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“I would have perished had I not persisted”


Issued by the


On this 7th day of Tov and Yermey of 481 E.S.





Over the course of the last several decades, Our Great Kingdom has flourished and developed an overarching sense of prosperity and tranquility as a result. Considering the progress that has been made, it is only appropriate for us to additionally acknowledge the mistakes that have also been made by Our Own Government. Hence, the Gant Chancellery’s commitment to transparency through our recent declassification of royal files.


In conjunction with the establishment of the Georgian Museum of Histories, the Gant Chancellery recommits to Our promise in ensuring Haeseni history is not only taught but preserved for future generations to behold.


For which We make a new promise, in amending the errors of our predecessors, who oversaw the dissolvement of the Royal Academy of Saint Charles and the Royal Archives of Haense. Studies have indicated this has caused Haeseni literacy rates to plummet generation after generation.


As per the wishes set by acclaimed scholar, Valtakossar Sir Viktor Kortrevich, former Royal Curator of Haense, We seek to appropriately reallocate funding to the defunct Royal Archives, so that they may be revitalized to proper standing and so that they remain updated by future chancelleries and monarchs. Additionally, We seek to provide affordable education to Our future generations, so that they are raised in a more educated and affluent society.


We do therefore Proclaim the Following:



I. The Crown hereby allocates funds to the Royal Archives for the purpose of hiring freelance scribes to update and preserve the history of the Kingdom of Hansetti-Ruska.

-The following publications and records are in need of updating:

I. Kings & Consorts

II. Lord Palatines

III. Lord Marshals

IV. Lord Speakers

V. Nobility

VI. High Justiciars 

VII. High Seneschals 

VIII. Royal Treasurers

IX. Lord Emissars


II. The Crown henceforth requires for the Royal Archives to be updated every twelve years.

- This responsibility falls to the Lord Palatine and the Chancellor of the Museum.

- The Crown does hold the right to suspend this time requirement should it be necessary.


III. The Crown henceforth requires the Archives to release a detailed study on historical figures every six years.

- The Crown does hold the right to suspend this time requirement should it be necessary.



I. The Crown and Chancellery hereby mandates free education for the youth of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska for those between the ages of 6-21.


II. Those between the ages of 6-21 shall receive free admission into Georgian Museum of Histories. This applies to those both of common and noble descent.


III. Those between the ages of 6-21 shall receive free access to Haeseni Public Library and the books within. This applies to those both of common and noble descent.





His Excellency, Otto Gant, Lord Palatine of Hanseti-Ruska 

and Baron of Gant

Edited by Drew2_dude
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A past (and passed) Lady Justiciar smiles from the Seven Skies at such lovely news. "Ah, most wonderful..." Muses Adele Ludovar, "Soon the citizens of Haense shall know of the work of mea papej and mea contemporaries. As it should be."


Meanwhile, a young ambitious Karina Ludovar brims with excitement at the prospect. "At last!!" The young woman beams, "At last ea shall unlock the secrets of those who came before -- the works of previous knights are rather comprehensive, however we all know that a kongzem canniet run on martial might alone. Finally ea'll be able to discover more about government as Lord Carolus asks of me." She breathes, pleased to be able to appease her mentor; the stern and rigidly detailed Count Colborn.

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