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Map: The Kingdom of Balian


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The Kingdom of Balian



~ The Kingdom of Balian, 1943 ~
~ Commissioned by King Adrian Novellen, Cartographed by Rainier DeNurem ~


In a realm where the sun kisses the sea, lies the Kingdom of Balian, a radiant pearl set along the storied Rubicostaissmia. Its warm golden shores cradle islands that rise like emeralds from the clear blue depths to the West. Each a sanctuary of secrets and beauty, shrouding an intense richness of natural wealth. Along the Northern border, the ground ascends to touch the heavens themselves. The mighty Oeste Mountain Range stands guard over the lush oasis below. Its evergreen peaks veiled in mist and mystery run a divide to the Sons of Malin beyond. These towering ridges and cliffs have witnessed eons pass, their slopes rich in lore, life, and the promise of nature's bounty. To the East, the ascending plateaus of the Valle de San Lothar play host to a canopy of white trunked ancients, offering shade upon fertile fields.


The heartland of Balian is a carefully woven tapestry of rolling hills, a symphony of greens, grain, and where palm trees sway in the wind telling the tales of old. The gentle rolling hills at the foot of the mountains are graced by the soft touch of the Rubicostaissmia sun. Like devout followers, they serve as a testament to the Creator's poetry, where every breeze carries a song and every dusk a promise of peaceful dreams. Beneath the gentle waves of the Ruby Coast lies another world altogether. Vibrant coral reefs rise from the ocean floor, teeming with life, mesmerizing beauty, and color. It is said that merfolk and sea sirens dance amidst these coral groves, serenading the marine life with their ethereal songs- spurring an abundance for the Capital City of Portoregne’s fishermen.


Yet, the wonders of Balian are not only in its light touched allure. Deep within the belly of the Kingdom lie veins rich with gemstones. The mines of Balian, legendary throughout Aevos, shimmer with the brilliance of diamonds. This phenomena, a testament to the shared wealth and prosperity of its people. To wander through Balian is to walk through the pages of a living epic. Where every stone, stream, and starlight has a tale to tell. It is a realm of timeless splendor, a beacon for those in search of wonder in its purest form.

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