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Edict of Dules


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Issued by


On this 14th day of  Tov ag Yermey of 496 E.S.





In the wake of significant developments and the resounding vote of confidence bestowed upon the Crown by the venerable Royal Dumas, a momentous decision beckons. It is with solemn consideration and unwavering commitment to the ideals of our revered forefathers that we find ourselves compelled to enact a pivotal change in our legislative structure. As we embark upon this transformative journey, the following decree shall serve as a testament to our steadfast dedication to upholding the timeless principles embedded in the very essence of our nation's foundation.


The Crown does therefore Proclaim the Following:


On the Powers of Establishment

  • It falls solely upon the Crown to, through Royal Edict, determine the Structure, Composition, Rights, and Duties of the Royal Duma.
  • The remainder of the Edict of Dules shall therefore determine the Structure, Composition, Rights, and Duties of the Royal Duma, as per the Will of the Crown.
  • The Crown of Haense leads the Royal Duma of Haense, and regulates legislature brought to and passed from the Duma. The Crown of Haense maintains veto powers over legislation to maintain the peace and order of the Royal State of Haense


On the Structure of the Duma

  • The Peoples Duma and the Lords Duma shall henceforth merge making one Royal Duma.
  • Grand Alderman is dissolved and Lord Handler and Lord Auditor shall be reinstated.
  • All bills must be passed by a simple majority. The majority will be determined by the amount of Boyars present after roll call.


On Membership of the Royal Duma

  • Membership of the Duma shall consist of the titled nobility bearing rights to sit on the Duma by grant of the Crown of Haense and three elected individuals of commoner descent. 
  • Members of the Duma shall be called Boyars of the Duma.
  • A Boyar of the Duma may appoint a representative to chair their seat in the Duma on a temporary or permanent basis. Elected Boyars may not appoint a representative. 
  • If a Boyar of the Duma or a representative appointed on a permanent basis cannot attend a meeting of session, they may appoint a representative to temporarily stand in their stead for that meeting.
  • If either the Lord Speaker, the Lord Handler or any other Duma officers cannot attend a meeting of session and appoint a temporary representative, the representative shall not assume the rights and responsibilities of the offices during their absence.
  • Representatives appointed on a temporary basis may not stand for election for Duma offices.
  • The representative of a Boyar of the Duma shall assume all rights and responsibilities of membership in the Duma during their tenure of appointment.
  • A potential representative must be,
    • Of 18 years of age or older.
    • A resident of the Peer’s fief.
    • Of moral character and in good standing.
    • A faithful member of the Church of the Canon.
  • A representative may vote and stand for election for Duma offices.
  • A Peer of the Duma may recall a representative from sitting on the Duma.
  • If a representative is recalled, they lose all voting privileges and offices held within the Duma.
  • If a Peer of the Duma selects a representative to assume the rights and responsibilities of membership in the Duma, then the Peer of the Duma shall not exercise such rights and responsibilities until the representative is recalled.
  • All appointments of representatives must be reported to the Lord Speaker or the Lord Handler.


Powers of the Royal Duma

The Royal Duma shall be granted the following powers, to enact in faith to the people and Crown of Hanseti-Ruska;

  • The Royal Duma and the Boyars may legislate freely unless otherwise noted.
    • The Royal Duma may not legislate on nobility and titles. (JURA I SZLATA)
    • The Royal Duma may not legislate on the military and its structure.
    • The Royal Duma may not legislate on the dynasty laws of the current Royal House. (JURA I KONGZEM)
  • The Royal Duma may vote on and ratify treaties negotiated by the Crown.
  • To call a vote of  no-confidence for offices of the Royal Duma: Lord Speaker, Lord Handler, Lord Auditor. If the chamber votes three-fourths majority the recommendation is sent to the Crown for final decision.
  • To mandate national holidays.
  • To Charter Royal Guilds and Royal Companies.
  • To regulate laws and domestic policies of the Royal State.
  • To enact proposals for naturalization and citizenship,
  • To provide an official endorsement on the appointment of the Lord Chancellor and Palatine of the Realm


Powers and Duties of the Lord Speaker

  • The Lord Speaker shall be chosen through an election of simple majority.
  • Candidates for Lord Speaker shall be nominated by the Boyars of the Duma or their chosen representatives.
  • Candidates for Lord Speaker shall be chosen from amongst the Boyars of the Duma or their chosen representatives.
  • The Lord Speaker shall serve until resignation or termination of post.
  • The Lord Speaker shall have the following duties and responsibilities,
    • To hold meetings of Duma sessions and to determine their time and location.
    • To keep order and decorum within the chamber.
    • To establish and maintain the rules, direction, and order of the Duma.
    • To protect the security of the Duma.
    • To set the agenda of meetings of Duma sessions.
    • To establish and appoint members to committees within the Duma.
    • To employ a chamber staff and appoint an Armiger-of-Staff.
    • To certify and sign all bills and resolutions passed by the Duma.
    • To endorse candidates to the Offices of the Duma, including the Lord Handler and Lord Auditor.
    • To summon citizens and government officers to testify in the chamber. A one year notice must be given unless otherwise agreed upon by
    • To wield the Black Bulava.


Powers and Duties of the Lord Handler

  • The Lord Handler shall be chosen by the prerogative of the Lord Speaker
  • Candidates for Lord Handler shall be nominated by the Peers of the Duma or their chosen representatives.
  • The Lord Handler shall serve until resignation or termination of post or the termination of the current speakership.
  • The Lord Handler shall have the following duties and responsibilities,
    • To serve as Speaker pro tempore in the absence of the Speaker and to perform the duties and responsibilities of office while serving as Speaker pro tempore.
    • To accept and submit all petitions and introduction of legislation by the Peers of the Duma.
    • To wield the Black Bulava in absence of the Lord Speaker.


Powers and Duties of the Lord Auditor

  • The Royal Inquisitor shall be renamed as the Lord Auditor.
  • The Lord Auditor shall be chosen by the prerogative of the Lord Speaker
  • Candidates for Lord Auditor shall be nominated by the Peers of the Duma or their chosen representatives.
  • Candidates for Lord Auditor shall be chosen from amongst the Peers of the Duma or their chosen representatives.
  • The Lord Auditor shall serve until resignation or termination of post or the termination of the current speakership.
  • The Lord Auditor shall have the following duties and responsibilities,
    • To summon citizens and government officers to testify in the chamber.
    • To review the legality and validity of introduced legislation.
    • To chair the 285 Committee.
    • To perform audits on the performance of the government, specifically regarding the implementation of legislation passed by the Duma.






His Royal Majesty, Aleksander II, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Slesvik, Solvesborg, and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia, and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald, and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Siegrad, Torun, Toruv, Valdev, and Werdenburg, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Astfield, Buck, Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, and Thurant, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera.


His Excellency Otto Ludovar, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska, Count of Otistadt, Viscount of Seswesk, Baron of Isaakev, Lord of Branzgaard

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