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A Challenge
to Justice



[!] A momentary light would hover above the city of Elvenesse, the blistering shrieks of an ignited phoenix bearing down onward, forward, finding rest at the boats of Tahorran. Within the beak of Valeriya remained a rolled parchment, fastened with the sigil of the Ichorian path. This particular missive seemed to be penned to a certain Skana ap Tahorran. 


To the one that names themselves Skana ap Tahorran, relative of my nephew, Laetranis ap Tahorran.


Upon the date of the 13th of the Amber cold, you opted for cowardice, a mindless decision to overstep your bounds. Not only presenting yourself in ignorance and uninformed aggression but opting to further draw insult upon the name Viper and Lioness alike. Through the folly of butchered words, you provoked elders of Ichor and the Father Circle, proceeding to stagnate the progression during a Gathering of Ichor. 


Let me educate you young Tahorran, that stagnation breeds weakness, an endless cycle of practice that results in fruitless crops - unworthy of sowing. In your child-like outburst, you delivered a stagnation upon each child of Ichor present and such is a great sin for us all. 


For an Ichorian, such challenge does not come without hefty consideration, mulling. Yet, just as Laetranis was and Artimec before him, your blood carries negligence and dishonour. Men of pride and stupidity, allowing egos to brandish their action and no longer will I see another cycle of Tahorran incompetence bred by your palm. Just as it was Laetranis. 


In four elven days, a duel shall occur. Forged naught for first-blood or defeat, but until either the corpse of my own or your remains lifeless upon the soils where no laws bind us but that of honour.


As you swore beneath the revered name of the Horned Lord, you seek to cut me down for serving justice any other would have seen you slain for. Then so be it, but might you learn that words hold no comparison to action.

If you fail to heed the promise of your oathed challenge, then might the aspects bring shame upon your name.

Learn to wield your weapon and not your tongue, Tahorran.


Diraar Tal’Taliyna of the Ichorian Path
Sister Ichor

Quillian Csarathaire



If both parties turn up to the duel - both acknowledge and accept the clause of a permanent death upon loss.

The duel shall happen on Saturday 10th April - 5 EST.
The lands of the east, pm for co-ords.


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After spending some time speaking with Rylleah and Skana at the Tahorran docks, Aesilnoth returned home and submitted a public reply. Having been given the letter to read by its intended. 

"Quillian Csarathaire, I must commend you on the bold acceptance to a duel of honor against a boy with now a single eye. To openly assault a citizen of Elvenesse and maim him during a druidic moot no less. Is it your belief that the laws do not apply to you? Why so? It was not even a decade prior you were banished from this place. And yet you and the Viper have acted in such a way that is impertinent against the Indor Tiran.

So I say this, as a protector of this land. If you, Quillian Csarathaire step foot here again with intentions of an honor duel, then shall be your opponent. Shame on you for maiming a boy who simply spoke his mind. This is a land of free elves, Quillian. 

Know this, Ichor Druid. If you come here for a duel your spine will be shattered against the rocks and you will die without eyes, ears, or a tongue. You will traverse the underworld blind, deaf, and dumb and all the dead will know the name Quillian the fool. 

Do not make a fool of yourself in my beloved cihi again.

Aesilnoth Tundrak."

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7 minutes ago, ABruhMoment said:

After spending some time speaking with Rylleah and Skana at the Tahorran docks, Aesilnoth returned home and submitted a public reply. Having been given the letter to read by its intended. 

"Quillian Csarathaire, I must commend you on the bold acceptance to a duel of honor against a boy with now a single eye. To openly assault a citizen of Elvenesse and maim him during a druidic moot no less. Is it your belief that the laws do not apply to you? Why so? It was not even a decade prior you were banished from this place. And yet you and the Viper have acted in such a way that is impertinent against the Indor Tiran.

So I say this, as a protector of this land. If you, Quillian Csarathaire step foot here again with intentions of an honor duel, then shall be your opponent. Shame on you for maiming a boy who simply spoke his mind. This is a land of free elves, Quillian. 

Know this, Ichor Druid. If you come here for a duel your spine will be shattered against the rocks and you will die without eyes, ears, or a tongue. You will traverse the underworld blind, deaf, and dumb and all the dead will know the name Quillian the fool. 

Do not make a fool of yourself in my beloved cihi again.

Aesilnoth Tundrak."

Hareven sighs at the public reply after having given the proper full story to High Prince Feanor, and just places it on his desk with the pamphlets to the Providence nightclub, on a dusty shelf.

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After Skana had his tribal kin read the declaration to him, he had his scribe for him an open letter in reply.


Ichor Druid,


Let me first state, that as a disciple of the monks of Chi, it goes against the rites of my master to take life unless absolutely necessary. Even if I wished to entertain your demands, I would have to sacrifice my place among the Monks to do so. Now let us get down to the main points.


I do not owe you a single thing. I do not have to acknowledge your ultimatum, or play by your rules. Your demand for an honour duel would hold warrant if you had a shred of honour, but you have shown before all today that you do not. Did I offend brother Viper? your brother Viper uttered complete blasphemy about shackling the Mani Princes to his will. Enslaving my Gods. I did not offer him insult, he offered insult to me. You also speak with double-standard. In the same breath you condemn me to death for offering others insult, you too have insulted the honour of my ancestors, my forefathers, and my tribe. But it matters not, the Tahorran have weathered worse than you. Faced crueler manner of monster than you. You condemn me for running your tongue, and yet you run yours. We are stronger than your yapping, and your words mean nothing to us.


You taught me to fight for my beliefs, to never back down from a fight.  Was it not my duty- by your own teachings, to stand up against a man who threatened all that I hold dear? Yet you tried to silence me. You teach your disciples to never back down, but force them to do so if it undermines you and your authority. if it goes against YOUR personal beliefs.You are a hypocrite, and every man, woman and spirit of the forest with a shred of wisdom can see this.


I further find it amusing that you have the nerve to demand an honour duel on your terms after your act of utter disgrace at the moot. First, instead of fighting your own battle as your own code demands, you ordered your minions to do your dirty work for you. Simply because I chose to speak out against a man who wished to enslave my gods. I asked you to duel me with honour, not a duel to the death mind you, as you now demand of me. And yet before I could even raise my arms I was struck from behind and knocked unconscious from behind before our fight could even begin. Then, as I lay helpless before you by way of this vulturesque strike, you blinded my eye, claiming a prize for a victory YOU did not win. Now, you ask for an HONOURABLE duel, when you have maimed and weakened me with your DISHONOURABLE actions?


You censor those who speak any words inconvenient to your ears. You defeat your enemies by having your disciples do your work for you. You maim a boy simply for speaking out of turn. You are not a woman guided by honour, but a woman who lashes out with cruelty when your pride is wounded. You posture yourself like a noble Lioness, and yet you act like a cackling dog at the head of a feral pack. My honour does not depend on you. Your words mean nothing to me.


Let me make one other thing clear. You claim I swore I would kill you. But that is not what I said, is it? I told you after you took my eye that when I got stronger  I would inflict on you the same suffering you inflicted on me. In time, perhaps I shall fulfill that promise. What I do know is this: when I decide to confront you, it will be when I choose and on my terms, because I do NOT dance to your tune. When I confront you, I will be as strong as you are. Unlike you, an ancient Druid, so eager to challenge and kill someone you call little more than a boy.


Unlike you, I dont see murder as justice. To me, justice is dealt proportionately to the crime given. Your crime was to take my eye- despite never having earned the right. Never having bested me. I seek an eye for an eye, nothing more. You are a murderer, but I am not. I am stronger than your hateful beliefs and have NO obligation to live by them. You will not make me into a killer. In time I will ensure you see justice for your crime. But I will not murder you. 


I am not your dog. I do not answer to your call. When the time is right, I will see justice done. And like your Ichorians stand behind you, my tribe and my people stand behind me. 


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Returns later with red ink to circle two specific lines just to avoid any confusion.


17 minutes ago, ABruhMoment said:

 If you, Quillian Csarathaire step foot here again with intentions of an honor duel


19 minutes ago, ABruhMoment said:

 Know this, Ichor Druid. If you come here for a duel


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[!] Another parchment was delivered by the same ignited companion, rather carelessly dropping the parchment unto the docks of the Tahorran vessels before simply taking to the skies once more. A trail of lingering light following the onward persuit of the Phoenix.


"To the Coward of Tahorran,
Let us clear the ever lingering lies you spew unto ears that simply heed your gaggle of complaints due to personal qualms. I have presented you a date, to settle issues you picked at, gouging a deepening wounds of conflict that you were persistently and verbally told to stop with peaceful intent. The moot was conducted with a beginning prayer, a promise unto the aspects themselves that the nature of such a gathering was simply for peace. The discussion of Ichorian topics upon the new foundings of the faith.

I made it perfectly clear to you, that you voice could be heard with welcoming acceptance had you simply requested to speak with a raised palm. Yet you did not, instead you persisted to spout your nonsensical, prideful, remarks against the numerous warnings of myself. The utterances of Taeral were spoken as a man of the Father Circle. Guests to the Ichorian gathering, as you were in turn. Nor actions, I, as a Diraar Tal'Talyina, do not condone. Despite my own groundings of discontent with worshipping the mani.

After these four verbal warnings, you then withdrew your weapon - before any attempt of your peaceful removal was made, I shall highlight again. You were a guest at such a meeting, not one of us nor had any right to draw weapons against another man during the proceedings. You name yourself a chi monk? Though you so willingy withdrew a weapon due to your roused anger upon the utterances of the Viper Druid. If we really wish to persist and highlight aspects of lunacy and hypocricy - you, again, withdrew a weapon. How I wonder what purpose such a weapon would have served, it is not a folly to assume what you would have done.

Thus, to maintain the peace established during the moot - I requested your removal, so we could continue without grievances or bloodshed. From where, as my people attempted to shift you from the premises twice - you assaulted them. Two, unarmed, men. With only the intent to see your tantrums ceased. It was Sister Lioness that acted upon her own rage, due the insult you presented, that struck you. Did I ask her to assault you? To impede in your pathetic display of embarassment? No, I did not. That was of her own choosing. Did I remove her progression toward you? Yes. I halted any further efforts Sister Lioness wish to pursue and inflict.

Now - you make this almighty promise you will enact such justice upon myself? I have written a date for you, rather than dance around bold statements of a man that has more bark than bite. Yet please, for those whom read this to you - view the following atrocities of why I called for this challenge.

- For the numerous interuptions of an Ichorian moot, despite being told to stop several times.
- For the assault of two unnarmed Diraar Tal'Talinya's when attempting to peacefully remove you from causing further trouble.
- For the insult you not only brought to myself, but to both Brother Viper and Sister Lioness.

- For swearing before the Horned Lord you would see me cut down, maimed. Yet running from the invitation when it is presented to you.
- For withdrawing a weapon during an Ichorian moot, when peace was intended.


- For acting upon all forms of aggression both physical and verbal, despite claiming to be a monk of Chi.

Do not paint the ears of mali' kin with lies and deciet, many witnessed your onslought, assaults and withdrawal of weapons. Thus understad the truth.

Accept the duel or run like the forefathers before you - for the apple does not fall too far from the tree."

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[Point of OOC. This post is only RP knowledge for a select few, less you have been informed either through myself, the Tahorran's or valid RP sources. Please refrain from writing responses!]

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Rylleah ap Tahorran reads threw the letters again. She thinks back to the conversations that she has had this elven day and sighs leaning back in her chair "If only she would agree to meet with me we could work this out instead of sending letters back and forth, next elven day I will seek her out myself and see what we can do." Rylleah begins to write to find her and schedule a time and place. 

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Just now, RachelPotato said:

Rylleah ap Tahorran reads threw the letters again. She thinks back to the conversations that she has had this elven day and sighs leaning back in her chair "If only she would agree to meet with me we could work this out instead of sending letters back and forth, next elven day I will seek her out myself and see what we can do." Rylleah begins to write to find her and schedule a time and place. 

Hareven doesn't know this person or what she intends but mentally agrees.

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You continue to dishonour yourself with your lies.


Lie the first. I never drew my weapons upon any of your ilk unprovoked. While Taeral spoke I did nothing but grip tight the handle of my club as a reflex to the utter evil of the words he spoke. I did not draw it, swing it, or otherwise state any intention to use it. Infact I did not draw my weapons until after you pointed your spear at me. You lie poorly.


I made no such assault on your disciples. They initiated conflict by forcefully grabbing me, and I did nothing but try to break myself free. Furthermore you had no right to remove me from the dolmens on the hill, where the moot was held. These are Elvenesse lands, under the law of the Crown-bearer. You are no Exarch, nor Emerald Guard. You have no right to enact force upon anyone. By having your disciples seize me, you are in violation of our peoples' law, not I.


I will not apologize for offering you or Viper insult. Any man who speaks of something so evil as use dark sorcery to enslave a Mani deserves to be called out upon. It is absolutely pitiful how you continue to silence dissenting voices, censoring any speech that you do not abide by despite preaching that everyone should have the strength to stand by what they believe in. This is especially distressing when you sit by and do nothing as your compatriot speaks openly about harnessing vile sorcery to enslave the spirits of nature for the sake of their own power, spirits you are sworn to protect. That an ancient druid offered no resistance to such an evil proposition, but a boy had to do it for you, is pitiful.


I do not care whether or not Lioness was acting on your behalf. I do not care that you made a feeble attempt to stop her solely to save face. You held your own honour in your hands when I was helpless and unconscious before you. A foe you were supposed to fight fairly, but had been brought down by hands other than your own. You chose to claim a prize you had not won. You chose to maim me while I could not defend myself. Now, when I am weak, injured and one-eyed, you demand a duel? A duel you've ensured you will win by maiming me when the opportunity presented it to you? The moment you sliced me with your spear, you lost every right you had to be treated like an honourable opponent. That moment, you lost all your credibility.


Furthermore, in continuing to insist I threatened to murder you, you either remain willfully ignorant, or are choosing to be a liar. When you broke our law, and stained your honour by maiming my eye after a fight you did not win, I told you I would grow stronger, and bring onto you the same suffering you brought onto me. That is not a call for death, that is a call for justice. Justice some day, by the will of Amaethon and the wisdom of Nemglan, I hope I will have.


The wisdom of the wild faith tell us that death is a natural thing, but should only come when necessary. A stag dies so the wolves can feed, and survive. A mighty oak burns admist a forest fire, so new saplings can grow where it stood. I do not fear death, for it is as natural as life. But what do you want to kill for? You want to take a life because words  you did not like were spoken out of turn. That is not a death that serves a natural purpose. That is a death taken for nothing but the sake of pride. Your bloodlust violates the very core of our faith. Violates what the sacred Horned Lord Cernunnos, a God you claim to so closely follow, stands for.


I will not bend to your ultimatum,

I will stand up for myself, my beliefs and my family on my terms, not yours.

Your words mean nothing to me. You are a hypocrite, and a coward.




Edited by linzexu
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7 minutes ago, Keefy said:

Hareven doesn't know this person or what she intends but mentally agrees.

Rylleah is the Chieftain of the Tahorrans. (for OOC context)


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This letter and those prior will be sent to the both parties as well as the High Prince and Elvenesse Council.


I will officially state here that my opinions and my actions were done by me as an individual, not enacting the main viewpoint of the Father Circle. The only official statements ever to be acknowledged that reflect the Father Circle’s views will have ALL Raitheans signatures on it. 

Skana ap Tahorran,


When these letters were first sent to me, I had figured the boy that so boldly claimed and challenged an Ancient Druid Elder like a man, despite everyone there numerously telling him to cease, would rise up proudly to his opponent accepting it. Now I see the pride and strength that was once held removed and replaced with arrogant cowardice because of being safely tucked away in his home. Your words weaving lies and slander that all of us there started this and only NOW do you try to invoke Elvenesse Laws to bring the city into YOUR situation upon which you started? The fact that you are related to Laetranis explains much of your behavior and the utter lack of respect you truly have against anything you involve yourself and the Nation that you reside in. You are banking upon your youth to sway the hearts of even the authority figures and tell your slanderous lies that you didn't do anything to invoke this. That you were silenced because of what you spoke of. 


No. Everyone there was told this was to be a peaceful Moot of the Ichorian Creed. It was moved to the wilderness out of respect for the grounds of the Circle I watch over and to not clutter the city’s square. It was stated there that if one wished to speak, they needed to raise their hand. Something that even the High Prince of the Elvenesse knows because of the chaotic mess Druidic Moots can be. At first, you did this. A respectful gesture from an outsider thinking upon joining. We heard your concerns and your questions. It was answered in turn. Yet when the Viper Druid did the same. When he respectfully raised his hand and spoke of what he wanted to do, you suddenly went off out of line. And kept doing it. Ti, we are more than aware of what Viper spoke of. Of wanting to deal with corrupted Mani in his own way. Of course it collided with others beliefs, including your own. However, That is a belief. A viewpoint that not everyone shares. Nor does everyone share your sole belief in worshipping the Nemglan, the Spirit of the Thunderbird. 


You want to step upon the path of Druidism and thus you got a taste of it. Because it isn’t a singular belief or viewpoint that everyone follows. Every Circle has their own paths. Every group follows their own ways and/or creeds. Despite of course the clash that could occur upon what Taeral had stated, all there that stood knew of this yet spoke respectfully in return. Even he asked if this would be issues with several. And it was answered it would be to some groups, yet not to others. YOU were the one that broke this respect and peace. YOU went off like a raging child instead of voicing your concerns like everyone else there. YOU were told numerous times to cease this and instead, raise your hand. You didn’t and continued your disrespect and insults towards the peace of the Moot stated at the beginning. 


The absolutely disgusting part about this whole thing is now backing away from the very thing you were so adamant about. You refused to leave that moot and fought against those trying to remove you. You sat there insistently defiant and wanted to continue your wrath. And thus everyone heard it. You then decide to challenge the Viper Druid. Despite my, HIS, and everyone else’s warnings there that he would flat kill you instead of sparring, you wanted to continue it. His patience held far more than my own, trying to avoid bloodshed on a clearly untrained youth. Yet you did not care. When you pulled out your weapon and held it ready to fight, you were then considered a threat. You pursued your endeavor and redirected your ire towards Quillian and directly challenged her. You ignored all the warnings thus far of what could happen. And again, you continued. 


If my ire over the fact that you weren’t handled and dealt with by then along with invoking the utter wrath of the Viper Druid over your constant pestering of him to engage in a fight, a corpse would’ve been taken back to your Tribe instead of a pathetic whelp with a now missing eye. I struck you down with the intent to invoke my statement earlier towards you. My actions sacrificed honor to save your pathetic life. A gesture I will not make again due to your inability to stand firm and accept what you so stubbornly wanted to do. 


If you want to pursue the law of this nation, I suggest you start with yourself and the attempted assault upon a peaceful gathering and your utter failure to cease your transgressions even as others had to subdue you. You want to try and invoke the punishment clause? You stood at a Druidic Moot, a gathering of Druids, and ignored the blatant warnings we stated to you with the rules and ways that were told of what could happen. Like Laetranis had to learn prior before, you did so tonight with your own arrogance. 


I don’t personally care if you decide to go through with this challenge or not. For this decision falls solely on you and your actions will have consequences. If you dare come at any member or I again, we will take you down. If you want to play victim and hide in your boat upon the sea, do so in your shame and cowardice. 


You wish to follow the path of the Wilds? You WILL learn then how your words and actions carry upon your journey. Nature is not kind when you invoke its wrath. Neither are we. 


Andria Tresery, The Lioness Druid 


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3 hours ago, linzexu said:



Laerin would read over the notice. "That is a lot of words when he could have said 'I am a coward' and saved himself a few Saint's hours of thought." She would say this to her haelun, some small smirk on her visage! 

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Although he hadn't yet been privy to the private missives between his mother Quillian and Skana, whose maniist practices he abhorred, Avius had seen Aesilnoth's initial declaration of threat and challenge. He regarded it with a definite distaste. Utterly unlike himself, the phoenix picked up a writing implement and almost put pen to paper, but stopped at the last moment. Discarding the instrument, he instead rose from his seat, retrieved his trusty Dominion blade Eldarian and made for the exit.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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