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9th Malin’s Welcome, 145 S.A


The Obsidian Throne


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I. The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and the Shiredom of Dunwen, hereby referred to as The Signatories, agree to recognise the autonomy and right to rule of each respective domain.



I. The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and the Shiredom of Dunwen, hereby acknowledge each other’s people as distant kin and close friends.



I: The signatories agree to a defensive military alliance, in which any hostilities from a third party against any one of them will be viewed as an attack against the both of them.


II: The signatories agree to settle any dispute between them or in which they may be involved through diplomatic means in such a manner that this alliance and the laws of the signatories are not endangered.


III: The signatories agree to consult together whenever, in the opinion of either of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of the signatories is threatened.


IV: The signatories reserve the right to expand this defensive pact into a full military alliance whenever deemed favourable by both parties.




I. The signatories entitle each other to one shop or stall in each other’s capital market, free of tax to encourage trade, as well as ensure the free movement of people between one another’s territory.


II. For a merchant to claim the stall or shop in a respective capital’s market, a merchant must inform the respective authority of that nation & is required to inform the diplomatic representative of the countersignatory nation.

A. Urguan’s merchant stall in Dunfarthing will be entitled to a forge to be operated by Yemekar’s Workforce.




I. The signatories agree to a mutual extradition clause, in which a citizen from either Nation, having reasonable justification for an arrest, may be apprehended and passed over to the Courts of the Land in which their crime took place.


II. In such cases as these, an Extradition Request by the Judicial representatives of the state of the first part must be presented to the Monarch or Government of the second part for approval.


III. Legal Defense for the defendant may be given by Judicial representatives of the Nation from which the citizen/subject hails from.




I. The signatories agree that this treaty shall last for a duration of twelve years.


II. In the case that any of the signatories wish to make amendments to this treaty in the future, they are to consult with the others and discuss credible changes, lest the agreement mutually dissolve. 


III. At the conclusion of the treaty’s duration, the signatories may request an extension, to be considered jointly, if found beneficial to both parties.





Garedyn The Emerald,

Grand King of Urguan, Chief of the Mossborn,

Prophet of Yemekar,  Seer of Hefrumm, Zealot of the Triad


His Royal Majesty King Cyris Collingwood The First, the Second

Thain of Dunfarthing and her vassals, Protector of the Wee, Lord of Greater Bramblebury, Honeyhill and the Hillmen. Father of Foxes, Liberator of Frogtopia, Slayer of Gods, The Oathbreaker, Grand Wizard of Bogwartz: School of Shamanism and Housemagery, Tamer of the Forest, Chairman of the League Of Super Best Friends, Wielder of most holy Knoxscalibur, Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire of Bywater, Shogging Champion, Attorney at law.


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"No, no.. the title is all wrong. This is the alliance of the short hairy folk." Brother Odo comments, disappointed at the misleading title.

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