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Haeseni Academics' Guild


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On their Mission of Academic Excellence



Circ. 4 0 0 E.S



The Royal Administration of Haense is content to announce the consecration of a Scholar’s Guild: devoted to safeguarding artistry, intellect, and ideological discourse upon the Hanseti-Ruskan kingdom’s northern lands.

The purpose of this organisation is not only to revitalise existing scholarly circles of educators, artisans, and their acolytes, but also to educate those who desire to amplify their knowledge. Our meetings will consist of expeditions, reviews of books and studies, research projects, compositional lessons, and much more. As a revivified guild, the capability to grow is abundant, and as such, there is much potential to be realised. Harmoniously can members begin to harness their creative talents to fortify and expand the boundaries of their minds and those of their peers.


In times of yore, the academics guild was declared operative in the Sutican vassal of Brynrose, and began to host beneficial meetings with the topics of medicine, archeology, and composition. Due to the ravages of political instability, and the Brynrosian dismissal from the Sutican Commonwealth, the guild fell into obscurity and silence. 


Now, with the permission from the last living designer of the guild, the station of Founder to the Reformed Academic’s Guild of Haense is granted to Otte Albrade of House Bishop. With the trust of Eliza Raven, former Baroness of Brynrose, and Emma Karenina, Koenas of Haenseti-Ruska, Otte Bishop will oversee the Academic Guild’s activities, projects, and developments.






Firress Otte Albrade Bishop




Firr Dilvyn Daveral

Distinguished member of the Academic’s Guild; Chairman



Firr Dracomir Rorikov

Distinguished member of the Academic’s Guild; Chairman




Osric Tsecar, Court Alchemist




Brawly Scath

Brian Couch

Leyna Kazamir

Viktoria Bishop

Doctor Kazamir Blackthorn

Erwin Americius-Wolfe
…and many more



some pictures of the build and OOC info!




Heres the link to the discord https://discord.gg/rHB5gsfrRz Times and dates, as well as all other aspects of the guild meetings are discussed here. 

First meeting on 21st November, 6pm EST

at Lorena’s Wharf 4 on the Karosgrad docks



Endorsed By,


Her Royal Majesty, Emma Karenina, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska 



Otte Bishop, Founder of the Reformed Academic’s Guild

Her Ladyship, Eliza Raven, Duchess of Rozania, Founder of the Original Academic’s Guild

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"Glad to see we're not the only scholarly fellows in Haense." Says Dilvyn D. Deveral, distinguished scholar and Vice-President of the NGS, as he read over the missive.  "To learn is to thrive, to forget is to die!"  He'd squint, bringing the paper closer to his eyes, "I... I think they've spelt my name wrong."

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"Zhis ist vhat ve need." She begins to pen a letter, grinning in excitement. 

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