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From his dreary fortress in the Barrowlands, an Owynist Lord readies himself.

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The An-Gho slept in stone. Unaware of what troubles occurred in the world of Man. 

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Father Tonito smiles seeing his father Ioannes be made venerable, and hopes to earn his place in the Skies by whacking some more ferrymen and azdrazi upside the head with his walking staff.

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Kor'garr the Clanless looks over the multiple declarations, face furrowing in consternation as he compares the finely written missive to multiple other papers that had been tacked on top of it. He peers back and forth with crimson eyes, illuminated by torchlight while jotting down a variety of notes for future reference. The small quill, clutched within bulky grey fingers, dips into the inkwell over and over again to record how the contrasting points of view decry eachother.

"Hmm... Gunna hav tu mentyun diz en'ag nu artikul vor dah peypur. Peepz loike needur zyde kan agrii ohn dah truthz behynd diz wagh bitween zo kalled oath-zworn alliez..."



Hmm... Going to have to mention this in a new article for the paper. Looks like neither side can agree on the truths behind this war between so called 'oath sworn' allies..."


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On 1/14/2023 at 2:31 PM, Balthasar said:


Beatified for guiding a lost Haeseni squire on his knightly trials after having been prayed to. Bl. Gaius Marius guided the young squire towards the beast he needed to slay for his trials and once it was slain appeared to the squire in full Teutonic fineries and guided him back home to safety.




"Come, son, and let us see your quarry back to thine own town," the appearance of the First Hochmeister encouraged.


"You have earned your spurs this day, take heart!"

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