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Ajax Frostbeard sends out another round of couriers. another song posted from his reserves. Still reclusive in his home as he carries on his work.


My Dearest Bojak


[Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFmdCkz5vcA&ab_channel=KimSourChannel ]
[Lyrics: Ajax Frostbeard]
[Sidenote: Not much really needing to be said. Ajax forlorn with the goings on of kazulrah and the rebellion after the fact shielded his son from the fallout and the downfall and harsh times of the dwed..]


My dearest Bojakk
What to do with you..
You have my eyes
You have your mother's smile.
When you came into this world,
I cried, as you touched my heart.


I'm dedicating every day to you
Exile life I always thought was wild 
But for my child..
I had pulled you out , nations tore apart..
Of a dream I thought was smart...


You came of age
during tribulation
I'll teach and prepare you,
I'll hunt and care for you.


Until a dwed reformation
I'll pass it onto you
make Urguan home to you
And we'll return again someday, Someday..
Yes, we'll return again someday, someday..


Oh Bojak,
when you laugh I am undone
My son..
My only son..
I've left you things worth looking for
There's much more dwed culture to adore..


Oh Bojak
If you had known the foolish things..
I've done...
Frostbeards and Urguan torn apart...
Actions I thought were smart...


My parents were not around
(Verthaik then came around.)
I swear that i'll be around for you..
I'll Do whatever it takes
(To make up for all my mistakes)
To keep the world safe and sound for you..


came of age
during tribulation
I taught and prepared you
I hunted and cared for you.

Now in the age of reformation
I pass it onto you
Urguan's now home for you
And we return again today, today...
Yeah you've returned to me today....


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