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Render, Children of Krug!


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[!] Mysterious missives find themselves plastered unto the notice boards of the Realm, with most being found in the Northern region of Almaris. They seem to be written in an eerie and prophetic dialect, and are directed towards all live Descendants. One reads as follows:


Hear ye, denizens of this Perceivable Realm! The Horned Ram of GOD comes to slay the wicked titans! Kings and Bishops, Rexes and Shamans, Magisters and Druids alike will cower in fear as their efforts to materialize the Word of GOD fall prey to Avarice!

Tell me, Children of Krug! How can the tusks of your Rexes still possibly grow?! When was the last time your leader’s hair bore the red hue of Glory? When was the last time they actively sought out a Warrior’s Death-- the privilege to raise your Souls to the Sky above and tell your Exalted Ancestors of how you accepted the harsh Chaos of this world for what it was-- and fought until the End despite it. Verily, I say to you, That your Kin grew too fond of life, and would rather render their Souls to be continuously befouled by Monks instead of pridefully leaving this plane towards the GrogHalls of your Ancestors once faced with better contenders. Forsake your fear of living life as Krug did. Face the forces of Iblees Entropy Flood Wheel Chaos Sata, BoM [!](This word has been crossed and replaced by many others, though they have been all scribbled over, making them impossible to read!) head-on until the End, and our Lord Father above shall save you!



A Concerned Citizen.

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