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Trade/Merchant Groups?


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Hi friends! It's been a hot minute since I roleplayed consistently on Lord of the Craft, and I was still very new around that time, so I'm hoping to start fresh with a new character in Sutica. I already made a second persona a while back but never got off the ground with her. She has next to no backstory and I'll probably end up changing her name slightly, but she's a human currently named Lyssandra Sinclair. I'm not sure how old she is exactly but for story purposes, she's very unestablished.


As of right now I'd really like for her to be a merchant/sailor of some sort, potentially engaging in some chaotic neutral-type activities along the way (if Sutica has a black market, she may or may not be exactly the type to float around those circles). Does anyone have any trade groups going right now, or do any diplomats need someone to transport goods?


Also as a side note, I'm totally open to other paths I could take with this character as well- this is just the first idea that popped into my head and it sounds like tons of fun. Sutica sounds really interesting but any nation is fine!


I'm also on the Sutica discord but I haven't actually requested a role or made it past the gate yet, so if anyone would be willing to walk me through how to get housing in Sutica that would be fantastic (unless I end up in some other nation of course). 


Thanks in advance and I hope everyone's having an awesome day out there! Stay safe, stay hydrated, idk why I'm signing off....

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@YankeeJack Is the best guy to go to, GSC is good merchant organization

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