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425 Square of Crows Grand Prix Race Summary

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On this 11th of Tov and Yermey of 424 E.S.



In what was an intense start to the Championship, and a test of the capabilities of racing snails, the 425 Square of Crows Grand Prix has immediately become a staple of Snailula One. With three safety snails employed during the race, it saw more people not finish it than it saw people finish it!


It was Emma Bihar and Herman of CR Emma’s Cooking that took pole position for the race, and despite dramatics later on in the race, this proved to have been monumental, as pole position was converted into a race victory.


Monk Konnen pulled over early due to an issue with his slime, and retired from the race thereon. Later, Ayrton Snailla would spin out, crashing into the wall and making an impromptu exit from the race, causing the first safety snail to be employed.


Later on, Antonius Vilac would come out of the pits with great speed, too much speed, in fact, which resulted in him taking out not only himself, but also Shmichael Shellmacher, causing a second safety snail to be employed. During this period, also, Snairlwind crashed out of the race.


With the second safety snail gone and the pack condensed, Snorlando Snorris took a lead, but easier further down the pack caused Snickelsen to crash out as well, resulting in a third safety snail. This negated Snorris’ lead, who was now side by side with Snailbastian Snettel.


Snailbastian Snettel, however, would not be able to pursue the race win, and as they were caught up to by Herman and the rest of the grid, Herman would take the race win, with Snorland Snorris taking second, and Snailium the Great Jr. taking home third. Snaile Earnhardt Jr., Snailbastian Snettel and Snance Snoll would finish fourth, fifth, and sixth respectively.


After the top five had finished the race, both Snailbert Snubica and Henrietta crashed out of the race, and did not finish either.


As it stands, the Racers’ Championship Standings are as follows:

1st - Emma Bihar and Herman - 25 points.

2nd - Karl Bihar and Snorlando Snorris - 18 points.

3rd - Sorina Luceafaru and Snailium the Great Jr. - 15 points.

4th - Erika Barclay and Snaile Earnhardt Jr. - 12 points.

5th - Matyas Alban and Snailbastian Snettel - 10 points

6th - Amadea Bihar and Snance Snoll - 8 points.

Everyone else has yet to score points.


As it stands, the Constructors’ Championship Standings are as follows:

1st - CR Emma’s Cooking - 25 points.

2nd - PR Sigmar-Auréle - 18 points.

3rd - Guardians of the Snailaxy - 15 points.

4th - WFR Reinmarien Roadsters - 12 points.

5th - HR Alban-Ludovar - 10 points.

6th - Force Rhenyari - 8 points.

Everyone else has yet to score points.


It is still anyone's championship.


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