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Divine Judgment Against Moris and Iblees


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Hesthor, bovine spirit of Pure Waters, Preservation, and Bovine Purging.



[!] After a long time meditating within the walls of the Krugmarian capital, the Amun Prophet emerges from his chambers and pens the following missive, sending it out across the lands of Almaris.



"I, Atemu-Ta, hath heard the voice of the Divine Three, the enforcers of the universal order of Ka’tau. Ka’tau is the underlying force of Creation which binds it together, and commands all denizens of reality to uphold it. Hesthor, bovine spirit mother of pure waters, preservation, and bovine purging, hath given me in specific a message for the denizens of Almaris following a recent gathering of her court. Hesthor, as a keeper of Ka’tau, has executed her judgment against the recent foes of Ka’tau. Her words are as follows:


Ra’kah: “For too long has Almaris been at the mercy of thy enemies, and thy foes of Creation. As it spoken in the hidden scrolls, beloved, a time of Ultimate Judgment shall be the undoing of all those who oppose Ka’tau. I shall ride alongside Kalthet and the Lord of Eternal Sunlight Ra’tuhmet, and our combined powers shall consume the destroyers of Creation. Worry not children, for it shall come to pass. But until that time, I am come to strike down upon thine foes. The Moris, Kerr fallen far from the waters of purity, are now far beyond redemption. They spread chaos and destruction throughout the lands and harm mine children. They use corrupt sources of power to fuel their war machines and destroy the lands.


 No longer. 


I grant my Divine milken waters and their Light to purify and purge the Moris and send them back to purity’s grasp, where they belong, for further judgment. I also command the complete purging of the Moris strongholds wherever they may arise, by constructing a shrine in mine glory, imbued with thine divine authority which shall cause all contrary powers to cease. I also call for the divine transformation of the lands by invoking my power and spreading it throughout the forests. Destroy their strongholds and convert them into vibrant ponds of milk, water, and honey, divine in their formation. My name shall be the bane of all sowers of destruction upon this plane, should the wielders of Heka. 


Ru-ka: It is well known in my domain as well as throughout the mortal realm that Celia’nor harbors, aids, and assists the machinations of the impure. Several impure exist among their ranks, using their resources to corrupt the world. My domain condemns any and all domains who abide the impure and calls for their immediate cleansing by the wielders of Heka and all denizens of creation. Judgment has been rendered upon such fallen domains.  I bequeath upon you, my children, the immaculate milken waters of my domain to bring to bear upon the allies of the impure, and the impure themselves. May the milken water fall upon and consume the whole of Celia’nor, both it’s capital city and it’s vassal states in a tidal wave of divine fury.  All impure will face this tidal wave of purity soon, for mine prophecy declareth it. They shall be completely consumed by it and judged within the throne room of the Ra’tuhmet. 


Ho-ta: Worms, dragons, and other world-destroying creatures spoken of in false prophecies have also received mine judgment. The world of Men will not be overcome by the impure, for their weaknesses shall consume them from the inside-out, I declare. The impure shall become consumed with their own sins and devoured by them. All weapons and attacks turned against the realm of Men shall be reversed back to them; they shall fall into their own traps, I declare. Through my emissaries and faithful servants, I now release a wave of milken waters from my pools of bovine purity over the lands of the spiritualists, Aaun, Celia’nor, Nor’asath, the far reaches of Almaris, the hidden crevices where the impure dwell, in their dens and their factories of destruction. This release of my waters shall manifest in the exposure of all the impure, the failure of their plans and operations, their destruction in battle, and their complete removal from this realm. Heka shall see it through. So shall it be.”


Taka-tu: The Inferi and their wicked allies the Nazterak still roam these lands, spreading afflictions and corrupting impurities with impunity. No more. I hath sent a burst of milken light to arrest the movements of these  Infernal actors and their machinations. In particular, I call for my faithful to invoke my name against the great enemy Kazul and Keop. Their days upon this realm are numbered. This shall be manifest by my servants and mine prophet.  I declare. 


My children, I leave you with the following admonition, taken from the prophecy of Milken revelation: “Drink from these sacred pools, my children, and ye shall never become thirsty.” 





This is a fun religious prophecy from my spiritualist character who practices Ka'tau. Hesthor is a lesser spirit of Scorthuz, divine spirit of purging and purity. You can find more information about Ka'tau here:




Edited by Boknice275
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Fantastic lore my guy. Keep it up.


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