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Way of the Mother


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Creeds are an expansion of elnarnsae’ame, the Wild Faith. They are philosophies on how the Wild Faith and Aspectism should be interpreted and practiced. However, the core tenets of prayer and offering, bodily purity, and upholding the balance may not be strayed from. A creed is a way of life which Aspectists may choose to pledge themselves to.


The first creed was the Emerald Way, created by Awaiti Sirame. This was followed by the Ichorian Path, created by Valor Caerme’onn in opposition. Then came the Way of the Sage created by Sister Owl. Finally, the Creed of the Sanguine Fire was created by Miklaeil Arvellon. Each of these creeds is an interpretation of the Wild Faith with its own customs and traditions. Illynora Sylvaeri practices and teaches the Way of the Mother, a creed informed by her unique beliefs.


I: Elven Unity


For centuries, the misguided Dream of Elvenesse has led to attempts to unify the Elven people under one crown, as Elves were once united in the days of Malin. This dream is for fools, tyrants, and would-be kings. Elvenkind has changed since the days of Malin both physically and culturally. There are the Elves who followed Irrin Sirame into the dense forests of Malin’s kingdom and became the Wood Elves; the Almenodrim who followed Sylvaen Everflame into exile; Larihei’s followers who bathed in the golden pools and became High Elves; and those who were cursed with insanity alongside Veluluai only to have the curse lifted by the Moon Goddess Luara, for a price—thus were born the Dark Elves. To expect all of Elvenkind to live in harmony when our history and cultures wildly diverge is an empty dream.


Such a dream can only end in bloodshed and heartbreak. The Dominion of Malin collapsed under the weight of silently warring factions after many years of tension in the wake of the Bronze Rebellion. The Crown of Elvenesse was a result of the forcible merging of the Almenodrim of Aegrothond and Wood Elves of Siramenor which ended in a painful fracturing and the founding of the Vale of Nevaehlen. Such wounds remain to this day between Nevaehlen and Amathine, the successor-state of the Crown of Elvenesse. Let us not forget Malinor, that shining dream which soon crumbled to ash and dust when a usurper attempted to claim the title of High Prince with no assent or support from the other Princes.


The Aspects cannot mean for us to have unity between the Elven people when history shows that unity violently upsets the balance. Competing cultures and customs under one crown inevitably leads to one culture devouring another, or Aspectist practices being eroded to fit with the broader culture of the nation. The Aspects would want Elven unity to look like cooperation and friendship but never merging—and certainly never merging by force. In all things, the balance. There can only be balance if Elven nations are separate from and complement one another. The Elven people are not homogenous and never should be.


II: Druidism


To walk the path of the druid is a noble calling, but one need not be a druid to uphold the teachings of the Aspects. The core tenets of Aspectism are prayer and offering, bodily purity, and upholding the balance, all of which can be achieved without becoming attuned. Prayer and offering and bodily purity are easily upheld without becoming a druid. One may question how the balance can be upheld without the powers and abilities granted by the Aspects. The answer is through protecting nature with your voice and with your deeds. Do not fish more from the river than what Danaay Taluwa, Prince of Salmon, provides. Do not fell trees for lumber, but rather create houses between the roots and in the canopy, living with the forest in harmony. Condemn those who would upset the balance and shield nature with a loving and protective hand.  With that being said, the lessons taught during dedicancy are often vital for understanding the Aspects’ teachings and should not be overlooked, nor should the process be rushed if one does decide to walk the path of the druii.


Becoming a druid means that you have taken it upon yourself the sacred task of upholding the balance in the name of the Aspects. That means that one should not be a druid if one cannot fully commit to this way of life. To that end, princes and princesses and to a lesser extent royal councillors should not be attuned until their reign is over. To be a prince and a druid is to split one’s allegiance between the best interests of the people and upholding the will of the Aspects.


III: Family


When one binds themself to another in the eyes of the Aspects, this is a sacred oath which cannot be forsaken. The humans have the concept of divorce and annulment woven into their scriptures and courts of law, but no such law exists in the life of a true Aspectist. In sun or storm, elation or heartbreak, a marriage vow cannot be broken. If your partner lives, you may not take another. Even in death, this vow is a powerful one. To sunder it would be a grave affront to the Aspects.


The only duty which eclipses this sacred vow is the duty to have children. It is the duty of every Elf to bear a child, as Elven children are so rare and precious. In having children, one honours Cerridwen. This duty is regardless of personal desire. If your life partner has a child, whether that be before your union or due to infidelity, that child should be treated as your own. Because Elven children are so rare and precious, to shun a child for their parentage would be to upset the balance.


The Wood Elven people have a long held custom of adoption, both on a personal level and through the concept of Seeds. This means that family is often more important than bloodline. Therefore, even if a child is not of your body, they can still be your child in the eyes of the Aspects and should be cherished as such.


IV: Worship


One can take a Mani as their patron, but worship should be reserved for the Aspects. Let prayer and offering only be for the Mother and the Father, and where one prays at the shrine of a Mani, this is in recognition of the fact that the Mani are the guardians of the Aspects domain.


The Aspects come above all, but that does not mean one cannot recognise and respect other religions. In particular, there are many pantheons which recognise the Aspects by another name. Take, for example, Anbella of the Brathmordakin, who has long been rumoured to embody Cerridwen under another name. See also the sea goddess Thalassa of the Almenodrim, who embodies maiden, mother, and crone. Many hold the belief that Thalassa is another, more wrathful face of Cerridwen.


That the Aspects should be worshipped above all extends to the prohibition on worshipping mortals. Just as as there is no King but Malin (the principled belief of the Free Elves of Aegrothond), no mortal should be worshipped. Build statues and mosaics in honour of the dead, but leave no offerings at their altar.


V: Healing


The Way of the Mother is also the way of the healer. Traditional Wood Elven healing includes the use of natural tinctures and tonics derived from herbs, natural bandages instead of fabric, and the use of wooden and bone tools instead of metal. Healing is deeply intertwined with faith, including the intonation of prayers to the Mother while healing a patient, or the Mother’s blessing spoken over a newborn child. This can also include the imbibing of Cerridwen’s essence, sacred attunement springwater. 


In many ways, alchemy goes against traditional Wood Elven healing practices, for it is unnatural and draws on forces beyond nature to heal and achieve otherwise impossible feats. True adherents to this creed will not practice alchemy, but will recognise that alchemical potions can save lives, which is of paramount importance.


VI: Violence


To follow the Way of the Mother is to embrace pacifism on a personal level, but to recognise that there can be no peace without war, no balance without violence. Adherents to this creed walk the path of the healer, but with healers there must also be warriors.


Other creeds such as the Emerald Way preach inner balance. The Way of the Mother embraces societal balance. Just as those who tread the Ichorian Way embrace the Father and the life of a warrior, there are those who will only practise the gentle art of healing. To achieve balance across society there must be those who follow every calling.


VII: Ilmyumier


One of the core tenets of Aspectism is bodily purity. What this means is not allowing one’s flesh to become corrupted, such as with magics of the Void, vampirism, or other dark curses. Some may also interpret this as not imbibing substances which alter the mind or the body such as alchemical potions, alcohol, or narcotic herbs (although there are also those who would argue that such herbs are natural and their consumption brings one closer in mind and spirit to the Aspects). Bodily purity does not mean keeping the skin as smooth and unblemished as the day one was born. Scars and ilmyumier—the status tattoos of the Wood Elven people—are symbols of pride.


To receive ilmyumier is to proudly display one’s heritage, family, feats, and calling upon the skin. It is a sacred art and one that should not be taken lightly. Ilmyumier should only ever be applied to another; never apply ilmyumier to your own flesh. To do so would not be ilmyumier but a simple tattoo.


When applying ilmyumier, one should use traditional tools carved from bone or shell and pigments derived from charcoal, plants, and insects. When receiving ilmyumier, no pain relief should be consumed or applied to the skin; feeling the pain is what gives ilmyumier true significance.


Followers of the Way of the Mother should display the ilmyumier of Cerridwen’s Vines, otherwise known as the Mother’s Mark, on the backs of their hands. This is the mark of the healer and takes the form of teal flowers. Because ilmyumier has deep cultural and spiritual meaning, one should not display ilmyumier that they have not earned, for example, Morea’s Teeth.


The Oath


I vow to draw upon the strength of the Mother to heal those in need. I shall wield the natural power of herbs, learning their secrets and harnessing their medicinal properties to mend skin and bone.


I promise to hold reverence for the cycles of life, embracing the eternal dance of birth, growth, death, decay, and rebirth. I will foster understanding of the delicate balance the Aspects have charged me with protecting.


In the presence of the stones, the trees, the rivers, and the stars, I pledge my heart, my hands, and my spirit to the Way of the Mother, dedicating myself to the healing of the world.



Thank you to Dragonoftaters, Rain, and Carol for their proofreading and feedback!


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