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Clan Dregort - The Seafarers of Krug


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Clan Dregort was founded upon the basis of expanding the orcish race onwards into the sea that surrounds not only the orcish lands but many of the different nations and kingdoms upon Almaris. Descending from the son of Krug Dregort, this clan takes many sea-like aspects into its culture such as sailing, ship building, pillaging, and trading. The task given to this clan not only of the Uzg but of their ancestral lineage is to protect the harbors and docks of the Uzg alongside expanding the might of Krug throughout the seas.



To Join clan Dregort is a merely simple task. You will need to first locate one of its members. From there they will lead you to the location of the current Dregoth. Upon meeting the Dregoth you will be given a task to complete. Upon completion you will then be initiated, however be wary as the tasks given are quite challenging as they not only test the strength and the charisma of the challenger, but the morality as well.

Discord Link : https://discord.gg/KThjVyWRve


Rankings within the clan are broken into three separate tiers. At the top of the chain is the Dregort themselves. The Dregot is the most prestigious orc within the clan and is given to the orc that is the strongest, and most dedicated member of the cause. To replace the Dregort one would need to coup the position with the support of a majority of members within the clan. Below the Dregort are the captains. The clan is made up of a large fleet of ships with each one led by its respective captain. Working together the captains create a network of power that can spread across the entirety of the sea. Finally there is the Corsair, which is the label given to each member of Clan Dregort.



The Corsairs of Clan Dregort can take on many different appearances, however those born through the lineage of Dregort himself often take up a semblance that consists of grey/blue skin, red eyes, and white or ginger hair. As for clothing however, many adorn themselves with not only spoils from pillaging, but also of hunts. Bones, jewelry, and scars are worn proudly and displayed with great pride. As for clothing, members were at most light-armor alongside multiple cloth garments to support their duties whilst out upon the sea. Multiple members of the crew also find a liking to covering their body with tattoos, many are often personal semblances of their sea natured life or beasts they have slain in the past.





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Ozur'Dregort  'the Tideborn' lofts his cutlass into the air, screaming wildly in pride of the clan!

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Malgunuz would begin searching for this clan interested to learn more.

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"Mi never peep'd deez uruks before" Bumba'Akaal mumbles to himself "Mi wyll have to zeek them out"

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A mysterious denizen of hidden caves, a troglodytic beast, upvotes and comments.

"Plus one... +1"

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