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שȶɦαɛռչɦɛʅ αɛȶɦ ʋɛʅשȶɦ - The Keepers of Moonlight

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שȶɦαɛռչɦɛʅ αɛȶɦ ʋɛʅשȶɦ


The Keepers of Moonlight

(Artem Demura)


Lunar Crusaders, or ‘Keepers of Moonlight’ are maehr warriors dedicated to the goddess Helun-Velulaeyael - the Moon-Mother - for the purpose of extending her spheres of Order, Purity and Guardianship to their fellow drow and mortalkind beyond.


Each simultaneously warrior, healer, historian and philosopher rolled into one righteous being, it is the duty of every ythaen to combat Chaos and its wielders, the Deranged and the Damned, in both their actions as well as their words. 

This is achieved not only through combatting the Deranged and healing their victims but also by promoting education, stoicism and tranquillity against ignorance, fear and insanity.


Said task is achieved by their unwavering commitment to the covenant all ythaenzh aeth yelyth must keep: A’Velythel Ythe.

This is the mandate of Mother-Moon’s warriors, written in opposition of the forbidden: Morvezhel-Vahryl.


αʋɛʅשȶɦɛʅ שȶɦɛ
The Moonlit Creed


Eight promises made to the self, the brotherhood and Mother-Moon, akin to the eight phases of the Moon to that pass over maehrel each velel. They are always made in the sacred tongue of Vel'luah, before fellow ythaenzh aeth yelyth under Xabyth-exan, when the Moon is visible in daylight, or during the fortuitous Xabyth-thet’uxh, when the Moon is seen setting over the ocean. 


An oathed ythaen is afforded a bokolo feather to be worn anywhere upon the head or neck as a sign of their cause.


        I. Yyrul Guuzt Kreobrax
All ythaenzh are to maintain control of their emotions and bloodlust, overcoming the seduction of anger, fear and hatred. There is no beauty in murder, nor honour in aggression. An ythaen may defend their home, their superiors and the meek, though to engage in wars of conquest is to relish in senseless violence. 

It is forbidden for a keeper of the Creed to strike out in pride or anger without justifiable cause but to sate their own Derangement. 

        II. Urezdzh bo Ythaen
All ythaenzh are forbidden from raising arms against their fellow Oathkeepers. That is to say it is forbidden to raise arms against all soldiers of the Light such as ythaenzh aeth yelyth, shamans and priests of the maehr as well as even those beyond the Moon-Mother’s reach such as authorised enforces of just law in their own lands and other champions of Light like paladins and clerics.

The sole exception to this is when an oathkeeper has strayed from their path to the extent of embracing Morvezhel-Vahryl, as well as ythaenzh aeth ythel who have violated their creed.

        III. Ythaen Syex Ythael
All ythaenzh are to use their gifts for the furtherance of their duty, as dictated by A’Velythel Ythe. Their service is not dictated by coin, glory nor other pursuits of the self. These are the ways of the passionate ythael, not the stoic ythaen.

        IV. Dravyn Xyel Moryel
All ythaenzh are forbidden from fraternizing with the Deranged, the Damned and the espousers of Movzhel-Vahryl. 

To witness these characters without intervention - violent or diplomatic - is cowardice. To aid these characters’ heinous goals is treachery. To lay with the Damned is Derangement in of itself, to be answered with extermination.


        V. Az Dru’uley Tayna
All ythaenzh are bound by the fate set out for them by Mother-Moon, to be judged by Her and the other gods in death. To resist this judgement through all acts but hallowed self-preservation is heresy.

Life is precious and to be safeguarded, and to cheapen its conclusion by circumventing Kor is Derangement. Ythaen are therefore forbidden to accept resurrection at the hands of the godless alchemic, the Damned, the Wilven Monks or otherwise. 

It is the duty of any ythaen returned to life unnaturally to kill themselves and return to Helun-Velulaeyael and the duty of Ythaen still living their natural life to assist them in this goal.


        VI. Kaxek Lanuel
All ythaenzh are to remember their place as protectors of the maehr and enactors of Mother-Moon’s will; this truth is theirs though not applicable to all races nor even all malyker. All were given tongues to speak and minds to think for themselves, and it is forbidden for ythaenzh aeth yelyth to raise arms against or seek to harm others on differences of religion or philosophy like the Deranged kanaanzhyr of yore.

To violently suppress ideas is sin in of itself, the sole exception being to silence those advocating harm upon mortalkind or the dark gods which have been proven to seek harm upon mortalkind such as Xenu. 


        VII. Yrath Kerov
All ythaenzh recognise Law and its sister, Civilisation, as the children of Order and the natural progression of the Moon-Mother’s will. Anarchy is heresy. Society is mortalkind’s greatest achievement, and must be sustained at all costs lest Chaos take the world.

Unjust treason as well as tyrannical or apathetic leadership are equal sins against Helun-Velulaeyael herself, and - like Purity and Guardianship - the contentment of the masses as well as the grace of sovereignty are to be respected and, where possible, preserved by ythaenzh aeth yelyth.


        VIII. Tom Uhv'velul Ky’axat

All ythaenzh are expected to enact the Moon-Mother's will as her soldiers, judges and - where necessary - executors. The Kaltey are to be eradicated. The Mory are to be tried. The Geyon are to be guided. The Maehr are to be saved. Mortalkind is to be protected. 

This creed can only be overlooked when ythaenzh aeth yelyth risk bringing greater harm to innocents by acting on it. If the odds are stacked against onself and there is no opportunity for tact or the upperhand, self-preservation becomes secondary to justice.  


The Sins Chaotic

The Sins Chaotic are a three-runged ladder of those beyond Mother Moon’s light. They are Geyonel (the Distant), Moryel (the Deranged) and Kalteyel (the Damned) respectively. 

Each category is of increased severity and should be dealt with as such by ythaenzh aeth yelyth. Most fallen individuals fit in multiple rungs on the ladder, in which case the higher sin always supersedes the lesser; a murderer who practices void magic will always be treated as a murderer first, despite Mother-Moon’s indifference to sorcery. 


Beings beyond Mother-Moon’s light, which she and Ythaenel - in accordance with the Sixth Creed - have little positive nor negative regard for. It is expected of ythaenzh aeth yelyth to treat these beings as no different than their fellow descendants. 

This includes (but is not limited to) orderly alchemists and voidal magi, ythael, templars, shorewalkers, followers of other gods and schools of thought not meant to harm mankind, natural non-maehr descendants, peaceful souls, clockmen, golems, voidal constructs and other bewitched objects.


Beings which contradict the cause of Light, or Mother-Moon directly, whose existence threatens the divine Order, Purity and Guardianship by causing direct or indirect harm to mortalkind.  It is expected of ythaenzh aeth yelyth to attempt to reason with (and if necessary, punish) these beings and return them to Order and that have proven themselves past saving are to be destroyed. 


This includes (but is not limited to) disorderly alchemists and voidal magi, azulite malyker, oathbreaker ythaenzh, criminals (subject to the laws of the land), druids and fae creatures, beastmen, blood mages, corpses raised in undeath (through magic, alchemy, the gods or otherwise), shamans which serve the House of Troubles, mutants and beings cursed or diseased with wickedness such as devils and curable vampires. 


Beings who are as consequences of their actions or very existence anathema, which cannot co-exist with the divine Order, Purity and Guardianship Mother-Moon’s warriors uphold. It is expected of ythaenzh aeth yelyth to rid the world of these beings by all means not contradictory to A’Velythel Ythe. 


This includes (but is not limited to) morykuessyr, aberrations and horrors of alchemy and the void, incurable vampires, werewolves, frost witches, zombies, necromancers, shades, causeless murderers, warmongers, anarchists, demons, demonologists, crazed souls, disorderly undead and servants of the dark gods Xenu, Nemys, Yxul, Azdromoth and Ykara.

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The shorter 'ker stood with the missive in her hands as she leaned over the railing of her people's ship. A smile fell upon her ashen features upon seeing it completed. "Helun-velulaeya," she'd whisper. "Yto lyn ax a'nyrk uhv'laht ynxule." Standing up right the elf casts her gaze towards the drifting moon above. "It is good our kin seek to walk under your light again, may be be strong enough to guide them."

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"An interesting development" the Maehr Commander muttered to herself as she set the missive down on a table, promptly resuming her tea time.

Edited by Kumoko600
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