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Farmer John


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The farmer’s crops did not grow fruitful that year, but his neighbor’s had.  By the grace of an unseen blessing, these folk had been able to feed their families.  Whilst the other farmer could not even afford a loaf of bread.  He sat around the hearth that night, rocking back and forth as he felt his stomach slowly succumbing to starvation.  He looked at the flames with a single question “How will I eat to live on, oh Great Titan?”. . . there was no answer till there were just embers.  For then did the Great Titan appear, Unseen.  He told the farmer “Go unto thy neighbor and slay him.  For then you will eat from his stores.”  The farmer now arose from his pitiful position upon the ground, as he departed his homestead he took only a cleaver.  




The next day the farmer returned home.  Now the farmer sat in his home, staring down at two large knapsacks of food that will inevitably keep him alive.  He thought to himself, “I am alive, therefore that is all that matters, truly?”  He pondered this longer now.  So long in fact that he had eaten all of what he had taken from his neighbor just a week ago.  So, the farmer looked to the flames once more, though this time he did not call out to The Great Titan, for he knew what he would tell. 




The farmer set out again, though this time permanently.  For if his crops weren’t to grow, he wasn’t to stay on a farm.  As he set out, he found that he would not go hungry any more.  Instead he had a belly more full than it ever had been.  “By any means necessary.”  he would think to himself as he travelled.  His state of mind slowly becomes that of acceptance to his place within this finite plane of existence.  “What now?”  The once farmer would sometimes ask himself as he journeyed continuously, holding no true destination.  As he trekked on and on, killed more and more, he’d soon begin to stop asking “What now.”  No longer worried about a great purpose, he knew why he was here.  He was here to eat, to live and to serve the Great Titan.  For nothing else mattered.  For if you did not eat, you would perish.  If you did not revel in the fires of The Great Titan.  You would perish.  This was Asioth for the farmer, he had obtained absolutism within his own perspective.



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