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[PK] The death of a little adventurer

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The musin was heading to the home of the Grandhearts, only to see it was empty, his little ears drooped as he wandered away from it heading to the old home of his adopted high elf mother. He ran his little paw over the big door feeling his hands shake, he wrapped his little cloak tightly around him and made his way to the tavern. The tavern to no surprise was bustling with life unlike his usual perky greeting to every giant he saw. He made his way through the crowd heading to a quiet area to which he sat down, his body was weak, he knew his life was close to its closure “had had good run…” he sat by the area’s fire feeling its warmth, his eyes glancing around finding a paper and quill. Basil struggled with the quill though he wrote away, then after a good handful of time, the letter was finished and the little musin layed down keeping the letter close to him, his eyes slowly closed as his life seemed to play in his mind like an old record, the last thought in his little mind. 


“I will finally get to see mama and friend toast again…”


Just like that the musin was gone, the only thing left for any who knew him, was the letter though the writing was not great it would read:


“Hi friends, not good with writing but have practised a lot so could write, though this not great. This letter here because body can no longer run so now get to see all friends basil miss. So to all friends alive please no be sad for basil because had a good life and you all made me very happy, some of you gave me a home, sweets and love where other giants wanted to hurt. To giants that hurt musin, hope that you will treat them better though most likely wont listen to now dead musin. To any of fellow musin still around make sure to take care of fellows so that they can also have happy life, basil really tired though..so i stop this little letter but love all friends and family. 

Basil Grandheart



Thank you all who ever rped with basil, this is my first ever pk post and as sad as it is to let basil go i hope i wrote this alright.


Edited by wolfersquad2004
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Thimble, a little patchwork colored musin who had known Basil when she was small, smiled. She had passed sometime before him and was happy to see her friend once again. Wherever musin ended up she’d be sure to greet him with an energetic “Hello, hello friend Basil!” 

Edited by briarthorn
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Theroden frowned upon receiving the news. “I didn’t know you so well, but you had a sincerity that is quite rare. Rest well, brother.”

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Pretzel would be sitting in a hole in the ground quietly, a little home per say. He would be reading Basil's letter. Now practically ancient, he seems to recall what he and Basil did together the years prior. "So long, Pretzel's friend... It was great knowing you and causing mischief; remembering this makes Pretzel HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!Pretzel would say, quickly reversing back to his state of what can only be described as "crack-rat."

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