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“Time is the most important thing you have.”


. . . 


“What stories do you want to make for yourself one day?”



They're right. I can't just sit around and do nothing forever.


A small dock sat in the waters, a wooden ship tied close to the dock. The boat would rock in the waters from the tide wading beneath it. The boat was small, big enough to be comfortable for three people at most. 


A quite tall elven woman stood on the dock, her hands on her hips. She smiled, a genuine smile. “Oh, look at her, Nailo! Perfect for sailing.” 


“'ave ye' ever even ridden in a boat before?” Her cousin asked as her lavender eyes examined the ship from afar. Oh was it beaten up from too many rides. 


“Ti, ti, of course!” The girl had stammered, “Why else would I have chosen this trip for us?” 


“Because yer stupid.” She retorted, a snicker escaping her person. 


“Whatever,” Ventys scoffed playfully as she climbed into the ship.


“I don’t think so!” Otellia would speak up, standing next to Ventys. 


 The mixed elf held her hand out to Otellia first, helping her fiancee into the ship before holding her hand out to Nailo “Well, are you coming or not?” 


“Ye’ know it.” Nailo took her cousin’s hand happily and climbed aboard! 


And with that, the three would depart their vessel from the dock. They travelled the seas, and found new places. Within a week, Nailo and Otellia would return back home, but Ventys would still be gone.




So...this is a post basically just giving Ventys a reason for being gone whilst I am taking a mini vacation! 


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