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A Sunflower's Harvesting [PK]


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“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. That’s what sunflowers do at least.”





The fields of Almaris were golden and browned from the harvesting season. The wheat and weeds had dried up, shriveled from a lack of water, the streams grew shallow, and the birds soon left as they dared not to embrace the coming cold weather. Life had come to a halt for the lands, and soon would one more.

Basilio Taliame’onn, a renowned name in the books of bards and poets who cared for battle stories of the past. For this name is one of the few who took arms against Gudour alongside his teacher Lefkos.  “I remember I saw myself in a tale once - it was about how I had slain Gudour together with a few other of my friends within the paladin initiates.” Basilio spoke to the druii before him with a warm smile. The clouds above would send droplets of rain onto the plant-like flesh of the Epiphyte; a smile would adorn his face. It was at this point in which he began to speak tales of his life to Miven.


“Oh! I also used to be a dedicant, and I was a ranger in Siramenor within the father circle. Me and my friend, well - well he was more like that competitive cousin Eir’thall, were a good duo whenever he wasn’t griping about something. There was also my family, Skylar and his daughter. They were good t0 me- they were my family. Will you find Kaelwyn for me? Will you tell him I said hello?” the Epiphyte would start acting sheepishly, now choking upon his words. Perhaps the reason he had come would now be revealed. His time has come to an end.


The Epiphyte had led the druid out to a nearby field that had existed near the father circle. Amidst the center of it would be a lone sunflower. It’s leaves would be wilted, and it’s stock would be bruised. The petals from the plant would not be around the seeds of it as a healthy one appeared to be, but instead they would litter the ground below. With each step that they took a flurry of fireflies would fly up into the dark sky above, twinkling as if they were stars. Finally reaching his destination besides the sunflower Basilio would smile. Slowly the sun began to peak over the eastern horizon, grazing his face with it’s rays.  “Will you keep some sunflowers for me, I want to be remembered. . .  Please?”

As the woman spoke to him, the words would grow muffled as the man collapsed to the ground below. The now rising sun would glisten upon his flesh, his leaves would sparkle, and his flowers would shine with what few petals remained upon them. This sunlight would fill the man’s body as a golden mist took over him. This mist would not contain itself to that of the Epiphyte as soon it grew to encompass the sunflower that stood besides him; it too would wilt and fall over. At last, the life of Basilio Taliame’onn had come to an end.

“"Flesh to soil, blood to water, bone to dust.. Ahernal ito."


This death would not be like those that normally fell upon Epiphytes, for a rebirth can only happen for as long as the body before would allow for such. The man's body would begin to shrivel up next to the decaying sunflower, the mist soon began to fade as the fae energy within the man soon returned to the forests  in which it had derived from.

Miven Caerme'onn desperately rapped her knuckles against her thigh in thought. The innards of her cheek were raw from the chewing and she'd quickly connect with her gifts, causing amber eyes to illuminate in an inferno of light. “Where is the oem'ii..” She asked the dead plant. “Where is the oem'ii?” And akin to a pleading mother, would Miven attempt to bring life back to the sunflower having no avail.

Amidst the shining sun and the crashing of waves, a wind would pick up as it glided across the oncoming waves of the nearby beach. Such a force of nature would easily make it's way towards the location of the Druii and the remains of Basilio. Gliding over his body it would pick up the seeds that had come as a product from the plants passing, casting them around to the nearby soils. The area was soon littered with what had remained of the man.

After some time, the Bruin rose to her feet glancing angerily around. She felt that temptation to withdraw her polearm, to harm - yet found peace when her passive communion allowed those seeds to bud from the earth. Little sproutings of green surfaced in the vicinity they once occupied and with that, she was content.

Alas, Basilio’s final wish had come true.



[Thank you @WestCarolina <3]


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"Basilio, huh?" muses the itinerant druid, forlorn and dejected beneath the taiga canopy. He'd loft a hand, digits scratching the unkempt hair that ever crept at his jaw. The name was familiar, but familiar as it was, there were many things Eir'thall had learned to detach himself from. "Mmh... I guess they can't stick around forever. I suppose that last sunflower pedal finally fell off." 

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"A promise I'll keep," Miven spoke to one of the budding sunflowers as she returned to the reclaimed ruins. 




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