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The Mines Of Kal’Darakaan: Permits & Gaining Access


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The Mines Of Kal’Darakaan

- Regarding Permits & Gaining Access -


“When the Sons of Yemekar struck the first vein of Kal’Darakaan, they rejoiced as their lives would soon be filled with an abundance of wealth and honest work. So shall the Sons of Yemekar justly protect what acts as a source of untold opportunities beneath their sacred mountains.”



From The Office Of Yemekar’s Pick


The workers of Kal’Darakaan have unanimously decided to protect their interests by privatizing the mines of Urguan. No longer will outsiders and unvetted ‘miners’ make their way into our sacred mines, defiling them with uncaring swings of a pickaxe, and threatening the security of what provides so much work here in our city beneath the mountain.


To maintain a firm hand on the mines, a familiar system of mining permits will be reinstated and enforced. From now on, those who would like to access the mines of Kal’Darakaan will have to purchase a permit from the office of Yemekar’s Pick with the exception of those belonging to the Workforce and enlistees of the Legion.


More details can be found below.


Permits & Guidelines


To better ensure that the mines of Urguan are protected, would-be miners will have to purchase a permit of 25 minas at the office of Yemekar’s Pick. These permits act as a promissory to ensure that only those with a responsible mind and pocket will have access to our treasured veins. If you are found in the mines or accused of trespassing without a permit, you will be brought before the Lord Justiciar and trialed.


Permits may not be shared between two or more people. Each permit is only valid for the singular person that purchased it.


Unlike previous iterations, permit holders DO NOT have to fulfill a weekly quota or join the workforce in any official capacity.

For Workers & Legion Enlistees


For those who work under Yemekar’s Workforce and Legionnaires of Urguan, you do not have to purchase a permit to access the mines. Speak with either Yemekar’s Pick or the Grand Marshal to receive your permit and keys.


For Past Permits


For those who’ve purchased permits in the past from previous Prospectors and Foremen, those permits are still valid. To retain the validity of the said permit, the permit or proof of purchase must be sent to the office of Yemekar’s Pick with additional paperwork. If you do not have the physical permit or proof of purchase, the permit will not be valid and will need to be purchased again from the office of Yemekar’s Pick.


Accessing The Mines


After purchasing your permit, it must be sent along with all required paperwork to the office of Yemekar’s Pick. Once everything has been verified, you will be sent a key, giving you access to the mines. It may take up to two stone days for your paperwork to be received and verified.



Please use the mine-perms chat in the Urguan Discord and follow this format:

Proof of permit:


Torsun Goldhand
Yemekar’s Pick
Acting Lodemaster Of Kal’Darakaan


Ulfar Starbreaker
High Overseer Of Yemekar’s Workforce

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