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The Viking of New Heimdall and Jelkhall


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It's not that long of a walk, a days and a quarter. I'm waiting to see you now.

Edit: Ahh, there ye are!

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MC Name: ChemicalBacon

Name: Aetherian

What you are best at?: I'm a very skilled miner, able to work long hours and strip the land efficiently.

What do you bring with you?: All that I possess, decent fighting and communication skills along with my experienced mining abilities.

Race: Human

Why do you want to join?: (Very similar to Mournstone) I'd like to join a neutral guild and watch as it develops.

What do you want to be?: I would like to become a miner, thats my strongest area.

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MC Name: ChemicalBacon

Name: Aetherian

What you are best at?: I'm a very skilled miner, able to work long hours and strip the land efficiently.

What do you bring with you?: All that I possess, decent fighting and communication skills along with my experienced mining abilities.

Race: Human

Why do you want to join?: (Very similar to Mournstone) I'd like to join a neutral guild and watch as it develops.

What do you want to be?: I would like to become a miner, thats my strongest area.

Looks good! I beleive you already have the coords?

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Looks like the first guild I will fit in with, I was acutally trying to make something like this myself.

MC Name: Bipolar_Juice

Name: Alek_Treefeller

What you are best at?: Building and Fighting

What do you bring with you?: Some iron, building materials, food and gear to equip myself.

Race: Human (Northerner (who are the closest thing to Vikings ingame))

Why do you want to join?: Looks like the first guild I will fit in with, I was acutally trying to make something like this myself. Plus I just like being a Norseman in general, drinking, eating a fighting.

What do you want to be?: Fighter/Hunter

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Looks like the first guild I will fit in with, I was acutally trying to make something like this myself.

MC Name: Bipolar_Juice

Name: Alek_Treefeller

What you are best at?: Building and Fighting

What do you bring with you?: Some iron, building materials, food and gear to equip myself.

Race: Human (Northerner (who are the closest thing to Vikings ingame))

Why do you want to join?: Looks like the first guild I will fit in with, I was acutally trying to make something like this myself. Plus I just like being a Norseman in general, drinking, eating a fighting.

What do you want to be?: Fighter/Hunter


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Now I may be wrong, but I believe someone paying you for murder is considered villainous.

All depends on your definition of war, doesn't it?

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All depends on your definition of war, doesn't it?

Truth. We want reasons for attacking them. We won't attack for reasons like: "Just cause" or, "They were mean." Or any other silly things like that.

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MC Name: Plizga123

Name: Brad_Plizga

What you are best at?: Fighting, making strategies.

What do you bring with you?: My tactics, food, some other items I will need.

Race: Human

Why do you want to join?: I am looking for a guild. I am the man you talked to, ayrealex.

What do you want to be?: A fighter, and tactician.

Do you accept the rules?: Yes.

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I checked, mercenaries (even though we'll often fight for the "good" guys) don't really have to fill out villain apps

To clear some stuff up, yes, anyone who kills people for money will need a villain application. The orcs do, they aren't villainous. The Teutonic Order does, and they (usually) aren't villainous.

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MC Name: Plizga123

Name: Brad_Plizga

What you are best at?: Fighting, making strategies.

What do you bring with you?: My tactics, food, some other items I will need.

Race: Human

Why do you want to join?: I am looking for a guild. I am the man you talked to, ayrealex.

What do you want to be?: A fighter, and tactician.

Do you accept the rules?: Yes.

Accepted! I will send you the Coords

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To clear some stuff up, yes, anyone who kills people for money will need a villain application. The orcs do, they aren't villainous. The Teutonic Order does, and they (usually) aren't villainous.

We deal with Guild Wars, does that count? We don't do individual hits on people. only towns/armies/cities

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Application Form

MC Name: brent42817

Name: Craglode

What you are best at?: Fighting. I think I'm good at archery.

g, etc)What do you bring with you?: Weapons and food

Race: Dwarf

Why do you want to join?: You told me to

What do you want to be?: Fighter

Do you accept the rules?: Yes

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