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A Clarion Call of the Lion


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[!] The following missive is made available only to the Paladins of Xan, particularly those unaffiliated with any established Order or Chapter. Please do not metagame its contents.





Travelling kindred upon our Sunlit Path - Brothers in leal servitude to the Lord of Sunlight, hear this call to arms;


The time to fulfill your oaths has come. So it was that we have received mandate from the heavens - from the Lion’s hand and most favored disciple, the Herald of the Lance, Hilan Athna. With the blessing of the Wingless Lion, he spoke to us of harrowing things; Ruin, and it’s servants, march upon our mortal plane. The Heavens cry out for a grand crusade - a crusade greater than all before it. The Lion calls for us all to unite under one banner under the Heavens to carry out our duties without delay, as brothers in arms and kindred spirits upon our Sunlit Path. 


Make haste to the mountains of Urguan’s sons, to renew your oaths and take up arms against the Dark! So it was spoken by the First that unity is to be our salvation against the forces of Ruin, and his lieutenants upon this plane, and indeed it shall. So long as we stand together, even the swelling darkness shall not survive our Light.


Unity is Salvation,

Salvation is our Liturgy.


Tarathiel Asul’onn, Chaptermaster of the Order of the Golden Lion.

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A lone Paladin rides through Oren's roads, a silver flame flickering from the lantern hung at her hip. The horse's right side harbors now fading burn scars, gained during Azdromoth's assault of Sunbreak. She could never be certain of how exactly the missive had found her, the magic of birds was a fickle thing, but still she read its contents. Her left hand's palm moved to rest against her chest as some small spark of her ember felt stirred by the letter. Vivid flashbacks to when Hilan had first come to meet the Paladins lingered in her mind. 


Her horse gave no protest as she nudged his reins, this was no horse of Farrador blood. He was obedient and broken, no will or courage of his own accord, a simple beast of war. He was, at the least, loyal, she reminded herself as she breathed an icy exhale. But, she thought on, he was no Riot, the horse of her youth, willful and ill-tempered at the best of times. What simpler times...


And so the paladin rode towards Urguan. . . 

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