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A Thesis: On the Flowers Which Blossom from Decay


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On the Flowers Which Blossom from Decay

“Upon these dwarven ruins I shall found a city, a tribute to GOD and man”

-Saint Karl upon the foundation of Siegrad and after the finding of ancient ruins in said city.


Final Fantasy VII Sector 5 Church by Laggyzaki on DeviantArt


My fellows, I know it tiring to state the obvious, but we find ourselves in a time of great perplexity and contrast. A time in which we build temples to GOD that appear to reach into the sky and touch GOD’s very Celestial Chapel, as defined by the Good Bram Calistovich. Yet, as I have seen, these churches, for their opulence and glory, do less contain GOD’s word than the simple sermons around dying fires in the hinterlands of the realms of man. This is not said to place blame on GOD’s servants, but rather to pose a juxtaposition, we have made clearer our physical commitment to GOD but in doing allowed ourselves to forgive our transgressions. We forgive our mistakes, our sins, for we can point to the grand manifestations of our churches and say “look at me, for how could GOD judge me when I have built such a great temple in His name?” The very same temples meant to demonstrate our faith and be the Seven Skies embodied in our earthly realm, instead represent our decay in our devotion to GOD. For a temple is not made a temple by its construction alone, but rather the belief that it is a temple. The marble and stone flowers which we believe to have sprouted from our dedication to GOD, instead expose the decay of that very dedication.



Vast halls throughout the realms of man sit empty, only to be used on occasion for sermons during which those who used to lean in and eagerly await the word of GOD’s servants, now enter a state of sleep or talk amongst themselves. The sermons which we have made more complex and intricate in our attempts to spread GOD’s message have seemed to only do the opposite. Fewer and fewer come to our grand tributes, and those that do, seem to do so for fear of what might be said about them in dark halls if they do not. I cannot help myself from examining the writings of Neophyte Herod who so aptly wrote over one hundred years ago that “All that is truly great on Earth belongs to God, not to man. When men abandon this truth favor of their own pride and hubris- that is when Empires fall, Kings lose their crowns, and the land falls into shadow.” We have instead continued along the path of spiritual decay, building grand cities and temples claiming, as Herod warns, they are to GOD, but often man molests these buildings for their own gain, and in doing so, takes another step down the staircase of decay, which, once reaching the bottom, holds all sin and purgatory.



The stairs of decay are one of man and are disguised by walls of beauty and riches. From the top of the stairs, one cannot see the bottom, instead they are encouraged to take the first step, the steepest of them all, by wealth and power. As one takes a step down and their vision is distracted by sights of great personal gain and accomplishments in their name, they are unaware that if they turn around there is naught but dark halls and sorrow from their transgressions. Like a pond slowly drained by a stream, decay drains the power of GOD’s word on our plane. However, we know GOD to be almighty and strong, with His staircase not knowing the nature of decay. We must, though hard, begin the process of turning around on our staircase and repairing the stairs of man so that we may one day walk upon the stairs of GOD.


Acolyte Draskovic


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