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Kharajyr — The Remnant Kha — PLAYER GUIDE!


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☾༻⸻⸻  [Guide] — The Remnant Kharajyr  ⸻⸻༺☽




( Left —> Right |  Jun Suemi [from Guin Saga Art Series], A Stas [on ArtStation], Bram Sels [On ArtStation])



⸻⸻  Original Lore  ⸻⸻

The Remnant Kha




⸻⸻  Reason for Piece ⸻⸻


The purpose of this guide is to touch on the new, modern, “Remnant Kha” who have GREATLY changed from when Kharajyr were initially introduced into LOTC.  And additionally to bring some attention back to the Kharajyr, alongside creating a NEW guide in the wake of the old—2018 old—piece.

To add onto this note, this is specifically ALSO a guide to roleplaying a Kharajyr—going into more depth so that players wishing to engage in Kha RP have a reference!  Thanks for reading.





This should not be taken lightly, however, they ARE an ‘Open-CA’ and are thus available to apply for at any point should you be past the ‘first-week mark’ as a New Player.  Take care in your application—feel free to reference accepted Kharajyr CAs, although DO NOT copy and paste.  Good luck! :3

There are examples, and or more independent explanations, hidden in the “Spoilers” of certain sections!



Kharajyr are expected to play as DECENT CHARACTERS and not solely for the sake of ‘meme RP’ or to engage in ‘fantasies’ as one.  You can certainly play around, pursue romance, engage in other aspects of Roleplay—BUT A KHARAJYR SHOULD BE PLAYED AS A PERSON!

Information that should be included in your application is:
- Weight and height limits of every sub-race

- Minor details on who Meztli is and how she made the Kharajyr (Not as important as it seems, but just include how they were made and what Metzli is and her connection to them.)
- Abilities of the Kharajyr
- Life-Span of the Kharajyr


Anyways—  Here’s a proper example!

ALL Kharajyr who are applied for, unless they were born from two existing Kha, MUST HAVE just gone through their Lunar Pilgrimage. 



A new Kharajyr will have just gone through a long journey in which they visited their homeland of Khalenwyr and returned to the current realm with a deep knowledge of their Race’s culture and history, alongside acknowledging that their goddess has perished—but not knowing how unless finding out In-RolePlay.



( @naggynerd on Twitter )
༻⸻⸻  Appearance and Mentality  ⸻⸻༺


The appearance of a Kharajyr is of a Human body mixed with a Feline head, features, and legs; such as inch long molars, a jointed tail, digitigrade legs, and—of course—fur.  Head Fur, on the other hand, acts differently depending on the gender of the Kharajyr.  Women growing hair similar to that of a regular human, while men growing ‘manes’ which can be trimmed or braided for customization.  Each respective sub-race bearing the same characteristics as their animal counterparts:  Kha’Pantera to Panthers; Kha’Cheetrah to Cheetahs; Kha’Leparda to Leopards; and Kha’Tigerasi to Tigers.

The Kharajyr share an air of melancholy on the topic of their Late-Goddess, Daemon Metztli.  All acknowledging her passing, sharing an eternal bond to each other in a reminiscing history that they ALL know, but now unbound by their loyalty solely to her.  The Khas' varying in their mental state.

Kharajyr having no set mentality, changes, or no particular bestial instinct.  They act as regular descendents, and their mentality is as such.  That is— the player has control of their mental state, and can do what they wish!


With this, they have an optional accent which can be played!  That, and a language—Kharahatla (Forum Link)—which can be spoken.  All of which is cultural, and no Kharajyr player is obligated to use such.  The accent is freeform; often utilizing the use of ‘a’-s and ‘w’-s in place of certain characters in words, just elongating sounds!  This is not imposed—and on another note—Kharajyr sometimes refer to themselves in the ‘Third-Person,’ both in name and reference.  This being a part of the dialect, and thus a cultural aspect, in which is ALSO not imposed—so feel free to NOT RP this, but know you’re welcomed to and that many do!  



- Small Ex:

- “This one [in reference to themselves] . . .” and  “[Their name] thinks . . .”  which is spoken in third-person perspective.”


An example of how the third-person is used by the Kha!  Again, optional, but fun!

For clarity— say the Kha in question goes by the name “Tana” and thus “[Name] thinks . . .”   would instead be:  “Tana thinks these ones should go left!”  or “Tana has thoughts.  This one would like to address them!”  Tana, now being played, is ACTUALLY speaking those words aloud.  Referencing themselves in the third-person.


For the Accent:
“Togetha’ we a’ strong.”  or  “These ones will hold ow’a powsitians.”

The already stated use of ‘a’-s and ‘w’-s in place of certain characters in a sentence, just elongating sounds!  It’s freeform, and whatever goes with the player is alright!  You’re always allowed to experiment with different sounds and replacements for characters in a word!

For the Language:
“Antemoa nocenyeliz altepepan?”  The Kha inquired.
Translating, roughly, to “You look for my family in the city?”  A combination of words like “Antemoa” combining “An-” as a prefix in reference to ‘You’ and word “Temoa” for ‘to look for.’  The Kharajyr Language creative, with loose rules, but go for it!  Possessing prefixes, suffixes, honorifics, etc.

⸻⸻  Kharajyr Sub-races  ⸻⸻

Each sub-race has its own uniqueness compared to one another, whether significantly different or not, but each share these traits:


  • Retractable claws of up to 1-to-3 inch lengths; only capable of cutting through flesh.  In the event that these claws strike at armor of any kind in an attack action, the Kha is obligated to do “/roll 2” in which decides whether the claw breaks off—in which it will regrow back to its full length again in 3 days—or remain intact.  (rolling a 1 means it breaks; rolling a 2 means it still is intact)




In such examples above, think of the claws like regular nails.  They’re able to cause damage, but brittle in nature!  A Kharajyr’s strike at metal, hard leather, wood armor, etc—being useless; however, you’re STILL able to attack with them nonetheless.

- “[Kharajyr] flexed their hand—claws extending from their fingers as they leaped to strike at [target]’s exposed arm, trying to work around the armored figure’s gear.”


“[Target] shifts, ensuring the claws would strike true at their armor—easily done with a slight adjustment of their forearm.”


[Kharajry rolls a 1 from “/roll 2”]  -  “[Kharajyr] released a roar as they recoil, drawing back as their claws gave an unsettling ‘SNAP’ at the collision onto armor—although no superficial wounds gained.  The anger still bubbling as they took form once more.”


  • Better sight in the dark, capable of seeing up to a maximum of 20 blocks out should there be even a faint light source nearby—where others who don’t have their sight would only be able to see within the confines of the light source.  The minimum light strength needed for the trait to be usable is akin to the moon at night.  Kharajyr, however, cannot see in heavy or total darkness—and thus are unable to use this trait if THERE IS NO LIGHT.   Rendered the same blindness as others in such a scenario.




Kharajyr eyes are like those of cats.  They adjust, and just like cats, they have better night vision than most individuals.  The trait is only ever usable if there is light nearby the Kharajyr, which their eyes would likely become wider in response to intake as much light as possible!


 “[!] The Kha’s eyes emboldened within the night sky, darkened forest terrain shimmering within the moon-lit sky, garnering the figure’s vision as their eyes widened.   The Kharajyr seeing impeccably within the night.” 


“[Kharajyr]’s eyes adjust to the darkness of the candle-lit room, the visages of figures within known to them.”


“A lantern held by their ally from afar was JUST enough to give the Kha vision, the descendants around unknowing of the dangers around—although this Kha would begin the combat thusly.  The first strike beginning to load as they notched an arrow into their bow, eyes sharpening on the enemy’s front-side.”


  • The ability to fall from moderate heights, which has its limits, but allows for a Kharajyr to jump from the top of a small house and land with minimum-to-no damage—landing upright.  Should there be a fall that, mechanically, can kill you—it WILL kill you In-RolePlay.





“[Kharajyr] goes into a mighty sprint!  The feline figure moving forward over the railing, jumping down from the terrace and onto the nearest roof from the height above— “OOF”  The Kharajyr met the tile, feet cushioning their fall as they stumbled shortly onto their hand—scrambling but not prone due to their Kharajyr agility!  Pushing onward as they kept their run!”


“The Kha growled as they were cornered on the cliffside, looking to their chasers. . . and then down to a small outcrop on the same cliff!  A smug expression on their face as they backed off the cliff, sliding down the wall as they put their own unique agility to use!  The feline’s padded feet making contact with the outcropping, stopping their descent—looking up to the bewildered expressions of the chasers as they descended once more, making off into the forest below!”


You get the gist!  It’s all about specifics and circumstance!  A Kharajyr, while NOT wanting to jump down a cliff, might be able to problem solve and find outcroppings to land on!  Emotes making sure to preface that they're careful, and that they’re cushioning themselves as they land!



  • And lastly. . . sugar rushes.  All Kharajyr are particularly prone to the hyperactive side-effects of SUGAR and, when consumed in large amounts, sends them into a hyperactive frenzy!  This state is not one of hostility, necessarily, but like a child having a sugar-rush.  It’s something fun and dandy to play around with, so have fun with it!





 “[!] The Kha took bite. . . after bite. . . after bite of cake—their eyes dilating into GIANT black spheres as the sugar got into their systems.  A giggle settling in their persons as they held onto their stool, claws digging into the wood as they tried their best to restrain themselves as the surge of energy kicked through their form. . .”


“[Kharajyr] took a leap and hop!  The hyper STRONG as the sugar pumped through their veins—moving to the far-side of the room with an unsettling haste before running back to the opposite side!  HEHEHEHEHEHE  All that was muttered from them!”

Just a small, fun example of it.  It’s basically a child hyper on sugar :3
Have fun with the rp around it!  It should always be done for the fun of it, never to ruin a moment or cause conflict, but done for the enjoy-ability of EVERYONE in the scenario!




  • Kharajyr claws CANNOT pierce through armor of any kind.  If it does, then the Kharajyr does “/roll 2” to decide if the claw(s) break off.  [Rolling a “1” dictating the claw breaks, and rolling a “2” dictating it doesn’t!  The severity is up to the context of the scenario.]


  • A Kharajyr MUST have a faint lightsource nearby in order to see in darkness.  The light source giving them a range of  “20 blocks out” through darkness.

  • Kharajyr CANNOT live from a fall that KILLS them mechanically.


Kharajyr ALSO possess strong senses of smell — strictly flavor and unable to use scent to track or find something.

Kharajyr ALSO have the ability to climb, however,
BOUND by mechanical means.

Kharajyr ALSO have the ability to eat “nigh anything, including flesh to slight carrion from the bone.”


  • Kharajyr CANNOT use their sense of smell to track or find something.


  • Kharajyr CANNOT scale walls beyond what is capable by minecraft mechanics.


  • Kharajyr CAN eat flesh to even slight carrion from the bone, however, still restricted to FOODS.


  • Kharajyr MAX age is of 200 years.

  • Kharajyr CANNOT be pure white—can be off-white, or grey, just not pure white.


  • Kharajyr CANNOT FTB, breed, or be able to pursue any kind of sexual endeavor with Non-Kha; however, ARE, able to romance with them. . .  Don't be weird about it.  (PLEEAASSEEEE reframe from making. . . as said in the original lore. . . "Kha’ created specifically for “”romantic exploits”" as Kha have had a history.  The Race deserves to be better than that.  Play them as Characters or not at all.) 


Now, to the ACTUAL sub-races and their traits :3


Kha'Pantera —

  The black-furred sub-race of the Kharajyr, appearing as panthers.  They usually grow to heights of 5’’5 and max of 6’’4 feet, with weights often between 140 and 200 pounds on a healthy scale.  The sub-race’s black pelt often accompanied by their agility and above-average strength (that is, however, flavor and not mechanical)!

This sub-race's black fur being the basis of their unique trait:

When in the dark, or in areas of darkness, this Kharajyr sub-race is at an advantage with their stealth!  The ‘Pantera black pelt allowing them to disguise themselves within dark areas, making them more difficult to spot in extreme darkness!  Though, in comparison, making them easier to spot in daylight or lit areas.


They possess strength equal to a peak descendant, and are considered a stronger variant of Kharajyr to the Kha‘Leparda.


Kha'Leparda —

 The most ‘descendant-like’ of all the sub-races as Kharajyr, appearing as Leopards. ‘Leparda usually growing to heights 5 and up to 5’’10 feet, weighing around 120 to 160 pounds on a healthy scale.  This sub-race appearing with brown, cream, or yellow fur—occasionally bearing black spots—and their tails often shorter than other Kha!

Possess no unique trait, similarly more alike to regular humans.


Kha'Cheetrah —

  The fastest and most agile sub-race of the Kharajyr, appearing as cheetahs.  Shorter and small, they usually grow to heights of 4’’6 and up to 5’’4 feet max—weighing around 80 to 140 pounds.  The ‘Cheetrah bearing cream or yellow pelts with LOTS of black spots, having innate agility and reaction speed. . . but also the weakest in strength to other Kharajyr.

‘Cheetrah reaction speed and agility allow them to maneuver around attacks more nimbly, however, are still unable to dodge EVERY attack thrown at them and thus cannot be used as such.


They possess goblin strength.


Are NOT as fast as Cheetah, and do not possess faster running speed.  They are ‘fast-reacting’ in comparison to being FAST!


Kha'Tigrasi —

  The strength-bearing sub-race of the Kharajyr, appearing as tigers.  ‘Tigrasi growing to 5’’10 and up to 7’’ feet max, weighing around 150 to 250 pounds.  This sub-race the most muscular with orange fur bearing white splotches and black stripes.

‘Tigrasi possess strength that is below that of a fully-grown Orc, Uruk, unable to match it, but near the same level.



In the course of the server, there have been multiple Kharajyr settlements that have risen and fallen.  The ones that are of existence are obviously not listed here, but this list will be updated as time goes, but for the moment—


The Moonlight Sanctuary / The Moonlit Sanctuary of Ettitica —

  A settlement based in Nevaehlen at the moment, the Moonlight Sanctuary resides as an unofficial group of the nation.  A sanctuary for Kharajyr, coming together by fusing a previous Kharajyr settlement, ‘Ettitica’, and the existing settlement of ‘The Moonlight Sanctuary.’  The denizens of the Sanctuary need to undergo the Vale's citizenship process.


The Moonlight Sanctuary of Ettitica


The Kharajyr Racial Discord —

  The discord used by Kharajyr since 2020!  Old players and new players located there, willing to help with any folks wanting to make a Kharajyr!  There’s assets, resources, skins, and all sorts of things in the discord left to aid the Kharajyr OOCly!

Kha Racial Discord

Edited by KudosMetro
Editing "Kha Settlement" information, added information on what to include on a CA Application for Kharajyr, and correcting spelling errors.
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