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Written by the Hand of 


On the 7th day of Joma ag Umund of  487 E.S 




“Through God, he gave us stewardship of the realm.” 


A sworn brother is more than a brigand draped in black and yellow. The Sers may ride in the vanguard and stand at the side of the throne all clad in black; but it is we who keep the king’s peace. A common soldier must know when to draw steel in the name of his king, who to bleed, and how to go about it. It is the goal of this document to provide you, that common soldier, with the necessary knowledge to carry out your duties swiftly, and justly.

What shall follow is a list of common crimes, both petty and grand, and suitable punishments for each. Let these guide you in your judgement. Should a crime be unlisted, do not fret. Consult the words of our sworn oath and the Holy Scrolls for guidance. 




VIII. Assault 

He who raises his hand against another invites the same to be done to him. Beat the assailant in kind, and break him should his crime be grievous. 


IX. Thievery 

Do not be swayed by honeyed words or shallow tears. It matters not why he has stolen, the thief has chosen his path. Seize what he carries, and take from him his sword hand. 


XXI. Harassment 

The harasser has spoken his piece, do not hear his words. Fine him a sum of fifty mina. Should he be unable to pay, deliver unto him five lashings. 


XII. Defamation 

Drag the gossip before their victim, and demand he retract his words. Should he refuse, fine him a sum of fifty mina. If he cannot pay, take from him a number of teeth, or his tongue.


XIII. Trespass

A man who walks where he does not belong has little need of his legs. On the first offense, remind him of this. On the second, break them.


XVII. Obstruction

He who impedes you is a pest. Demand he leave, and should he refuse, fine him a sum of fifty mina. If he is unable to pay, beat him into submission.


XXXIII. Sabotage 

He who obstructs the work of a healer invites death. Should the patient die, so too must the saboteur. Otherwise, deliver unto him ten lashings.




VII. Murder

He who has unjustly taken a life has no right to his own. In all cases, the murderer shall be put to death.


X. Banditry 

The brigand has forfeit his honour, and lives only for coin. Hang him, regardless of station or title.


XV. Treason 

The traitor deserves no quarter. Put him to death without question, in a manner befitting his station.


XX. Desertion 

He who forsakes his oath forfeits his life. Should an Officer deem a brother guilty, drag him before the rest. Execute him by crossbow volley, as is tradition. 


XXIII. Enslavement 

The freedom of a Haenseman is guaranteed by ancient custom. The slaver must in all cases be put to death.


XXVII. Invasion

The invader deserves no quarter, for he would put our lands to the torch and our people to the sword. Cut his throat, and hang him for all to see.


XXIX. Kidnapping

He who abducts another is no more than a petty slaver. Put him to death in a manner befitting his station.


XXXII. Malpractice 

A healer who kills is no more than a murderer. Put him to death in a manner befitting his station.




XVIII. Sacrilege

A man who speaks against GOD has no need of his tongue. Take it from him, and banish him from the realm.


XIX. Desecration 

A man who soils a site of GOD has no need of his hands. Take them from him, and banish him from the realm.


XXV. Fornication 

A man who lays with another outside of marriage is a fool, but he may yet be redeemed in GOD’s eyes. Deliver him to the Holy Mother Church, fine him a sum of fifty mina, and let him be on his way.


XXIV. Cannibalism 

The cannibal is a sinner of the highest degree, and his soul is truly lost. Lash him to a post, and deliver unto him the mercy of cleansing flame.


XXVI. Miscegenation 

A man who lays with the inhuman is black of soul, and condemns his vile offspring to a life of suffering. Deliver him to the Holy Mother Church, fine him a sum of two-hundred fifty mina, and banish him from the realm.


XXX. Dark Witchcraft 

The evil of the witch must be purged, and her along with it. Lash her to a post, and deliver unto her the mercy of cleansing flame.


XXXI. Abomination

Daemons and darkspawn must be put to the sword, for their very existence is an affront to GOD. Cut the daemon down where it stands, and burn whatever remains.




XI. Forgery | XVI. Fraud | XXII. Corruption | XXVIII. Racketeering


These are the crimes of the high nobility or the crafty merchant. Unlike the others, they do not disturb the King’s Peace. They are crimes of ink and parchment, outside of our domain. Leave them to the King’s Justices, for they shall deliver justice rightly.  




The laws of the land dictate that judgement shall be delivered by one of the King’s Justices. A list of said Justices shall be posted in the courtyard of the barracks. If none may be found, seek an officer of the Brotherhood. Only if there is no alternative may you deliver justice by your own hand. 


That being said, you, the sworn brother, are entrusted to keep the King’s Peace. Blood must be spilled, I understand this better than most. I know as well that our fields cannot be tended by corpses. The King has given unto us great power, and should you abuse it, you will be treated no better than a brigand. 




It is known that in Aevos the dead are not fond of rest. You may hang a man, quarter him, and burn him to bones, yet still he will arrive at the gates upon the next Saint’s Day. Burn a Hussariyan into the forehead of the condemned. Should one come bearing this mark of undeath, cut him down.




Ser Arthur Gant, Lord Marshal of Hanseti-Ruska, Knight of the Crow

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