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[✗] [Magic Lore] - Earth Evocation


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Earth –  an element that is firm and unyielding, rigid and strong, yet holds power whose potential few recognize. The potential for those who harness the powers of the Earth is immense, allowing them a plethora of capabilities, from city building, to demolition, to terraformation. It was with this recognition in mind that mages sought and learned to conjure forth earthen power from the Void, applying it in a surplus of ways, the likes of which few scholars have seen. 



Earth Evocation is the conjuring of earthen materials from the Void and ‘casting’ it in a variety of ways. As most evocations, it is one of the more versatile arts of the Void, as well as far more durable than the others, allowing for multiple uses and applications which few evocations can call their own. 


  • Earth Evocation takes up [1] magic slot.

  • Earth Evocation can be practiced with a valid [MA], which can be obtained by learning under a mastered Earth Evocationist with a valid [TA].

  • Earth Evocation requires a stable connection to the Void. 


Learning and Casting

Casting Earth Evocations requires a connection to the Void, creating their Mana Anchor from which they may draw their elements from the Void in exchange for their mana. This connection, however, is not a simple performance, repetitive practice with one’s connection being a preliminary for conjuring forth any elements of the earth. Struggle with connection is not uncommon, often discouraging many aspiring mages despite their predicament being quite normal. 


In order to conjure earth, one must dedicate many years towards the study of the mundane element, requiring them to understand every little detail of stone and earth ever so accurately; from the texture of its surface, to how it tumbles down a hill. Having an adequate teacher is also a necessity for learning the ways of Earth Evocation, one who has mastered all aspects of the art. Once one has learned to connect to the Void and studied earth itself, they will be able to draw earth from the Void. They must connect, picture the earth in the void, form it, then summon it from the Void and project it. 


Properties of Earth

Being as diverse of an art as it is, Earth Evocation possesses a myriad of various traits and characteristics which set it apart from many other Voidal arts. Yet one who practices Earth Evocation must be steadfast and resolved in their learning, lest their will crumble like the desert sands within the dunes.


  • Earth Evocationists may conjure sand, dirt, rocks, and gems, each of these reflecting their real life counterpart/element. Sand is coarse and rough, while rocks are rather rigid, rarely being smooth.

  • Typically when conjuring earth, it would likely appear as if particles of sand or earthen material were to collect around the casting area, remaining granulated if applied as sand or another loose substance, or coming together and solidifying if being used as a rock barrier or projectile. However, one may adopt other aesthetics should they wish, so long as they do not change the function of the spell.

  • Any form of rock element may be conjured for aesthetic purposes (sandstone, basalt, etc), though will always have the same level of solidarity as regular stone. This applies to gems as well. 

    • Gem materials may not be conjured until [T3], though this is purely aesthetic and offers no mechanical benefit, having the same solidarity and endurance as any stone, though perhaps appearing far more smoothed and refined than pure rock.

  • Rocks and crystals will either crumble or shatter, respectively, with enough force upon contact with a hard enough surface, before vanishing back into the Void.

  • Properties of Earth Evocation apply to all spells of the art and must be taken into consideration when casting unless explicitly stated otherwise in the mechanics or redlines of the spell.  


Upscaling Spells

As a mage grows more proficient in Earth Evocation, spells learnt at previous tiers may be scaled upwards in power according to the mage’s current skill level. This comes with a cost proportionate to that of a spell of the mage’s current tier. For example, while a regular rock spell might not exhaust an expert mage after casting, a rock spell upscaled to T4 would render them as exhausted as if they’d cast a T4 spell. 


Abilities of Earth

Earth Evocation is one of solidarity and firmness, centered around order and control, as opposed to more free and flowing evocations such as fire, water, and air. As a wave crashing against a rock wears it away over time, so too has time chiseled this arcane art to be applied in powerful and strange new ways.


Abbreviation Key:

N - Non-Combat

C - Combat


Conjure Earth - [T1] [N]

An Earth Evocationist can conjure sand, dirt, gems, or stone from the Void and manipulate it into any shape that they so wish. This can be used very diversely for non-combative purposes — from creating mere artistic expression from rocks, to a large boulder which can push road-blocks out of the way.



  • This spell has no effect on combat and is intended to be freeform.

  • The Mage must have an understanding of the material in question in order to conjure it.

  • It is limited in the sense that it may not be used in any destructive manner and cannot be incredibly precise (razor thin). 

  • At the very minimum the spell requires [1] emote if small enough to be done in that span of time.


T1: The mage struggles to conjure earth, but may turn what they conjure into crude shapes.


T2: Conjuring earth for aesthetic purposes, such as making a curel mimic of an object becomes much less difficult, and addition of crude, yet smaller details becomes possible.


T3: The mage has proficiently grasped the conjuration of earth for aesthetic purposes, and may now begin to conjure gems. From this point on, ease and level of detail only increases until they reach T5.



  • Cannot be used in a combative/destructive manner.

  • Refined materials such as ores and metals can not be summoned.

  • Use common sense when casting. Larger spells will take more emotes. 


Sand Blast - [T1] [C]

A simple application of earth evocation to evoke sand for combative purposes, typically being the first spell taught to budding Earth Evocationist. The perfect spell to use in case one needs to escape a tricky situation. 





  • Sand blasts have a maximum range of 10 meters, and travel at the speed of an arrow.

  • The sand blast has no physical impact and can not cut, burn, or bruise targets.

  • Blindness garnered from sand blast lasts for 2 emotes.


T1: The Earth Evocationist can conjure enough sand to blast forth at one individual and is relatively simple to cast.

[1 connect + 1 cast].



  • Blindness caused by sand blast is not permanent. It can not permanently damage the eyes, merely forcing them shut from great pain/irritation.

  • If a user is wearing suitable eye projection (such as goggles), they are not affected by the sand

  • Can not blind constructs due to their eyes being ‘mechanical’ in nature.


Rocks - [T1] [C]

A more common application of earth evocation, a Mage can create and fire out shards of rock towards an opponent to deal concussive force damage to bruise opponents and possibly even break bones.





  • The Earth Evocationist conjures forth rocks to launch at a target. The size of the rock depends on the tier it is casted at.

  • The projectual will always move at the speed of a baseball unless purposefully slowed by the mage.

  • Depending on the size of the rock made, it could leave a person somewhat annoyed, or give them a concussion and perhaps even knock them out depending on how well placed the shot.


T1: The rock conjured forth from the magi is but the size of a pebble, barely able to do any form of harm to an individual save for annoy them or irritate them. If lucky though, the pebble may daze a target, but never to any lethal extent.

[1 connect + 1 cast].


T2: The rock conjured forth from the magi is now the size of a baseball. The spell is now able to do moderate damage to a target, striking with a force equal in measure to that of a bludgeoning weapon from a human knight. It has the potential to break bones of an unarmored target, and if it strikes the head, it has a chance of causing a concussion.


Alternatively, the Mage may conjure up to three pebbles to launch at their adversary, as described in T1.

[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]


T3: The rock conjured from the Earth Evocationist is now the size of a basketball. The impact force of it is now moderately increased, with the breaking of bones very likely.


Alternatively, an Earth Evocationist can summon 2 additional rock projectiles as though they had casted the spell at T2, or five pebbles as described at T1.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]


T4: The Earth Evocationist at this level does not make their projectiles any bigger, instead they increase the amount of rocks to which they summon forth and fire out. The Earth Evocationist can now summon 2 T3 projectiles, 5 T2 projectiles, or 8 T1 pebbles by upcasting at this level.

[1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast]


T5: The Earth Evocationist at this level uses their spell to send out a flurry of rock-based projectiles, pelting a target with numerous objects at once. They can summon at this level 3 T3 projectiles, 7 T2 projectiles, or 10 T1 pebbles.

[1 connect + 4 charge + 1 cast]


Spiked: An Earth Evocationist can, at choice, shape the rocks they summon with extra concentration spiked rock projectiles, making them the size of an arrow [T2] or the size of a sword [T3]. These projectiles can easily cut flesh, but still move at the speed of a thrown baseball. The rocks are more deadly, though rarely do they pierce through skin deeply. In order to make their projectiles spiked, an Evocationist must cast their spell with [1] additional emote.



  • At most, blunt rocks will cause fractering of bones or serious bruising upon exposed flesh, and a well placed shot to the head can cause a concussion and even knock the individual out.

  • The rocks made by this spell can never exceed the size they are pre set to in the spell.

  • Only the T1 projectile can not be turned into a spike form.

  • Making a rock spiked will increase the mana cost of the spell by 1 tier.

  • All projectiles can be fired either one at a time, or in multiple shots per emote. If more than one projectile is fired, they must be fired in the same direction.


Earthen Weights - [T2] [C]

One of the first combative cantrips an Earth Evocationist may learn, earth matter may be focused around one’s feet to slow their movement.





  • Earth may be conjured around an adversary’s feet to reduce their movement by half their original speed per emote (e.i. 4 blocks to 2 blocks).

  • Earthen Weights are resistant to sharp/piercing attacks, but each Weight may be easily destroyed if a blunt weapon strikes one.

  • Earthen Weights may be used on 4-legged creatures as well.

  • ET Creatures are susceptible to this spell at the discretion of the ST running the event.


T2: Earthen Weights last for [3] emotes and takes [3] emotes to cast [1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast].


T3: Earthen Weights last for [4] emotes [1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast].


T4: Earthen Weights last for [5] emotes [1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast].



  • May only be used on feet.

  • Earthen Weights may only be cast on stationary or walking targets. It is impossible to adequately cast the Weights on a running target.

  • Easily break if blunt force is used on the Weights.

  • Creatures such as ghosts are immune to this spell due to such creatures easily being able to phase through the rock


Sand Storm - [T3] [C]

A more advanced application of sand; summoning forth a flurry of sand which surrounds the designated target individual or area, causing blindness to all those within, similar to Sand Blast. The spell causes a blindness to those within its area of effect, and eventually wears off once the target leaves it’s area.



  • Sand storm can be conjured forth at a maximum distance of 15 blocks away from the caster (the edge point being the center of the AoE).

  • The sand storm can affect the caster as well as others.

  • When looking into a conjured sandstorm, one would see the outlined figures of individuals. While within the storm, one can not see any further than their arms length if they are wearing eye protection. If they are not wearing any eye protection, they are blinded until they leave the storm, after which they are blinded for [2] emotes.

  • The sandstorm can not physically hinder or prevent movement unless casted at a higher tier. The sand can not cut, harm, or bruise targets outside of its intended effects of causing temporary blindness


T3: The sand storm is rather small, covering an area of 4 meters in diameter and lasts up to [6] emotes. The speed of the conjured sand is not great, and does not hinder movement

[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]


T4: The sand storm increases in size, covering an area of 6 meters in diameter and has a longer duration of [6] emotes. Movement within the sand storm is slightly hindered, reducing movement speed by 1 block.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]


T5: The sand storm takes up a large amount of area, covering an area of 8 meters in diameter and has a duration of [6] emotes. Movement speed within the sand storm is now greatly hindered as the speed of the sand moves rather swiftly, cutting movement speed in half.

[1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast]



  • Sand conjured by the storm is mostly harmless save for it’s temporary blindness (once the target leaves the area). It may at most lightly scratch the skin, but is never truly lethal.

  • If one is not wearing proper eye protection, they will be blinded while within the sand storm and temporarily blinded once they leave. This blindness lasts up for [2] emotes, and does not leave any permanent damage.

  • Constructs that are considered great in mass (such as golems,and atronachs), do not have their movement hindered by the sand storm due to their mass being too great and can not be blinded by it. However their vision is still greatly impared if inside of the storm, being able to see no greater than an arms length away.

  • The formation of the storm is not instant. A proper tell for the area in which the storm will be summoned must be given (IE: sand begins to conjure forth in the air and begins to swirl slowly in the area).


Earthen Barrier - [T3] [C]

The ability of an Earth Evocationist to conjure forth a barrier of earth in front of them, either spanning as a long wall, or as a towering shield. As they are conjured of earth, they are incredibly durable, assuming the mage maintains adequate concentration upon them. These barriers can range in size based upon the amount of mana a magi is willing to put into a spell, as well as it’s general durability is determined by the strength of the mana used to summon the wall.





  • Earthen Barriers may be summoned in front of the mage or at some point away from the magi. The barrier does not instantly appear, instead slowly forming over the course of the emote count needed to conjure the spell.

  • The barriers are virtually immune to slashing/piercing attacks, as they do little against its composition. Blunt, harsh attacks from pickaxes, broadswords, or similar effects will eventually degrade and smash through the wall.

  • When a barrier is struck, the amount of emotes it lasts for is reduced by [1] emote. If struck by a spell, the two mana sources counterbalance each other, and the wall degrades equal in amount to the needed emotes that the spell needed to charge (does not include the connection emote. Ex: being struck by a T2 flame projectile will only degrade the wall by [2] emotes.)


T3: The earthen barrier can occupy a volume of six total blocks, lasting for [8] emotes.

[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]

T4: The earthen barrier is now larger and stronger, able to occupy a volume of eight total blocks, lasting for [10] emotes.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]


T5: The earthen barrier is fueled with an immense amount of mana, now being able to reach a volume of twelve total blocks and lasting for [12] emotes.

[1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast]


Earthen Dome: A more refined ability of the Earth Evocationist is to make their earthen wall instead into a dome, allowing it to act as a barrier around their person and their allies. In order to do this, the Earth Evocationist would need to charge their spell for an additional emote. The barrier then is sized based on the tier it was casted. A T3 barrier will have a radius of 3 meters centered on the mage, a T4 barrier can have a radius of up to 4 meters centered on the mage, and a T5 barrier can have a radius of up to 5 meters centered on the mage. The durability of the barrier is the same regardless if it is made into a dome or wall.



  • Barriers to not appear instantly. They must have an appropriate tell on the area in which they are forming.

  • The volume of an Earthen Barrier can be distributed anyway length and width wise, but it can not be more than one block thick (e.g. a barrier 2 blocks long and 3 blocks tall is possible, but a earthen barrier shaped like a cube with the dimensions of 2 blocks tall, 2 blocks wide, and 2 blocks thick is not possible).

  • Barriers are immune to slashing/piercing effects, but do take damage from blunt attacks as well as from spells (how a spell interacts with the barrier is stated in the mechanics of the spell).

  • A barrier can not replace/destroy existing blocks. If a wall is summoned, and somehow part of it enters into another existing wall, the barrier will not go through, or appear on the other side of the wall.

  • When made into a barrier, it can not be curved or bent. When made into a dome, the barrier must be centered around the magi.


Boulder - [T4] [C]

A larger and more advanced variant of rock projectiles employed by highly skilled Earth Evocationists, the boulder spell summons forth a large, incredibly damaging boulder that crushes foes and damages the very environment. The spell is considered one of the pinnacles that an Earth Evocationist can call forth due to the needed concentration required to make the spell.





  • The Boulder made by this spell is rather large, with its size, speed, and distance traveled being determined by what tier the spell was casted it.

  • The boulder, if it makes contact with an individual, will knock them prone, running them over and breaking several bones, as well as possibly ruptering organs and potentially knocking them out. If one is unlucky enough to be pinned against the wall by this spell, it will most likely kill them instantly as the force of impact flattens their body, if not leave them in a highly critical state, needing immediate medical attention to stave off death.

  • In order to cast this spell, an earth evolutionist must dedicate a large sum of concentration when casting, and can move no faster than 2 blocks per emote while both casting and concentrating on maintaining the spell. Sudden movements may cause a delay in casting, if not outright stop the spell from being casted.

  • The boulder can easily smash through materials such as wood, and possibly leave a dent in concrete and stone.

  • On the first emote the boulder is summoned, it does not move. Rather it forms in front of the mage before it begins to roll.

  • The boulder’s direction can not be changed once fired.


T4: The boulder summoned is 1 meter in diameter and moves 5 blocks per emote. The boulder will travel forward for 20 blocks before it vanishes back into the void.

[1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast]


T5: The boulder summoned is 2 meters in diameter, and moves now 4 blocks per emote. The boulder will travel forward for 20 blocks before it vanishes back into the void.

[1 connect + 4 charge + 1 cast].



  • The boulder will, if it makes contact with an individual, knock the wind out of them, causing them to be knocked over, and break one or two bones. If it makes contact with them and pushes them against a wall, the victim will end up with several bones broken, be left in a server critical condition, or be out right killed depending on how the boulder made contact with them

  • In order to cast this spell, the mage must dedicate a large amount of concentration to the spell. They can not move faster then 2 blocks per emote while charging and maintaining concentration upon it,

  • The boulder will never move faster than it already can no matter what tier it is casted at.


Earthen Cyclone - [T5] [C]

The epitome of the Earth Evocationist’s power, summoning forth a furious storm of earthen spikes which rain down upon their foes, decimating them. Such a spell though is extremely powerful, spanning an area of 10 meters in diameter as it rains down a hell storm of rocks rain down upon an area.





  • Earthen Cyclone is a T5 spell and can not be upcasted by any means. The spell takes 7 emotes [1 connect + 5 charge + 1 connect] to cast and lasts for up to 4 emotes before the mage suffers from exhaustion.

  • To cast this spell, a magi must bring about a large amount of dedication to it, only being able to move 1 block per emote. If their casting is interrupted, the spell fails.

  • The center of the earthen storm may be conjured 20 meters away from the mage.

  • The storm hails down upon foes several baseball sized rocks, or several arrow sized spiked rocks. The rocks fall to the ground at the speed of a baseball, regardless what form they take.

  • The spell can leave those affected by it in a critical state if they stay in it’s area of effect for 2 emotes, possibly killing them on the 3rd if they are unarmoured.



  • Once the area is chosen, it can not be moved while charging nor after the spell has been casted. A proper tell for the spot where the spell will manifest must be given on the 3rd emote of casting (such as earthly particles forming in the air).

  • The storm takes up a large sum of the magi’s mana, and will be unable to cast for the rest of the encounter after casting this spell.

  • The formation of the storm is very noticeable, and must be emoted in the [#s] shout channel. The mage must also emote there character’s focus locked on the area where the spell is being casted

  • If the mage is not looking at the Earthen Cyclone during casting or while concentrating on the spell, the spell ends.




When used in conjunction with transfiguration, an enchanter can imbue the effects of earth evocation into their enchantment, whether that be in the form of a tool, weapon, or other miscellaneous object. The general effects of an earth evocation enchantment are to produce rock or sand and project it in some way, shape, or form. In non-creative enchantments, most of the enchantment is limited to producing one of the typical spells of earth evocation. However, in the form of creative enchantments, earth evocation can be used in much more inventive ways, which can break the limits of the typical caster.





  • All non-creative enchantments must use one of the spells listed above, holding all of its properties aside from not needing to be cast directly due to the fact that it’s an enchantment.

  • Creative Enchantments, while more freeform, must adhere to most of the base redlines of Earth Evocation, aside from any the MArt permits to be cast aside.



  • Cannot enchant in the middle of combat, and one must practice transfiguration to enchant.


Enchantment Spells

Unique spells may be done with enchantments that cannot be performed by the mage alone.


Enwreathe Object - [T3] [C]

A minor spell wrought of earth conjuration, through which a mage may an object such as a blade with the ability to cover the object in rock or sand





  • Earth may be focused upon a specific part of an object or weapon to make the weapon a sheer blugoneding tool, either blunt or with jagged spikes.

  • The effects of the enchantment may last up to [6] emotes on the weapon in question, and takes 2 emotes to activate [1 activate + 1 cast].



  • The form the enchantment will take (be it earth/sand) must be stated on the enchantment.

  • As a clarification, an enchantment like this does not follow the traditional rules of enchantments in the regard that the charge and effect of the enchantment will not be disrupted through blunt force.



Tier Progression

As any sort of skill or art requires practice and dedication, so too does the art of Earth Evocation require time, effort, and study in order to be mastered. While some mages may seem to master their magic faster than others, there is a bare minimum requirement for how long it takes for the mage to reach each tier. They are listed below.


* Marks Enchantment-unique spells


T1 - Novice

The mage has just begun to connect, assuming they haven’t learned to already. Assuming this is the case, they will have trouble connecting for the first two tiers of their training. If they have already connected, they will only be able to conjure a few small pebbles or grains of sand before becoming exhausted. Lasts two [OOC] weeks.



Spells – Conjure Earth, Sand Blast, Rock


Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of one square meter at [T1]. The detail level of earth at this stage is very crude, practically nonexistent  as they can only conjure up to a few pebbles before becoming exhausted. This stage is typically used for studying earth itself, rather than casting.


T2 - Apprentice

The mage has gained better experience in connecting and near mastered it, as well as being able to use conjured earth in combat to a limited extent. They can mold simple shapes, though nothing complex or large. Lasts three [OOC] weeks.



Spells – Conjure Earth, Sand Blast, Rock, Earthen Weights


Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of five square meters at [T2]. The detail level of earth at this stage is still rather crude, though the mage is able to conjure earth with moderate success. This is the stage where the first lessons of real combative casting typically begin.


T3 - Adept 

The mage has now practically mastered Voidal Connection and is able to maintain greater concentration in stressful situations, permitting them the ability to conjure much more threatening spells. They also are able to form their earth into more defined shapes, albeit a bit crude. Lasts five [OOC] weeks.



Spells –  Conjure Earth, Sand Blast, Rock, Earthen Weights, Sand Storm, Earthen Barrier, *Enwreathe Object


Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of fifteen square meters [T3]. The detail level of earth at this stage is more refined, able to be molded into more distinct geometric shapes, such as a sphere or cube. They may now learn to use their earth more effectively in combat.


T4 - Expert

The mage now has nearly mastered the earthly element, possessing far greater combat and out of combat abilities, the shapes of their spells now much more precise than before, though are still not perfect. Lasts six [OOC] weeks.



Spells – Conjure Earth, Sand Blast, Rock, Earthen Weights, Sand Storm, Earthen Barrier, *Enwreathe Object, Boulder


Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of twenty-five square meters [T4]. The detail level of Earth at this stage is much more precise, able to have more refined details in their evoked matter, albeit still a bit more crude. The Evocationist has practically mastered non-combat casting and is able to use their Earth diversely in combat. They may now also conjure forth gem stones in place of rocks, however this is only an aesthetic modification and provides no combative advantage over regular earth


T5 - Master

The mage has completely mastered their Voidal art, able to manipulate their Earth to a very fine degree as well as maintain a far greater concentration than before.



Spells – Conjure Earth, Sand Blast, Rock, Earthen Weights, Sand Storm, Earthen Barrier, *Enwreathe Object, Boulder, Earthen Cyclone



General Redlines of Earth Evocation

  • An Earth Evocationist cannot manipulate real earth, only control what they themselves have conjured forth from the Void. Once they have cast their earth and it has made contact with the real world, it may be controlled further so long as it is actively concentrated upon, dematerializing back into the Void once the mage relinquishes control.

  • All spells are only limited by line of sight, with any spell being cast outside a radius of [20] meters requiring an additional emote for every [5] meters unless a hard range is specified in a spell.

  • All spells require line of sight. Should this crucial factor be taken away from the mage, they cannot cast.

  • Earth Evocation may not be used to lift things or support weight (i.e. conjuring stairs).

  • Once spells are fired, they may not be redirected.

  • Any aesthetic of any spell cannot change its mechanical function. For example, creating an object out of gems will not change its solidarity in neither negative nor positive ways.

  • Gems and other conjured minerals will not serve any function besides aesthetics. They are brittle and cannot be forged, and will simply vanish the second the mage’s focus is placed elsewhere. While things as glowstone would still glow for a flavorful light, gold ore conjured would have no effect upon any dark or undead beings, for example.

  • Refined materials may not be conjured, such as iron. Ores may not be conjured either.



Pundimonium - Author of previous Earth Evocation write, format + borrowed a lot of descriptions from.

Kunuk - Rewrote and clarified most spells and mechanics found within this lore.

Isaac - Revised and edited after Kunuk, gave ideas/wrote new spells.

Johann and SquakHawk, NLThomas - Gave new ideas for spells and assisted with writing.

Phil - Original Authors



Pundi’s Earth Evocation Lore: 



This rewrite and all other evocation rewrites go out in honour of Pundimonium. You have, and always will be the greatest source of inspiration for me and whatever lore I plan on writing! I hope you come back someday!

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    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

    • satinkira

      Bârî'n Katharâd,
      Îdô Nidir nêd,
      Nêpâm nêd abârat,
      Nidir nênâkham,
      Nêtabdam dâur!

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