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[✓] [World Lore] - Arcanium, Gift of The Void

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Material Name and Description (Refined Form)

Arcanium is a rather blanketed term for a forging-technique that is unique among smiths, quite rare between magi- Arcanium is a term applied to any weapon of any material, for the important part is the post-forging effects not-unique to the inherent blade, but to the effects of the forging process. Arcanium has two forms, defined as Inert and Active. Both have similar properties but are different in application. Arcanium as a whole, can be used as a casting implement.

Inert Arcanium is often used among spellblades and magi who use a blade interwoven with their practice, the weapon becoming one with the user. The item used would shimmer idly, taking a more ethereal form that was interwoven with stars. However, if casted, such would take on the formation of the caster’s voidal magic. Activation of Inert Arcanium would occur upon the voidal mage’s connection, the Inert Arcanium being handled by an Atronach, being manipulated by a spell such as alter position or conjurations and would last until the end of a combat encounter, or two hours in narrative.


The blade would take upon the form of the evocation used, in a merely aesthetic purpose- dazzling flame or shapechanging water, the item would function as for the behavior of it’s forged metal, and not take on any aspects of the magic used.


The blade would glow and ephemeral colour coordinated with the user’s aura, dissipating a manalike fog off of the item that would disperse as it hit the ground beneath it.


The item would behave somewhat differently. Normally, the item would merely exist as a mundane item- such as a sword hilt. However, when casting or a connection occurs, the weapon would form in full with a shimmer of the wielder’s aura, seeming at power. 



The item would appear as mundane, dead organic material (bark, scales, flesh, etc). When activated, it would appear to revitalize and gain a healthier complexion. It may grow leaves or flower buds, move in minor aesthetic ways, or even breathe in time with the caster, etc.



When activated, the blade will begin moving on it's own slightly beyond it's normal confines. The metal will segment and portions will phase in and out of reality.


Voidal Artificery

When utilizing Voidal Artificery, the item may take up non-combative aspects akin to a mastercraft. Nonsensical, impossible creations such as free-spinning gears or floating pieces interconnected. Freeform creation, akin to a Mastercraft. These would be deactivated, until a voidal connection was established.



When utilizing Voidstalking, the item would seem to manifest as an aura-coloured shadow without a true form. When a Voidal Connection was established, the item would seem as nebulous as a stormcloud or still yet, true-dark. Noncombative, occasional streaks of elemental discharge would appear from the item, of any evocation, new and old. 


Scion Magic

When utilizing Scion Magic, the Arcanium item would seem incomplete, or lackluster in view. Dull, tarnished, or flat out broken. However, when a Voidal Connection was established, the item would seem to revive to life and glow brilliantly, it’s pieces fixed and put whole with hard-mana the colour of The Scion’s aura.


Voidal Eminence

When utilizing Voidal Eminence, the item would seem dormant, and lackluster. Showing as only a fraction of it’s true form while the rest lay in The Void. When a Voidal Connection was established, the item would slowly build itself, in the connection emote or over many, into a fully assembled piece and item which bore a commanding presence and a maddening feeling of power unto the wielder.



Active Arcanium is used most often as flashy gifts and weaponry for the ignorant and easily entertained, being used as a factor of intimidation or focus. The item would bear a permanent effect, seemingly always a form of voidal magic, but not nearly to the empowered extent of Inert Arcanium. However, during the forging process of an Active Arcanium item, the voidal mage bombarding such with mana would imbue a mark, or a sigil of their work. Connecting to the voidal plane, and calling upon their magic would form a tether between the item, the caster, and the voidal plane- bearing a form of the magic they had connected with.


The item would take on the form of a solid-type of that evocation. A blade conjured of crackling lightning or solid stone, forever staying in such a form. 



The item would be in an almost ethereal form, as if it were conjured. The item would glow idly of the original mage’s aura.



The item would emanate a mild sound of the caster’s choosing, and would have an arc that remained briefly within the air tracing their swing of the weapon. The permanence of these effects is up to the forging mage, limiting at just a few seconds. 



The item bares organic features, such as coiled vines, blindly squirming fingers, or a heartbeat persistently vibrating from the depths of the item. It may also actively produce biological substances such as sap, fur, etc.



The blade appears broken, shattered and floating in the air, held together by the mana of the user's aura.


Voidal Artificery

When utilizing Voidal Artificery, the item may take up non-combative aspects akin to a mastercraft. Nonsensical, impossible creations such as free-spinning gears or floating pieces interconnected. Freeform creation, akin to a Mastercraft.



When utilizing Voidstalking, the item would seem as nebulous as a stormcloud or still yet, true-dark. Noncombative, occasional streaks of elemental discharge would appear from the item, of any evocation, new and old. The item would would as well bear a consciousness akin to a Second Mind, or a Voidal horror, within it, only communicable with Voidstalkers.


Scion Magic

When utilizing Scion Magic, the item would enhance itself akin to Melding with hard mana the colour of the mage’s aura. The item could, rather than enhance, evolve itself into an advanced state or form. As example, from normally a dagger, to a full mana-made mageblade with the dagger at it’s core.


Voidal Eminence

When utilizing Voidal Eminence, the item would bear a commanding presence and drew attention to itself, as if it were some prized artefact. It would surround itself in a cloud of aura from the mage’s colour. With each spell successfully fired, the item would give off a powerful sound- an explosive boom, a thundering clap, or a rumble of earth, which would not interrupt casting, alongside expelling of a semi-transparent mana cloud in every direction for up to ten meters.




Applications (Refined Form) 

Typically Arcanium, Active and Inert, is used in forging weaponry. In the case of gifts it may vary in any shape or size of one, but as a mage it is typically bound through a weapon of point, such as spear or sword to cast through. Arcanium is most commonly made into jewelry, weaponry, gauntlets or gloves and very rarely small shields. The more mass an item, the more mana required- breaching into the category of armour would not bear Arcanic effects upon the forged item. 


Red Lines (Refined Form)

-Arcanium’s effects are merely aesthetic, and do not give any advantage.

-The moment anything may attempt to pass through the gaps in Translocation-Arcanium, the segments will collapse and block it. The metal will collapse before touched, to aswell prevent anything other than thematic use. Should one attempt to go through the missing-spaces in the Inert version, the missing piece will re-apparate before one could harm themselves, others, or objects. The collapsing and expanding parts do not affect the inertia, weight, or balance of the weapon.
-Arcanium’s effects do not provide an advantage in combat besides intimidation, e.g. no “Lightsabers” or rapidly retracting/detracting blades, and for such do not count as a combat enchantment

-The activation of Inert Arcanium would trigger when a spell is casted, this spell would dictate how the blade looks. It may change throughout combat, should different spells be used.

-Arcanium weapons may be used as casting implement regardless of make (Sword, glove, shield) etc., and may be enchanted by transfiguration.

-Abjuration would destroy an Arcanium weapon.

-Arcanium weapons, if engaged in any form of combat (in melee parrying, dodging, or attacking), will have their casting interrupted and halted. 
-Arcanium weapons are signed by LT, and by such may be denied by LT for any reason regarding vagueness, irregularity/inconsistency, clarification, or inappropriate to the lore. -Aesthetic extensions and ideas are protected and serve as the core piece, and so long as such is clear and does not provide advantage, is protected.

-Voidal Feeling does not instruct someone how Arcanium is made, only that the item is densely packed with Mana.
-One cannot make “Arcanium Ingots”. The item is either forged or pre-made before being Arcanium Enchanted.

-Any weapon can be made “Arcanium”, however it’s strength and durability lower to that of regular steel. 

-If an Arcanium item were to break completely, it would become completely inert and defunct. If an Arcanium Item were deeply damaged, it can be repaired at the Arcanium Forge it was created at.
-If Inert Arcanium is being manipulated by a spell, that would affect how the Inert Arcanium manifests.

-If inert Arcanium is being handled by an Atronach it would use the evocation related to the Atronach, otherwise it would default to transfiguration.




Refining Technique

Arcanium requires much preparation when forging, unlike that of any other normal blade. A special forge is needed, with large reserves of mana. These reserves can be from multiple locations, which increase chance of success greatly, and require a great exertion of force to bombard a metal with mana. A rather open forge is needed, with the blade pre-refined to get to a malleable point, infusing the large-granted-surface-area and allowing for the highest chance of success. This however, requires a smith of adequate strength and stamina, and may take multiple attempts- it aswell will drain a voidal user, putting them to maximum exhaustion.


The forge will need sources of mana. This will either be in the form of Voidal Mages, Mana Obelisks/Anchors, and a Voidal Heath- with proximity to The Monolith. 

1A. In the case of Mana Obelisks/Anchors, one would need a means of transporting the mana directly to the metal- which can be performed using mana wire or focus crystals.

The forge may be ignited and the heating will start. The item is prepared already, merely put to the flame to become more malleable and shapeable. When becoming red hot- enough to shape- one would begin to funnel mana into the flames of the forge. 

The blacksmith may begin shaping the metal, drawing it away from the flame should they need, and attending means of bombardment from the flames to the item directly. 

In order to create the item, a rolling system is implemented. Each means of providing mana (Obelisk, nearby monolith, or voidal mage) provides a lower threshhold to create the item. A threshhold of creation is based at 20 to start, off of a dice roll.


Voidal Mages add -3 to the threshhold of creation

Mana Obelisks/Voidstalkers add -4 to the threshhold of creation

Voidal Hearths/Tears/Nodes adds -5 to the threshhold of creation

Note: Non-Voidal-Mage Modifiers may only be applied once. This means one can only gain benefit from one obelisk and voidstalker within a tear, even if more of any of those three are within range.


If successful, the metal will be imbued with its new effects immediately, and all involved will be exhausted and will succumb to an amount of voidal exhaustion additional to the forging processes.


Refining Red Lines

-The forging process may only be attempted once per OOC day.
-A Structural (Non voidal mage -3) modifier may only be applied once. This means, regardless of how many Voidstalkers or Obelisks are present, each only count toward the modifier once. 

-Arcanium counts as a Tier 5 Enchantment, affecting any magic and lore effectively as so (E.x. immunity to Auric Oil, the ability to overpower and overwhelm Thanhium.)

-When interacting with Thanhium, Arcanium would last at most [3] Strikes, in which afterward it would go into a dormant state as it recharged for [1] OOC day. 

-Arcanium-smithing cannot be enchanted with anything but voidal magic. Any enchantment, voidal or not, will be overridden when sent through Arcanium Forging.

-The blacksmith/forger themselves do not count towards the “Voidal Mages” threshhold. 

-Enchanting larger pieces of metal with Arcanium would greatly exhaust the voidal mage, no matter the source of mana nor how many magi were involved. Outside of small pieces of armour or full weaponry, an Arcanium Forge could not be larger than a gauntlet or helm. 

-If "Fused" or conjoined together by any physical or magical means other than coupling by chain or strap, Arcanium would lose its properties.

-To have the item signed, sreq with screenshots of the roleplay, or sreq to have the rp overseen before creation.

-The exhaustion would put great wear on a voidal mage if present, and would prevent them from casting for the rest of the day. 

-The exhaustion would put great wear on the smith, making them unable to work under load, effectively giving them voidal weakness for a day.

-Failure in Arcanium smithing would make the item incredibly soft and weak, effectively useless. 

-One may learn Arcanium Forging through partaking in it, reading of it (from an author whom knows it), or observing it directly as a voidal mage. A non voidal mage may not possess the knowledge on how to create Arcanium, nor could they teach it to others. 



Purpose (OOC)

Arcanium was a problematic addition to the server, as it allowed weapons effective both against undead and mundane with no drawback- such is why it has been completely reworked into something more aesthetic and interesting, which is not possessed in current lore, and allows for more magic incorperations to smithing and forging, alongside weapons that are magical-yet-mundane. 


Part of an ongoing project of rewriting minerals on LOTC. A thanks to Riftblade, Toxcat, Archipelago, and Ellennanore for aiding where needed on this piece and all further pieces. 


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I’m having a “Bruh” moment

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Holy crap Squak. This **** is incredible, really fits a magical aesthetic well though I have a few questions. 

  1. How would both the Inert and active forms react in the presence of the mana draining qualities of Kani?
  2. Will enchantments on items made with this operate just as they would with normal metal? 
  3. Will this require an MA to craft or does one simply need to be a mage to do it?
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Don’t know if I’m dumb and not seeing the part where it says if a mage can use it and being able to cast with it in his hand. After the latest void rewrite.

But I really like the lore either way!

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Good lore, gonna be pissed if people metagame this stuff, but good job Squak.

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon. Please note that if this is playable lore, such as a magic or CA, you will need to write a guide for this piece. You will be contacted regarding the guide (or implementation if it isn’t needed) shortly.



-Voidal Feeling does not instruct someone how Arcanium is made, only that the item is densely packed with Mana.
-One cannot make “Arcanium Ingots”. The item is either forged or pre-made before being Arcanium Enchanted.

-Any weapon can be made “Arcanium”, however it’s strength and durability lower to that of regular steel. 

-If an Arcanium item were to break completely, it would become completely inert and defunct. If an Arcanium Item were deeply damaged, it can be repaired at the Arcanium Forge it was created at.

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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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