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The Beyond's Final Bestowment


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The Beyond's Final Bestowment

The ā€˜ker pondered on what his guide meant regarding his final trial as he exited the farmhouse near Yong Ping. He has never had the ability to think straight, his mind has always been occupied with delusional thoughts. Mumbling to himself, he traversed through the wilderness, and is once more- lost. After hours of attempts to escape the vast forest, he decided to give up and accept his fate. Whilst lying against a tree accompanied by the darkness of the night sky, a sudden sense of drowsiness overtook his body. ā€œPerhaps this is the end of the Great Vulmir,ā€ he chuckled to himself, tying his crimson blindfold over his eyes before falling into a deep slumber.


Dreams have never been ordinary for the soothsayer, it was usually accompanied by odd vivid images he has never been able to decipher. He opened his eyes this time to a trip he is unable to exit. Shifting caverns painted in various colors flew past his eyes as his form traversed at a rapid rate. The elf can only wonder if he has truly lost his sanity as more images of bending trees and warped mountains zoomed past his vision. It felt like a timeless reality, bound to a cycle he was unable to break from.


Just on the verge of breaking from the amount of incomprehensible images, it all came into a pause, followed by a fall deep into what can only be described as a paradoxical bottomless abyss. He was overcome with both awe and fear, letting out an inaudible scream. Among the millions of stars, an eye opened. The fearful stare of the entity was unsettling, yet it was painfully familiar- it felt like an image that had been long ingrained into his mind since his birth. His head grew heavier as timeless moments passed by, forcing his eyes into a sudden shut.


Vulmir snapped his eyes open then at the glaring sunrise. He frantically looked about, still struck in both fear and awe before his attention quickly switched to the abyssal object within his right hand. The existence of this item was a complete mystery to him, yet he knew exactly what he needed to do next. In hushed mumbles, he thanked the Beyond for his final bestowment.



((This is one of the first RP post I have written! Please let me know if there's any mistakes in my writing as I'm still learning <3))


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