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The Abdallah


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“For it was Godani who they followed. . .”


[!] A depiction of the Abdallah family and their journey from the Southern Desert.
Unlike their Qalasheen cousins of the Fakhr Tribe, the Abdallah do not take worship to the god Allah but to the one known as GODANI. This worship has led them to set out from their homelands that many of the Farfolk people derive from; to reach the lands known as Almaris. This trek across the southern desert was not an easy one, even leading to the death of many Abdallah who attempted this great feat. However the greater purpose of this trek is one that is not so easily followed, for it was Godani who sent them to the north to build his Kingdom on Earth.



To be an Abdallah one must do one of two things. For the name Abdallah is not one only bound by blood or marriage, but those of the Qalasheen who follow the desert sun before them, leading them to be a respectful, elegant being. To become one of the family they must marry into it, or become too accustomed to the culture that there is no hesitance for them to not be considered.

The Abdallah are scholars, nobles, philosophers, and many more things. Often taking high-class jobs and positions they are also very wealthy, or so it seems. It is frowned upon by the Abdallah to not show a visual representation of their wealth for they believe it was Godani who had bestowed it upon them.

This family, or tribe as some call it, is led by the oldest member present. Whether it be man or woman the elders of this group are the ones who hold power within the family and are even often sought out for knowledge or guidance by the youngest ones of the group.

Marriage within the family is one that is not taken so harshly compared to other cultures. The Abdallah do not care if a marriage is matrilineal or patrilineal, or do they care for the skin color of the other being. However they do care if a marriage is mixed between the descendent races. They actively encourage members to follow their own love and not those pre-determined for them and are actively against pre-arranged marriages. Should the couple wish to remain within the tribe however, they must take on the Abdallah name, or keep it within their name's presence. It is not uncommon for those who marry into the family to take on names accustomed to the culture. Examples include Calypso, Nefertari, Nubia, Appollonia, Azibo, Horus, Menes, Mosegi, Nashwa, and so forth.


The Abdallah take pride in their Farfolk appearance. Often wearing loose silk robes, jewels, trinkets, and many gold accessories, they are truly the shining star among the rolling dunes of the desert. Their skin takes a darker tone, a representation of the heat and sunlight that they endure. Their eyes green like an oasis amidst the desert and their hair often takes dark black to reddish hues that roll down past their shoulders often in loose curls.



The people of the Abdallah worship the canonist faith, taking pride in it they proudly wear crosses that represent the faith. It was the canonist faith that is the sole reason of their great journey as they hope to make Godani’s kingdom.



One often frowned upon by those unknown to it, the Abdallah have a very strong stomach. Their dishes often consist of falafel, ful, koshary, and molokhia. Spice cabinets of the Abdallah are filled with cumin, coriander, garlic, onions, red peppers, and dukkah.



Some often consider the beauty of music and art the backbone of many cultures, this belief is one that is easily extended to the Abdallah. Their passion for art and music has even led them to travel outside of their comfort zone to spread it’s beauty upon the eyes and ears of the world around them. Their art is often regarded as hieroglyphics or cave paintings, and is often found on the sides of walls and caves in the nearby areas that they inhabit. As for their music, it is often a compilation of percussion consisting of drums, the sistrum, rattles, tambourines, bells and cymbals, string instruments consisting of lyres, harps, and the lute, only to be added onto by wind instruments such as the shepherd's pipe, double-pipe, clarinet, flute, oboe, and the trumpet.





If you are interested in playing an Abdallah, feel free to reach out to me on discord via Qizu#5409!


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I very much like the concept of canonist Farfolk, St. Nafis would be proud. However, I am curious as to why this sub-culture opted to use the term "Godani". In all my time on LOTC, it's been primarily used by Raev oriented Orthodox Canonists. Were the Abdallah converted by Orthodox missionaries? Did they adopt the term by the mixing of outsiders into their families? Unless I missed something while reading, it seems like a big point of cultural history to not include.


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5 minutes ago, Letharian said:
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I very much like the concept of canonist Farfolk, St. Nafis would be proud. However, I am curious as to why this sub-culture opted to use the term "Godani". In all my time on LOTC, it's been primarily used by Raev oriented Orthodox Canonists. Were the Abdallah converted by Orthodox missionaries? Did they adopt the term by the mixing of outsiders into their families? Unless I missed something while reading, it seems like a big point of cultural history to not include.


Thanks for the question! In their move to the northern lands they have mixed in with some of the highlander-heartlander race which bring a collide between the two cultures, as it stands in roleplay right now that is, however I believe all things are content to change so we shall see where it goes from there!

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Saint Nafis smiles upon his descendants and hopes to protect them from the Rashidun jihadists.

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3 hours ago, El Padrecito said:


Saint Nafis smiles upon his descendants and hopes to protect them from the Rashidun jihadists.

The Rashidun Jihadists hears of these people, shrug and drink their qahwa and far superior foods ignore these new farfolks, possibly considering trade and helping grow their small culture.

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