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The Arena of Zudronyul - Player Event


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Established on the 14th of The Grand Harvest, Year 81 of the Second Age


Throughout the settlements of Almaris fliers would be slid under each and every door whether it be treehouses, blargs, or the shops lining town streets. Below would be the attached message,

WELCOME ALL, to the Grande Arena of Zudronyul. All are invited to come and feast their eyes upon the bloodied fields of the Arena. Lead by the Beastmaster, this Arena invites all soldiers and knights wishing to gain renown to fight among my grounds against the strange beasts of the world. Whether if be beasts from the jungles, the mountains, the seas, or even that of the mystical, magical creatures of the world we will have them ready for battle.

Within this arena there will be spectating as well as a leaderboard recording the valiant feats of those who wish to fight among it. Winners are rewarded with not only renown and fighting experience, but excellent performers will find treasures and more coming their way.

To those interested, the construction of the Arena will soon come to a completion and it’s doors will be open to the public. However, we advise that only the most experienced of warriors enter as they will not leave the same as they had entered let alone leave at all. Within the halls we will keep record of each fight, as well as a memorial for the fallen.

[[If you are interested in this player eventline please join the discord linked below. This is a CRP eventline as it will be against different creatures, monsters, and more! If you have any questions feel free to PM me, -Qizu]]

Discord : https://discord.gg/mbUwNnGNXB




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The Huntsgoth rallies his hunters, telling them to go out into the realm and capture exotic beasts for this event!

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Kin would be intrigued, while he would wish to fight he had his 'family' & family to think of. So he would just go to watch the fights

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Glod would examine the Tournament poster, and grin. "Sounds loik a challenge for unce." He would walk to his bunk in the barracks and pull a titanic blade off the wall mount. Soon a strange looking Warhammer would accompany the blade. Soon he was a little while from Urguan, ready to accept the challenge.

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A one eyed half elfess began penning a letter in response, "The sky did weep with blood, an omen which now has long been forgotten.  The continents before us have been demolished, and we should not succumb to hubris by saying to ourselves, 'Surely this will not happen to us'.  These games present an opportunity to prepare ourselves for the horrors to come, and yet I take issue with the unnecessary risks involved, as well as potential cruelty.  Firstly, in most circumstances I would advocate for the humane elimination of beasts, though in our situation, bloodsport provides particular utility in the training of warriors. Thus, I am inclined to tolerate the suffering of the beasts for the greater good.  Secondly, however, I deem unnecessary risk to the lives of our warriors unacceptable. I *strongly* recommend having skilled medics, teleportation mages, paladins, shamans, and the like on hand at all times to rescue the fallen from their otherwise sure demise."

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