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5th of Jula and Piov, 441 ES



NOBILITY IS THE BACKBONE OF HAESENI SOCIETY, it has been the work of nobles over generations that has built up Haense to what it finds itself as today. Each noble family has provided Haense with a unique section to add to its Kingdom and history. However, with noble titles comes honour, respect, and authority that must be balanced and held carefully, and each has their own expectations for how they must hold this responsibility.



The Ranks of Nobility


The highest achievable rank within Hanseti-Ruska for a noble house, the ducal families are longstanding backbones for the Kingdom to rely on. These families have been working for Haense and its interests for generations. Upon their lands they’ve each built castles to house large families and to defend the Kingdom from, surrounding themselves with holdings of small villages to best utilise their land with tenants, house guards and farmers.


Expectations of a Ducal Family

They act independently and succinctly for the Kingdom, not needing to be told to take action. Ducal families sometimes specialise in one or two aspects of service to the Kingdom, but often branch out to assist and serve in any aspect available, whether it be political, militaristic, or independent projects. Others have no specialisation, and members of the ducal family can be found serving in every aspect of the Kingdom. Each ducal family upholds and continues to develop their cultures, have been involved within the Church of Canon and actively practise canonism. The loyalty of ducal peers is unquestionable, and proven by long history and precedent.



Holding the same ranking within the Kingdom as Counties, the march family differs in one regard; location and risk. A march is granted to counties holding land on the border of the Kingdom that are expected to defend and hold the border. A march should not be expected by all counties finding themselves on the edge of the Kingdom as it may be granted on a basis of risk, if they are landed on a peaceful or uncontested border there would be little to defend against.


Expectations of a Margrave Family

Margrave families are expected to erect and hold a defendable castle, unlike the keeps of regular counties. They upkeep supplies and defences to be at the ready for any attacks coming from the border they hold. The margrave families come with the risk of needing to stand and defend the Kingdom from incoming attacks, even if they must stand alone until assistance can arrive.



The second highest achievable rank within Hanseti-Ruska, comital families are reliable and longstanding. Their achievements and impact within the Kingdom are notable and varying. Their families have built up keeps to house their family, and have begun to surround their lands with some tenants and farmers, and may have begun to or already employ house guards to defend their keep.


Expectations of a Comital Family

Comital families have been working for the Kingdom for multiple generations, and act independently. Their members can be noticed in multiple institutions, their works have helped shape the recent Haense and continue to do so. Comital houses will take action without push, and speak up to better Haense without prompting. They might have some involvement in the Church of Canon and can be seen actively practising canonism. Their loyalty to the Kingdom has been proven for generations, and they actively participate in bettering Haense.



A viscomital family is the first promotion since gaining nobility, and have now proven themselves to be dedicated to the Kingdom long term. They’ve shown continuous effort in contributing to Haense, and have more plans in that direction. They’ve been comfortable in their estate for some time now, and may have been given a bit more space for expansion as necessary while they grow.


Expectations of a Vicomital Family

A viscomital family is generally working on developing their own traditions and family values. They may begin publishing works of history on how they have gotten to this point, and the roots from which they’ve come. Their ties within the Kingdom have begun to strengthen, and they may begin to work in unison with other houses on joint projects. Viscomital families have much promise and many routes to explore, and are feeling out where in the Kingdom they fit or if they chose to branch out into every aspect and to not choose a niche.



The lowest rank of nobility, a baronial family is an upcoming family with great promise working towards bettering themselves and the Kingdom, or a family fighting to remain nobility after insufficient contributions in recent times. As an upcoming family, they have recently shown great promise within the last generation or two. They’ve shown promise within at least an institution or two within Haense, and continue to grow. The rank of a baronial family is one of bated breath, being raised to a baronial family shows that the Kingdom is watching their next moves, to see what they will do further with the promise they have shown.


Expectations of a Baronial Family

Baronial families are getting involved where they can and are full of promise. They take initiative to join institutions and projects to contribute in any way they can. Those new to nobility should be keeping a respectable air about themselves, avoid sullying their relatively new reputation, and be seen as well mannered canonist members of the nation.



Expectations of Nobles

The Responsibilities of a Peer

A noble peer of Hanseti-Ruska has numerous responsibilities and expectations on their shoulders outside of simply being the patriarch to their family. They owe their direct allegiance to the Koeng of Haense, and are expected to lead their families in such a way that brings honour and respect to the Kingdom, encouraging their families to actively participate within the army and protection of the Kingdom. They hold a seat on the Royal Duma, and are expected to actively participate, or be sure that there is a proper representative to take their place should it be necessary. They are to be knowledgeable on the law of the Kingdom to be able to fulfil their duty of upholding and judging the law on their own land holdings in case of banditry or crime happens under their watch. Peers are to be well educated and well articulated to better the Kingdom and uphold the honour of both their house and their Kingdom.


The Responsibilities of a Noble

While a regular member of a noble family is not bound by a direct oath to the Koeng, there are still certain expectations that come with being a part of a noble family; the higher the rank, the stricter the expectations. In general, nobles are expected to uphold the highest level of respect and decency. They should be up to date on current etiquette expectations, and the law to be sure to remain well within it. Each noble should be sure to attend regular church gatherings and keep up with the recent revelations and Golden Bulls from the Pontiff to be sure to remain a well-educated canonist. The main responsibilities of a nobles have two goals, to support their family, and the Kingdom they serve. Nobility should be active within institutions of the Kingdom, and show great interest in the improvement of such. Anything from joining the Brotherhood of St. Karl, working within a government office, or running their own independent business, a noble's mind should rarely be idle and complacent. A noble of Hanseti-Ruska should always be respectful and respect worthy, active within the greater Kingdom, adhere well to canonism, and be ready to protect Haense when it is threatened.



Noble Rank Evaluations

Ways to Improve Noble Standing

The way noble houses are evaluated has always been a contested topic. Each Koeng will rank houses in their own way and by different requirements. However, there are some general themes that each Koeng appears to look at that houses can use as a guide in the right direction. The simplest advice to these houses is to stay true to your roots and your families. However, there are more specific things that each house should consider when asking themselves what more they can do for the Kingdom.


Commonly, houses that work independently without reminders from the Crown or government easily find success, and avoiding large periods of idle hands can give a noble house a good appearance. If a house often requires prompting from the Crown to act, they will be seen as less reliable and their dedication and commitment to the Kingdom may be questioned. Alongside this, it may be noticed how substantial a house's participation in the routine happenings of the Kingdom is; if they often show and participate in events like court, duma, and auxiliary brotherhood practices. Attendance is even more so noted at larger gatherings such as in emergencies to protect the Kingdom, coronations, and the Herzenvrest.


Each house should consider recording and documenting aspects of their history. From assembling large historiographies, stories of ancestors, memoirs of house members, and differing accounts regarding the house. Keeping track of and updating the living history of a house can show understanding of the progress the house has made, and spread the unique story of each family. Alongside this, houses should consider actively practising and developing their chosen culture; working on documentation and participating in traditions, and fashions of said culture. Additionally, with Canonism being the sole religion, houses that are commonly seen participating within the church or attending its gatherings should be looked on favourably as well.


Those looking for their next goals as a noble house should also begin looking to their neighbours, being able to work in tandem with other noble houses can show a level of maturity and brotherhood within Haense. If houses are able to collaborate to better Haense as a whole instead of working solely alone it can demonstrate a higher ability to unite and put aside familial or cultural differences. Similarly, a house that is willing to bring up issues and stand in front of the Crown or their peers to speak on them in a respectful and constructive manner also demonstrates a maturity and want to better the Kingdom without being pressed for their issues.


Overall, there is no specific right way for a noble house to improve their rank. It is a collaboration of many to work on a multitude of issues and projects for both their house and Kingdom. Nobles can also never go wrong in speaking with the Crown directly regarding the direction they wish to take their house, and in which ways the Kingdom requires their assistance.




His Excellency, Maric var Ruthern-Baruch, Duke-Consort of Valwyck, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska

Her Princely Grace, Johanna Klaudia Barclay, Princess of Sutica, Duchess of Reinmar, Margravine of Vanderfell, Countess of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness of Madvon, and Freising, Lady of Erwinsburg, Neuberg, Wilheburg, Freisburg and Rozenfeld, Lady Vandalore, Chieftess of the Reinmaren, Royal Inquisitor, Palatial Kommissar

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"...damn" Filip Amador sighs as a tear creeps out of his eye and proceeds painfully slow down the former Baron's cheek. He leant back in an old rickety chair located at some tavern in Aeldin, passing the fresh pamphlet to his sister Anna (@tadabug2000) "Dobry formatting this es, dont vy agree?" His voice was slightly shakey, though he felt at some peace despite the flurry of thoughts which entered his mind whenever this subject was mentioned.

Somewhere else, the lowborn commoner Aurik rolls onto a bean-bag of gold coins, giggling to himself as he prepares to have his new portrait taken. As he settles into a comfortable position, he hastily makes a few alterations to his firey-red hair and puts on a smile...



Very good post zae!!


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