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The Purpose of Peace


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O N  T H E  U N I T Y
O F  T H E
P R I N C E S  O F  C A N O N D O M

T H E  P E R S O N A L  T H O U G H T S


C H A R L E S  O F  A A U N
C H A R L E S  O F  A A U N
P R I N T E D  I N  G R E N Z

P U B L I S H E D  B Y
T H E  A L S T I O N I T E
P R I N T I N G  S O C I E T Y

A N N O  D O M I N I
'M D C C C L X X X'


What is peace? An obvious answer may arise immediately to one’s mind and heart to such a simple question - it is by definition the absence of violence - but in these particularly chaotic times of the XIXth Century, this concept of supposed tranquility has become synonymous with devastation, serving only as temporary respite for the brothers of man to resume their deadly dance. Wars are fought, and treaties are made, only to cycle back into perpetual violence for whatever asinine reasons arise later on.


One must wonder when enough is enough. When will they decide they’ve had enough of tearing each other asunder, of ruining families, of wasted lives once full of prospect? When will the men in their high castles finally gaze upon the ruins they have sown beneath them, having sent their fellows to lay waste on each other, so blind by the consumption of hatred for their enemy? Is this truly the path in which God has laid out for us? I write to all those of sane sensibilities, who see past the destructive tribalism that plagues our fair Race.


It was not always so, what I have mentioned, there were times in our histories, in which Man kept side to side with one another in peace. Though these were unions of imperfect nature, doomed to fail at the flick of a hand, their unity nevertheless proved beneficial to understanding the potential nature of this world of ours, and what we can do to improve upon it. It has been the rule of the absolute monarchs that have squandered what could have been long lasting peace throughout the realms of Canondom, those delusional of the Horenids, the Karovics, Kaedrini, Novellen and Sarkozy. Such is our vanity, that we never once pondered on the effects the concentration of such national, cultural, power into one being can do to one's mind, bound to break their and heart consumed by the intoxication of such authority. Thus, where we had unity in the past, absolutism followed in its imperfect union over man doomed to fail, just as it does within the Kingdom of Oren upon this publication.


Where may we improve where others have failed, in our quest to strive for the perfect union? It is a question unfit to be answered in totality by just one man, lest they allow their own biases and ego to force their opinion through, but, it has at least become obvious, without any doubt, that the absolutist model of rule established centuries ago is no longer governance suitable for this mortal plane. The fate of the many cannot endure any longer under the dictates of individual rulers - such an authority is reserved to God alone.

Entertain my naivety for a moment; Humanity, or otherwise known in the language of our Exalted Progenitor, Oren, must adopt the practices of an elected monarch, supported by an electorate of aristocracy tasked with the shepherding of their flocks, along with the oversight of the High Pontificate. The Emperor, or Empress, must be in accordance with the Rights of Man, as well as the Scriptures of Canon to ensure the sanctity of our souls and institutions, forced to submit to the Supreme Law of the land, an Imperial Constitution, thus forming the checks and balances necessary to begin a new age of enlightened rule. 


And though presumptuous of I, a devout of God, to state this in my capacity as a scholarly observer, it is of my belief that the Mandate of Heaven is not, nor has ever been, derived from the abilities of a monarch, as it were in the ages of imperial past, but rather found within the Common Man themselves. As Emperors and Kings were struck down, abandoning their presumed Mandate in the process, it was the masses that persisted onwards, guided by the esteemed nobility, to ensure the continued existence of Man in manners far superior to what a single egotistic ruler could ever achieve.


We must put aside our differences and unite our kind under a new Empire, a political super-entity willing and able to appreciate the differences of its citizenry, from whichever corner of the world they hail - within such where fate is freely dispensed to the ambitious, under the collected security of unification, which will do away with the pessimism of the indifferent, tyrannical and cynical. Of course, deviants will always exist, there never will be shortages of chaos lords, bandits, and the likes bent on the prosecution of their peers, or of those incapable of rendering themselves free of historical grudges, but without first taking any sort of actions against this assortment of the misguided and fools, we doom our kind to the perpetuity of wars, of devastation, and ultimately, the Void; we must Unite.


It will be our adherence to the precedents of honorable conduct of our future selves that will grant our souls salvation and acceptance into the Seven Skies, a world in which we strive to establish the perfect union of man, no matter how daunting it is, no matter the accompanied hardships. 


There is much work to be done, but I will leave you all with these thoughts in your mind for now;


Peace Be With You,

Charles of Aaun

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"We tried an empire before, didn't work." Huffed the Prince Joseph.

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"One peaceful empire... that's a damn good thought," smiled a certain Viennese farmer. "Maybe each nation could remain independent with the elective thingy and they all elect a leader to manage relations between 'em."

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