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Lord of Untold Damage


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I just wanted to remember a fallen friend taken by the matrix. He warned against the poison that would do him in ultimately... the Palebeast. The Damager-maker, Lord of Untold Damage, Sign-heathen, Sign-maker, and Sign-abuser are all a few and notable monikers. I know you are probably asking yourself this, which is why should you care? Just follow this mental road of legendary proportion of Damage-maker in his adventure of being a sign polluter. In order to achieve his feats he fasted for 7 sevens days, before on the 8th day spending all 24 hours of light and night of every waking moment showing the flaw of coders beneath the Untold Damage-maker. Secondly, in one fell sweep, like a Golden Mongol Horde he decimated the empty sign population into a message for any wary Tarnished. It is said the Sign-abuser, Sign-maker, Sign-heathen, Lord of Untold Damage, and the Damage-maker's spirit was so strong in his will of hating the Palebeast he imploded on the billionth sign. I have never met someone who showed such tenacity in showing their indomitable spirit and devotion. I ask you to always remember our Fallen Hero of many names. 

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