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[✗] [In-Game Ban] [Mu1r] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):








Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason




What circumstances led to this ban?


When I was active on LOTC I made a close circle of friends and played with them almost every day. I enjoyed their company and, as friends do, we relied on each other at times. One day, and to be frank, I forget how it came about a friend (Staff DM me if his identity is that important) told me he needed a skin, and I took it to heart to find him one. I scoured the innerwebs until i found one matching his desires. I showed him a picture of that skin, and in the moment became a bad friend as well as community member. I took credit for the work and gave him a price id be willing to give him the skin for. I did intend to to use the money to pay the original skinner his dues, but I also planned to keep a share for myself, like somehow I had 'earned' it by brokering the deal. I let my greediness blind me and betray the trust of the skinner and my own friend.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


I disagree with the allegation that I charging back commissions. While this wasn't mentioned in my ban note, I was informed that this was another factor in my removal from the server via discord. I have never spent real life money nor have i bartered any real world objects for skins. While I may have taken credit for a skin, I have never charged back or conned my way into getting a skin. What makes me more uneasy is that when asking a multitude of staff members for any information regarding this I kept getting redirected to different people, before finally being assigned an Admin. With this staff member, I was left waiting sometimes weeks for a response, and each time I could never receive the evidence of me charging back, with the question being ignored or being refused access to it. This is by no means a hit piece, and I apologize to the admin handling my appeal if it was perceived that way, I really just want to show the thought process behind my initial disagreement.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


wish to join again to experience roleplaying and having fun with those i made friends with and explore new possibilities, LOTC has an amazing pvp system and an amazing lore and the people who work on it and immerse us in this world are the very best, and i would like to experience that once again after having left for awhile.


Attach other relevant information.


I committed a serious transgression in the server and have harmed not only my reputation but the reputation of skinners as a whole. I am here to appeal my ban and apologize to those i hurt in the process. I really shouldn't of valued mina over the price of real people, I should've reconsidered what I was doing and came clean There are several things I should have done differently but did not. I have taken these months away from the server in stride and truly reflected on my actions and why I did such things. I hope you consider unbanning me.

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