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The Tripartite Soul


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The Tripartite Soul


Braxus Ni’leya

14th of The Amber Cold,

Year 48 S.A


Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya


As I previously wrote in The Silver Soul, elMali’aheral are endowed with a Silver Soul. This is the cause of their directedness and affinity for perfection, as we understand it. Perfect knowledge of the world can only be attained by a vessel built to attain such knowledge. And this, dear lliran, is the Silver Soul. As I wrote my last piece, I could not help but ponder several ideas, especially as I considered several objections to my work. One of these ideas shall be the main focus of my writings here, and that is on the partition of the soul - the Triparition of the soul.


Firstly however, it is vital that we discuss further, the nature of the soul. There are certain things we know by experience, what it is like to be rained upon, the vile stench of the Uruk, the firmness of a voluminous text within our blessed library, et cetera. However, there are also things that we simply just know. This is fundamental to our existence and without any prior experience, we can ascertain truth. For example, it is known to us without experience that a bachelor is an unmarried man. This is necessarily true. Two, plus Two, equals Four, is another one of these necessarily true propositions. We can discern these kinds of truths naturally, as it were. This is because it is the SOUL which is the knower, if you will. It is our soul which retains this kind of knowledge. 


Now then, to the main point of this endeavor. It is quite common for one to both desire something at time ‘x’, and then to not desire it at the same time ‘x’. For example, suppose I am sitting in the inn supping my mint tea. I am enjoying this tea and would like more, however if I have another cup, I shall be late to the symposium. I both want, and do not want another cup of tea. Yet how is it possible for the same thing - the soul, to both want and not want something at the same time? This, I say, is no great challenge to meet. I have reasoned that our Silver Soul is not merely one entity, for lack of a better word, but rather Tripartite in nature - it is three in one. That part of me that so greedily wishes for another cup, that I may commit a most serious sin of showing up late, is ordained by one part of the soul - the appetitive - this is what orders my desire and gives my desires energy. That part of me that does not want to be late, that wants to further his understanding of ‘x’ topic by engaging with learned friends at the aforementioned symposium, is ruled by the rational part of the soul - the analytic part, the one who reasons. Then there is another - the spirited part. This is the part responsible for the higher emotions, perhaps one can call them the virtues, such as courage, indignation against evil, et cetera. And reason is the most fundamental of the three, the soul ought to be ruled by the rational part.


Perhaps an example, to solidify my thought;

Suppose a charioteer is racing with two horses. One horse, ebon, the other - white. The ebon horse, is the appetitive, it listens not to its master, it runs in all directions and chases blindly, its desires without thought. This horse is wild and untamed. It is the charioteer, or reason, which pulls the horse back onto course and orders its desires. It is the ebon horse that will deceive me into drinking more tea. The white horse is the opposite. It is well mannered and does as it is ordered. It is noble in nature and always listens to reason.


Another example that will aid;

Consider love. There are several forms of love, love of the body - erotic love being the most base. When the appetitive part rules, love is confined strictly, to the sexual. It serves no higher purpose than this - a sad affair. However, when reason, in hand with spirit reigns in this ebon horse, one’s aims are higher and their love is transformed from the bodily, to the heavenly - to knowledge - perfection.


It is the wisest and most beloved of our kin who are ruled by the rational part of their silver soul. This is what we all must aspire towards. Throw off the shackles of your appetites and desires, let reason rule so that we may soar.

Edited by Gavin_
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