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Hauchmetvas of Two


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A painting of the Sun, Moon and the Sky


Hauchmetvas of Two,

Ileana Stefaniya and Fabian Otto Kortrevich


In honor of the Sun, Moon and Sky

 PENNED 12th JOMA AG UMUND of 468 E.S.


A Lady Hauchmetvas, or debutante in the Common tongue, shall be held in the Jerovitz keep to celebrate the coming of age of the firstborn children of Matviy and Viorica Kortrevich. This occasion commemorates their ascent from adolescence to adulthood. Suitors are welcome to introduce themselves and offer gifts to the young adults during the festivities.


The Ball’s adornments shall be that of the Sun, Moon and the Sky. All attendees are invited to wear their best, though are asked not to don these celestial symbols. Suitors are encouraged to don black roses if they wish to court Countess Ileana or yellow daffodils for Lord Fabian.


The Countess and Lord Fabian do wish to recognize their third sibling, Lady Fenika Ophelia Kortrevich, who to the family’s sorrow has been long-missing since youth. Her absence will be heartfelt.


Passing of the Horns

As per House custom, the prior Count of Jerovitz, Matviy Kortrevich shall place upon the head of the young Countess Ileana a headpiece. This shall symbolize the passing of strength, wisdom, courage and protectiveness of the Bull. 


Reading of the Stars

To mark the entry of the eldest Kortreviches into adulthood, their mother Lady Viorica Kortrevich, the Oracle, shall read and present a prophecy for each child in a custom of the immediate family.


Dance of the Wyrms

After the tournament, the newly-fledged Countess and Lord shall have the first dance together before the floor is opened for guests to join in the frivolity and festivities. This shall also be the opportunity for the intended suitors of each triplet to make their interests known.


All are welcome and invited!




HER EXCELLENCY, Viorica Irena Kortrevich,

Regent of Jerovitz


THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, Ileana Stefaniya Kortrevich,

Countess of Jerovitz, Viscountess of Krusev and Baroness of Koravia


HIS LORDSHIP, Fabian Otto Kortrevich




Sunday March 26th

6pm EST


Go to the backgate of Karosgrad in the public garden and then the path leading to the first keep after you take a right on the road. There should be a sign on the road saying “carts” something. Follow it up the path to the left and take the Jerovitz/Kortrevich cart with the red/black/yellow colours in the keep's courtyard.


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Lord Fabian hurries about the Jerovitz keep, simultaneously selecting fabric samplings; debating which flowers will be in season for the event's arrangements; and pestering the chefs about the menu!

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