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A depiction of the evergreen forest outside the royal city of Karosgrad, c. 2 S.A.



A record and publication of the questions and answers of the Alderman Candidates in the debate of the 350 ES general elections.

Scribed and ran by Irena Ceciliya Ruthern, Lady Speaker of the Royal Duma 








4 - QUESTION ONE: What makes you stand out from the rest of the candidates?

5 - QUESTION TWO: What would you consider to be two prevalent issues as we are now in the new city of Karosgrad, and how would you go about solving them as Alderman?

6 - QUESTION THREE: What is your primary goal to accomplish as Alderman?





Sigmar var Ruthern 

Viktor Barclay (incumbent)

Tarathiel Asul’onn




1. Each candidate will be asked for an opening and a closing statement, as well as three questions.

2. Each candidate will be permitted to fully finish their answer.

3. Rebuttals to candidates' answers will be permitted after the candidate finishes their initial response.

4. In order to give a rebuttal, the rebutting candidate will raise their hand, and be called on by the mediator.

5. Each candidate may only give a rebuttal once per candidate per question unless allowed for further debate by the mediator.

6. Rebuttals are not allowed on opening or closing statements.




Sigmar Ruthern

“Prevja, my fellow citizens! My name is Sigmar Josef var Ruthern, and I am running to be one your Aldermen. For those of you who do not know me, I am a footman in the Royal Army of Haense, and a proud son of Hanseti-Ruska. I hope to have the opportunity to improve this kingdom with you, should you vote me for Alderman. Spasibo.”


Viktor Barclay 

“Hello! My name is Viktor Lorenz Barclay, as most should know. I’m one of your two incumbent Aldermen, though my counterpart has chosen not to run again. I’ve been Alderman through complete reform and apocalypse, and yet I have not failed to create and support the bills that matter most and nominate our first Lady Speaker. In the last years before we left our former home and came here to Karosgrad, we were plagued by scandal and troublemaking deviants. And yet we have persisted. I have contributed, in an endeavour led by our brothers and sisters in the HRA, to Haense continuing to be a nation of law and order.”


Tarathiel Asul’onn

“Prevja, once again! My last opening statement was… Suffice to say, it was rather long-winded, so I will keep this one brief. I have been working towards fulfilling my prior election promises, despite the apocalypse occuring and us having to move to a new home, and I will continue to do so as Alderman. I hope that you vote for me as Alderman, so that I may continue to champion the interests of you, the Haeseni people, in Duma. Dravi.”




QUESTION ONE: What makes you stand out from the rest of the candidates?

Sigmar Ruthern

ANSWER: “The easiest answer to that question is that I am young. Both of the other candidates have had years in the Duma. To some, that may be seen as a reason to vote against me, but to you, I ask for your ear for just a moment. The easiest answer to that question is that I am young. Both of the other candidates have had years in the Duma. Da, I am young. But my youth is not a bad thing; I have all the vigor that comes with that so I can push through the legislation the people of Haense need. I am also willing to listen. To those my elders, and to you, the people, and what you want for Haense, for that is what is most important. It is my hope that one day, I will be able to offer the years of experience under my belt to another young man in this position. I hope you all will consider that when it comes time to vote.”


Viktor Barclay raises his hand.

Irena Ruthern: “Mister Barclay.”

Viktor Barclay: “Can the young Ruthern give us some details of that legislation? What legislation does the Ruthern believe the people of Haense require, that those elder cannot?”

Irena Ruthern: “Mister Ruthern, your response?”

Sigmar Ruthern: “Excellent question Mister Barclay! But, as you know, there are other questions, da? I will be able to answer all of what you ask then!”

Viktor Barclay: “Sigh, hasn't answered my question…”

Sigmar Ruthern: “Da, because they will be answered with the very next question. I will not waste all of our time by saying what I propose twice, of course!”


Viktor Barclay

ANSWER: “I have experience as a member of the Duma for quite a few terms, though Tarathiel has also served a term, while juggling running our tavern so beautifully might I add, and some military service with the HRA. I’d say I’m very well equipped, more so than a child and certainly more so than at the beginning of my time as Alderman, to make the right judgement in the Duma Hall for the betterment of Haense and its peoples.”


Sigmar Ruthern raised his hand. 

Irena Ruthern: “Mister Ruthern.”

Sigmar Ruthern: “Spasibo. Mister Barclay, I assume you are speaking of me when you say child. I will not argue, but I will ask; do you then disagree with the current law that those of age 14 and higher may run for office? Would you make legislation to change that?”

Viktor Barclay: “It is a fact, Young Ruthern, that I am more experienced than a child. If I had an issue with those of 14 running, I would have said so before you stepped up here. In fact, I have supported Marcella Barclay, here today, in her quest for political betterment.”

Sigmar Ruthern: “Spasibo. That is all.”


Tarathiel Asul’onn 

ANSWER: “Compared to most candidates here, I do have a great deal of life experience, at nearly a century upon this world. Additionally, I have a great deal of experience when it comes to administration and business management, as I have taken the Crow’s Hearth from its prior state of fallowness, and revitalized it into a blooming establishment.”



QUESTION TWO: What would you consider to be two prevalent issues as we are now in the new city of Karosgrad, and how would you go about solving them as Alderman?

Sigmar Ruthern

“I believe that both of the issues I will present, and indeed almost all issues we currently face, stem from the novelty of the city, and will be fixed in time with the proud Highlander spirit and time. To begin with, I believe that the defenses of the city could be improved. In these times, we should not forget that there are threats, even in this new world, that could threaten to try and overthrow us. We should not leave our fate to chance. Our alliance with the Dwarves and Norland is a good first step, but I would like to improve the current material state of our defenses. This would be done through ensuring our gates are impregnable, and suitable for a siege. I also aim for more cannons to be aligned upon the walls from all sides to halt potential threats in their tracks. Secondly, I believe that the city lacks the facilities to provide efficiently for the common folk. My eyes turn first to the farms, most of which are private. I believe that our current farmlands should be expanded, and that the majority of these new fields be given over to public use. This would also have the side effect of allowing for the gathering of more food for the Royal Army, should it ever need it, such as in the case of a massive boar hunt. It is more efficient.”


Tarathiel Asul’onn raises her hand. 

Irena Ruthern: “Miss Asul’onn.”

Tarathiel Asul’onn: “So, I've a few questions regarding your position. Firstly, you propose intervening in what is, logically speaking, an HRA affair through legislature. How do you plan to accomplish this?”

Sigmar Ruthern: “A fair question. I would respond by saying that the defense of Haense is a matter that concerns all of Haense. As a member of the Royal Army myself, I have a great respect for it. But I believe legislation is the path forward for an undertaking of this nature.”

Tarathiel Asul’onn: “And what legislature do you propose to mount cannons on our walls? I will remind you that the Duma is a legislative body to pass and amend laws, be they criminal or otherwise.”

Sigmar Ruthern: “I would say that it is similar to the passage of an act to increase farmland, which I noted you did not object to when it was proposed to by Mister Barclay. Legislation passed through duma would then mandate action, in this case.”

Tarathiel Asul’onn: “Under the Haurul, the military cannot be legislated.”

Irena Ruthern: “Any other questions, Miss Asul’onn?”

Tarathiel Asul’onn: “Nae, that will be all for the moment.”

Irena Ruthern: “Thank you, Miss Asul’onn.”

Viktor Barclay raises his hand. 

Irena Ruthern: “Mister Barclay.”

Viktor Barclay: “I'd just like to say. My bill proposals weren't challenged because they didn't legislate the military. They legislated things that would positively affect the military. Tarathiel challenged your proposal to legislation the military. The military fortifications, their weapons arsenal, et cetera."

Irena Ruthern: “Mister Ruthern, is there anything you would like to say in response? Else, we shall move on to the final question.”

Sigmar Ruthern: “I don't believe this would necessarily fall under the purview of the Royal Army alone. Given all bills go to the crown, this would then be the decision of the crown whether or not to accept the proposed increases to defenses in Haense. All bills, after all, are suggestions.”

Viktor Barclay raises his hand. 

Irena Ruthern: “Mister Barclay.”

Sigmar Ruthern: “I was under the impression you can only have a rebuttal once per candidate's question.”

Irena Ruthern: “We can continue the debate, should you wish to continue with it as well, Mister Sigmar. I would prefer to encourage debate rather than hinder it. However, should this derail too far, I will have to bring it to a halt. Please, continue.”

Viktor Barclay: “The Lord Marshal is appointed by his Majesty to oversee the military and ensure the safety of Haense. You suggest the Lord Marshal is failing in his duty?”

Sigmar Ruthern: “Do you argue that the crown is not also able to make changes to the military as it sees fit? A Lord Marshal may not be failing his duties, but the crown reserves the right to act as it sees best for the kingdom. I have nothing more to add, except that I have no issues with Lord Marshal Barclay. But under these circumstances, he is a very busy man! We cannot expect him to be able to think of everything.”

Viktor Barclay: “I argue the Crown has appointed the Lord Marshal to ensure the security of Haense. He has done so brilliantly thus far, and he may converse with the King of any issues in the Aulic Council meetings. You may not. Legislate. The. Military.” 

Sigmar Ruthern: “I have said my piece already. Barclay is attempting to confuse the issue simply by repeating his point, and putting words in my mouth that I did not say.”

Irena Ruthern: “Any further commentary, Mister Ruthern and Mister Barclay?”

Viktor Barclay: “You stated you want to legislate the military, did he not? We can check the transcript later.”

No further comment is made.


Viktor Barclay

ANSWER: “To be quite honest, I find there to be very few issues at all. We all seem to have settled in well, resources to create new exciting products for the markets in this new land are scarce but the tavern is more popular than ever. And the soldiers of the HRA are making technological strides in the pursuit of new materials for weapons, armour, and domestic products. One issue, however, is the shortage of public farms. The owners of the farmhouses may wish their crops to be harvestable only by themselves, as is their right. I would propose the cutting back of some of the forest surrounding Karosgrad to make way for more farmland, or alternatively the creation of other farming settlements in the clearings and valleys of the lands under our control. And, secondly, maybe not so much of a prevalent issue, more of an issue that may crop up more in the future. Heresy and Godlessness are rife in the Orenian Empire we have been so lucky to escape from. I worry that our laws just aren’t strict enough to completely dissuade such filth from attempting to settle here. Haense is a Canonist nation. All good Haeseni should go to mass, go to confession, say their prayers. And any of the fiends in Oren that have the gall to insult and assault the clergy must be dissuaded from coming here and be punished properly if they commit the same crimes that are allowed to happen in the ironically named ‘Providence’. I would propose the strengthening of our religious law, with any Heresy and Blasphemy law (420) who’s breaking results in a minor offence be raised to a middling offence, alongside. The raising of the punishment for breaking the Protection of Heresy law (421.06) From a minor offence to a middling offence to dissuade those who commit such crimes and punish them rightly.”


Tarathiel Asul’onn

ANSWER: “An excellent question. I think the answer is plain to see; The economy, and the lack of life in the city. You will notice that, unlike in New Reza, our city does not bustle as it used to. We've no longer the thoroughfare we once enjoyed, which saddens me greatly. Part of this is the state of the economy, which leaves our citizens with not much to spend on the things they once enjoyed, such as Amador cigars and other 'luxury' goods as those. We're in a new land, ti, but we've not yet had our new start. I hope to both utilize the new treaty to attempt to spur more economic development within the city, as well as try and pass legislation to ease the burden on our citizens, so that they may enjoy themselves once again. As well, I will endeavor to try and host events and such to bring back the buzz we once enjoyed upon Arcas. Thank you.”



QUESTION THREE: What is your primary goal to accomplish as Alderman?

Sigmar Ruthern

“My primary goal is to ensure the safety of the Kingdom from threats beyond our borders, but also to safeguard the common people against the threats against the quality of their standards of living.”


Viktor Barclay

“My primary goal to accomplish as Alderman? Improve the lives of the people of Haense, especially the soldiers of the HRA my family hold so dear, by continuing to support bills and create bills that make their lives better, during and after their service.”


Tarathiel Asul’onn

“The answer would be thus; I wish to finish the reforms I'd begin proposing, and tackle the issues presented here today by the good Barclay and myself, which I would say go hand-in-hand with each other.”




Sigmar Ruthern

“I hope you can see that I have given a lot of thought and time to my campaign and what I will do for you as Alderman. I would ask you all to vote for me, so that you may help me help you. I am proud to be a member of our kingdom. Spasibo, and Godan bless the crown!”


Viktor Barclay

“Now you have a taste of my policy and my willingness to continue serving the people of Haense, I hope you will grant me four. More. Years. Four more years of stability, law and order, safety and prosperity for our great and powerful Canonist nation. Again, thank you.”


Tarathiel Asul’onn

“I am not left with much to say that has not already been said. I am here to push for policies which benefit the well-being of the people as a whole, and I will continue to do so. Even if I experience obstacles in such an endeavor, I will strive to overcome them so that you can have a voice! Dravi, and may GODAN be with you all!”



Edited by Eryane
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