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On the Matter of What Was Intended By God Upon Creation,
and the Corruption Thereof by the Denier, Iblees.


Written and Published by Father Ernst,
From the Abbey of Saint Robert of Metz.


The 10th of Sigismund's End, 1829.




And I am the Lord GOD without peer, 
and My joys are the holy joys, 
and My comfort is the virtuous comfort, 
and all the blessings of the Virtue shall fall 
before the righteous who do not indulge.

(Virtue 3:10)



Many aeons ago, before man walked the world, there was nothing but God (Gospel 1:2). Yet by His will, the planes were formed and said planes partitioned in three, those being the Seven Skies, the world, and the Void. It was the plane betwixt the Skies and Void, the world, which was God’s primary focus and so He commanded the Aenguls and the Daemons to shape the world as He deemed fit, the Immortals proceeding to fill the seas with their waters, the deserts with their sands, the plains with their flowers, and all the world with the treasures which God invested it. It was as God intended, yet alas was not to last as Iblees, an ant before the Mountain (Virtue 7:7) was nevertheless prideful and wished to be equal to God, traversing that forbidden by the Lord he had forsaken: the Void. In so doing did he corrupt the world and all that would inhabit it.


It is Iblees who is, in essence, the progenitor of sin, having cursed all of the descendants, of past and of present, to be tempted by acts contrary to His design, “And now my touch is the touch of the Void, and it is with all things in your creation.” (Gospel 1:24) It is that very fact which is the basis for this Thesis on what sin truly is, being the intention of God corrupted into perversions of nefarious aim, perversions of which God condemns. Quite plainly is this so, for the Denier is no creator, and therefore his sin is the adulteration of the treasures of God which He did endow with the world, these temptations devised of for the sole purpose of begetting new betrayers, deceived by his ugly hand as the encampment of Exalted Horen was deceived by Saul in those days of yore.


Perhaps the most prominent example of this fact is the act of procreation, bestowed unto the descendants so that they may love, raise and teach children who will walk the same path as they, that of God. This, the forming of Canonist families, was truly the intent of the Lord and is not without instruction, “So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not lie with your kin, nor those of other tribes, and none shall lie together but in holy union.” (Virtue 3:9) Yet, we must ask; why is this instruction necessary? God’s intentions most certainly are of the purest sort, however the Denier’s touch is of the Void and it is with all of His Creation. By way of his evil have a multitude of temptations sprouted from that most blessed act, temptations which have driven many to languish in debauched sin. The Lord has instructed us to never lie with our kin, yet men lie with those of their own blood. He has commanded us to never lie with those of other tribes, yet humans lie with elves and orcs with dwarves. He has bid for men to lie with women only when bonded by matrimony, yet men fornicate with women nevertheless. The Lord God has given us such instruction so that we may know His intent in a world mired by Iblees's influence.


There are too others. Among His natural treasures are those that we consume, such as alcohol. It was God who did invest the world with it’s wines and brandy, gifts to alleviate the toils of men in their leisure. Yet, He too taught us to take it with temperance; to enjoy, yet not to indulge, “And you shall take them carefully, and shall not become a creature of worldly indulgence as the beasts of the earth.” (Virtue 3:8). However, for the touch of the Void is with all of His Creation, there are men who are tempted to let their cup overflow and transformed into drunkards, chained to their sin as are all men who indulge.  


Too, is their humility, “the root of all other virtues” as said Blessed Pius of Sutica. Elucidated upon by the most wise Armiger, Edmund Brunswick Olivier von Manstein, in his recent publication “On Humility”, he stated most wisely that whilst true humility is based on truth, there are too distortions of humility which are born of deceit. The Lord God has deemed the humble man a righteous man; one who recognizes his gifts (charm, intelligence, handsomeness, etc) yet knows them as what they are: gifts from God. However, there are too men who partake in the humility of deceit; men who, despite having received great gifts from God, sequester them in their self-hate and deem themselves worthless and absent of those grants of the Lord. It is these men who despair and fall to a “dangerous form of pride” as the Armiger said. 


Too did God call us to work diligently, for by way of our toiling in the fields and in the mines and in the shops do we grow closer to Him. However, as said prior, the Lord God has granted His faithful many pleasures of the world of which we may enjoy in leisure, and while it is the virtuous man who takes leisure itself with temperance (a comfort before he soon returns to his labors), there are other men who fall to sloth. These men neglect their work and in so doing, they neglect God, “So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not be idle, nor forget your duties in favor of sloth.” (Virtue 4:8) They lay still on His Path due to their laziness, for verily, it is God who said this on our labors, “For I have blessed you with My miracle of creation, and you shall draw nearer to My throne by your labors.” (Virtue 4:6) Laid plain to see is work’s purpose, for it is our most vital mission to tread the Path of virtue (Virtue 1:9), and if we nary draw nearer to His throne, most surely do we not walk the Path.


Whilst certainly there are many more examples, surely is the true nature of sin plain to see in those few alone. Finally, we ask why. Why is this understanding of sin so very important? In this modern era, it has become routine for us faithful to regard sin as simply a bad act, and while this is true, it is nevertheless dangerous to know sin by our worldly purview alone. From our worldly view, the term “bad act” can too be used to describe anything from theft to assault (in the context of criminal offense). While there is difference in severity and in penalty, they are nevertheless confined to worldly severity and worldly consequence. A crime will be punished before a court of peers, while the judge of sin is God. Sin is not merely a crime but a deed contrary to His will and an act which levies inconceivable consequence. We can no longer confine sin to the act itself, for such things as intemperance are not merely intemperance but a betrayal of God. We must know it as what it is; the perversion of God’s intent by the Betrayer.


This understanding enlightens the masses to the very reason why we abhor sin, for in knowing sin in truth, we know sin as forsaking all that is good and holy, the Almighty Lord, and while we can try to excuse intemperance and sloth and pride, no man can excuse the treachery of the sinner which is the machination of the Enemy. We must, with tooth and nail, fight sin with all our hearts, seeking ablution at every turn, at all times knowing virtue as God’s intent and therefore, what is good for all. We must do this faithfully and if so, verily will we be one with the Lord, lest when we meet our judgement, our face be that of Iblees and we find only despair in that place farthest from Him.


Forever Faithful,

Father Ernst

Edited by GoldWolf
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