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[!] A sinister congregation of Penitents clad in a variety of white, black or gray-coloured capirotes exit the Cathedral of the Fifth Scroll on a scorching hot day and scramble deep within the City-State of Kivdrona, pinning neat missives transcribed in carefully stylized letters. They leave as quick as they came. Upon closer inspection, each missive reads the following:


To whomsoever has the eyes to see or ears to hear,


I, Son to my Father above, bear a prophecy and a plea towards the unwitting subjects of Vargengotz residing within Savoy.


I was praying on the Lord’s day when My Father sought it fitting to reveal to me a vision. To my horrifying dismay, I recount it vividly to this very moment.


It was that of a great storm, which came to swallow the cesspit which you call home. Above it stood the Great Wyrm, Vargengotz; conjuring hail in preparation for the times to come; for GOD’s impending, righteous fury and the Apotheosis to follow.



[!] A crude sketch depicts the Wyrm's head in the supposed vision.


Truly, is this a sign of how the sinning world of Mankind crumbles in its last dying days… Though the faithful and self-repentant of our flock shouldn’t worry, for GOD is righteous, and the destruction of this world shall pave the way to come towards our Ark.


To the Virtuous, this is merely confirmation of my Father’s Prophecy and the times to come.

The rest shall wallow in a demise fitting of their sinful ways. . .Starting with Savoy.


You have been warned.


Joseph Nikolaus Sneed, Fifth Exalted and Son of Man.”

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