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The Theory of Magical Decay


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The Theory of Magical Decay
Penned and Proposed by Maehrir Dovian, High Elven Scholar of the Spire of Eu-Ras

[!]The paper has a title cover of a typical Arcane Ritual Circle detailing an equation using arcane runes to show the properties written in the text that is the function of magical decay

Magic; it is a term we often use to describe the mysterious natures of things that can not be simply explained by reason. Be it the blessed Arcane Arts of the Void, the rather speculative deity magics of the Aenguls and Daemons, or the foul and much rightfully hated Dark Magics. In our modern day, we can see these magics be used by those who have put the time in to mastering their craft, although in the past their was a time when the arcane arts of magic where stronger, more present, and much more terrifying to behold.


This theory, to which I have dubbed 'The Theory of Magical Decay' or simply Arcane Decay, states that the amount of 'Magical Presence' in the world increases or decreases as a function of time. That the older the world becomes, the less natural 'magic' there is, though can be increased by means of shattering and breaking down the Veil to allow a greater influence of raw mana to seep into the world. This theory holds on the basis of several lost and now missing Arcane Arts, Dark Arts, and even deity practices to which have been forever lost, be it in rumor or by some other means unknown to me. While I myself am unaware of the modern arts that do not pertain to the Void, in the past the Void Mages had abilities that made modern magic look like a simple parlor trick. To put it in light terms, the age of the world causes magic to slowly lose it's potency, arts become hazy and lost, magical creatures go extinct, and the strange and esoteric materials vanish from the realms, though if the world is given an infusion of raw, magical energies (the easiest example would be causing 'leaks' in the veil), then such a compounded decay would have it's negative effects reversed equal in amount to the effect of the infused mana.


This Theory shall stand as a testament to pushing forth into a field of study to try and bring back the great powers that the arcane arts once had. By experimentation and implementation of several ideas to which will test the theory and try to, if possible, forestall or forever make it impossible for the Arcane to forever die.



[!]An overly artistic depiction of Maehrir penning the theory in the libraries of Eu-Ras


So this small post I made is a meme of sorts that I started way back when I was but a pink tag 6 months ago when I first joined (almost 7 now, makes me feel old). It comes from the idea of how in LotC's past magic was OP PLZ NERF level of bs but has been nurtured (for good reasons for an extent). While this may not be canonically true, I think it can show to be an interesting irp fact people can explore further. As always, more content to come when I feel like writing stuff again (and if I feel like this, ima submit a more formal post of this into World Lore to cause LT a headache <3).


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In the confines of a sequestered chamber, an erudite scholar considered the thesis with a particular skepticism initially, leading to a more content and approving resolution enunciated with a sole and sagely nod.


"Optimism derived from nihilism, good."

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