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[✗] [In-Game Ban] [KKgame1] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):








Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


Mass-RDM using a Hacked Client. (it wont let me attach an image so i will DM it via discord on request)


What circumstances led to this ban?


I got tired of the constant drama by some sore losers and was ready to leave like a normal person, all I did was be inactive and help my rustler buddies in raids and general tomfoolery.
when after a Talon's Port raid I started getting insults DMed to me over discord, despite how this may seem it is normal for PVPers to get sore losers in their DMs so I made a few jokes about it and brushed it off as a one-time occurrence like the many before. But it was not a one-time occurrence, they kept pestering me over the following weeks and even sent me the IP of the VPN I use
( it is not much but the fact that they got the VPNs IP means they tried to get mine).
So when a Rustler friend of mine told me that he wanted to RDM some people. I saw a way to get them to stop by simply saying "I've been banned bro" to them, and it worked.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


While the Mass RDM and Hacked Client part are true I disagree with keeping me banned after the fact as I simply used the ban as a means to an End.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I love this server, there are none like it. It has the best lore in the entire genre of Minecraft RP servers.
That and 8 Months should be enough time for them to forget don't you think?


Attach other relevant information.


To answer two questions I know you will ask:

- "Why didn't you block them?" I did, they came back with more and more alt accounts
- "Why did you not report them?" I do not trust moderators on any servers, I tried reporting people on similar servers for similar things but 7 out of 9 times I got banned instead because they cried about
cyberbullying so do excuse my distrust.

If you Have any other question feel free to ask ahead in my DMs

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