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[✗] [Magic Lore] Elysian Blood Magic


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Elysian Blood Magic


The banks of life, a union of the soul and genus— components which fuel and spark the lives of descendants. To know both is to understand the figments of life and death. To manipulate both is to blur the lines of mortality with ethereality. When one is so close to the beating of a pumping heart and the stillness of the afterlife, they find a middle ground. They find a spring unlike any other, hidden by the worlds, beckoning them to not only tread the veil but rather find home and peace within it.


This font of the world truly may only be accessed by those who possess both understandings. The abilities privy to these individuals may be taught and shown but until one has languished in the essence of soul and blood, they will not be able to utilize any of these teachings by themselves. This is to say that all abilities and rituals require a Mystic to use and lead them



-- Elysian Blood Magic is a marriage piece between Mysticism and Blood Magic. This is not a new magic but rather a combination of the two and unique interactions.
-- For the sake of this piece, abilities will refer to Mystic Blood mages as Elysian Blood mages/magery.
-- Elysian Blood Magic is not innately known when either of these two magics are obtained without holding the other. Players may only innately know of this and may self teach by themself when they have Mysticism and Blood Magic at the same time.
-- Players with only Mysticism or Blood Magic may freely RP a suspicion that such is possible and may learn of the recipes and rituals as they see fit should they be in contact with someone who knows the other magic. For example, a Blood Mage may freely seek out a Mystic to experiment and find out the rituals, but they will not know the intricacies of them beforehand.
A separate MA is not needed.


Modifiers: Mystics can imbue their ectoplasm with their genus, weaving the two together.
This entanglement of the two can be offered up for an addition to their rolls. For one liturgy of ectoplasm offered to the ritual, there is a +1 to the roll given. Any offered soul fragments shall give a +1 to the roll.


-- Rolling a 1 will fail the ritual, regardless of any of the modifiers applied.
-- In order to use a liturgy - the Mystic must emote gleaming and then weave their ectoplasm into each unit of the genus they are giving to the ritual.
--A mystic with no blood magic cannot offer up their liturgies and cannot weave them into someone else’s genus.


[Cursed Blood]
“Bound to my body, a curse unto my own.”
T3 Blood Mage and T3 Mysticism, Mystic must know hexing.


Through a form hexing, Elysian Blood mages may temporarily hex their own genus and serve as a living curse.


During a ritual, mages will first craft a circle of blood with themselves in the center. The occultist will then inscribe a rune of Mortality and a rune of Ethereality upon the center of the circle. Then, the same will be done upon their body. Then, Elysian blood mage will gleam and draw forth a polygeist from Ebrietaes and into the circle of blood. After offering a precious memory to the geistl and one to two soul fragments (depending on the desired hex), they will then carve a wound nearby where they have placed the runes on their body and imbue the geist of choosing into the blood there. To fully set the geist, 3 units of genus must be offered to the circle. The imbuement will not fully seal this wound but rather, they will stop the bleeding and leave a bubbling and fleshy scab in return. A roll of 10+ is required for this ritual to work. Once this is done and the ritual is done correctly with a winning roll, the participant will have successfully received Cursed Blood which will last up to an OOC week.

Rolls 3-9:The geist will be released and the wound will triple in length and depth.
Rolls 1-2: The geist will attack anyone it sees and the wound area will quadruple in length and depth. The memory fragment will be lost as well alongside the soul fragment.

Major hexes may only be done on oneself and/or someone who has partaken in Intertwinement. Should the participant not meet either of these requirements, they can only receive Minor hexes and will be subject to the effects of this Minor hex. Those without genus, the undead, or soulless creatures may not receive Cursed blood.

After the allotted time has gone up, the geist will be released and the wound will be effectively sealed. During this time, due to the ‘openness’ of the wound, those with Cursed Blood will be more susceptible to blood diseases and illness. A bandage may be placed upon the imbuement area to lessen this but it will not be guaranteed. 

Those who are immune to the hex upon themselves may use their hex on others. Cursed Blood hexes may only have one activation trigger and follow all Hexing redlines. This hex will have unlimited uses throughout the week it is active but can only be used once per combat encounter. When the wound has sealed, unlike normal destruction of hexes, the precious memory will not return to the Elysian Blood mage. Due to the nature of hexes, a placeholder item must be made and signed by ST.

-- Major hexes may only be inscribed onto an Elysian blood mage or those who are actively in Intertwinement. They also may use their hexes (Minor or Major) on others.
-- If one is not an Elysian Blood mage or is not actively in Intertwinement, they may only receive a minor hex and will be subject to the effects of the hex. They may not use the hex upon others.
-- Due to the nature of hexes, an item must be made and ST signed detailing the area of the wound, the type of hex and effects, and the creator of the hex. This item must be purged after the time allotted has gone up.
-- Incantation/Audible or Sight based hexes may only be triggered within #RP distance.
-- Cursed Blood may only have one hex and one trigger.
-- The hex cannot be removed or purged until the time has gone up. Cursed Blood is effectively ‘permanent’ until  ONE WEEK or seven days has passed and it will naturally seal and release the geist.
-- Cursed Blood follows tier progression in the sense that you must be T4 to use the Sight/eye trigger in Cursed Blood.
-- Participants do not have to be willing in order to receive Cursed Blood and does not require OOC consent.

-- Hexes have no effects upon undead, spectral or corporeal.
-- The soul fragments used to alter the polgygeist do not count for modifiers nor do the liturgies.


“Till death do us part.”
T2 Blood Mage and T1 Mysticism

Understanding the nuances of not only blood but soul, an occultist may craft a ritual in which they may intertwine their very soul and genus with others to create a connection beyond this plane.


Personal Insignias: These emblems are unique runes that pertain to the Elysian blood mage. They have no specific design quality required to them but should represent the character in some sense. These emblems also should match the aesthetic and design of Blood Magic runes.

During this ritual, a circle will be crafted from blood. A rune of Flesh and Life will be placed on either side of the circle. Then, a rune of Binding and a Personal Insignia rune will be placed within the center of the circle alongside a rune of Mortality. When this is done, those who are involved will stand within the center of the circle. Then, the Elysian blood mage will etch the Personal Insignia rune upon themselves, as well as a rune of Binding on their body. Like ensorcell flesh, for this to be permanent, it’s best if this is tattooed or carved into oneself. When this is done, the leading mage will etch the same carvings into the other individuals involved. It is to note that the individuals involved do not need Blood Magic or Mysticism to partake. The only person who needs both magics is the leader of the ritual/the one that the others are being tied to. Upon making the carvings, the leading mage will gleam and saturate their palm with ectoplasm. With their saturated hand, they will place it upon the individual (should there be more than one individual, the following person will place their hand on the next person, acting as a conduit). Then, they will use another limb to place their hand upon the circle and offer up four units of genus. A roll of 10+ is required for this ritual to work.

Should this ritual be successfully done, the soul tie will tether each individual to one another. Passively, those may be influenced by the emotions of others. However, it must take incredibly strong feelings for there to be considerable influence upon each other. For example, if one is completely overjoyed to the point of tears, the others may feel a warm sensation, as their troubles have been eased - so on and so forth. Actively, if those within the tie are within ten blocks of one another, they will find that any pain induced upon another will be induced upon themselves as a phantom pain. For example, if a person were to receive a laceration in range, those within the tie may feel a stinging sensation in the area. As the severity of the wound increases, so does the pain. Should someone within the soul tie die, this could render those in the tether in detrimental pain - as if a part of themselves has been ripped out. If these individuals are within 1-2 blocks of one another, they will be able to hear each other’s heartbeats, their blood coursing, and a few drifting thoughts (nothing concrete). If the individuals are making skin contact for more than 3 emotes, they may speak through one another through their minds. Through this, they may glean from thoughts Memory sharing is not allowed through this and this connection will break as soon as skin connection ceases. When speaking like this, individuals may be aloof and distracted outwardly.

It is to note, that if someone within the soul tie receives a cursed blood hex, they may be immune to the effects and be unaffected by the hex - so long as they have a personal insignia etched on them.

Should the leading mystic-blood mage soul tie break, everyone within the soul tie will be broken from it. If someone from the soul tie detaches themselves from intertwinement, only they will be privy to the loss of the effects. However, the loss of the soul tie may render those involved hopeless, as if they lost a part of themselves. This could send those into a spiraling mental state. This is why detwinning oneself should be a delicate process and why intertwinement should be a carefully discussed ritual - forcing one to be incredibly sure about taking part. 

-- Intertwinement requires OOC consent from the players involved and all mechanics must be relayed to the players.
-- Due to the nature of this ritual, players must keep an ST signed item that represents the insignia. This is simply a record of the ritual and to show if needed. This item must be kept on the persona at all times and cannot be taken in roleplay. If the personal insignia is destroyed IRP, the item must be destroyed as well.
-- A Personal Insignia is completely unique to the Elysian Blood Mage and should be roleplayed as such.
-- Animals cannot be apart of the soul tie
-- Individuals must have genus and a soul in order to partake in this ritual

[Ensorcell Ethereality]
“Even in this form, the world will change you.”
T2 Blood Mage and T3 Mysticism - Must have undergone amputation.


With the strength of a ghostly arm, runes can be inscribed on not just flesh and the ordinary object but to a wandering soul as well.



The ritual requires a circle to be made, A rune of Ethereality must be drawn within the shape’s center and then a rune of power, rune of life, as well as the elemental rune of choosing is to be added to the crest of the circle. Lasty, by gleaming their amputated arm, the mage shall inscribe the elemental rune directly into the geist’s soul. Only one elemental rune may be tied into the ghost’s soul at a time. This will change the geist depending on which element was called upon. This ritual will inflict some pain upon the geist but it is not detrimental. It is similar to a slash to someone. Should the ghost be demanifested, the rune will be lost and have to be remade. The ghost may choose to have this rune removed or swapped out. If it is being swapped out, the mystic blood made must go through the process of removing the rune and then redoing the ritual with the new rune. This ritual requires three units of genus to be offered up due to the non-genus having  nature of geists and eidola.

Paleknights will also be privy to this ritual, however, the circle must be done near by their menhir with a blood trail connecting the two. The elemental rune must not only be inscribed upon the Eidola but their menhir as well. However, unlike geists, if the Eidola is destroyed, they will be reborn with the rune.

A roll of 10+ is required for this ritual to be successful
Rolling 3-10 will cause an explosion of the rune inscribed

Rolling a 1-2 is critical failure, exploding the run and summoning a lesser threat such as inferi imps or voidal horrors

Fire: The geist’s ectoplasm will look to be made of a pale blue flame, licking up in the air and may dwindle or expand to some extent depending on the ghost’ emotion. Unlike other geists, any with the Fire Rune will not inflict as terrorizing as a chill - the room, if anything, will feel slightly warmer. It is to note that ectoplasmic fire effects are purely aesthetic and cannot burn or deal any physical damage. Geists with this rune may be prone to more fury, recklessness, chaotic behavior, and lower their pain tolerance.
Paleknights:The cracks in the eidola will give away to water that looks more like magma. A sickly red will permeate through their body. Upon touching the stone, those may feel a warmth to the construct body rather than cold rock. Their stone also may appear more reddish and look more like lava rock - seemingly porous - than simple cobblestone. This does not change the strength of the rock. They may be prone to more fury, recklessness, chaotic behavior, and lower their pain tolerance.

Water: The geist’s ectoplasm will be warped to look like water and any light shone through them when corporeal will cause them to emit a light-warping effect. The ectoplasm drips off, similar to rain but never seems to wet the ground. Their ‘clothes’ may appear waterlogged and sag with dampness. Geists with this rune will make them more prone to mood swings and confusion.
Paleknights: Paleknights may take on a mossy look to their stone and upon touching them - they may feel slippery and slimy, however this is entirely superficial and does not offer any sort of advantage. The sound of water dripping may come from them, despite none of their internal water leaking. They will be  more prone to mood swings and confusion.
Earth: The geist’s ectoplasm will look similar to a rocky cliff, filled with cracks and a generally
dusty look to it. Their hair and their clothes won’t seem to move much and will be near planted into place. This rune will cause ghosts to feel more patient, obedient, and more logical.
Paleknights: Eidola will take on a dusty look to their stone - even when they rest in water to regenerate, they will never seem to be drenched with water. Their movements may come across as extra stiff, as if they’re too heavy to walk further.  This rune will cause them to feel more patient, obedient, and more logical.

Air: Air runes will cause ectoplasm to appear more like gale of winds. Their hair will whirlwind about them and their clothes billow in the wind. These forces will only be enacted upon the ghost and may blur their figure slightly when affected by these winds. When inscribed by this rune, geists will feel more at peace, forgetful, and spontaneous.
Paleknights: Despite being stone creatures, Eidola with this rune will move with more grace than usual, as if not weighed down by their stone. Their stone may appear generally lighter in color. When inscribed by this rune, they will feel more at peace, forgetful, and spontaneous.

Dark: The geist’s ectoplasm may take on a darker shade of color, as if there is no sun shining on them. Shadows will bend to them, regardless of their corporeality. This cannot invoke any sort of stealth power and is purely aesthetic. Dark runes may repress some mental pain, cause slow thinking, and false sense of security.
Paleknights: When inscribed by a dark rune, the stone upon a Paleknight may appear darker in color - appearing near almost like obsidian. Shadows will bend to this stone creature and lights may dim when they are around them. This cannot invoke any sort of stealth power and is purely aesthetic. Dark runes may repress some mental pain, cause slow thinking, and false sense of security.

Light: When runed with Light, a geist will take on an unnatural brightness to their ectoplasm. This shine will not be bright but is more kin to the pale-light of a menhir. Ghosts will be able to shift their ectoplasm to up to three different tones. Light may make the ghost’s head clearer and increase dogmatism.
Paleknights: When inscribed with a Light rune, the cracks of the Eidola will glow to the light of a torch and may shift between one to three colors. The light will be sickly and dull - muted in tone. Light may make the mental state of the eidola clearer and increase dogmatism.

Metal: Ghosts inscribed with a metal rune will find that their ectoplasm has taken on a rusted ferrum look to it. Hits to the geists with a weapon may sound as if one is striking metal. Their voice may take some hollowness to it, as if reverberating. Metal can cause a geist to feel more stubborn, orderly, and mentally resilient to stronger emotions.
Paleknights: With a metal rune, Eidola’s stone will appear more like armor than stone. The rock will appear metallic with its respective sheen. Should any damage be done to the stone, a metal ring will sound out. Metal can cause a stoneborn to feel more stubborn, orderly, and mentally resilient to stronger emotions.

Lightning: When runed with Lightning, ghosts ectoplasm may appear cloudy, as if a rainstorm is on its way. The clouds will occasionally have minor flashes that happen within them - like little lightning strikes afflicting the ghost. Their voice may sound electrified and their movements jerky. Those with this rune may be more susceptible to burnout, wrathfulness, and mood swings.
Paleknights: Should a lightning rune be made upon an Eidola, minor flashes will riddle the cracks within their stone - as if the stone are stormy clouds bearing a thunderstorm. 

Again, it's to note that all of these changes are purely for aesthetic and altering geist’s mindstate.


-- This ritual does not have a set emote count but should take 3-4 emotes to complete.
-- Ensorcell Ethereality requires for the inscription to remain intact. Should a ghost be demanifested, the rune will be gone. However, for Paleknights, should the inscription be removed from their menhir - they will be reborn with no rune upon ‘death’.
-- None of these enchantments can impact combat or be twisted to be mechanically relevant as they are purely aesthetic or internal. Fire cannot harm, dark cannot make someone entirely black to enable stealth, and so forth.
-- Three units of genus are required, one specifically to sustain the rune of life. 

-- The rune must be maintained in order for the effects to stay in place. A rune written in blood upon a menhir is more likely to be disturbed than it being carved directly into it. A rune upon a geist however can be disrupted by any amputated mystic regardless of having blood magery or not.

[Ephemeral Vision]
“In this realm, you are alone. Revel or languish in it.”
T5 Blood Mage, T4 Mysticism

Through prolonged connection to someone’s circulation, Elysian blood mages may tap into someone’s very soul and silence it.



Mystic blood magic users may put someone through a soul silence. This act is done by honing in on a singular target and reaching out not only to their circulation but to their very soul. Over the duration of three emotes, the mystic must focus entirely on this target and nobody else. In this time, they may speak and gesture but they’ll be aloof and distracted - to the point they may not even be following any sort of conversation at all. It is to note that the player must emote a sense of the supernatural in the area. Whether that be a chill taking hold of the area through a sharp wind or whispers of disembodied voices streaming through the air. The mystic’s eyes will gleam with their shade of ectoplasm during this time.

Should the person remain in their line of sight, the victim would suddenly notice that every person around them has vanished and the world has suddenly gone silent. All they will hear is the pump of their heart - the feeling of their blood rushing all throughout them. Their feet will feel glued to the ground, as if they had been frozen into place. Pure paranoia shall grip them and they will feel as if their nose, eyes, and ears are bleeding (Should they check, they’ll find their hands coated in blood). They may feel as if their heart will be torn from their very chest.  Should the victim attempt to speak during this, they will feel as though their mouth is brimming with blood, causing any words to come out gurgled.Over the course of two emotes, the victim will be locked into this state. When they have been unsilenced, the world returns, sound will continue on, and the blood they thought was there would not be at all.

When a person is in this state, they cannot be broken out of it. No matter what anyone screams, they will not be able to hear it. Should the person be moved in this time - shaken for example, they feel gripped by utter coldness, as if something ghastly has taken hold of them. Being moved by an outside source may be detrimental - psychologically - to the victim.

-- If the person leaves line of sight within three emotes (such as being blocked by something or someone), the cast will break and the target will not be affected.
-- The mystic expends one liturgy in order to perform this spell.
-- The person affected can be moved during this time but must emote worsening effects if they are. Regardless of where they are moved, they will still be soul silenced for the spell has already been cast. 

-- The person cannot form words during this time.
-- It is required that the caster must describe all parts of this spell to the player affected.
-- While the victim may feel as if they are glued to the ground, they can still attempt to move/move very stiffly. They will find their movements incredibly slow.

[Rite of the Puppeteer]
“Without a touch, they shall be terrorized.”
T4 Blood Mage, T4 Mysticism

With the aid of one’s genus and soul essence, an effigy can be crafted to exert an ephemeral influence. 



A ritual in which the Elysian Blood Mage uses a unit of genus and soul fragment from the same person and imbue it into a humanoid doll to create an effigy that they have jurisdiction over. Before the ritual begins, the mage must first have reaped one unit of genus and one soul fragment from their victim.Then,  they must also craft a doll. The size of the doll must be larger than five inches but cannot exceed two feet. While the doll does not have to resemble the victim, it must have defining features such as a head, two arms, and two legs.

When these tasks have been completed, the ritual may proceed. A circle must be drawn, with a rune of mortality in the middle and the doll placed atop of it. In the crescent of the circle, the runes of Ethereal, Mortality, Power, Binding, and Life are to be inscribed. When all is done, the mage will offer up three units worth of genus (Not including the genus from the person). A roll of 14+ is required for this ritual to work.

Rolls 6-14: An explosion of all the runes ensues, filling the room with ghastly screams.
Rolls 2-5:The doll comes to ‘life’ and begins to attack.
Roll 1: The doll comes alive and summons Inferi Imps and Voidal Horrors.

Should the ritual be completed and the effigy created, the holder of the doll will now have a unique set of influence upon the victim.

It is to note that this doll cannot directly control the victim. All the effects here are meant to be psychological influence that does not have total control over someone. This is not meant to rip a character away from someone, this is simply meant as a form of inconveniencing someone mildly.

The doll is now a direct tie to the victim, meaning, whoever holds it, may inflict certain forces upon the doll and in turn, inflicting the same feeling upon the real person. Examples of this are - drowning the doll will make the victim feel as if they cannot breathe well, as if suffering the effects of asthma or pneumonia. Surrounding the doll with fire will cause the person to feel as if they're burning up - like a fever. Placing them in ice/snow will make the person feel beyond frigid and cause them to shiver. The holder can also relay words. In order to produce a mere whisper in the victim’s mind, the words must be screamed at. In general, the rule of thumb is that whatever is inflicted on the doll must be extreme in order for it to have an effect on the victim.

If the user is in close proximity to the doll when these effects are being inflicted, the symptoms may feel more heightened. It is to note that these afflictions cannot cause true physical harm, these are all mental afflictions and should be roleplayed as such.

In their dreams, the user may receive vague visions as to where the doll is located. These vague interpretations may be depictions of the city/area it is in, the room in which it is in, and how it is stored. If it is on a person, they may gleam what the figure generally looks like albeit with blurry depictions. It is required that the creator provide these visions.

-- This ritual does not have a set emote count but should take 3-4 emotes to complete
-- The soul fragment and genus MUST come from the same person or else the ritual will be rendered null.
-- Dolls must be ST approved.
-- The fragment and genus do not have to be collected at the same time. They can be from different encounters.
-- Item must have the character’s name and MC name of the victim.
-- Does not require OOC consent from the player
-- Dolls last for 7 OOC days and should be roleplayed as such.
-- Dolls must be mechanically accessible and cannot be played in ender chests.
-- When the doll is rendered null, the creator must give it to ST for the item to be destroyed.
-- Dolls cannot be made from someone with no genus.
-- Evidence of fragment and genus collection must be provided.
-- Evidence of the doll creation must be provided.
-- Evidence of the ritual must be provided.


[Rite of Scouring]

“Chained by blood and sentenced to the wastes.”
T5 Blood Mage and T4 Mysticism
(Mystic must know Unbound Fates, Banishment, and Scrubbing)

A dangerous ritual in which Blood Mages create a circle near an Apparition to purge it. 



The process in purging an apparition through blood magic is incredibly finicky, taxing, and beyond risky. A circle of blood must be created, near  the apparition (10-20 block range). Once the circle is made, the mages must draw a Rune of: Ethereal, Draining, Power, and Binding - within the crests of the circle. Lastly, the mages must offer fifteen total units of genus. This unit is not changed regardless of the size of apparition. There is no restriction as to how the units of genus are divided up. In order for this ritual to succeed, the leading mage must roll a 16+ (including modifiers). It is to note that this circle may be done in a scrubbing area but this means that no ectoplasm can be offered up for modifiers.

Should the ritual succeed, chains of blood will shoot out from the edges of the circle and bind themselves to the apparition. The apparition will be powerless to fight against these chains. A gateway will appear beneath the mass of souls - stemming from the Rune of Draining. It shall open entirely wide and swallow the apparition whole, casting every soul within it to the wastes and effectively purging them.

A roll between 11-16 is failure however not necessarily as detrimental. The chains will shoot out, briefly stunning the apparition but after a few moments it will be able to break free afterward.

A roll between 2-10 is critical failure. Instead of being bound by bloody chains -, the apparition shall reap from the essence provided to the ritual and receive a buff of 5-10 souls -. The apparition will also receive a second turn in combat before anyone else does.

A roll of 1 is catastrophic failure. The apparition shall reap not only from the essence provided from the ritual but from the mages themselves - drawing out all units of genus they have left as well as liturgies should they have them. This shall send all mages into hypovolemic shock and suffer from ectoplasmic sickness (if applicable). In turn, the apparition receives a 15 soul buff. It is up to not only ST but the players involved to roleplay this accordingly.

It is to note that the ‘buff’ of souls is not truly receiving souls but rather, a way for members involved to calculate the strength difference within the apparition should the ritual fail. It is also to note that this ritual is meant to be a risky thing to undergo and should be planned out with care. 


-- This ritual does not have a set emote count but should take 4-5 emotes to perform
-- The rite of consumption cannot be done following this rite if it is successful. However, if the ritual does not succeed and the apparition is killed through ‘normal’ means, consumption will still be possible.
-- Only an Elysian Blood Mage may lead this ritual and must adhere to the requirements listed above.

-- ST can deny the use of the ritual within the event should they see it fit. 

-- The ST will teleport the leading mage away to do any rolling.

Blood Magic

dev_clark (Writing)
Unbaed (Consultation and ideation)
christmanism (Consultation and feedback)

Special thanks to:
Zarsies, for letting me use the Blood Magic rolling system.


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1 hour ago, dev_clark said:

When a person is in this state, they cannot be broken out of it.

wub da skah..

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In the past, giving +1 to rolls for single units of Blood to Naz for their marriage piece collapsed the risk + purpose of the rolling system. Remove the thing that gives +1 to blood magic modifiers for a resource and instead rely on knowing blood mages IRP. This way, you just need to dump a ton of goo into a vat & you need none of the connections that the original lore intended for blood mages to upkeep with one another. 

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I think it would be neat if it was possible, like in Infernal Blood, to do the rituals while having a Blood Mage and a Mystic instead of needing the Mystic to know Blood Magic. Sort of bouncing off of Disco, this could be why you need a Mystic as they will be able to imbue their Liturgies into the blood and that's how it becomes Elysian Blood

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2 hours ago, DISCOLIQUID said:

In the past, giving +1 to rolls for single units of Blood to Naz for their marriage piece collapsed the risk + purpose of the rolling system. Remove the thing that gives +1 to blood magic modifiers for a resource and instead rely on knowing blood mages IRP. This way, you just need to dump a ton of goo into a vat & you need none of the connections that the original lore intended for blood mages to upkeep with one another. 

I don't think removing modifiers as a whole for this piece would the best thing to do but I do agree that it should be altered to support RP. Liturgies may have not been the best modifier, simply from the idea that they replenish after use therefore diminishing their cost. I think what might be more beneficial is to keep the idea of using soul fragments for modifiers (since they're much more difficult to obtain) and then make it so that some of the Rites/Abilities require you to weave liturgies of ectoplasm into the genus you offer up. 

2 hours ago, MeteorDragon said:

I think it would be neat if it was possible, like in Infernal Blood, to do the rituals while having a Blood Mage and a Mystic instead of needing the Mystic to know Blood Magic. Sort of bouncing off of Disco, this could be why you need a Mystic as they will be able to imbue their Liturgies into the blood and that's how it becomes Elysian Blood

I definitely agree that this would be neater if more the abilities were able to be used by Blood Mages with aid of a Mystic, and honestly, I should've written them to be more widely accessible - however, I am also still inclined to keep certain abilities remain only usable if one has both magics (Similar to the way some of the abilities are in Druidic BM, requiring you to be a druid with blood magic rather than just needing blood mages with a druid helping). Rite of the Puppeteer, Rite of Scouring, and Ensorcell Ethereality are the abilities that would be best changed to being a Blood Mage + help from Mystic, the rest I believe are best kept to a Blood Mage-Mystic. 

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3 hours ago, dev_clark said:

I definitely agree that this would be neater if more the abilities were able to be used by Blood Mages with aid of a Mystic, and honestly, I should've written them to be more widely accessible - however, I am also still inclined to keep certain abilities remain only usable if one has both magics (Similar to the way some of the abilities are in Druidic BM, requiring you to be a druid with blood magic rather than just needing blood mages with a druid helping). Rite of the Puppeteer, Rite of Scouring, and Ensorcell Ethereality are the abilities that would be best changed to being a Blood Mage + help from Mystic, the rest I believe are best kept to a Blood Mage-Mystic.

I can definitely agree with this. Having a mix would work quite well as it would give Blood Mages/Mystics an incentive to search for each other, and an incentive for Blood Mages to teach Mystics and vice versa. Overall, just want more group stuff

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20 hours ago, dev_clark said:

"soul fragments for modifiers (since they're much more difficult to obtain)" and then make it so that some of the Rites/Abilities require you to weave liturgies of ectoplasm into the genus you offer up. 


I am very opinionated on Blood Magic marriage pieces in that I believe they should pull blood mages to the community rather than turbocharge any who happen to be in it. I think this is a good change instead of liturgies offering blood magic multipliers. 


20 hours ago, dev_clark said:

I definitely agree that this would be neater if more the abilities were able to be used by Blood Mages with aid of a Mystic, and honestly, I should've written them to be more widely accessible - however, I am also still inclined to keep certain abilities remain only usable if one has both magics


The issue isn't "only useable" or "only can be lead by" if one has both magics, that's actually fine. The issue is that blood rituals fail. And it's really dangerous. So you're rewarded for having blood mage friends who can raise your modifier. This prevents 2 - 3 people from running really high power event rituals alone, generally. The problem is that an outrageously high blood magic modifier could be obtained by just a few people who have happened to kill several others, and then they can privately perform this entire spell list. That's pretty strong, no matter what the spells are. 


Normal blood magic rituals adjust at 12, 13, sometimes 15 out of 20. You have already reduced the chance of failure to less than a coinflip once we account for blood modifiers with liturgies and soul fragments on a lot of these spells. Failure is an important part of blood magic marriage pieces, and this one has lost that balancing element by adding liturgy bonuses. I am not sure if I am reading this right too, but it seems like many of these spells are also just outright given to ... single mages? As long as they know both? I don't think you should do that. Blood Magic is about group rituals. You should up the count of people needed to perform these spells. If this isn't about Group Rituals, it's more or less just a free Feat for Blood Magic/Mystics. 


Blood magic formatting normally goes (Requires 3 Blood Mages, one of which must be Tier 4). Only the blood bending spells allow for single person use. 


I like this piece, I have a few more issues if you'd care to hear, but these are my surface thoughts. I am of the opinion that marriage pieces should promote direct reason to roleplay between both groups, and not provide power to one side of the equation more than the other. I like the Naz marriage piece because haunted houses are evocative, symbols in the sky are cool, and cursed calling cards are a devil staple. But it collapsed the risk of rolling & I dislike that.


Just my two cents, though. 

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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