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A Poet's Disappearence

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It was a bright day such as any other, the sun shining and beaming down upon the city of Karosgrad. Mirabella Violet sat within her home, the rooms shrouded with darkness. The fire that often crackled was burnt out, and the woman felt no desire to relight it. At her desk she sat, a sorrowful look upon her face. She made herself think of how this sudden feeling had come, yet inside she knew exactly how.


It was a feeling that had been lingering since her days within Providence, when she was a child. A mix of shame and sadness that sat within, brewing and growing as she aged. There was no reason for her to feel these things, yet she did. It felt as if she’d amounted to nothing even if she had.


It was an undying loneliness that she thought she had forgotten.


Mira shook her head, mumbling unknown words under her breath. She quickly rose from her chair, and grabbed a bag. Inside it she placed important items- food, water, and her works. Books scribbled with lines of ink, with papers of different origins tucked away to look back at. Her home was something she loved. The first place of her own, the first place she could even call home. Yet Mirabella felt she needed to leave it. She wanted to run from her feelings, seeming in some odd and sudden panic.


The woman stopped; her eyes glancing back to her desk. She rushed to it, beginning to write. Hastily, and messily, yet it was done. It was the least she could do at that moment.


After a bit more packing, Mirabella Violet left the city, with no trace as to where she continued on to. The only thing left behind was a piece of paper that laid on her desk. Another letter was left at the door of her friend.



To The Kingdom of Haenseti-Ruska-

I’ve loved this kingdom since I was first invited as a teenager. I thank each and every person that made my time worthwhile, and allowed me to continue my work in peace. I hope this will not be the end, and I hope to continue my writing one day. That day I’m sure will not be soon. I’ll return one day.


I’m far too ashamed to admit the reason I am leaving, but I will be back, whether it is in five years, or fifty years.


I have loved my role as Court Poet, but I shall leave that position to allow someone far more fitting than I.


Mother Ruska shall always hold my heart.

Albrecht @Marron-


You have been my friend for many years, and I thank you for that, Alfie. Yet I cannot stay here. My mind will not allow it. These last few years have only helped me realize that. I wish I had more to say, yet this may be the one time I’m at a loss for words. But quit getting injured.




Mira absolutely has to be one of my favorite characters I've had so far! I've just gotten stuck on what to write for her poems, and also spend a bit too much time focusing on another nation's politics! She'll be back one day though, probably. Thank you all for making her fun and giving her some new opportunities!


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