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*== Historians of Aegis ==*


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Greetings, Aegis, I'm your past.

I am as perished as can be.

From my remains, please take a lesson

Or be prepared to follow me.

~ The Historian's Maxim

We are the scribes, the scholars. The disciples of history both made and making. We roam around Aegis and uncover its power, for that's what knowledge is. In the face of a thousand fallen civilizations we are humble, but we realize and take pride in the importance of our work.

From the noble ashes Sting Surion willingly left for us, Aegis' Historians have risen. We dabble mainly in Arcaeology, but try to expand our horizon into other venues as well.


1.0: Membership

1.1: How to join

2.0: Archaeology

3.0: Our services

3.1: Uncovering lore

3.2: Making History

4.0: Our Library

1.0: Membership

Those who seek inclusion within the Historians can apply for either of three functions. However, I must warn you that paychecks within this guild are meager and uncertain. A sated love for the craft needs to be your reward.

Excavator: These shall uncover and, where necessary, restore the old ruins that we shall find during our work. Adept constructors are most fitting for this task.

Scribe: These shall write down and publish whatever useful information we gather while fulfilling our chores. Gripping writers will be most welcome.

Guard: These shall protect our excavations in process from looters and graverobbers, as well as protecting our scribes on business visits. A strong arm is key to fulfilling this job.

1.1: How to join

I ask everyone willing to join for the simple favor of filling out a form. Some of you have shown sympathy towards the Archaeologists of Aegis, and therefore will have received an invitation by now. Please, if time permits it, fill out the same form here so I can gauge your interest and welcome you into this new guild.

The form is as follows:


[b]((Minecraft name)):[/b]

[b]Reason for joining:[/b]

[b]Field of interest:[/b]

[b]Desired job:[/b]

(For excavators) [b]Are you capable of removing sandstone:[/b] (Not necessary, but useful)

(For scribes) [b]How much writing experience do your posess:[/b]

(For scribes) [b]How familliar are you with the Aegis lore:[/b]

(For guards) [b]How skilled are you with your weapon of choice:[/b]

2.0: Archaeology

Our next archaeology expedition is in its preliminary stages. Something has been planned, but we can only truly set out if both sufficient interest and leads are found. All I can reveal right now is that the dig will take place within the land of the Orcs.

3.0: Our services

To fund our research and further the historic knowledge of the common population, the Aegis Historians provide a few services to our fellow men. Interested parties are encouraged to call upon our help wherever necessary, even if it involves something not listed here but falling within the Historian's field of expertise.

Prices for these services are determined on a by-case basis.

3.1: Uncovering lore

If you posess a guild, town, nation, family, or individual of which you wish to know more, you can ask the Aegis Historians to spit through files and archives and deliver any finds to you in most compelling writing. We will check the roots, work our lore off your most specific quote and deliver our finds in stunning English. In contacting us, you give your instance extra credibility as it settles more deeply within the soil of Aegis.

Services include:

  • Writing detailed lore or history from whatever specifications you provide
  • Writing about persons, fictional or no, related to your instance
  • Checking your instance against the rest of Aegis' lore.
  • Writing any amount of Books for you to spread or keep in your library.
  • Assigning stories to buildings, persons, or ruins related to you.
  • Creating immersive myths and legends around your instance, increasing its tangibility and, if desirable, mystique.
  • ((Fleshing out any related LotC Wiki pages for you.))
  • Making folklore.
  • Spreading any saints and dieties related to your instance.

The Historians always strive for utter quality. We understand the attachment one gets towards their creations, and will only deliver work that left you utterly satisfied.

3.2: Making history

Events occur on the world of Aegis every day, but often the involved get so excited within the moment that they forget to log the event for future generations. This is most shameful indeed, for the involved groups lose the acclaim and perpetuation that they do so deserve.

Imagine, then, having a historian with you that can see your splendor as a firsthand witness, solidify your fame into eternity, leaving many generations to be awed and inspired by your deed. Surely this can only leave people from all walks of life rushing to partake in your future endaevours. After all, who doesn't want to be included in an epic story?

Services Include:

  • Recording events as they occur in Books.
  • Spreading it in the public fora.
  • If applicable, adding to the modern history
  • ((Writing the wiki page related to the event))

4.0: Our library

Currently, a solid library belonging to the Historians does not yet exist, but we keep track of the books and notices that we have made public within this space.


My Notes on Inwe, by Rivell Gordian

Inwe: Our findings, by Rivell Gordian


Find our findings on early Dark Elven culture here.

Find Aegis' most complete records of ancient elvish here.

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News Bulletin:

  • Rivell Gordian has resolved to commission any efforts to record occurring events into books. Find the information here

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*Pikel, still puzzled by the note he received scribbles out a note and pins it up*

Thank you for giving me this invitation.

I would still like to offer my self to help uncover and immortalize some of Aegis's history.

Due to a to an injury my ability to excavate and mine is sightly hindered and I would be quite slow at it. But I am still a very skilled with me shovel and pick and would gladly help as much as I can.

Due to my injury though I recently have turned my interest to a more scholarly life and would love to be apart of the future library you may have.


Pikel Boldshoulder

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*Seeing the note, Elindor quickly copies down details in a tattered old journal. He tears a blank page out and pins it to the board, writing with a hurried scribble:*

Name: Jerry_Man

Reason for joining: For the ecstasy of learning, digesting and sharing what knowledge reveals itself to me. To fill in the spaces of Aegis' records and make public the unknowns that lie beneath us.

Field of interest: Writing, but where we required I could be called upon for the finer details of an excavation. ((If I deem a small detail would help in recreating lore or if there are not enough helpers)) Slightly unrelated to archaeology but to writing none the less, I have an interest in social psychology and theology.

How much writing experience do your posess: I have written a number of books myself, some which I am beginning to circulate through libraries now. Of particular note is my collection of Lore transcribing the roots of Halfbloods (mixed races), and more recently my diagnosis of the spiritual pillars of Iblees. I expect to write more on this topic shortly, as the event of running into a controller of thunder has left me with newly open eyes, but shaken and unable to take to pen.

How familliar are you with the Aegis lore: [OOC] I've read all the official lore at least once and have read every book in a couple libraries. There are severe gaps in the recorded history of Aegis that I would like to amend, save finding the missing links in the meantime.

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I thank you both for your interest and hope to speak with you in person soon.

Until then, I ask your patience before I discuss the possibilities of a new Archaeology dig with you.

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Well, let me know.

[OOC] I have a book that I will write in-game when I have the catalyst to do so, otherwise its just Meta. The book is a resotration (and rewording) of a Kurgmar arena story by someone in a group of bandits. It's a fun story.

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Dearest Sporadic,

My name is Sir Salvador of Konigs. I am new to these nations of Aegis and as yet have not quite reached my home in Oren. I have spent the last few years with friendly Elves from Malinor and amongst my Human brethren in Oren, but I am returning from a visit at home in my nation of Konigs and as of right now have no way of contacting you in person. A fellow elf passed your note on to me. I study on my own to learn and develop the history of Aegis, yet I would enjoy some company on my travels and writings. Your guild sounds quite the right place for me to be!

I have a strong arm and steady hand, so I can defend an excavation to the death, yet my true passion comes in the form of writing and documenting. If it's one area of expertise I learned the most from the Elves, it was the art of inscription. I would be ever so endeared with the opportunity to become a scribe amongst your community of historians.

I have many years of writing experience under my belt, and although none of these years could be considered professional, I have taken the time to perfect my craft and I always understand that there is room for improvement. My knowledge of the lore of Aegis is still in a stage of infancy, yet I learn more every hour that I study. I would only hope to learn more from being with the historians. So please consider my request to join your ranks. If you would like to see some of my writing at hand, you can reference my application here http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/20327-sir-salvador-of-kronigs-game-application/

I understand if you cannot afford to give me answer until we have had the chance to meet in person.

Thank you for your time and may the gods blessings be upon you...

Sir Salvador

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Sir Salvador, you are most welcome. I do ask you to fill out the form I have provided in the original notice, and I will speak to you in person as soon as possible.

I have been searching the Orc lands for hints of Archaeologic remains, but nothing has yet inspired me to start a dig. And what's more, my house in Kramoroe has been wrecked in the latest undead attack which leaves me preoccupied for the near future.

However, I can tell you the following specifics about the upcoming dig:

- I am looking for the whereabouts of the Orc raiders that did in the elves of Inwe. Findings indicate a long search for the Dark Elves, which must mean the Orcs would've set up a camp nearby the forests of Inwe.

- The camp was probably in a Desert Area. Orcs seem to prefer the dry heat.

- The site is in all likelihood marked by a rugged sand landscape, the most important landmark a steep cliff of sand.

That is all I can divulge right now. Safe studies, pursuers of history.

- Rivell Gordian

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To whom ever this may apply,

Greetings scholar of this fine guild, I am Ambros, also known as Ambros the Mage, The Golden Druid and so on. Although I have no interest in your guild as I am already employed but it comes to my attention that you have no guild house! I am aware of a friend of mine that owns a large library. I am sure if you make him a high ranking scholar in you guild he would be happy to let you and your scholars to work within his library.

Most Regards,

Ambros The Mage

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Yes, after the ghastly experience that has befallen my home, I am all up and about once more, and I will get in touch at the earliest possible moment.

Ambros, I do keep in touch with Cerlos, who I presume is the one you mention. I know that he is far too busy collecting and categorizing books to actually partake in the Historians' projects, though I would say a position as honorary scholar would be fitting.

However, I ask you not to worry, because when the need for a guild house arises, I'm sure we will be able to supply for this need.

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Name: retrov

((Minecraft name)):Dante Blackheart

Reason for joining:I wish to explore and create more and better lore, especially for Dark Elves

Field of interest:Scribe

Desired job:Scribe, but all of them sound fun. I wouldn't mind being involved in all three.

(For excavators) Are you capable of removing sandstone: (Not necessary, but useful) yes

(For scribes) How much writing experience do your posess: I have done countless creative writing papers in college.

(For scribes) How familliar are you with the Aegis lore: Very familiar.

(For guards) How skilled are you with your weapon of choice: Sword, I am ver skilled

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Guest Brian

(( May I apply even though I am in the ascended? ))

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Same as I. I wish to do not wish to part of the guild but work along side them as a fellow scholar. I have many books to offer, perhaps even add science to your guild.

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