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An Offer to Musins of Alamris


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[Hey, this applies both to already active Musin in LOTC and as well to those that may be interested in making one!]



[!] Radaghastians messengers would be seen travelling the Almaris continent, looking for any Musins to deliver to them a special letter with Vilkomirs Banner seal on it. Additionally some posters could be found pinned to the side of common roads.

An Offer to all Musins in Almaris




Brave Musin,

 I have met a few of your kind through my journeys on Almaris. Each and every one was a great example of what we as all descendants should strive to be. There was without a doubt more pride and honour in every Musin that I have met, than in many of those I had the misfortune to fight against in my past.




 This I write both as a Vojvodz of Daeland, and as a soon to be Piast of Radaghastian people.

I would like to offer you a home with my kin. Help your race grow and establish itself in this world, no longer as merely a folklore tale told to children, but as an important part of our society, one that will be able to we could live with in symbiosis.

With time come, we would gladly see your race grow within our land, no longer as divided units in all of Almaris, but as a centralised and self-sustaining society.


 When you arrive in Daeland, you will be able to choose a job of your preference, provided with a home or room, depending on your preference, and given full rights that our citizens possess.


Vojvodz of Daelish Isles and Vilkomirs Banner


[Discord Link and a map to reach Daeland can be found below]


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"Moi hope to see morre of these Musins.." Jasna would comment, seemingly pleased with this announcement. 

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"Wasn't vhis just a converrsation about vhe mice people at vhe barr?" 


Yelena emitted a light chuckle, peering to @far1ca

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[!] A ghastly little thing with mottled fur took notice of the missive from inside it’s dirty den. It’d cast an old shawl over its hunched back, and set of toward Daeland-


it was passable as a musin.. right?

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