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The Call


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The Beast Underneath





[!] A missive is pinned to all notice boards of Almaris.


To those with the gall of heroes, 


During a walk through the lands of Amathea, I have found something that has not been witnessed since the fall of the Cloudbreaker. 


I give word to those whomst wish to be known as a hero of Almaris. Another dragon rests in our lands, directly outside of the capital of Amathea there is a cave. Travel into it and you shall see the beast for yourself. I will write down directions, though I warn you this. 


This being is capable of communication, and is vastly superior to that of Cloudbreaker. It speaks in horrific tongues, and has a goal that is not needless destruction. It commits vile sorceries, comparable to those of the drakaar. Be wary of all who decide to enter.


May GOD save you all.






Was given direct confirmation from ST involved that this post and contents within are approved to be posted to forums.





Edited by mkaxeman
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The Oyashiman yelled amidst his sleep, waking up from a nightmare to cut through the air. . . -- plagued by memories of what he saw down there.

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anot'er overgrown lizard t'at needs a beating?

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