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Aeltarosi Cuisine: Vaelaris Edition


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Aeltarosi Cuisine: Vaelaris Edition



One of the Great houses from Aeltarys provide with a great amount of seafood to the old continent. this house is none other than house Vaelaris, they specialize in seafood meaning many great dishes have been made that are very popular among all the Aeltarosi. So in this article you will read about 3 of the more popular dishes from the Aeltarosi culture.


Vaelaris Grilled Crab:


This dish is exactly what the title says, it is simply grilled crab legs filled with spices such as garlic, lemon and most of all butter. giving it a very greasy yet refreshing flavor. the crabs used to be catched crabcliff bay specifically, but since the cataclysm that is no longer possible. during  of the old kings reign, this dish was often served at the royal court. in the present day it is possible to make this dish with any crab you want.


Salted Herring:

This dish is served along with  stale bread. to simply put it. It is salted fish that has been dried in barrels of salt for months. making it last over a year. giving it a very seasalty flavor and along with the neutral stale bread it is a perfect food to have when you are out at sea or on long travels. this is extremely popular among the lower class since it is so easy to make and take with you anywhere you go.


Vaelaris Moules:

this dish is renowned for its rich flavor and high quality. just like the Vaelaris grilled crab, these moules used to be caught just outside of crabcliff bay. the moules are open by hand and then put on a grill. giving it a very smoky flavor along with the citrus juice that is put on top. perfect for when you want something easy yet fancy to make. goes well along with mead or ale. 


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A certain Lady Arabella who has been enjoying visiting those of this culture finds herself wishing for Vaelaris Moules when she was on her latest travels. The delicately grilled food, that smoky flavor with a citrus tang.. She sighed, head bowing. She really must visit again soon.

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