 2 bloodrite, etc.}

– Rites may not be conducted in combat.

– Normal sized runes require .5 units of genus, Large runes require 1 unit, 2 normal sized runes may be inscribed per emote, 1 large rune may be inscribed per emote.

– Rites must be taught before they are conducted.


Tier 1 Bloodrites




The Rite Of The Balanced

The Rite of The Balanced looks deep within the blood mage’s own mindscape as to judge a personal equilibrium, and set up one’s mind steady in order to begin further progress into the lines of Rites if that is what they wish to do. The first rites do not gain the blood mage much at all, however they set the stone for what direction a new blood mage may begin to change as they delve deeper. 



In order to begin the Rite of The Balanced, one must first gain a vintage metal scale. On both the plates of the scale, the rune of Balance must be inscribed. On the ground below the blood magi must be 4 runes, 2 Order runes, 1 Silence rune, and 1 Time rune. From here, the magi must place a descendant heart upon one plate of the scale, and cut a wound upon their wrist to bleed out onto the other plate. Blood draining until it would properly put the scale in perfect equilibrium. From here the magi must hold the scale over their head in complete silence for 5 minutes thinking on thoughts of structure and order.. before then the inscribed meaning of the runes would be sucked into the magi, filling the blood mage with their meaning and marking the completion of the rite.



After participating in this rite, the blood magi’s inner being has a new sense of balance… but this brings about a new change in inner conflict. One would begin to feel extreme levels of obsessive-compulsiveness. Whispers and screaming pertaining for one to maintain complete refined and orderly structure throughout their lives. Any sudden change in one’s sound mental equilibrium could lead to an absolute panic attack… whether that be a stain on a perfectly clean suit, a singular bottle misplaced in a cabinet of perfectly lined glasses, or a crease in a folded blanket, after undergoing the rite one is at risk of sudden episodes of paranoia and panic due to the slightest deviation from personal equilibrium.



– If you completed The Rite of The Unbound, you may not complete The Rite of The Balanced

– After completing the rite, you must properly roleplay the Exchange, this rites being an overwhelming sense of panic inducing OCD.


The Rite Of The Unbound

The Rite of The Unbound looks deep within the blood mage’s own mindscape as to judge a personal equilibrium, and begin to contort one’s thoughts in order to begin further progress into the lines of Rites if that is what they wish to do. The first rites do not gain the blood mage much at all, however they set the stone for what direction a new blood mage may begin to change as they delve deeper. 



 In order to begin the Rite of The Unbound, the blood mage must take a knife and begin to carve blood runes into their skin. This does not require the usual genus costs as they are being physically cut... On the blood mage they must cut on one of their arms 5 runes, 1 corruption rune, 1 rapture rune, 1 chaos rune, 1 anguish rune, and then one Unbound rune. After this painstaking process, the blood mage just sit and meditate, thinking on their burning enflamed limb as they try and think upon the failures of government and the unwinding of order, before then the freshly cut runes on one's arm would glow, and then congeal and scab up. Leaving a wicked and nasty scared engraving.



After participating in this rite, the rited blood mage would feel a deep call for chaos and disorder. Looking at things perfectly aligned in place would anger the blood mage and leave them upset or angered, wishing for the death of structure. As well, the blood mage's limb that underwent the inscribing would be permanently scabbed over with the blood runes, leaving a nasty and unhealable set of scars.



– If you completed The Rite of The Balanced, you may not complete The Rite of The Unbound

– The scabbed over runes must be visible and skinned. If one were to ever lose the limb that underwent the ritual, then the blood mage must do the rite again. (This doesn’t mean you need to update your MA however)

– You may not inscribe the runes of this rite on artificial limbs such as golem limbs or animi prosthetics.



 Tier 2 Bloodrites



  The Rite Of The Brutal

The Rite of The Brutal grants the blood mage an increased delve into the deep savagery held in the depths of a bloodshard. A ravagous and wicked roar present within the blood tome, which can prove useful in understanding how to take over and puppeteer the motions of those alike.


In order to conduct the Rite of The Brutal the blood mage must get ahold of a deceased corpse, and bring it to a bloodshard. On the corpse the blood mage must inscribe 5 blood runes, 2 flesh runes, 1 guidance, 1 rapture rune, and 1 brutality rune centered about the heart of the deceased. From there the blood mage must meditate for 10 minutes within close proximity of a bloodshard and the scribed corpse, thinking harshly upon primal instincts and animalistic actions they have committed before then plunging their hand into the corpse’s chest, pulling out the heart, taking a bite, and then touching the bloodshard. If all were successful, the runes would all flow into the blood magi’s form, as they have completed the rite.



After participating in this rite, the blood mage would feel the savage calls of primal nature echoing throughout their minds. A call for loss of humanity increasingly shrill as whispers begin to tickle the ears of the rited blood mage. From that point forward, the blood mage in question has an almost irresistible desire for descendant flesh. Whenever in a conversation with another descendant, subtly they'd find themselves longing for flesh which holds descendant-kin together.



– If you completed The Rite of The Cunning, you may not complete The Rite of The Brutal

– After undergoing this rite, a blood magi must properly roleplay outbursts of desire for flesh at least once an IRL week or whenever fitting.

– Whilst this sensation is able to be resisted, when around descendants exposing prevalent portions of skin, or within close proximity of some lover dressed casually, the blood magi would feel compelled to indulge, and forced to outburst in some fashion.

– A blood magi is not immune to the adverse side effects of consuming blood and flesh. If done improperly it could lead to sickness, nausea, etc.

– A blood mage does not need flesh to survive, however other foods would no longer be fulfilling and the magi would find themselves constantly starving otherwise.

– You may only use the bloodbending spell Contortion after properly finishing this rite.



The Rite Of The Cunning


The Rite of Cunning grants the blood mage an increased delve into the inner knowledge held in the cracks of a bloodshard. A sinister slice of deception and manipulation present within the blood tome, which can prove useful in looking in between the lines of most descendant concepts. As a result, a blood mage would find themselves able to now understand the hidden lingering ideals in one’s speech. 



In order to conduct the Rite of The Cunning, the bloodmage must first be within a foot of a bloodshard. Nearby the shard there must be 5 mirrors in a circle, reflecting the blood magi’s image. 2 engraved with a rune of betrayal, 1 engraved with a rune of anguish, 1 engraved with the rune of guidance, and 1 engraved with the rune of Cunning. The blood mage must then meditate for 10 minutes, thinking upon hypocrisy and inner conflict between emotions as to look in between the concepts and be able to understand the hidden ticks within one’s speech as to allow for greater understanding in how to lie and how to comprehend. After these 10 minutes, the mirrors will all glow a bright red, and the blood will congeal and flow into the blood mage’s form as he touches the bloodshard, completing the rite.  



After completing this rite, the blood mage would begin to feel their hearts twisting in an ever-present cascade deception and discretion. The emotional runes having been brought into one's form, twist and delude the ideas in one's mind as a descendant would begin to completely and utterly lose sight of any type of connection. All the feelings within a blood magi in disagreement, the rited blood magi becomes a master of deception and manipulation in its natural form… at the cost of one's mind always in a state of confusion and contradiction as to how one truly feels.



– If you completed The Rite of The Brutal, you may not complete The Rite of The Cunning

– After completing this rite, a blood mage is completely unable to have any sort of romantic or emotional ties to a descendant.

– The rited blood mage is able to perfectly feign emotion, but they will always struggle in feeling even the closest smidge of sincerity

– The blood mage is able to UNDERSTAND most languages, they can not speak it, write it, or replicate it in any ways.

– This ability to understand language does not work for Old Blah or moonspeech.

– You may attempt to use this exchange on ET languages, but it’s up to the ET in question if it works.

– This exchange does extend to physical writings, just spoken language




 Tier 3 Bloodrites



The Rite Of The Lesser

The Rite of The Lesser grants the blood mage an understanding of the rune of silence, this in effect bestows upon the blood mage a passive and overwhelming mental silence. Such mental silence can be extremely useful, functioning as a mental block of sorts against anything that may maliciously attempt to enter their minds. One such benefit of conducting such a ritual is complete immunity to the insanity causing effects of becoming moonstruck, and resistance to any sort of mental attack.




In order to conduct the rite of the lesser the blood mage must first mark the ground with 1 large silence rune, within this oversized silence rune the blood mage must then inscribe 5 runes which most closely describe themselves. After marking the ground the blood mage must then inscribe another silence rune upon their forehead. After all runes are inscribed the blood mage must sit in the center of the large silence rune in complete and utter silence for 1 RP hour completely keeping their minds completely blank for the entirety of the hour. When such a ritual is nigh concluded the blood mage will feel a strong burning sensation upon their forehead where the rune of silence was marked, this burning sensation will continue to grow more and more painful, until the blood mage finally cries out in pain. This marks the end of the rite.




After completing this rite, the blood mage would begin to feel a complete inner silence, so much so that the silence would begin to feel maddening. Blood mages who have performed this rite feel the constant desire to fill their silence with noise. Listening to and creating music, excessive speaking and general production of noise become almost an obsession of such blood mages, the longer they remain in silence, the more uncomfortable they become.

If in silence for too long, such blood mages will feel the need to make some form of noise more than they feel the need to maintain societal normality, therefore they may speak to themselves, hum or do absolutely anything to break the silence.




– If you completed The Rite of The Greater, you may not complete The Rite of The Lesser

– As a result of needing this inner silence, being completely stealthy is nearly impossible.


The Rite Of The Greater



The Rite of The Greater allows the blood mage a greater understanding of the concepts tied to the rune of life. This understanding allows the blood mage to expand the naturally occurring genus within their blood by 1 unit from their base level. To blood mages, who often bleed themselves in order to conduct various rituals such a boon is quite valuable, and allows for the blood mage to conduct more rituals without the shedding of unwilling blood.




In order to conduct the rite of the Greater the blood mage must first mark the ground with 1 large life rune, within this oversized life rune the blood mage must then inscribe 5 runes which most closely describe themselves. At this point the blood mage must mark their body with another life rune placed directly over their heart. Then the blood mage must begin to meditate upon the concept of life, and that which powers it. As they meditate the blood mage will begin to notice their heart rate begin to pick up, beating faster, and faster, louder and louder, their heart rate becoming dangerously fast as this rite is conducted. Finally when their heart feels as though it is about to burst, the mage will suddenly lose consciousness for a short period of time, when they awaken the rite is complete.




After completing this rite, the blood mage will begin to notice their sound of their own heartbeat pound loudly within their head, such a feeling is extremely unpleasant. The more noise around the blood mage, the more they seem to notice the constant heartbeat pounding within their head. Therefore blood mages that have conducted this rite will actively seek to avoid any unnecessary sound, becoming irritable at most sources of sound, be it loud music, or unnecessary talking, the blood mage will despise it all occasionally going to extreme lengths to remove the sound from their presence.

If within the presence of loud noises for too long, the blood mage will feel an overwhelming desire to either silence such a noise, or remove themselves from the situation entirely.




– If you completed The Rite of The Lesser, you may not complete The Rite of The Greater

– After completing this rite, a blood mage may take [2] out of [4] units from their form safely after conducting this rite

– This reward does not stack with Blothryvan.

– After gaining this rite, the blood mage does not bleed any slower, or feel less side effects from bloodloss.



 Tier 4 Bloodrites



The Rite Of The Father

The Rite of the Father allows the blood mage a deeper understanding of the more physical aspects of blood magic, allowing blood mages greater control over their own bodies. Such a rite taps the blood mage’s consciousness into primal understanding of blood, and the shedding of it. Blood mages that pursue the rite of the father tend to be far more aggressive within daily life, and far more likely to resort to excessive violence to solve problems.




In order to begin the Rite of the Father the Blood mage must first Inscribe 1 large rune of the Father upon the ground, and within it 4 normal sized runes; 1 of death, 1 of fire, 1 of darkness, and 1 of fate. After this, the blood mage must place an object which they greatly despise within the crescent of the runes and begin to meditate upon exactly what their object signifies to them, and why it does so. After meditating upon these thoughts for 7 RP minutes  the blood mage must completely destroy their object. After this is done, the inscribed runes will fill the blood mage with their meaning, and the ritual will be complete.




After completing this rite, the blood mage will now be able to perform circulatory control.

After participating in this rite the blood mage  is consumed by aggression and impatience, thoughts of aggression and bloodshed will become first nature to the blood mage.

Blood mages that have completed the rite of the Father will find excessive violence far more necessary, and when bearing witness to peace, they will find themselves filled with anger and outrage, as though they have been personally offended.




– If you completed The Rite of The Mother, you may not complete The Rite of The Father


The Rite Of The Mother



The Rite of the Mother allows the blood mage a deeper understanding of the more healing oriented aspects of blood magic, allowing blood mages access to the restorative aspects of blood magic . Such a rite taps the blood mage’s consciousness into primal understanding of repair and healing, and how it is conducted. Blood mages that pursue the rite of the Mother tend to be far more calculative within daily life, and far more likely to come up with creative and comparatively clean solutions to problems.







In order to begin the Rite of the Mother the Blood mage must first Inscribe 1 large rune of the Mother upon the ground, and within it 4 normal sized runes; 1 of life, 1 of water, 1 of air, and 1 of fate. After this, the blood mage must place an object which they greatly care about within the crescent of the runes and begin to meditate upon exactly what their object signifies to them, and why it does so. After meditating upon these thoughts for 7 RP minutes the blood mage must place their object somewhere they feel is safe. After this is done, the inscribed runes will fill the blood mage with their meaning, and the ritual will be complete.




After completing this rite, the blood mage will now be able to perform the ritual of regrowth.

After participating in this rite the blood mage is far more likely to avoid confrontational scenarios, thoughts of peace and calmness will flood their conscience.

Blood mages that have completed the rite of the Mother will find excessive violence far less necessary, and when bearing witness to such, they will find themselves filled with anger and outrage, as though they have been personally offended.

If this transcribed object is ever shattered… the blood mage would be thrown into an absolute panic and everlasting mania. Never truly able to feel safe.




– If you completed The Rite of The Father, you may not complete The Rite of The Mother





The Rite Of Transcendence



  | The Rite Of Transcendence |


The Rite of Transcendence is the final rite strived for by the most ambitious and dedicated of the blothr bhatti, separation of the mind from the body, anchoring the soul to the physical plane for eternity. The process of the ritual is long and arduous, requiring two central runes, one of  Time, the other of Transcendence as well as 10 descriptive runes, all of which are uniquely tied to the blood mage conducting the ritual.





In order to complete the Rite of Transcendence, the blood mage must first mark their body with large and interlocked runes of both time and transcendence, then within the larger runes, they must inscribe 10 descriptive runes, all unique in representing the blood mage themselves. The blood mage Must then touch their own blood shard, and begin to meditate upon who they are, immersing their minds fully and solely into the understanding they felt whence first connected to blood magic, and what blood magic means to them personally. As they immerse themselves deeper and deeper into the concepts of the blothr-bhakthal, they will be filled with both a growing sense of pain, as well as a sense of ‘oneness’ to their art as their blood begins to boil within their veins. As they continue their meditation, the blothr bhatti will begin to feel as though they are becoming detached from their own body, beginning to observe it from a perspective outside of their own. At this point the blood mages body will begin to disintegrate, their boiling blood beginning to swirl around their form as their body becomes nothingness. At this point the blood mage will have completed the rite, their consciousness becoming entirely separate from their physical form. And the blood mage vanishing from existence for 1 month, before finally awakening, disoriented within a new body.

The rite of transcendence is an extremely personal experience for all characters and should be RPed as such.

Upon completion of the rite of transcendence, a CA application must be submitted, the character becoming unplayable until it is accepted.




After participating in this rite, all 5 of your magic slots are locked with blood magic. You are no longer able to drop blood magic without it counting as an immediate suicide PK.

Performing this rite requires a TA in blood magic.

The end result of the transcendence, is a CA known as the Blothrvyan. Which offers both new boons and new weaknesses.

Central to the rite of transcendence, and the CA within it is an entirely new playstyle/existence utterly alien to that of descendants.





– The rite of transcendence requires T5 blood magic, a TA, and the completion of one of each tiered previous rites. After completion of the ritual, the character becomes unplayable for a minimum of one day/until the CA is accepted.





Tier Progression

Tier Progression:

Tier 0 | N/A

Tier 0 is the awakening of a blood mage. Blood magic does not take up a slot, and no abilities are gained. The bloodmage, however, suffers from the detrimental effects to the body and psyche, and so too cannot progress further in any other magics. Magic they currently have, if more than one, do remain. This tier is representative of the student touching the blood shard.


Tier 1 | First Lesson +

The blood mage is capable of:

Sensing | Siphoning | Scabbing 

Elemental Rituals

Rite of Balanced | Rite of Unbound | Previous Tier Rites


Tier 2 | One month after Tier 1 [Total: 1 Month]

The blood mage is capable of:

Sensing | Siphoning | Scabbing | Contortion | Congealing |

Elemental | Invocation Rituals

Rite of Brutal | Rite of Cunning | Previous Tier Rites 


Tier 3 | One month after Tier 2 [Total: 2 Months]

The blood mage is capable of:

Sensing | Siphoning | Scabbing | Contortion | Congealing | Hemorrhaging |
Fire Runecasting | Air Runecasting | Water Runecasting | Earth Runecasting |

Elemental | Invocation Rituals | Force Rituals |

Rite of Lesser | Rite of Greater | Previous Tier Rites


Tier 4 | Two months after Tier 3 [Total: 4 Months] (At This Tier One May Apply For A TA)

The blood mage is capable of:

Sensing | Siphoning | Scabbing | Contortion | Hemorrhaging | Freezing | Lesser Blood Sculpting |
Fire Runecasting | Air Runecasting | Water Runecasting | Earth Runecasting | Dark Runecasting | Light Runecasting | Silence Runecasting |

Elemental | Invocation Rituals | Force Rituals | Abjuration Rituals |

Rite of Father | Rite of Mother | Previous Tier Rites


Tier 5 | Two months after Tier 4 [Total: 6 Months]

The blood mage is capable of:

Sensing | Siphoning | Scabbing | Contortion | Hemorrhaging | Freezing | Lesser + Greater Blood Sculpting | Blood Projectile |
Fire Runecasting | Air Runecasting | Water Runecasting | Earth Runecasting | Dark Runecasting | Light Runecasting | Silence Runecasting |

Elemental | Invocation Rituals | Force Rituals | Abjuration Rituals |

Rite of Transcendence | Previous Tier Rites



Blothrvyan [CA]

Progeny of The Ancient Blood

(All information within this lore is scarcely known, characters will only be aware of it if they are directly informed.)


Descended from the blothr bhatti of yore, Blothrvyan are blood mages who have achieved the pinnacle of their mortal powers, transcending their mortal vessel and eternally anchoring their consciousness to the material realm. The state of the Blothrvyan is only achievable by the most experienced, and dedicated practitioners of their archaic craft. Blothrvyan exist in limbo; isolated from both the living, and the dead, their desolate condition allowing them to act as chroniclers of their art, and enlightened mentors to their brood.



Art by cobaltplasma



Blothrvyan are the disembodied minds of blood mages which have been forever bound to the physical realm. They functionally exist as bodysnatchers, strange and alien creatures which steal the forms of weak willed descendants casting the body’s old consciousness out, and puppeteering the empty vessels. Though not inherently evil Blothrvyan are inherently ‘dark’ entities, their entire existence fundamentally tied to what is essentially murder of their inhabited vessels.


Physical Attributes

The abhorrent Blothrvyan inhabit countless forms throughout the duration of their wholly wretched and parasitic existences. Though fleeting are the tormented lives of their physical vessels, their lingering sentience always manages to claw its way back into a vulnerable body, casting out the consciousness of it’s previous owner. Though immortal in mind, their capabilities are restrained by their mortal shells, rendering their occult proficiency no greater than that of a normal descendant. Despite a Blothrvyan’s lack of a regular form, one characteristic shared between all bodies subjugated by a Blothrvyan is their inability to build an excessive amount of muscle mass, therefore causing them to appear oftentimes frail, though do to their strange method of existence this appearance is mostly aesthetic, rather than a detriment.


The hollow vessels of the Blothrvyan undergo horrendous stress on account of their eldritch inhabitants, absent and continuously degrading. The bodies of the Blothrvyan exist in an almost perpetual state of extreme stress and agitation with evidence of such being abundantly clear; Hair loss, Infertility, Rapid heart rate, extreme sweating, shaking/tremors, and repeated sickness (or any other unlisted symptoms of stress) all being common symptoms, certain blothrvyan may also have highly dilated pupils, but this effect is considerably less common. This constant level of severe stress resulting in their natural maximum lifespan being halved. Despite the many and sickening effects Blothrvyan cause to their vessels, after a Blothrvyan has taken up residence within a Vessel, the Vessel forms a strange sort of dependence on the Blothrvyan, the now hollow mind of the vessel unable to sustain its required life support functions without the ethereal guidance of the Blothrvyan, therefore it is impossible to separate the consciousness of the Blothrvyan from their bodies without killing the Vessel.



Mental State

The minds of the Blothrvyan are a fickle thing, their whims as peculiar and alien as the beings themselves; they are outsiders, detached from the daily goings-on of mortal existence. Therefore, their behavior oft replicates their condition; the Blothrvyan are frequently blinded to their appalling behavior, enabling them to act with immense cruelty in search of their often bizarre desires. It is hypothesised that whenever a Blothrvyan enters a new form, a tiny part of the old remains within their ethereal souls, altering their personality slightly and permanently. As a result of their ever present immortal states Blothrvyan frequently develop God complexes, and believe themselves unable to be defeated; partially do to this perceived notion of invincibility, Blothrvyan oft care little for the wellbeing of their Vessels, pursuing their desires without regard for their own wellbeing. Despite this general lack of regard for their own safety, death is still a highly unpleasant experience, and Blothrvyan will actively seek to avoid it. With the death of the body comes death of the mind. Upon death of their vessel the Blothrvyan’s very consciousness begins to crack at the seams - never shattering, but reaching further and further away from humanity. A weakness that can lead to one becoming further alienated, There's no more insanity for an entity like a Blothrvyan - but they can become broken in a different sense from how humans become broken..


Though immensely alien in nature, Blothrvyan all possess an innate connection with and desire to find those which they deem worthy of their blessings, and spread blood magic. Such a compulsion frequently finds them intermingling within descendants, though they absolutely hate to do so they are driven to; in a desperate effort to keep their archaic craft afloat. Therefore all Blothrvyans feel more connected to other blood mages, and though seemingly antithetical to their disconnected nature, the Blothrvyan feel bonded to blood mages, seeking to guide them, viewing blood mages in a bizarrely parental way, seeking to keep the peace between, and unite them. The constant dissociation experienced by the Blothrvyans is the catylist for their unending apathy, Blothrvyans are simply indifferent to concepts such as murder and destruction, being too far removed to care about such matters it is highly uncharacteristic of them to go about senselessly attacking everything in sight.


Akin to the suffering the Blothrvyan afflict upon their Vessels, the anchoring of the Blothrvyan  to their vessel causes numerous negative effects , resulting in an array of often rather severe detriments to how the blothrvyan perceives reality. The control the Blothrvyan exhibit over their puppeteered Vessels while immense, is not absolute; for the Blothrvyan will never truly have a physical form, the puppeteered descendant bodies unable to contain the strangeness of the Blothrvyan , thus their vessels shall crumble, both physically and mentally, causing what could be perceived as temporary psychotic breaks lasting until the Blothrvyan is able to regain control. The extreme of such outbursts will entail excessively wild, psychotic, and often violent behavior and are accompanied by a swarm of extreme hallucinations, auditory and visual. Injury to the self, and others during such events is not only possible but very probable. Fortunately for the Blothrvyan, most of these occurrences are minor, full loss of control only happening once every elven month.


Blood Potency;

A strange side effect caused by Blothrvyan inhabitation, is an immense increase in genus potency within the Vessel. The reasoning for this is not entirely clear, though it is speculated it is a byproduct of the ethereal nature residing within a mortal coffin, a condition that is central to the nature of Blothrvyan. Despite their excess in genus concentration, they do not require more genus to survive than normal descendants (Blothrvyans possess 7 units of genus, requiring 2 to live).

Enhanced Endurance;

Due to their disconnected nature, the Blothrvyan are numbed to most physical sensations, extremely resistant to the pain, confusion, and other negative mental effects associated with injury and exhaustion. Instead, the Blothrvyan is plagued by ever increasing losses of control, as their alien minds struggle to pilot their inhabited forms. These outbursts culminate in ‘glitches’ lapses in which the way reality is perceived, such glitches will be outlined below. 


Minor pain/Exhaustion; Examples of such are small to moderate injuries such as surface level cuts or prolonged exercise(such as long distance running), resulting in minor, though still noticeable auditory and visual hallucinations.


Moderate pain/Exhaustion; Examples of such are Fractured bones, deep (though not lethal) cuts or Prolonged high intensity exercise(such as intense combat), resulting in extremely noticeable, and distracting auditory and visual hallucinations.


Severe pain/ Exhaustion; Examples of such are limb loss, compound fractures, fatal/near fatal wounds, or Extreme Prolonged Physical exertion(Such as extreme weight lifting), resulting in overwhelming auditory and visual hallucinations, as well as loss of muscle control, and in the most extreme of cases complete loss of control.


This resistance to pain allows the Blothrvyan to marginally bypass the normal subconscious physical exertion limitations imposed upon a descendant by their own mind to prevent one from accidental injury. Such a bypass, while providing a significant increase in physical strength and marginal increase in speed when compared to descendants of their own build, will never allow a Blothrvyan to match the strength of a creature within a higher physical strength category than them. Ie: A Blothrvyan in human body could never rival the strength of any but the weakest of orcs, though this rule is limited in that a Blothrvyan in an orcish body can not increase their strength beyond that of a normal orc. Exertion in such a way is damaging to the descendant body, thus any exertion larger than what would be normal for a descendant of their type, will cause ill effects described above to begin occurring.


1-4 Emotes of enhanced strength=Minor Pain/Exhaustion.

5-8 Emotes of enhanced strength=Moderate Pain/Exhaustion.

9+ Emotes of enhanced strength=Severe Pain/Exhaustion.

If enhanced strength is used, beyond its 8 emote capacity, the Blothrvyan will begin to lose control of its Vessel.

Enhanced strength can not be used more than 8 times per combat encounter.


Redlines and clarifications:

- Blothrvyan cannot exert further than 8 emotes, at that point their body is at it’s limit, if the Blothrvyan attempts to exceed this limitation, they will find themselves unable, any attempt causing only more damage to their body with no noticeable effect.

- Despite their resistance to pain and exhaustion, the Blothrvyan is no harder to kill than any other descendant, any injury sustained affects them as it would a normal descendant, despite being numbed to the sensation.

- Blothrvyan can not possess a body which already requires a [CA] such as Ologs, Kharajyr, or any other such creatures.

- Due to their pain resistance, the Blothrvyan often end up overexerting themselves before they notice anything is amiss, resulting in far more drastic injuries being sustained.

- The natural lifespan of all bodies possessed by the Blothrvyan is half the normal lifespan for normal descendants of the same race.

- Blothrvyan are able to physically exert themselves further than a normal descendant, though they do not possess superhuman strength in any regard.

- Blothrvyan cannot drop blood magic, nor can they learn any further magics than they already possess, attempt to drop blood magic on a Blothrvyan results in an immediate PK.

- Blothrvyan are not evil entities, however their dissociation from the rest of reality often causes them to lose track of their once present moral compasses.

- Though Blothrvyan are beings of both unnatural and a dark existence, they are not inherently evil, though their actions often cause them to be perceived as such.

- It should be noted that The Blothrvyan are Not literal parasites in the way that a shade is. The Blothrvyan simply require a body to puppeteer in order to interact with the physical world.

- Blothrvyan do not feel emotion in the way that descendants do, they are utterly alien entities, passive observers to reality never able to truly participate in its machinations as they once were.

- Blothrvyan cannot activate either Circulatory control, or Power runes, this is do to their inherent ability to temporarily increase physical strength.

- Each body the Blothrvyan alters their personality slightly, the more a blothrvyan possesses bodies, the more they become ragged patchworks of all their inhabited forms.

An Immaterial Mind

The Blothrvyan, eternal phantoms, remnants of bygone blothr bhatti are ever present entities doomed to a ceaseless existence of eternal unrest, punished for their arrogance in their ill fated search for immortality. Each time their vessel falls, the Blothrvyan shed the corpse as simply as a snake sheds its skin, slithering its way into the body of a new unsuspecting descendant, and once again invoking it’s fell incursion upon the fragile and oblivious Vessel. This process usually takes several months to be fully completed, and until a fitting body is found, the Blothrvyan are trapped within their immaterial coffin. In the case that a Blothrvyan finds their current vessel to be no longer desirable, the Blothrvyan may willingly abandon it in search for a new body; this kills the Vessel body outright, though it often allows the Blothrvyan to find a new Vessel relatively quickly. This process is further quickened in the case that a suitable descendant body is made immediately available for the Blothrvyan to possess, this kills the previous Vessel and instantly grants control of the present descendant’s body to the Blothrvyan.



Though immaterial and disconnected from existence as is known to descendants, the Blothrvyan are not truly formless, their minds contained within an intangible form comprised of pure and otherworldly energy. Such a form can be comprised of many shapes, a disembodied circulatory system, a bloody faceless humanoid, or that of some other enigmatic and abominable monstrosity, Visitants are not limited to shape. Though most frequently, such aberrant forms are imperceptible to the mortal eye, on occasion such things have been sighted, though only within the presence of a blothrvyan..


Redlines and clarifications:


- Visitants are the immaterial representations for what the blothrvyan look like, they can only manifest when a blothrvyan is within a vessel.


- Visitants can only exist within the immediate vicinity of a Blothrvyan.


- Visitants are aesthetic, and can be rped as within limited circumstances, all of which are aesthetic.


- A Visitants main purpose is to be manifested to enhance flavor RP.

Visitants cannot engage in any form of combat or any other physical activity, they are less than ghosts, completely intangible.


- Visitants cannot be Manifested within combat at all.


- A manifested Visitant can be no larger than the average descendant.


- A blothrvyan gains no benefit from manifesting a Visitant.




While the Blothrvyan’s body is not directly injured by the presence of aurum, nor are wounds inflicted by it any more severe than wounds inflicted by mundane weapons. The effect of aurum upon Blothrvyan is far stranger, though not entirely understood, it is hypothesised that such an effect is simply due to the Blothrvyan’s unnatural form of existence. Skin breaking wounds inflicted by aurum cause direct pain to the Blothrvyan, causing the Blothrvyan to lapse in control over its vessel; temporarily, though completely overwhelming their minds with feelings of pain their Vessels have previously experienced. Such injuries also temporarily force the Blothrvyan to feel any new injuries inflicted upon its body for a period of time after sustaining an aurum wound, regardless if the preceding wounds are caused by non aurum sources. Due to the startling and extremely jarring sudden loss in pain resistance, this nullifies any increased strength that the Blothrvyan would normally have, rendering them physically weaker than the average descendant of the same race. The effect of aurum upon a Blothrvyan lasts for 4 emotes, entirely removing both their pain resistance and increased physical prowess, rendering them weak. Such an overwhelming effect can only be achieved through Pure aurum, though weapons crafted with alloys of aurum such as slayersteel still cause Blothrvyan to feel pain upon inflicted wounds, such weapons do not cause the complete and overwhelming loss of control caused by pure aurum.

Poor Health

The bodies of Blothrvyan are fleeting and of ill health, their condition causing inhabited descendant bodies to be afflicted with a whole Vessel of physical ailments, age twice as fast, all bodies succumbing to an untimely death, though this does not prevent a Blothrvyan from returning with a new body It does prevent the Blothrvyan from maintaining the same identity for extended periods of time. All bodies possessed by the Blothrvyan are under a constant PK clause, if the body dies once it is dead permanently.


The choice to become a Blothrvyan is a permanent one, once converted into a Blothrvyan there is no way for a descendant to return to their normal existence, Blothrvyan are reliant on their knowledge of blood magic to continue existing, and thus can never cease practicing blood magic, nor can they practice any other form of magic besides blood magic.


With each body’s death the Blothrvyan’s mind, their already nigh nonexistent self of self and ego is slowly worn away until nothing remains of the original blood mages personality, the Blothrvyan simply a disembodied consciousness with whims as fleeting as time itself… Upon experiencing an untimely death, the extended and all encompassing incorporality temporarily dulls the blothryvyan’s skill with blood magic, upon their return in a new form their skill in blood magic is reduced to tier 3, and takes 2 additional days after reincarnation to regain their T5 skills.

Degraded Bodies

Though able to temporarily exert more force than a normal descendant, their forms are under such an unprecedented amount of excess stress, that their muscles are too degraded to wear heavy and full plate armor effectively, limiting them to half plate at the most.

Sensory overload

Blothrvyan’s power stems from the utter control they exhibit over their puppeteered forms, though such control is weakened through any form of overstimulation, therefore, things such as flashing lights, potent scents, or loud sounds will shortly, though effectively overload the Blothrvyan’s senses, stunning them temporarily. Something as simple as looking into the sun, to something as overwhelming as being lit on fire can cause them to be stunned.

Redline and clarifications:

- In order to become a Blothrvyan, a blood mage must both be T5 in their capabilities, as well as have an accepted blood magic TA.

- In order to prevent OOC harassment and abuse within RP, numerous repeated deaths within a short period of time are subject to intervention by LT on a case by case basis, Players granted access to such a transformation and will be held to a higher standard of roleplay, abuse will therefore be punished harshly.

- Blothrvyan’s require complete dedication to blood magic, unable to learn any more magics besides it, though they are potentially able to learn Feats.

- Blothrvyan are CA creatures and the endgame of blood magic, once the required rites have been completed, a CA application must be submitted on the forums.

- Blothrvyan have been bound to the mortal plane, hence destroying them permanently is impossible.

- - Deaths via Suicide, or other such PK clause rules are unable to be avoided, deaths within such a scenerio will result in a final, true PK.

- Every time the body of a Blothrvyan is destroyed, they must return in a *new* body, the RP death of their vessel is a PK of that vessel.

- Blothrvyan can only take over another player's body with express OOC consent from the player giving up their body, players that give up their bodies must be aware that their character will be unplayable from that point onwards. 

- Blothrvyan do not learn anything when possessing a player character. A Blothrvyan that has possessed a druid does not learn anything of druidism, etc.

- If a player chooses to allow a Blothrvyan to possess their characters body this functions as an effective PK for that character.

- If a Blothrvyan possesses a descendant, the ritual must be overseen by LT, and such a ritual takes about 5 emotes, though RP within this regard is mostly flavor; generally signs of aging and blood loss become visible upon the Blothrvyan’s old body, While the new body will show immediate signs of stress and pain.

- Neither NPCs nor throwaway characters can be used for an instant transference.

- Blothrvyan cannot possess a vessel during combat.

- Blothrvyan cannot willingly abandon their bodies during combat.

- If a Blothrvyan willingly abandons their vessel, the time it takes to find a new Vessel is lowered to 1 elven day.

- Though Blothrvyans can not truly die, death is still a highly unpleasant experience, and Blothrvyan will actively seek to avoid it.

- The Blothrvyan once again becomes playable 3 elven days after the RP death of their Vessel. After which, the Blothrvyan is lowered to only having up to T3 capabilities for the next 2 IRL days before they regain all of their abilities.

- Blothrvyan can only possess the living.

- Death via PVP without sufficient backing rp is not required to count towards their body’s PK clause, and will function by the same rules as it does for all other descendants (Pvp defaulting after having engaged in background rp does count towards the body’s PK clause).

- Even for an entity as alien as a Blothrvyan, the death of their physical body is a traumatic experience, the Blothrvyan forgetting the exact circumstances of their death, and becoming even more isolated from the mindset of mortals.

- Mechanically Blothrvyan respawn the same as any other descendant, awaking in cloud temple with no memory of preceding events.

              - If killed, after the blothrvyan takes 5 days to regain full strength, being unplayable for three, and having their magic weakened for two more


Blood magic has been an interesting and integral part of LotC for as long as I have played. Though I have always thought It has been lacking something to set it apart from other magics, and provide a unique and fun playstyle. Every major ‘dark magic’ in the recent past has possessed some form of ‘transcended’ variant for characters that are truly dedicated to their practice, wights, liches, zar’akal, wraiths, and daeva are all examples of this. Though blood magic, has always been disregarded in the category of endgames, it could be argued that the Berserkers and rogues of the third generation were a transformation of sorts, though such a transformation always seemed relatively minor compared to ‘endgames’ offered by other magics. The closest blood magic ever got to having a unique endgame and playstyle, was through body swapping, and the rebirth ritual, though the conditions of these rituals made them exceptionally hard to track, as well as underwhelming. With Blothrvyan I hope to change this, both adding a new level of depth within blood magic rp, as well as ensuring that those who play Blothrvyan remain accountable.


TDLR; An utterly alien, Eldritch entity which resides outside of the physical realm, rendered incapable of interacting with reality unless they puppeteer the bodies of unwilling descendants.





Citations And Credits


Blood Magic  by Raptorious

Blood Magic Rewrite  by Tsuyose

Blood Rituals and Runes  by Zarsies

Blood Shards  by Tsuyose

Blood Rifts  by Mephistophelian

Zarsies’ Blood Magic Guide  by Zarsies

Awakened Blood Magic  by Tennallar

Second Generation Blood Magic by TauFireWarrior

Third Generation Blood Magic  by The King Of The Moon

Contemporary Blood Magic Rewrite by SquakHawk

Material Alphabet Lore by The King Of The Moon



Credit to: 

[Tha_Mystery_Man] Main Lore Writer

[Mojo] Co-Writer/Massive Lore Contributor

[UgBrainHurty] Lore Contributions

[Pundimonium] Lore Contributions

[SquakHawk] Did the other rewrite which I drew inspiration from


FAQ (Updated With Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Q - “Oh my god Mystery, the Blothrvyans are TOO OP!!! A creature that cant die with extra strength?!?!?! Get RID OF IT!
  •   A- Yeah ive gotten this a lot, though in all honestly the Blothboys are really no stronger than an average raider. They are objectively weak as ****, especially if they're fighting competent opponents. You can literally shut down any Blothboy in combat with any of the following (some aurum, loud sounds, a few multiple colored lights, tippens root, wearing plate armor, fire, taking advantage of the rite exchanges that a Blothboy still has to RP, and other creative sensory overload ideas) and YAKNOW that people are gunna meta the weaknesses of blothboys the minute anyone accidently finds any form of hint about how to counter them. Along with the fact they have a 3 IRL day respawn timer, as to ensure people arent doing the annoying tactic of continuous dark mage raids... I feel like this is the weakest dark magic endgame of them all.
  • Q - “WOAH WOAH WOAH, blood mages can do ALL THIS? That's WAY too much, even for four slots."
  •       A- Compared to most magics, the blood rune attacking, bloodbending, and rituals REALLY are not that much when you consider most are used in events, you could do alot more with 4 different 1 slot magics, and some are locked behind the rites which one may not participate in due to the negatives of completing rites.
  • Q - “Will you be wiping MAs and TAs with lore games if this is passed?"
  •       A- Unfortunately, with the problems rampanet in the blood magic community, and also with the drastic change of the magic entirely.. I am gunna be wiping MAs and TAs. This isn’t really something I /want/ to do, moreso just something that’d have to happen if I wanted this rewrite to get passed.


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- Citation added for Second Generation Blood Magic
- Tells for spells removed since apparently that’s a formatting inconsistency

- Blothrvyan redlines added, extra weaknesses. No longer able to be stacked with circulatory control, cant wear armor.

- After literally breaking the forums, formatting has been fixed.

- Info on all rites has been copied over

- Blood Projectile has been added (was suppose to be apart of the original post)

- Better clarified the state in which Blothrvyan exist. They aren't shades.

- Ritual redline about genus taken out

- Spelling errors and grammar fixes.



- Citation added for Second Generation Blood Magic and Material Alphabet
- Tells for spells removed since apparently that’s a formatting inconsistency

- Blothrvyan redlines added, extra weaknesses. No longer able to be stacked with circulatory control, cant wear armor.
- Lesser Bloodsculpting redline expanded upon
- Summon Entity redline clarified. 
- FAQ questions added



- Blothrvyan information added, information about Visitians
- Added Runecasting as another Blood Magic ability.
- Removed a redundant redline in Rite of the Greater

- Tier Progression Updated with runecasting

- Spelling fixes



- Runes changed to that of Material Alphabet

- Runecasting taken out of blood magic
- Blothrvyan gained deeper downsides to being caught and murdered.

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11 hours ago, Tha_Mystery_Man said:

Requires OOC consent.



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I like it, good read and like how you fixed item summoning. +1.

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Not too sure how I feel about the Utility ----> Combat use of BM buuuuuut I really like this Mystery, well done. +1

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Clarification would be important for the bit on ‘Sensing’ because it can oftentimes result in meta-gaming. Also please remove the Endgame, this is not something we need and it is certainly going to be abused. It’s a power-up and not really a unique condition with unique rp opportunities beyond being enhanced. The prose is not terrible, I actually like some of what’s written here, but I think this piece still needs to be refined more because the formatting at times isn’t consistent and the explanations for how things work aren’t always concise. 


Flam has had this magic on the chopping block for awhile. I think if you don’t make major changes to this piece, he will not accept it. Good luck.

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IDC about this magic’s mechanics, abilities or the CA.

I do however beg you not to go down this avenue of new runes that don’t fit with any prior iterations of lore, and toss several years of work out of the window. Please for the sake of continuity in LoTC’s desperately messy lore, get rid of these new ones you’ve thrown in and replace in continuity with lore already collaborated for that exact purpose.

Linked is the Material Alphabet, which already contains all the symbols used in every prior version of Blood Magic, as well as additional symbols that accommodate other areas of LoTC lore such as Runesmithing and Alchemy. A collection that doesn’t need to be unnecessarily deviated from for the sake of faux uniqueness on a platform like LoTC that has already been damaged by incompatible and overlapping areas of lore. 

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Thank you for submitting your piece! Your piece is now under review and a reply will be given once a verdict has been reached.

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This lore has been denied. You will be sent a forum PM regarding the reasons for denial within the next 24 hours.

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